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Everything posted by mythoughtis

  1. I agree. They are doing a great job of using the little things (the chair, the coffee, the bobblehead) to show how normal people are affected over time when there is a death close to them. It's seems very realistic. I don't know if they are doing that because a real live human being died, not just a character, but it seems very normal.
  2. Several posters have commented about the way Meri, Janelle, and Robyn have checked out of the talking head interviews. Next week we get a video montage, and a very special announcement from Robyn. I am trying to decide if the video montage is part of Madison's graduation, or if it is maybe a series finale. If the latter, that might account for the lack of interest in the interviews and in the listlessness of the RV trip. Maybe they know their cash cow is short lived?
  3. I will agree that all sorts of people were persecuted for their religion, and others for their skin color, disabilities or disaformities. However, I don't believe in ancestral persecution being used as a reason to whine about your own life... which is what Kody does. Kody and his wives have never been persecuted. Yes, they were told not to tell strangers about their illegal lifestyle when they were kids. Yes, they were being investigated for doing something illegal and to rule out welfare fraud. Yes, Christine's grandfather (who she seems to have never met?) was thrown in jail.... for doing something which was illegal and which the Mormons had already declared inappropriate. However, Kody and his family seem to have lived in various places and have only once claimed to have left because they were being investigated.... and that time they were on television shouting their status out to all and thumbing their nose at the law. If you are going to live an alternate lifestyle, you have to recognize that it is ALTERNATE, meaning not the standard, and that you will get funny looks and some people won't want to be friends with you. It's like wearing 16 piercings, even more tattoos, and blue spiked hair and getting mad because someone looked at you funny.
  4. Yes, Angela overstepped her boundaries. However, so did Maura. Exactly which chief medical examiner in real life would blow off showing up at the first lecture in a course she's teaching without notice, without calling at all,.... so that she could attend a friends ob/gyn appointment without being asked to do so? Maura is a very responsible person, she's not going to do that. Furthermore, Jane should already be taking folic acid and pre-natal vitamins.... that would have happened when she called her ob/gyn for an appointment. Furthermore, Maura Encyclopedia would have already told her so, and be watching her swallow the pills. if she can't be bothered to do that, can't be bothered to go to the appointment, then maybe she needs her Mom manipulating her into going and treating her growing fetus with a little more care. Jane's attitude toward this pregnancy is closer to Lydia's than a responsible adult. .
  5. the first wife called herself a stay at home Mom, but said that 2nd wife often picked hubby up from work, and that co-workers thought 2nd wife was the first wife. So he must have changed jobs in the last 5 years.
  6. First... how would Christine know if monogamy is boring? She wasn't raised in it, never lived it. Second... how dare this entire crew tell me I MUST accept them. and be friends with them, and not judge them... while she and Robyn are judging me all over the place for monogamy and I don't even have a reality show. She won't even tolerate my lifestyle, let alone accept it. Calling it boring, describing Christians as scary and sharks, barely tolerating her own Mom and Aunt who left polygamy. Does she think their family has a monopoly on games like Red Rover and tag?.. go to any elementary playground during recess. Third, whoever did the number on the little girl was a horrible excuse for a human being. All 9 children were born of the first wife, who is legally married to the husband... exactly who is the little girl denying relationship too? Hubby wasn't religiously motivated for this. He just wanted this woman on the side. And I think first wife finally went along with it because she had 9 kids in 10 years (they've been married 13, youngest child is 3), and wanted a break. She figured that if she shared wife duties, she might avoid pregnancy more often. New wife is going to wake up one day and discover she's been scammed into babysitter duties. Just because the bible doesn't specifically state that polygamy was out of style doesn't mean it was still being practiced by the time of the new testament.... which is what Christians specifically follow. As others have said, we don't stone people, allow parents to take their children out in the desert and attempt to kill them, condone people invading other countries because they want their land, send people into slavery in Egypt, and so forth. Edited to add: This guy is even more controlling than Joe Darger... all eating at the same time, calling from work to eat at the same time, lining up the kids by height, all with stupid smug reasons for it.
  7. About Jill's instagrams: TLC may have had a discussion with Jill and Derick about their new found celebrity. She may be posting frequently about what they are doing because it has been suggested to her as a way to keep the show alive. It may also be a preventative strike. If you give your more stalker-ish type fans that type of info, maybe it will be enough and you will get left alone the rest of the time. It is also possible that she thinks it is a way to keep her family in the loop so they don't feel abandoned.
  8. Regarding Jenny staying at Jill's two weeks after the wedding, and the newlyweds' self-control: Derick might think it was awkward, but Jill may not. Jill has been exposed to calendar ovulation watch for years, has been traveling on a bus trip that featured a conception (Michelle and Jim Bob counted back to conception for one of the kids), has had children moved into her room (and bed) so that 'sweet fellowship' could occur, has gone from not holding hands, to public kissing and public sitting on Derick's lap in a short time. She may not be embarrassed about having 'relations' in a room down the hall from Jenny because she thinksthat is how it works. In some ways, the rest of us are a lot more modest than the Duggars.
