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Everything posted by BlueHawk

  1. Forgive me my ineptitude. Couldn't figure out how to remove unintended spoiler tags๐Ÿค•and my stupid computer won't let me post again w/o starting over altogether. My apologies fellow snarkers. Hopefully the lovely mods will take pity on me regarding this... I'm posting my intended comment separately below.
  2. Anya! That was her name! Thanks. Name recall is giving me fits these days. I really liked Anya and her dresses were lovely and flattering. As I do recall she really didn't have a lot of real competition that season. She also returned for some sort of All Star program but I don't think she won that one did she? Bones designs for this episode did remind me of her with the airy floaty aspect, Altho' I don't think that's the only thing he can do/does. He does seem a little full of himself but so far not to the point where I'm rooting for him to fall on his face. Looking forward to seeing how the season unfolds๐Ÿ˜
  3. Count me joyous this show has returned! Altho' I do prefer the prior form in places - particularly wish they'd kept calling the winning and losing looks onto the runway all at once. Calling them from the back one by one ( O! who will it be ?!๐Ÿ˜ฒ) feels like a lame attempt at a bit of low drama/ time-stretch. Hope this stops. Count me among the folks who were stunned that Aaron's gorgeous red outfit wasn't even mentioned by the judges. When it walked out my first reaction was "Wow! Now that's gotta be in the top 3 and will probably be the winner!". I could appreciate Bones' creation(s) but Aarons' design, fit, and sewing skills certainly eclipsed Bones with this outfit. I was reminded of the season way back where the young woman (from somewhere like Trinidad?)who had only learned basic sewing a few weeks prior to the show & wound making pretty much the same long, flowy dress for every single challenge. The judges loved her. Her talent lay in making every model look utterly gorgeous and in her ability to make the observers feel the "wearing this makes you beautiful" thing and she won the season. Hope this episode isn't hinting at something similar for this season... Meg has beautiful bright coloring and seems just a teensy bit unstable.๐Ÿ˜•๐Ÿ˜ฏ Her dress looked to me like a middle school Home Ec project ( dating myself no doubt-- do Home Economics classes even still exist these days? ). It looked poorly sewn and ill-fitting. A belt or sash would've helped. At least covered up the thin puckery seam joining top & skirt. The fabrics also seemed flimsy--as tho' a wide stride or a fast drop onto a couch might cause a rip. Bones seems a very young 30 and maturity hasn't caught up to talent / intellect. I predict a major misstep or two down the road. Darren is quite the mess so far. Does he actually design? Have talent? Understand where he is or what is expected of him? I think he'll be leaving fairly soon. I'm so happy there's actually a show on Bravo that doesn't feature criminals, sloppy drunks, emotional cripples, delusional elderly women who are emotionally crippled sloppy drunks, or nasty insincere back-biting bitchy has-beens/ never-weres, wannabe famous harridans, shouting and cackling at ear-splitting volume on every episode of every other show on this network. Fingers crossed PR -- please be an awesome (even just normal) season! I need it!
  4. Crystal-- Immature, underhanded, sneaky, control freak w a big ole mean streak (her nasty smirk when she said she'd never heard of Sutton was nausea inducing). She also has a real problem w her skin -- it's so oily she could sell drilling rights to her face. Mrs. Girardi looked completely drugged. I expected her to drool at any moment. Maybe that was the reason for that eyebrow disaster. Dorito proves once again that she's a desperately shallow triviality. Lisa the Lesser is holding fast to her title of Twisted Bitch with no character & a shriveled soul. Sutton appears to have got herself some of those hormones & is feelin' finely chipper these days. Garcelle. Solid. Well-adjusted, reasonable, pleasant, intelligent, good humored . What on earth is she doing with these people? It's 3:30 am here in the Pacific NW & I wonder why I watch this shiite when I already have terrible insomnia and all this show did was increase my indignation and make sleep more elusive. Of course I'm sure I'll say the same thing next Wednesday ...๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿค•
  5. That's exactly the note I would've given Ms Marvel Butterfield as she strode (stumbled across) the boards many years past. "You're aiming for tragedy dear, not sinus drainage!"
  6. I'm sure I'll think of more than this but I just now watched this episode and all I can see at the moment is Erika with her head cocked to the side and the delicately placed hand with finger under her nose -- her moment of despair๐Ÿ˜ข. Possibly the most affected, cheesy, and absolutely phony, stagey gesture I've ever seen (& I used to do community theatre in the lower Midwest!) She's obviously not paying anyone for optics assessment... Put to rest any lingering doubts that she might not really be putting on a bit of an act๐Ÿ™„. Give it up Ericka.
