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Everything posted by BrownBear2012

  1. There was nothing wrong with Dr.Drew asking about Bar's arrest. Other TM's and their spouses or boyfriends have had those questions asked and they've responded. If he can't discuss the arrest and the pending court case then just say so and move one...the indignation and rude repsonse was uncalled for. Bar better get used to some scrutiny now that he's on a national TV show...if he doesn't lke it then quit. You have a valid point about not discussing the surgery and the subsequent post surgery behavior of the "Doctor"...my only thought on that is maybe Dr. Drew was hesitant to criticize another physician and put himself in position of accusing the "Doctor" of malpractice. Perhaps the legal department at MTV told him not to discuss it on air. He could have said something to Sean about the way he disciplines Kloie...when I see the tape of Sean screaming in Kloie's face and coming close to being physical with her, I get sick to my stomach...Drew absoloutely should have called him out that.
  2. It would take valuable time away from her tweeting about Brianna and Lauren.
  3. It was an impossible position for Carol to be coming into a family with teen age children who clearly adored their mother. Even though she had been good friends with both Dave and Be, it was too soon for them to shack up and marry. I can understand the anger and betrayal they might have felt towards their father and Carol for doing this so soon after Be passed. This was a traumatic death for kids to deal with...a suicide in the house, a hanging no less, is very hard on families. They needed therapy as a family and a time for healing before bringing Carol into the mix. I have mixed feelings about Carol...there was some narcissism there mixed in with a sense of entitlement. She lacked empathy and seemed to also have some cognitive issues. From the sons point of view they saw her as someone who moved into the house but failed to make it a home. She imposed her hoarding illness on them and trashed their family home. I get it! In their minds she disrespected their mother and her memory...she mistreated their father and showed a coldness about him and his health. She has a mental illness and needs treatment but of course she stubbornly refused after care. I sympathize with her but feel that she did little to try to bond with Dave's family. She seemed resentlful of their grief at the loss of their mother...her passive aggressive act of selling Be's car that was suppossed to be given to the granddaughter when she turned 16 was cold and cruel. Dave seemed to be very passive and lacked any backbone...I get the impression that he allowed her to run roughshod over him and the kids. It was sad to see him sitting there amongst the mouse droppings gasping for oxygen. He just did not have the strength or the will to fight...very sad. Final thought...Carol had a potty mouth.
  4. I've stopped watching Oliver. By Sunday night I'm worn out by the news and all the negative bullshit of the last week and watching him in that blank void is getting old. I might start watching him again when he goes back to his old format but lately he seems to be very preachy, angry and just can't seem to find anything positive to say about much of anything. His interviews are so good...I miss them. His funny bits like buying the Presidential wax figures and making a "movie" with them was classic. I want to laugh with him again and well, just laugh for thirty minutes instead of getting angry and depressed about the state of the world...I have all week to feel that way. I look forward to him getting back to the studio and streets again and lightening up a little....we all need more of that.
  5. I know in the county I live in if your child isn’t fully vaccinated he/she cannot attend public school…they have to home school.
  6. OMG! How irresponsible as a parent not to vaccinate your kids! MTV needs to mandate that if you want to be filmed you have to be vaxxed. They are putting the film crew at risk and their own children. How is Lincoln allowed in school without being vaccinated?
  7. Right? Something's going on with Joe...unless he has a contract like Howard Stern who has about 10 weeks vacation and then took the summer off completely this year. If he can't show up on Monday after being out for over a week, then maybe its time to retire. If he's in Florida, then maybe he's got some family member who is sick with COVID and he has to quarantine. Who knows but why can't they say something and be honest. Jonathan Lemire is a terrible stand in for Joe and a terrible host of Way Too Early...he has zero personality and just so impersonal and smarmy.
  8. OMG! What an idiot! Why is it so important for her to take so many vacations? And why is she going to foreign countries, third world countries no less, when we're in the throes of a pandemic? Unless you're staying at the big resort in the DR you're really rolling the dice in terms of cleanliness, safety, etc...and now she's sucking Leah into this world of jetting all over the place for vacations. I'm just so done with these two. Leah deprived Gracie of being in cheer for a year because of COVID and the risk for Ali getting it from a possible exposure but then she flies to the DR for a vacay with Kail? Between the elective cosmetic surgeries with Brianna and Jade and Kail and Leah flying off for vacay in the DR, Ihave to say, it really is time for MTV to put this show and Teen Mom down. We're not viewing teen girls struggling with being young moms, we're seeing full blown adults doing stupid stuff and spending their MTV money on a lifestyle that they could not possibly continue when they inevitably are unemployed by MTV. Question...are Kail's kids unvaxxed? I thought that Lux and Creed were not vaxxed because Chris did not want them vaxxed but Isaac and Lincoln were vaxxed. Interesting how Kail allowed Chris to dictate that the kids not get vaxxed...imagine if Jo or Javi had done that...
  9. Still...it's just weird. What does Jeremy do? And Jacob? Last I saw these two, Jeremy was struggling to get a photography business off the ground and was doing a remodel of their house that he ended up having to get a professional contractor in to fix the mess he made...and Jacob was wandering around the country in a van smoking pot. Molly, predictably, is married and a CPA so she seems to have successfully carved out a happy marriage and career.
  10. Of course they don’t treat them like don’t exist it just seems like they don’t exist since none of the other kids and grandkids are ever mentioned. I think it speaks volumes that three of their four kids have ditched the show and don’t even want their names mentioned.