  9. It may be, but I really don't see a problem with it... as long as Derick likes the result. They are living on 1 income (it seems), and Derick may have school loans to pay. They may also have plans that will cost money, such as two week missions, a second car, travel, and so forth. I do hope Jill does not become pregnant until June 15, so that they get to spend a year just settling in. They've only been married a few weeks, and with the courtship rules, they are still getting to know lots of things about it other. I would like Jill to have a year off from parenting (or as close as she can get since she won't want to abandon her buddies, and her other siblings). The more free time Jill has, the more time she has to discover who SHE is, what HER likes/dislikes are, the activities that SHE likes. She's been busy being a sister-Mom and has never been allowed to have divergent thoughts. I hope they don't pick a letter, although Derick may not be opposed to doing so. After all, he and his brother share a first initial. I think. Finally, I hope they DON'T run out and get pregnant just to give Cathy her first grandchild. We don't know Cathy's prognosis, she may have a great chance of getting thru this cancer just fine. If not, and is terminally ill (NOTICE I said if), I still don't think the Dillards should rush into a lifetime commitment as a parent just so Cathy can SEE a baby for a few days/weeks/months. .
  10. There's nothing wrong with IHOP 56 cent pancakes! It's a perfectly normal American consumer way to save money. As is cutting your husband's hair. I would not cut my husbands because I would mess it up, but Jill has had plenty of practice. These two strike me as doing just fine right now. Doing perfectly unremarkable things like going out to eat.
  11. Yes, Casey is off somewhere on deployment and would have to do something about child care... until he could retire. He's also a colonel or general, not likely to get killed or injured in battle now. He makes good money and could provide quality child care. The character, Rizzoli, the way she's been portrayed in the show until now would not make decisions like this without the agreement of Casey, as he is a responsible and caring person (no more selfish than Rizzoli). The writers are running over Rizzoli's family sense and her supposed 'love' for Casey. Rizzoli should has brought Casey into that discussion with Maura and said 'if something happens to me and Casey needs someone to care for the baby.....'. Single parents who think their other half is a decent caring being would not deny them their rights to their child. Has Casey been shown to be a scumbag? Furthermore, what are Angela and Frankie to think about this request... not just cutting Casey out but cutting them out also?It's totally unrealistic in the Boston American Italion culture.
  12. As I said a couple episodes ago, Rizzoli's pregnancy is not realistic in how she regards Casey. She said a couple episodes ago, she was raising the baby herself. I said the writers were not being true to the character, that Rizzoli would never do that, that would be unfair to Casey, and other commenters said I was reading the dialogue too literally .... that she wasn't cutting Casey out. ,,, Lo and behold, in tonight's episode, she offers her baby to Maura to raise if she ever dies. Now, I am pretty sure that Casey would be the one raising the baby..... unless the writers meant what I said they meant and they are cutting Casey out of the picture.
  13. If Michelle wanted a high necked gown, she should have gotten one in the first place. That dress is not meant to have that material in the neck area.... not with the seams the way they are and with the bolero jacket. She would have been better off getting a gray jacket/skirt and wearing a shell of some kind beneath it. The outfits they come up with to keep themselves 'modest' just make me cringe. As much as she appears before crowds, you would think some publicist would get her to a high end dress shop. I am glad to see Jill looking so happy in the pictures we have seen, but they can stop the PDA kissing soon before it ventures into Jim Bob and Michelle territory. Something else that makes me cringe. I would also agree that the house is either a cheap rental for them while they save up cash for a house of their own, or some sort of dowry. A dowry is right in line with all their other courtship/engagement/family roles beliefs.
  14. Since the mortgage on Meri's house is in both Kody and Meri's name, the mortgage would still need to be paid. Kody would be on the hook for it until and unless Meri became self-supporting. The house could be sold, I suppose, but I seriously doubt they would come out with any money in the end. She could also ask for alimony/maintenance since she is used to living off the fruits of all the labors. Kody would claim the extra nights for himself, and the 3 wives wouldn't complain since they all think he 'needs some nights to himself'. Kody would shop for a replacement wife since he now needs 4 to be complete. Anyone he found would come with chlldren. Would be interesting if the women he chose had an ex-husband that objected to the Kody Brown family. Robyn and Christine would complete to be the legal wife, while Janelle would continue to avoid being one. Truthfully howevfr, I think Kody would chase after Meri if she left, since he calls her his 'soulmate'.
  15. Kody's brother Curtis was monogamous, he passed away last summer. Kody mentioned that his Dad didn't have much to do with Curtis because he married outside of the faith that Kody's Dad had converted to. So, not sure that Kody is really going to be all that understanding when he kids reject his faith.
  16. Why ONLY Meri and Robyn at the hotel? Why not take their niece /or a couple of the other girls? I am pretty sure Meri and Robyn were getting rooms alone, since Kody was going to be there part of the time.. So give Maddie, Mindy (the niece), Aurora or whomever a break from the herd also. Kody is the one with the bad attitude. Ysabel is 10, more than old enough to stand quietly for a prayer. 400 miles was the most they would drive in a day. Let's see, that's 5 hours of driving. But they were getting to the RV park at 1:30 AM. Just how much time were they wasting at dinner and TH? How long is this spring break if they were driving 4 days to get there. Presumably they are driving 4 days back?