  7. Whenever I've watched scenes of Erika at "home" there seemed to me to be a quality of unreality to the whole thing. Like it was all an old movie set for her production of the "Erika Jayne" fantasy that's been her only real Love/ reason for living / determined focus since she was a child. Everything and everyone else seemed secondary, peripheral, only worthy of her notice insofar as they're incidentally useful in furtherance of the EJ creation and the sustainability thereof. I believe her love and loyalty is given to this, her own creation, before her child or any husband, other family, or what she considers "friendships". That house never seemed like it was her "home"- a place of heart, comfort, rest, peace, or happiness. More like a way station- or a lair - a place to plot and plan and polish the Erika Jayne Doll alter/armour she steps into, staying in longer and longer each time - always desiring to stay permanently. She might've made it if those pesky victims hadn't made such a fuss! Is there a link / site / info where I could find the pictures and more descriptions of the 16,000 sq.ft. 3rd wife cottage she so tragically & bravely vacated while her beloved was at " the Firm" dedicatedly shredding documents & files that might incriminate embarrass his dearly loved "expensive" one...? Apologies if this info is somewhere obvious. I readily admit a pathetic ineptitude of cyber skills beyond the basics & shamelessly press the kids into service often enough that they now seem to be constantly just on their way to something urgently important whenever I plead for assistance ( Really TJ ? It's 2 am & you can't help me because you have to drive your sister to her friend because there's an "eyeliner emergency"? ) I'd appreciate the link or info as to where I could look for it! Thanks! ๐Ÿค“
  8. Sutton has been doing better with the fashion wearing. For example the short red sparkly dress worn in a segment intro is pretty and looks good on her. Then Kyle's party came about & it seems she had one of those temporary blindness episodes of hers, got dressed during, and hot footed it out of the house before the Minders were able to get a good enough grip on her. I had to freeze the screen to make out the print -- I believe it's insane cartoon cats having an altercation in a dirty alley? Sometimes I think her purchases must be spasm-like -- where perhaps she's having an emotional day and the stylists/salespeople are waiting for her with all the unsellable dresses the designers came up with while experimenting w some new "designer" hallucinogen (or detoxing from same) in gleeful anticipation that she'll be taking them off their hands...
  9. Started watching because I found Frederick hilarious. While they're all a bit over the top ๐Ÿ˜‰ I find Ryan the most purely theatrical. If he was a small town guy he'd be seriously involved with community theater. I haven't seen him actually tap dance / do a buck & wing off a staircase landing but he probably just hasn't had the right inspiration yet. I do not like Steve's new look. There's a weasel-ish quality to his features that his longer hair mitigated, softened. JMO 'cause I prefer long/longer hair on men. I agree with those who think he's not completely "in love" with the mother of his daughter. But he seems like he'll likely stick it out for at least a few years for Rose's sake. While I generally like Tyler he definitely needs to keep up with therapy for his insecurity. He needs a relationship, badly. That was never more evident than when he was trembling and giggling over those models for his open house! Someday somebody somewhere is gonna love you Tyler. Calm down! Back to the hair observations-- Kirsten looked prettier/more striking w her darker brunette hair. Not everyone needs to be Blonde for Success. However, I'm thoroughly impressed with anyone who can be highly successful professionally while mothering 3 children, looking well put together, maintaining a marriage and at least appearing to be a pleasant person overall. I never had that kind of energy even 50 yrs ago! So just for that she gets the rah-rah points from me! I'm really happy that both the NYC & LA shows have realized animosity and continual aggression & rancor are neither entertaining nor needed. The shows are so much more watchable without the fighting and put downs. If only the damn housewives would pick up this clue their ratings wouldn't be dropping across the board. Personally, out of all the Bravo tv I've watched, the Million $ Listing shows are the best & most enjoyable ones. So thank you Bravo for leaving the screaming and fighting out of at least these two.๐Ÿค— Getting to see amazing over the top properties and also getting to imagine what we would do with them should they be ours is far and away more consistently fun than any squabbling housewives!
