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Everything posted by BrownBear2012

  1. Joe talks about how he talks to all kinds of people about all kinds of hot topics. He’s so full of crap.
  2. First off, Joe Scarborough is not a foreign policy expert. His false equivalency between Afghanistan and troops remaing in Japan and Germany is just riduculously wrong and stupid. Troops in Japan and Germany have international support and were put in place after WORLD WAR 2! Initially, the troops were there to keep an eye on the countries (Japan and Germany) that created WW2...they remain to keep a presence and an eye on Russia (troops in Germany),China and North Korea (troops in Japan). All of these countries are super powers that possess nuclear weapons. Afghanistan is not a super power and does not have nuclear weapons...so Joe's inept and sloppy argument is not only wrong but stupid. Also, I'm getting sick of these two bringing in the neo cons and think tank people to give their bloated opinions. Let's dissect this...Trump brokered a "deal" last year with the Taliban...he wanted their leader, who he ordered released from jail, to come to Camp David on 9/11 to sign the deal. That went over like a lead balloon so he panned that idea and just went ahead with a formal deal that Pompeo handled. After the election Trump sent Pompeo back to Afghanistan to solidify the deal making it harder for Biden to break without creating a bloodbath that would then mean a huge build up of American troops and then we're back in a war. It's almost as if Trump planned this out so Biden would be blamed...fortunately, we have the videotape of Trump bragging about his deal with the Taliban, praising the Taliban, calling their leaders "tough and smart", bragging to a rally about his great deal with the Taliban and how HE was the one bringing the troops home because 21 years was enough. Why doesn't Joe show this stuff and have a fair discussion about this with reporters and foreign policy experts that have no vested interest in any political party? And don't think for a minute that Russia had nothing to do with this... Mika was a little more chill today but not by much. I didn't notice any chemistry between her and Joe...very businesslike...none of the gentle chiding of one other or teasing. I wonder if they are in the same state?
  3. It's clear that MTV does not have a moral compass whatsoever. They are looking to boost their ratings in light of a dwindling fan base and poor ratings. Adding this thuggy POS will initially bring in some viewers with a "curiosity" about him but it will not sustain...not even a trainwreck like this asshole will help. Face it MTV, your "Teen" moms are out of control brats that spend your $$$ getting cosmetic surgeries, going on expensive vacations and buying larger and larger SUV's and Louis Vuitton bags. They dictate what they want the public to see and are even trying to hijack the production and editing process. It's time to put this show and Teen Mom down.
  4. Exactly...I had to turn it off also. Mika seems like she's close to having a nervous breakdown. The projection of her own personal life onto the news is quite apparent. She and Joe need to come clean to their audience about what the hell is going on. Are we going to see another week with Mika and Joe not working together? Something's amiss and there's some "splaining" to do.
  5. Well we are all speculating on what the writers had in mind…I was trying to understand her flight or fight thinking and as a woman who didn’t even have an established, successful career to lean on, I was speculating that she might have felt that she had no options…walking away would have been something she didn’t have the strength to emotionally or financially handle.
  6. Plus, it was all held outdoors. It was done right. Why weren’t they equally outraged about the Lollapalooza Fest a week ago? All they do is mimic the mainstream media and then bring on neo cons to reiterate right wing talking points. Mika’s manic meltdown this morning about Afghanistan was ridiculous and unprofessional. The yelling and near hysterical discourse was awful. She needs to be told to tone it down about ten notches…jeez Louise!!! Something’s going on between these two. The photo of them in a boat could have been taken last year…who knows. But they haven’t even broadcast together since just after their July fourth vacation I believe.
  7. Yep…I think when he said that she would regret this or something to that affect, she saw this as a threat and that leaving him would be a financial and personal disaster for her. I think she saw how crazy he got over a room mistake and felt that this would be even worse and he would ruin her life. She made a decision based on a threat…No one ever makes good decisions when they are threatened and are not equals in the argument. She came into the relationship with nothing…no money or stature. I’m not agreeing with her decision to stay but I understand it. This guy would bulldoze her in every way possible.
  8. Anyone else feel the "Pineapple Suite" that Shane became obsessed with, was pretty much a let down...much like Rachel felt about her marriage to Shane? I couldn't help but see how ordinary and Holiday Inn like the room was...nothing special at all. Shane spending all of his energy and emotion on getting the room that was given to someone else and it turned out to be a dud...just like the marriage. He said he "wined and dined" Rachel and this is what he gets in return...she fell for the wining and dining and the respect Shane got where ever they went because of his wealth and privilege but realized he was just a spoiled mama's boy who was more focused on getting what he believes he deserves rather than focusing on a shared vision for their future as a husband and wife. She realized that there would be an endless stream of "Pineapple Suites" in the future and Shane would be as obsessive about future "Pineapple Suites" as he was about this one.
  9. Has anyone challenged Bill on this premise the "liberals" are responsible for cancel culture and wokeness? Really Bill? The right actually started cancel culture when they "canceled" the Dixie Chicks and burned all their records and banned them from Country music stations. And let's talk about the canceling of Colin Kaepernick by the right that they are still canceling and trashing on all the right wing media. Why doesn't anybody push back on Bill's tired and flawed arguments? And yes...it's pretty apparent that Bill is watching a lot of right wing TV and having Amy Holmes as a writer on his show is definitely having an affect on his skewed opinions.
