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Everything posted by mythoughtis

  1. Who was on this crashed ship? Was it a drone, or was it the ship that the burned Overlord arrived in? It had room for several 'people'. Shouldn't Ben's spikes have all wanted to be together? They came from 1 'thing' when they attached to Ben. A better scenario would have been Ben's spikes pulling themselves from him and moving over to Maggie. Then we could have seen Ben adjusting back to being normal. Does Maggie having some of the spikes weaken Ben? If 3 can heal paralysis, why have 10?
  2. The first year of marriage is difficult as you come to know your spouse in new little ways, and that is for couples who were allowed to know each other in the first place. Add in the effect of never having a single actual conversation that was just for the two of you alone, and you gets lots of adjustment. Add in Jill not ever being able to make a decision about anything other than if the woman delivering should push, and you get Derick being the only adult in the marriage. Derick is used to women that decide for themselves if they are going to the mall, have lunch, buy a small item for the house, etc. derrick is used to only being financially responsible for himself. Derick has a Mom battling cancer, and relatives that possibly think he's lost his mind. Jill has 20 people who don't understand that she's not available to them 24 by 7, and that Jim Bob can't tell her what to do all of those 24 by 7 minutes Jill is likely trying to reconcile her (parents') beliefs versus Derick's beliefs, along with the fact that she is supposed to (in her parents culture) defer to Derick in all matters. Even when she doesn't want to. So quite possibly they were seen having an actual real adult difference of opinion that blew over in 5 minutes, but some idiot ran to the tabloids with it. I am also sure the brothers enjoy coming to her house where it is quiet. There's most likely a TV and a computer without a password, maybe some books and magazines. Maybe they get to have actual conversations with each other about what they want when they grow up. Maybe they get to earn actual money lawn mowing.
  3. I think Maura be a better foster parent for a person wanting to be a doctor. If Jane is still pregnant, she has enough going on. If she has lost the baby, she has that to deal with. Bringing in a foster child seems a little 'been there, done that' move. I like that they are slowly working the new detective into the squad, and that she connected with someone naturally.
  4. I also liked Tector and Kadar. I liked Lourdes the first season, after that she went from faith into insanity. Anne is also insane,. her daughter left the human part of herself in that cocoon. However, the writers did a disservice in leaving Lexi to look human on the way out of it. It's scary to see a young woman with that much power, that can't see reality. She's more dangerous than the fake Nazi schools. So, Ben falls back into the Eshpeni hands? Or, maybe not, since the pre-views showed him alive and with the 2nd mass? This felt like a season finale to me, and that is why those pre-views really surprised me. Just how do you kill an overlord since flame and bullets are useless?
  5. I think that Janelle may actually be able to keep her house, because I think she understands the concept of a mortgage payment. If she can actually make her payments for 3 years, and show an income, she might actually be able to get a real loan. Of course, having her name on the Lehi house mortgage might be an issue. She will have to move Christine's brood into her home. Meri, with only Mariah, might also be able to make her mortgage payments. Her and Kody's names are also on the Lehi house mortgage. Meri's problem is going to be the same as it always has been... too much emphasis on vacations with Kody, too much spoiling of Mariah, not enough financial planning. There is also the fact that she and Kody were the last to get these house loans approved. Hope Meri realizes her craft room will be Robyn's bedroom. Robyn and Christine have no hope of being able to get a mortgage in 3 years. No real income, no real concept of making payments. Christine had trouble with these last loans because she hadn't bothered to pay her utility bills on time. Robyn had trouble because she can't seem to remember what her last name is on any financial paperwork. Remember the visit with the credit counselor?
  6. I have to admit that I was also taught to say 'and I', and that 'and me' was incorrect. So, now, every time I hear 'and me' I cringe. It just doesn't sound right. It must be a regional thing (that or I am old). I have more trouble with the way the Browns mispronounce words, completely skip certain vowels, and so forth.
  7. Trying to wrap my head around the fact that the Browns actually admit they need the money from the MSWC 'business' for income, yet have made so few sales. Is it 500 total or an average of 500 per month? If it is 500 total, how can they even think they will get money from investers? How can Robyn keep a straight face regarding being 'so busy'? If it is 500 average monthly, that is still not enough to keep 22 people with 4 hours afloat.