  10. I know I ran into this morsel while reading unrelated items & following some links therein when this caught my eye. I believe this was either Vanity Fair or Variety & a fairly recent item. I'd already heard about the ABC doc & this did not appear to be the same thing. BUT- I'm mostly using a tablet the past months & the screen is so damn sensitive it drops/changes if I breathe hard & I was startled while reading and got up suddenly. I had to abandon the article for awhile & when I returned it was gone. No mention of it in my history and my searches haven't been fruitful either. So I thought maybe someone on PT Forums might've seen the same article or info. Usually this sort of thing - inability to recall inconsequential bits of information about something with no actual relevance or importance to my life-- wouldn't rate the ask or even a seconds concern. But sometimes the usually frivolous distractions assume greater than usual importance- providing an essential pause from something that threatens to overwhelm. The personal image at the moment is standing before an avalanche that is stopped in mid- motion while my attention is fully distracted by a butterfly. Following that butterfly gets me out of the direct path so the rocks can be dealt with when they've stopped rolling. In the past 7 months an old friend lost her 28yr. old child that I've known since birth & she is inconsolable, another very dear friend passed unexpectedly,(none of these losses are due to covid), another just last week learned she has only a few months before she passes, 6 weeks back a relative had a severe psychotic break, had to be institutionalized and may be permanently broken, & I've got some teenage crises in the immediate family plus some worsening debilitating physical issues of my own. Thus my present inability to remember/recall little things such as my full name, phone#, why I'm standing in the hall, what day it probably is, whether I'm wearing underwear (or sometimes shoes) and why I've carried the tv remote with me into the car -(which took me a minute to locate). And, oh yes, the pandemic thing... Its due to all this that I realized Bravo absurdity had/has a vital function for my life & continued sanity. My 16yr old calls it the "fathoms deep shallowness-es" , all the butterfly shaped absurdities that stop the avalanche just long enough to get out of the way and catch a breath... I'm sure in the future I'll look back on this opinion of Bravo with abject disbelief that I ever held that view. But here it is. Apologies for the long detour of an explanation as to why I don't remember where or which thing I read indicating EJ might be getting an actual spin-off. If it weren't "her" & Andy's awful adoration for her, and Bravos general boorishness I wouldn't consider it could possibly be real. However.๐Ÿ™„...
  11. Is this true?: Bravo is giving Erika Jayne a spin-off all about her divorce and post divorce "new life"?!?! Unbelievable if true. Time for tar & feathers. (& Andy you're included in the festivities!)
  12. Dear Lord above. Is Bravo working from a list requiring casting directors to purposely find and hire women that have addiction issues (alcohol-sex-drugs or combo), financial distress, actual criminal activity w resulting arrests/ prison sentences, genuine and concerning mental illness not just the garden variety neurosis commonly found among those who desire to appear on reality shows? Exhibit: Kim Richards & Sonja T. "Morgan", Mr & Mrs Guidice , Jen Shah, Erika Jane & hubby, and etcetera and so forth. I suppose it's a little comforting that we have some proof that quite a few of the people parading what passes for wealth on our screens are exposing venal, clodish, undeveloped & slightly slimy inner selves. Certainly reduces whatever envy factors we might have harbored when first tuning in. Leah's behaviour - Leah in general is appalling. She continually smacks the viewer in the face with her combative immaturity and unerring pursuit of the low and common purely to shock and make everyone look at her.. Appalling & sad. She absolutely does not fit with this group. Her perfect soul mate on this show was before her time.That would be Aviva Dreschers' repulsive father who was exactly as crudely sexually expressive as Leah. They could have had deep conversations where he would've told her he'd give her "squirting orgasms" & she would disparage his manhood unless he performed anallingus. Viewers found him repulsive enough that he was removed and never seen again. Unless Leah gets some serious, serious mental & emotional help I can envision her morphing into Avivas' dad as she ages. In the end she'll be gray and droopy- screeching about D's & P's and trying to offend anyone she can see --sitting next to Sonja who'll be barely conscious, stuffing her face coming up for air occasionally to ask if the limo has arrived to take her to the yacht. The only people paying attention to either of them will be the medical "minders" standing behind each of them. And can someone tell me what was with Leah screeching. at Ramona about Avery? She kept saying she didn't want to hear about her daughter her daughter ! Where did that come from? I didn't hear Ramona going on about anything except perhaps that she didn't appreciate Leah's gross speech at dinner or previously in another group that included Avery. Leah just needs to go.
