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Everything posted by BrownBear2012

  1. I didn't watch Thursday's show...I just couldn't bring myself to watch it today. So I guessed I missed Ben Sasse blow bagging? I remember him blasting the former guy and thinking hey, this guy's one of the only Repubs doing this...then weeks later he's voting yes to everything the former guy is putting forward. Maybe he'll be a new regular...ugh.
  2. I find it interesting that Eboni's mother has no clue who Eboni's father is...was she banging so many men at that time that she couldn't figure it out?
  3. It wasn't a "criticism" rather an observation...he creates but the implementation of his designs or creative ideas are done by others. It was an observation that his ideas are a creation of a "village", if you will, of other people, that are physically able to do what he cannot. So...is that untrue?
  4. I was thinking the same thing...however, they all looked like this was normal for their family. I get the impression they eat a lot of take out straight from the tinfoil containers.
  5. I thought it was boring…actually, I thought the whole season was a yawn fest. I think these Real Housewives franchises have run their course. And this particular one doesn’t even have one woman it that is married or is a housewife. Next week looks pathetic…naked wasted dancing. Ugh.
  6. Me neither…she seems so superficial to me…no deep philosophical thoughts or intellectual curiosity. So I just don’t buy into this whole conversion thing. If she keeps Kosher and sticks to it, that might make me change my mind.
  7. You took my comment out of context…
  8. She spent alot of time when she was younger with her Matt's mom...Matt's mom taught her how to crochet and knit and they baked together also. They had a very close relationship...Amy wasn't available like that since she was doing her speaking engagements and making "punkin" salsa...LOL!
  9. I would argue that she actually is nothing like her father...she's her own person that had some inner drive to achieve academic success (Matt never went to college and didn't seem to care if the kids went or not) and had career goals and achieved them. Matt likes to tinker and draw up designs but he does not do the actual labor involved with building any of the structures on the farm...he delegates, oversees and pays the laborers for making his crude drawings a reality. Molly actually does everything herself and pulled away from the easy money she could have made being on the show for her career, marriage and a life of her own.
  10. Actually, no one really rakes leaves anymore...in my neck of the wood they use a leaf blower to do that.
  11. All of these Roloff kids suffer from being over indulged and priviledged with enormous sense of entitlement. Jeremy and Zach in particular are the poster children for this malady.
  12. YES!!! I loathe Ken Jennings and his smarmy, know it all vibe...plus, he's so unattractive. If he is chosen, I'm out. I'm getting really irritated at the way the producers have made a mess of this show. Leading the audience on all summer with guest hosts that they dangled in front of us as "possible hosts" all the while knowing that they had chosen Mike Richards...whose past history they apparently never looked into, or did know about but ignored or just didn't think it was a big deal. Alex Trebek is rolling in his grave.
  13. She gives off the vibe of snotty prep school/ivy league/former debutante type.
  14. Yep...it's gotten worse over the years with all the new developments out that way. He did look a tad skinny...it did look as though he was sickly but probably he's always been thin and might have trouble gaining weight. He seemed to be a bit selfish...always talking about his "tastes" or the basement would be all his...what is with these young guys that need to have a man room/cave to get away from wife and kids. I don't see many women demanding a "she shed" or a ladies "lair". The house they chose had virtually no backyard and what they did have backed up to a huge soccer field that would mean they would no privacy in their backyard when games/practices are going on. But hubby didn't want a nice fenced in backyard with some trees because he didn't want to rake leaves. Instead he'll be fetching soccer balls that have been kicked into their yard.
  15. Bill is obsessed with obesity and obese people...and it's not the kind of obsession that's one of concern or of caring about people who might have health problems from their condition...it's an obsession of condemnation of them. It's fat shaming and scapegoating. At this point, Bill is nothing more than a bully.
  16. Excellent primer for novices and parents of novices. Jackson is too young to be at this skate park. His size is an issue but more that that, his age is an issue. He's too young to understand that he doesn't "own" any space that is used by other people. He doesn't have the ability at his age to judge what he can and cannot handle or that he needs to watch out for others and get out of the way...especially if Mom is telling him he "owns" the park. I was shocked to see this child being allowed and encouraged to do this and he wasn't even properly outfitted for it as well. Not surprised he face planted and hurt himself...but yet the adults in his life just take more photos for IG and think it's "cool".
  17. Right? It's so obnoxious. I'd be a wreck if this was my kid doing this...how about taking him to an empty parking lot instead of a concrete skate course that was built for much older and more experienced skate boarders.
  18. Bill starts his day with a green drink and a paste made up nuts, seeds and some kind of cherry jam like substance...no sugar of course. His next meal is the same or just a green drink. And it's the same thing everyday except for Fridays. On Fridays he lets his hair down and treats himself to a broiled piece of fish and a baked potato but rarely eats the entire potato. I've heard of supermodels that eat more food than this...besides being boring it seems like a starvation kind of diet especially for a guy who is 65 and needs to have more nutrient rich food with more calcium and Vitamin D in it for strong bones...and more protein...a lot more protein. He seems obsessive about his weight to the point of having a neurosis about it. He did admit to having some junk food in the house for when he has the "munchies" after smoking a lot of pot...all in all it sounds like a teenage girl model who is bordering on anoerxia.
  19. Ugh...Andrew Sullivan. Another blowhard. Yeah, not surprised he got canceled...surprised it didn't happen sooner. Funny how Bill became "a whiny little bitch" himself after calling Trump that for years.
  20. Bill doesn't even know what Gen Z is. He probably thinks Millenial's are the only named generation after the Boomers.
  21. Didn’t watch and glad I stopped watching two years ago. How would he know anything about kids or anyone under the age of 35? Bill should talk to the pediatricians who are working around the clock in overcrowded hospitals with no ICU beds for kids who are in respiratory failure. Seriously…I think Bill has totally lost his fucking mind. I have a four year old grandson who has an auto immune disease. He was seriously ill a year ago. If he should get COVID now I can’t bear to think of the kind of hell he and his parents would be going through. And Bill, being the putz that he is, makes statements like this that sound like they come straight from the mouths of Fox News or OAN personalities. Don’t get the third shot Bill…it would be better if it was given to someone who has a family they love and care about rather than a sour, heartless, soulless, selfish asshole like you. His millennial “friend” is probably his Uber Eats delivery guy.
  22. I lived in the town next door to New Rochelle, Pelham Manor. There were homes exactly like the ones they looked at in some areas of Pelham that bordered New Rochelle and then there were homes that were two-three times as big with grand staircases, extra large kitchens, four-five bedrooms and sizable yards. Most of these homes in that area and the ones closer to New Rochelle, were built during or post depression era. Most people who can afford it choose to live in Pelham over New Rochelle because the schools in Pelham are excellent...not so much in New Rochelle. That was the reason my parents bought in Pelham. We live in Fairfax County and housing prices are through the roof here...I don't know how any young couple can afford them...the further away you get from D.C. the less expensive the houses are but the commutes are brutal.
  23. There's nothing cute about Mike Barnicle... aka disgraced plagerizer and Joe's drinking buddy.
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