  17. Didn't we do this once already, with the end point being Nauvoo, Ill. Pretty much the same trip. Is Kody going to storm out the RV door again?
  18. I could be wrong, but this seems to be the most staged, fake 'reality' show I have ever seen. It's more accurate to describe it as the Terra publicity tour. It's all about her, and her attempt to be a comedian, dancer, whatever. She is in most of the talking heads. It is obvious, to me anyway, that these women were not all six friends, a couple were friends with Terra, and the other 3 were friends with those two. Since these episodes have aired, I would not be surprised if Elena stops talking to any of them, with Christy not far behind. Why is Terra so focused on calling Christy out about a beer? It's obviously none of her business as it is obvious they are not friends, and Christy has never had any drinks in front of her. Why would Little Boss be so upset about her husband, who lives in another state, finding out about her new man when the show has filmed her on the dates.? Does she think he wasn't going to watch the episodes when they aired? I only like Tracy and Brianna, the rest of them are ridiculus.
  19. The picture of them being at the 'home church' was disappointing. Hopefully they are alternating church services until Jill feels comfortable at Derick's. I was really hoping (but pessimistic about it) that Jill would move that direction, rather than Derick moving to the Duggar cult. It could still work out though, it usually takes young newlyweds a couple years to develop their own sense of a family unit. Until then, I have concerns of Jim Bob and Michelle interfering. I think a young man with 4 years at a public university and 2 years in Nepal is going to resent that interference. JD's house may be on the same street, but word was that he had it rented out. So, I doubt that JD is on that street all that much.
  20. This season is a hopeless mess so far. I am sure that part of it was the cast's reaction to Lee's death, and that fact that the first two episodes dealt with Frost's death, but its just tough to watch. Seriously, Jane Rizzoli, who is super-close to her family and fought for Tommy to have rights to his son, is going to deny Casey the same? Casey, a man she 'loves'. And, sorry, but that 'love' is totally unbelievable. Maura, who has no life of her own, is following Jane around like a guard and discussing stroller assembly?. Where's Janes' boss, the love of Jane's Mom?
  21. Because you should at least be able to have a conversation with someone if you are trying to make sure you want to get married. Zach Bates found out that courting someone you had only said Hi to didn't work so well. hard to carry on a conversation that way. Kelly Bates said they decided there should be some 'spark' there before you agree to court, and you won't determine that unless you at least carry on some conversations first. Think friendship first, then courting. The truth is that they can't admit that the way dating people do it might work out better than arranged marriages.
  22. Thoughts: Janelle is stress eating, she said so herself. So, basically, sabotaging her own diet. Logan, Maddie, Aspen, MyKelti turned out to be wonderful young adults... all of which seem to have cloudy rememberances of their childhood. Moving from place to place, state to state, bankruptcies, Logan and Maddie living apart from Kody for two years. I think Mykelti's boyfriend broke up with her as a direct result of Kody's 'hormones in the mouth speech'. His parents probably told him to do so. You can tell she still misses him. Logan's true feelings can be shown by his living in an off-campus apartment rather than at home. Dorm life I can understand, but if you are going to live off-campus and pay extra money rather than live at home in the same town, you really want your privacy. Wonder how Maddie is going to feel as a prosecuting attorney when she has to try people similar to her parents., not specifically as regards to polygamy, but in other terms of their family life that we have seen. Aspen is a wonderful young woman also, I have nothing else to say about her scenes.
  23. The entire family went to the beach in Israel... hence the wonderful scene where Jim Bob swam out to the buoy in his jeans to announce to the males being filmed speaking with his daughters that he was their Dad. Josh and Anna honeymooned at Myrtle Beach. So it's not that they hate the beach, they just disapprove of everyone elses attire. I am guessing that Derick and Jill got the use of a condo or vacation home on a private section of beach.
  24. Yes, but as we have figured out, whatever Michelle's personal convictions are become standards for the entire family, Mary included. Josh has loosened up some in that he wears shorts, watches some TV, lives on his computer and so forth... but that is because he a. is male, and b. doesn't live at home. Jill and Jessa were not given the promised leeway to court/date per their preferences or to decide what would be allowable in the courtship. This was proven by the response to her and Derick frontal hugging when he got back from Nepal.
  25. Anna looks better in the bridesmaids picture than she does in the full family picture, because she is being photographed sideways. Her chest doesn't overpower the dress in that angle. Actually hate the white slips even more in this picture, because they now look like USED slips. I do hope they did take the pictures before the wedding, we did at our wedding. Why? Because I thought it was silly to make the guests sit and wait for over an hour at the reception while we took pictures. I went to enough weddings where I did that as a guest. Some of those weddings were at mealtimes and therefore you were LATE LATE getting anything to eat.
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