  13. Every so often producers, casting agents & writers converge and hit it out of the park & smack middle of BULLSEYE ! These 2 actors are so perfect for their parts it gives one the shivers! Completely agree about the sex appeal of Judd. Rob Lowe can just sit down ' cause Judd's the fantasy fuel. That's the man you want your daughter to marry. Heck, that's the man your Mama wants to marry. The actress playing Grace is so physically beautiful and her voice effortlessly conveys the qualities of spiritual strength & serenity, faith and the greater Grace. Perfect casting. I wonder if this story-couple has the effect on everyone as they have at our house ie: we just plain feel good after watching the episodes featuring more of Grace & Judd? Glad this turned out to be a good series. Hope it lasts a good while๐Ÿ˜
  14. I hadn't seen Dr. Phil in years and had the misfortune to have this episode be the one I did. I seem to remember Phil used to give a couple of episodes and more serious seeming attention to a situation like this. I was left wondering what was to become of that poor child. A virtual Dr. won't cut it with the immature abusive bozos calling themselves "parental figures". The angry chuckle head boyfriend gave me insurrection- capital-storming-idiot vibes. Just bet he relishes being able to punish the boy and has no intention of taking advice from Phil or any other expert. He should be forced to move out if he won't leave because another bet says he won't be able to control himself with that child when the screaming starts. And the mom? I have never been able to fathom women who put boyfriends/ men before their children-- especially small children. Beyond selfish. And don't think her son hasn't overheard her stating she wants to give him away. This is such a heartbreaker. If ever there seems a need for serious intervention-- for Phil to ride in in full White Knight rescue mode this certainly seems to be the one. Very disappointed that he's seemingly become complacent instead of reading those authoritarian excuses for parents the riot act. I know the foster system is broken and I have no solution to offer - which frustrates me no end. The bio dad with a 2 bedrm place saying his son has no space of his own in dads home entirely misses the fact that the child already has no space of his own living with a mother who wishes he didn't exist and a fat angry babyman boyfriend with no concept of what a child needs beyond orders and demands for blind obedience. The only hope I can see is the dad and step mom realizes how direly the boy needs to be living with them instead of the "mother". Lastly, let us not forget these folks are from Florida...๐Ÿ™„ Hope we don't wind up reading about this poor kid perpetrating a mass shooting in 10 yrs or so...
  15. Ok. Whoever had the bright idea to completely change out the crew and set poor Glen adrift in the Doldrums with the current crew of interchangeably uninteresting cutouts should be set ashore on the corporate equivalent of Napoleon's Elba. Fail fail fail ! It seems as tho' the creators of this aspect of the Real Ships at Sea shows didn't quite grasp this isn't the same "Super yacht" experience as the original or Med. and just decided to cram the same formula onboard the Parsifal. Instead of refining from the first season they just tossed it all and thus present us viewers with an overcrowded, confusing, for the most part visually interchangeable crew. Additionally the PTBs seem to have also thought it advisable to cram in every Below Deck cliche 'drama' possible : crew romance / sex triangle, thwarted lust, shy folk & arrogant "overachiever", lazy / unproductive crew members, black out drinkers, high-strung egotistical chef with competence issues, tension between chief stew & chef, foreshadowed jealousy between the gals over a guy, interior & deck crew chiefs complaining about each other, mechanical problems with tender, damage to the yacht itself (and a major docking issue to come), a problematic beach " picnic" and now a group of guests that are demanding, unreasonable & IMO repugnant/ repulsive (there is just something wrong with these people! Too much $$= over indulgence in unhealthy foods/ attitudes/ entitlements ? &- as someone mentioned up thread- the youngest boys haven't spoken and seem unnaturally constricted in general. None of them are shown to be exactly happy or enjoying the experience.) After the disaster of season -before -last Below Deck with Ashton & his crew of abusive resentful woman- hating chowder heads Bravo did at least try for a mellower reset there. I figure they just sent all the show runners and writers and casting agents responsible for the Bruh-crew disaster over to Sailing Yacht, gave them free hand and ignored the whole thing till air time and thus we have the current mess. So Bravo. You've done it again- particularly thoroughly in this instance. You've wrecked this ship show. And we've now removed it from our recording preferences. ๐Ÿ’€
  16. That pic tells you all you need to know about this dissolute wasteoid. The nose says the brain is a pickled shrunken nub. The dull squinty eyes -- lifeless except for remnants of hateful dissatisfaction indicate the state of what he might,at one time, have referred to as a soul - now twisted and gnarled and sour. Lost indeed.