  8. Anne, who has lost her son, has an alien for a daughter, can't be bothered to greet her step-children after not seeing them for months? She grabbed Tom and split without even a look at Hal and Matt. Hal's an adult, but Matt's not. He's suffered trauma here too. She's lived around Matt, and Hal for 3 years, she barely even knows this Lexi. You can't really love a child than has gone from 0 -20 in a few months, most of which were spent without you. She has an out of body experience, but is not dying? Since the Volm have seen these cocoons before, and since we have yet to see a female Espheni, is this the way they keep their species alive... stealing babies, inserting their DNA, and then sort of hatching their kids like caterpillar/butterflies. Since we haven't seen a female Espheni, what is Lexi going to turn into? So, Vulcans become emotional at the end of life, and Espheni's start out violent. What is going on with Maggie? She changes her mood this season every 5 minutes. First, she loves Chinatown, then she hates it. First, she likes Ben, then she thinks he is alien like Lexi. First she wants to kill Lexi, then she wants to protect her. Where is the Maggie that we have seen for the last 3 seasons?
  9. Christine's comments while standing and leaving were in the line of being upset about an earlier part of the interview. She said 'I have to take a break, I should have done this earlier. I think she was upset about the question regarding the time split for Kody between the wives. Kody first refused to answer it, and was offended by the question. Tamron went around him and asked the wives. 3 of the 4 said yes, they felt lonely and felt the time split unfair. Robyn did not answer it, at least, as far as I saw. It's tough to keep your eye on 4 people at once. Unless this was filmed in the spring, I don't think Robyn in pregnant. Although I missed the first two minutes, she didn't look like she was. Unless this was filmed in the spring, I don't think they are ever going to get the MSWC money. Robyn needs to give some real thought to how she answered the question about Meri and school. She (in addition to the business thing) briefly said something similar in the TH in the college episode itself. What she says sounds dangerously close to cult-ish. yes, a young adult spreads her/his wings in college, meets lots of new people, changes their minds on issues, etc. Meri is 40, her thoughts on issues, etc are long set. She's not being to be attending frat parties, she's going to be going to classes (some on online), and coming home. What is going to affect Meri most is what has been affecting her for the last couple of years, empty nest syndrome. At least she's gotten past the terrifying part, and has moved on to the 'It's me time' part. There was really nothing new here, it was a review of the season. Even the personal questions have all been asked in one of the last two 'tell-alls' prior to this. For people who actually watch their own show, they don't seem to pay attention to the scenes other than to see if Kody's hair is still there. They are clueless as to how Kody's hormone speech went, clueness at their own presentation flaws. I knew exactly how the investors took Christine's 'lazy and complacent' comment, because is how I took it. Christine meant what she said.... that if they got too much money, they would blow it on fast cars and so forth, rather than working on the business. If I were involved in a reality show, and I saw how I looked in the resulting episode, I think I would run for the hills. they seem to think they are special, and that they are being portrayed that way. Meanwhile, their viewers watch them for laughs.
  10. That might be right, I had (naively) assumed it was humans, Espheni, and Lexi (the hybrid). I'm in the camp that has known about Lexi being a Hybrid since she was born. Remember, Dr. tested her DNA shortly after she was born because she was worried about her, and found the alien DNA then. No humans grow at her rate, or have the power she has been showing, or can hear the Espheni directly. We didn't need all of the hints from this season to explain it to us, Am glad they finally revealed which Espheni it was. Which leads me to wonder, did Lourdes ever really recover from her eye worm? Is her obsession with Lexi a continuation of her behavior right after Lexi was born? As for Tom, this is not the first or even second time he/Weaver have come across humans working with the Espheni. There was an old woman in an apartment building reporting on the 2nd mass, there was a group of people stealing the children and giving them to the Espheni, he just got Matt back from a school run by humans connected with the Espheni. They've also run across just the everyday criminal. However, the Espheni already knew where Tom was, since they had adult Skitters?(Jeann ie)following them, and they just rescued Matt..