  11. This! Parents are supposed to protect their children and advocate for them when they reveal something of this nature. Almost as appalling is the statement that there are degrees of abuse and the implication that Jacob was possibly exaggerating what happened. It took courage for Jacob to finally come forward and not only reveal this but to identify his abuser. Also…still trying to wrap my head around “degrees of abuse”…in other words if he was violently raped that would be abuse but if he just fondled that would OK?
  12. Interesting…I always thought Jeremy was the golden boy by both Matt and Amy.
  13. I think these two will do anything on this show as long as their paychecks keep rolling in...for me, if I was doing a reality TV show and my son had been sexually abused by someone working on the show for TLC, I would have quit and had the abuser charged and taken to court for abuse of a minor. But not these two...they hid it, continued to be on the show and act as though nothing happened. No wonder Jacob feels so much anger and hurt.
  14. Remember the heat wave that hit the Northwest earlier in the summer? Temps were in the 100's for over a week. That's probably when this photo was taken. Lilah has issues...but Jackson is clearly the big fave of both Matt and Z&T. Weird how it's almost as if the other grandkids don't exist.
  15. Ha ha ha!!!! I knew this would be an epic fail. Kail knows nothing about business. She has no training in marketing, branding or finance. The store will never be "refreshed" and "renewed". It's done. What a blowbag she was when she first signed on to this venture...you know who's having the last laugh on this? Jenelle! Kail sent Jenelle a swag gift of pothead products and she lit them on fire. I feel bad for her kids...mommy is blowing $$$ on stupid business deals that blow up in her face and then spends more money on building houses and fancy vacations. By the time all of this over, she'll be back in the hovel she lived in with Issac in Pennsylvania. Not only that...she physically assaulted Javi on camera. She's an abusive bully.
  16. His rants sound eerily familiar...maybe because I've seen Fox News personalities do the same rants?
  17. This is a sellers market right now and it's absurd. Around where I live (outside D.C.) homes have sometimes 10 or 11 counter offers and the price of houses is ridiculous. Our home that we puchased 30 years ago for 240,000 is now appraised at $750,000!!! How can young couples just starting out ever afford to buy anything at this rate...even townhomes and condos are $500,000 plus with multiple bids. They were lucky to get that house at all considering the market in LA being what it is...still too pricey, IMO. And yes, Liam was cute 🥰
  18. How about this...I'm going to cancel the term "cancel culture". I am so sick of the whining from celebrities and Fox News personalities about being "canceled". Put your big boy pants on Bill and deal with it. Back in my day, canceling someone or something was called "boycotting", "firing" or just plain calling out people for being douchey dicks...I cancel things daily. I don't like a TV show anymore, like Real Time with Bill Maher, I don't watch it anymore...I don't like the grocery store that I've been going to for years, I don't go there anymore...a friend I've had for decades now makes racist remarks, I don't talk to her anymore...I've been canceled as well! My Facebook posts make some people uncomfortable because sometimes I post memes that make MAGA people pissed and guess what? They cancel me! I don't give a shit...I shrug my shouders and laugh. Quit being a whiny little bitch Bill.
  19. New guy looks like he's a member of the cast on the Mayans.
  20. The house they picked was a dump. OMG! I doubt they will ever live there. He'll flip it and they'll move into a new build. She seemed a lot younger than him and didn't seem to have any concerns about what her husband and his kids would need in a home...it was all about her wanting to be a Goth teenager again. And from the looks of her photo from high school she wasn't much of a Goth at that. Just some eye liner was all I saw. the repairs and reno will take months to complete and a lot of $$$. Good luck with all that!
  21. I fast forwarded through the mindless man talk about baseball trades with Jonathan Lemire...
  22. Joe really repeats himself a lot...good grief...the same talking points over and over and then another rundown of his political career and what he did back in nineteen dickety do. He really needs to retire. No one wants to hear about what he did in Congress when Newt Gingrich was Speaker. As for the Dems shooting themselves in the foot with the "Defund Police" moniker...yes, the wordsmithing on this was bad...never should have been used to put forward a policy that was about reforming the police. It should have been "reform the police" from being militaristic to more community sensitive with social/psychiatric workers utilized to assist the police in domestic disputes or with calls about people having mental health problems...something the police are woefully untrained to handle. It is not too late for the Dems to rephrase this and make it more about allocating funds towards these issues and lower the allocation of funding towards weaponry and surplus military equipment.
  23. Patty Smythe had a few hits back in the 90's...might she be the "Patty" Mika was referring to? I believe she and McEnroe live inthe NYC area.
  24. YES! It's a pretty simple solution for mature parents that take disciplining seriously.
  25. No one is saying they don't receive medical care...I was questioning the level of care they are getting. For me, I would be getting a second opinion on the leg issue and I would advocate for some physical therapy for Lilah...but that's just me. Pediatricians are great but these children need specific specialists for very specific problems. Sometimes you have step outside of your box and you might have to see someone outside of your 30 mile radius. Jackson isn't disturbed or violent but his physical aggression towards Lilah should be addressed in a more serious way. Know your child's currency and use that currency to discipline him accordingly. He likes going to the farm and hanging out with Grandpa and "Cha Cha" then use that. Next time he throws a toy at Lilah or sits on her back (which really was shocking) he gets sent to his room and told that he can't go Grandpa's house for a week. It must be repetitive and strictly enforced or he will continue this and Lilah, who is so fragile and tiny, might actually get hurt, for real.
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