  10. He was definitely not on board for being so close to their parents...he liked the idea of being 20 minutes away from them. I agree about the "walking on eggshells" around her. Someday he'll just snap and tell her STFU.
  11. I’m a Boomer and I find Bill to be a bore. I call bullshit on his claim that he hangs out mostly with Millennials. Bill hangs out with a very select group of Hollywood insiders and entertainers…most of them established and around his age. He’s a few years younger than me but he seems so much older…in thought and in demeanor.
  12. You seem awfully defensive...I was merely making an observation of their different personality types. She was bossy (he even said that and she agreed) and he was passive. Maybe at some point he'll grow a pair and tell her shove it. And as for "free child care" there really is no "free child care"...having your parents watch your kids comes with a lot little problems that arise...I know because I watched my grandson for a year. The way you do something with a grandchild might not be the way the parents prefer and then it can be dicey. It's not all peaches and cream...the grandparent can feel exhausted at the end of the day and then has to do it all over again the next day. It's hard work if you're over 60. And as for the parents, while technically it's "free", they still might have to find someone to watch the kids if the grandparents get sick or have appointments that can't be rescheduled. With COVID I'm sure this was not an easy year for any of them.
  13. I think Bill doesn't understand that Millenials are now in their thirties...not in their late teens /early twenties. What's his beef with people in their 30's? I have a three Millenials and all are hard working, college educated (and one with a graduate degree), tax payers with jobs. I didn't see the show but it sounds like he's the poster boy/old man for the "OK Boomer" moniker. Move on Bill or step aside and let some Millenial take your spot...he/she would probably get better ratings than you do with your weekly rants on "cancel culture" and how awful anyone under 50 is. She's arrogant and old school Democrat. Last I heard she was a talking head on Fox News but that was a few years ago. I wonder if she is still there?
  14. That's exactly what happened there. Looks like a lot of gentrification going on in Philly. One of those places looked like it was right across the street from old poorly taken care of houses that probably will be renovated at some point...still, it would give me pause to live there.
  15. I felt the same way about the hubby...he was passive and could easily be persuaded to her side of any argument. I knew by the way she was pushing the first house when they were touring it, that she would push hard for it...she could care less about what her husband wanted and that he didn't want to do a renovation again...she was going to get her way and she did. The outside of the house was unattractive and had zero "curb appeal"...she wanted that Downer's Grove address and needed to be near her mommy and daddy.
  16. Joe cannot control himself...he needs a babysitter. The troop pullout was inevitable. The fact that we spent millions of dollars on helping to rebuild the country, arm and train an army that had the best weaponry and technology so that they could defend the country from the Taliban and others and they folded so quickly is shocking. We have been there for over 20 years...are we to stay there indefinitely? Our mission going into Afghanistan was to find Bin Laden and rid the country of the terrorists that conspired to attack the United States on 9/11. That mission has been accomplished. We never went there with the mission of nation building. Yeah...it was big news yesterday...she's in talks with MSNBC but is contemplating doing something else other than a nightly show.
  17. Just read on Ashley Reality TV Round Up that Kail is talking about how she wants to get back with Javi...my interpretation of this is that they are already hooking up and we shouldn't be shocked when she announces another pregnancy. Despite her fake PCOS storyline.
  18. Right? That was really weird when Joe made that offhand comment about Mika being nice to her second husband...is it me or does Joe seem like he's been hitting the bottle lately?
  19. I also felt this was a novelty type of event for these women. I know LuAnn has made some rather questionable remarks about Jews that bordered on being Antisemitic if not just outrightly so. They may have been made when she was a boozer…anyway, it did smack of insincerity on their part. And almost as if they all begrudgingly came and then decided to goof on it. By far, Ramona’s off the wall behavior was the worst and showed her to be the privileged, entitled self centered asshole that we’ve all seen too many times in recent seasons.
  20. When she was lying on pavement/lawn (?) and her legs were bent out by her head I was freaking out! Do these two not notice this stuff and just excuse these obvious physical issues as being not important? It boggles the mind.
  21. Exactly...Willie and a bonafide female news anchor would be better any day of the week then these two. This show is in free fall right now and with Rachel Maddow contemplating leaving MSNBC there are some serious programming decisions to make. They will have to make some bold moves to boost them out of hole that is getting deeper every day.
  22. I was just saying this to my husband the other day! Is there trouble in paradise?? It's weird. And I have to call hypocrite on Mika...she's been reduced to tears when delivering the news and talking about COVID and now she's jetting all over the globe during the spike of the Delta varient??? The South of France? Really??? Today Joe started the show with...drumroll please...talking about the Red Sox! Then he brought his ginger drinking buddy, Jonathan Lemire, into the convo where they did their usual whiny little bitch fest about how the Yankees have so much money and they're buying a pennant rant. OMG...it was so bad and yet so predictable. No wonder their ratings are in the toilet. And yeah...Joe looks like he just woke up from a bender the night before.
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