  11. Jenni and Roger don't do the ceremony on TV, but they do the 'last words' in the room on TV. I get the point of Jenni trying to put Roger first, but it was wasted. Tanisha doesn't want to be married to Clive, but she wants him to want to stay married to her. Co-dependency much? Gretchen and Slade won't survive, He does not want more children, and she doesn't want him to be a leader, because she would have to give up control. Ryan and Trista... laughing my fanny off at them trying to justify coming to Marriage Boot Camp. Kevin and Tracy... they are a perfect fit. Worst counseling in the world.... leave the couple with the most issues, who just split up, one of whom is violent, to pack in a small closet together, while you go drink with everyone else.
  12. I can't figure Terra out. She whines and cries about Joe, while she runs around making tasteless, non-talented Booty Dance videos, does some stupid dance in what appeared to be a strip club(Tonya's wardrobe malfunction), generally carries on like a drunken fool in most scenes. How is it that Joe is supposed to know she is ready for marriage? They don't complement each other at all. It's like she picked a little person that she liked the appearance of, and decided he was her soul mate. Not that I would cut him any slack. he practically drools over Elena (who is a married woman).
  13. In the episode where Christine agrees that the wrestling mats for Hunter can go in her house, she tells Kody he has to spend more time at her house as the kids have not seen him in a week. The clear implication is that he doesn't see his kids unless it is their night. Just as he was sleeping at Robin's when Christine took a very ill Truly to the hospital on her own.
  14. I thought she was saying 'Amazing!' in that teen-age girl OMG kind of way. You know, where they stress that last syllable as their voice gets louder. I feel for Christine as Truly's hospital visit was quite stressful for her. It was also done on her own at the beginning, as 1. Kody didn't even seem to realize how ill she was even after he and Aspen had been her caregivers for several days since Christine was gone on that awful dress shopping trip, and 2) he was sleeping at Robin's while Christine took her to the hospital. Why couldn't someone call Kody to the car when she left?. On the other hand, Christine doesn't seem to have a fully working brain 3/4 of the time.
  15. I believe Joseph was left with John David as they were Jim Bob's maintenance people for his rental properties. It also made sense to me that there were two of them, they were there for weeks by themselves. However, when the 4 older girls went back, they were required to stay at Josh's rather than their own house... even though John David and Joseph were at the house. The accountability partner is supposed to do things like make sure you aren't tempted to watch that evil TV, drink an inappropriate beverage, speak to the girl behind the counter at McDonalds, try on jeans at the store, and so forth. It's the same thought process as only giving Jana the internet password, shouting Nike so that the boys look down at the ground, etc.
  16. Ben's only repeating what has been drilled into him from birth. He's been taught incorrectly what Catholics believe, by the same people incorrectly taught him a lot of other Biblical stuff: Women must wear skirts, be submissive, stay at home, have accountability partners, give birth every year or die trying, wear goofy moo-moos for swim wear, not speak to men, side hug. Men must work for themselves, not work evenings and weekends, wear jeans to swim in, run in, and so forth. Why would he any more informed about Catholics than he is about Protestants? When I was his age, I had never knowingly met a Jewish person, and didn't even know what a Star of David was. I did have cousins that were Catholic, but I had never been to their church. I barely knew Protestant stuff, since we had bounced around between not going to church, and going to either Lutheran, Baptist, Methodist. Give Ben some years, and some distance from his parents and the Duggars. Maybe he will figure it out. Life sometimes has that affect on you. I do think he and Jessa will eventually break away from their roots, and move to something more mainstream.
  17. I missed the first 10 minutes, but given the next 50... probably didn't miss anything. The only shocking thing, in the 'didn't know that' category was Breanna using her Mom's significant other's last name. Often schools will let you do this, but I doubt her actual Dad (and his family) knew about it until last night. Also, I think Breanna also needs tested. She has issues. And, that is all I am going to say about a pre-teen. The only other shocking thing was the fact that the parents admitted that Logan and Aspen were their rocks. At least Janelle recognized that is why Logan is spreading his wings now and not at home often. But, yes, where was Meri. She could have fixed breakfast in her own kitchen for them while they were getting ready. She was obviously there at that time of day since they never said Mariah had to fix breakfast or get herself up. I've thought Robyn was pregnant for a few episodes now... ever since her 'I can't get pregnant if we don't get money' outburst. Some of her TH (the ones filmed much later) show her face as fuller. Breanna also mentioned 'the one on the way' when discussing whether or not she would be the youngest daughter for long.
  18. Which pretty much tells you everything you need to know about what JWow and Roger decide at the end of Marriage Boot Camp. They've been running these previews for a few weeks now. I do think the door exercise was meaningful.. It did tell them what their partner really wants out of life. Still trying to figure out what Trista and Ryan are doing on this show. It's obvious that their marriage is good. Kevin and Tracy are too busy thinking of themselves to ever consider each other. Gretchen and Slade are never going to be happy together because 1. she wants kids, 2 she never even mentions his son, 3, she is overly dismissive about his financial prospects. 4 - he's not a real human being. Tanisha and Clive... he needs a restraining order, Why didn't security come break that up? She doesn't like his passivity, and when he speaks up , she doesn't like that either. She says he is not working, he chooses his career just like she does, she doesn't like that. She's rude, mean, disrespectfull. I would have liked to see the rest of the conversation between her and Slade, regarding whether or not she should stay with Clive, Slade said No, but I would have liked to see his explanation...as to whether or not he thought Clive was not good enough for her, or the other way around.
  19. Ben is immature. Is anyone surprised about that? He's been raised in the same way as the Duggars, but without the years of TV exposure, speaking engagements, hero worship, etc. Josh has been raised in that environment, and isn't any more politically correct. The Duggar girls have been TV savvy enough to be a little more polite in their self-righteousness. Ben strikes me as a person that believes what he's been raised to believe, right up until it doesn't work for him personally. He hasn't had a life crisis challenge him yet (the 'no atheists in foxholes' situation). Many of us start out that way, and our 20's and 30's knock some of that self-righteousness and smugness right out of us. What I can't figure out is how Jim Bob and Michelle got to the age they were when the show started with that self-righteousness intact.
  20. I agree. They are doing a great job of using the little things (the chair, the coffee, the bobblehead) to show how normal people are affected over time when there is a death close to them. It's seems very realistic. I don't know if they are doing that because a real live human being died, not just a character, but it seems very normal.
  21. Several posters have commented about the way Meri, Janelle, and Robyn have checked out of the talking head interviews. Next week we get a video montage, and a very special announcement from Robyn. I am trying to decide if the video montage is part of Madison's graduation, or if it is maybe a series finale. If the latter, that might account for the lack of interest in the interviews and in the listlessness of the RV trip. Maybe they know their cash cow is short lived?
  22. I will agree that all sorts of people were persecuted for their religion, and others for their skin color, disabilities or disaformities. However, I don't believe in ancestral persecution being used as a reason to whine about your own life... which is what Kody does. Kody and his wives have never been persecuted. Yes, they were told not to tell strangers about their illegal lifestyle when they were kids. Yes, they were being investigated for doing something illegal and to rule out welfare fraud. Yes, Christine's grandfather (who she seems to have never met?) was thrown in jail.... for doing something which was illegal and which the Mormons had already declared inappropriate. However, Kody and his family seem to have lived in various places and have only once claimed to have left because they were being investigated.... and that time they were on television shouting their status out to all and thumbing their nose at the law. If you are going to live an alternate lifestyle, you have to recognize that it is ALTERNATE, meaning not the standard, and that you will get funny looks and some people won't want to be friends with you. It's like wearing 16 piercings, even more tattoos, and blue spiked hair and getting mad because someone looked at you funny.
  23. Yes, Angela overstepped her boundaries. However, so did Maura. Exactly which chief medical examiner in real life would blow off showing up at the first lecture in a course she's teaching without notice, without calling at all,.... so that she could attend a friends ob/gyn appointment without being asked to do so? Maura is a very responsible person, she's not going to do that. Furthermore, Jane should already be taking folic acid and pre-natal vitamins.... that would have happened when she called her ob/gyn for an appointment. Furthermore, Maura Encyclopedia would have already told her so, and be watching her swallow the pills. if she can't be bothered to do that, can't be bothered to go to the appointment, then maybe she needs her Mom manipulating her into going and treating her growing fetus with a little more care. Jane's attitude toward this pregnancy is closer to Lydia's than a responsible adult. .
  24. the first wife called herself a stay at home Mom, but said that 2nd wife often picked hubby up from work, and that co-workers thought 2nd wife was the first wife. So he must have changed jobs in the last 5 years.
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