  17. Thanks๐Ÿ˜ŠIt's better than her being 16, I guess... I get concerned for the kids around these shows. I'm no fan of social media (I barely have email, miss my answering machine and old style phone w the 15 ft. cord๐Ÿ˜•) I've seen it do a lot of damage to tender and still growing beings. Seems like an unnecessary risk exposure when they already must deal with whatever the mothers generate...๐Ÿ˜•
  18. I'm a bit behind watching this -- the housewives shows have one by one become mostly unwatchable for me. I have my fingers crossed for Dallas this season 'cause it's one of only 2 left on our DVR. I'm glad to see the addition of Tiffany. I have a lifelong interest /appreciation of Asian cultures in general beginning in childhood with my Great Grandmothers' stories of her travels there in the early 1900's. I spent a year in mainland China in the mid '80's and had some of the most delicious food ever in my life! However I had taken the precaution of letting the Chinese friend I was traveling with know I wanted to avoid certain things at all costs! Such as bear, monkey, rodent, feline, canine most particularly. And canine was pretty ubiquitous in the colder weather. Saw people heading home to prepare dinner featuring the currently still alive puppy they were carrying in a mesh bag. Very hard for me to deal with emotionally and it was absolutely not my place to react negatively to what was the normal day to day life and culture of the country I was a guest in. And I was at that time one of only 20 foreigners to visit that area of the country since the end of the Cultural Revolution. I was treated extremely well (and with much curiosity) everywhere we went and we were constantly being taken to multi course dinners where our hosts delighted in showing off abundant variety and skill of the chefs. No one ever pushed any item I'd told my friend I needed to avoid. The most surprising dish was what I took to be noodles in deep brown sauce. Turned out to be freshwater eels... And absolutely one of the most delicious dishes I'd ever eaten anywhere! I wasn't presented the opportunity of chicken feet and wouldn't have been able to eat them any more than Cameron was. And I would've refused with a smile/ a joke (translated by my friend) and moved along to enthusiastically dig in to a different platter. No one would have pushed them on me nor taken offense that I hadn't eaten that particular thing. Most people do understand not liking certain foods as most people have likes and dislikes. So I think Tiffany was not so much celebrating "her culture" with the chicken feet as baiting the Dallas gals. Kinda aggressive with a spritz of (perhaps unconscious) hostility. And Cameron was neither deft nor subtle in the way she handled the whole thing. She may be as ditzy as she appears- I don't know--- but I do not think she's really dumb at all and I'd make a serious bet she was raised to know exactly the graceful thing to have done in that situation. If it were not a Housewives show she would've let it go. As it is she and Tiffany needed to establish boundaries and storylines. This show is a lot lighter in tone without LeAnn. She has too much tragic disfunction for one woman / show. I find Kary very abrasive, exhausting, and inauthentic. Also don't think her daughter needs to be on the show. She has her moms distinctive lower lip & the crease below it. She's pretty & seems depressed. I missed it if her age was mentioned. Is she still in her teens or is she in the early 20s?
  19. Lets see: LOVED Tinsley's ball gown! Fits her "fairy tale princess" story perfectly! On the other hand Hated Leahs getup. " I question the taste level" (tm Nina Garcia) Her go to formal wear seems to be bathing suit with some clingy or sheer fabric pinned around it. Messy messy messy-- with the gloves ect. Sonja did look exceptionally good esp. considering how she appeared all this season. Don't remember what she wore but did like her hair. Ramona's boob inserts are too large, too high, & the wrong shape. She was wearing her hair...(& some sort of dress?) Luann is --at least to me-- absolutely the most gorgeous woman across all the franchises. She's a natural beauty with great bone structure and a strong lean body. If she has had any work done it's not obvious which makes her stand out against the other pretty women say on BH. I think I like her hair better a bit shorter. She wore legs & not a lot else... Dorinda (& her alter "Demon") wore something sparkly ---flashy light does something to corral Demon since it didn't make a full appearance. We did see Demon in a flashback to that phone call ! Dear Lord the viciousness spewed! The twisted features! Beyond nasty. & that demon is nourished by alcohol. When pain causes this much awful the need for outside help is obvious-- firing her was so very necessary. Hope she takes the note.
  20. Just like 2020, eh? Much better on this show than out here in the world. I'd happily mount a horse &ride right into the Yellowstone. I'd go straight into the kitchen and help Gator cook๐Ÿ˜
  21. I stand corrected on the pater position! I'm attributing my error to my own experience re: evil stepfathers. Between the insomnia and the insanity of 2020 I must've unconsciously projected & substituted evil stepfather for father. Lordy, makes that situation even worse for Rip, that monster being a blood relative... One reason I love this show is the opportunity to mine all sorts of psychology in the characters. Characters with depths like that aren't such commonly written things in tv shows. The way these are not revealed all in one season but slowly makes for satisfying involvement -- for me anyway๐Ÿ‘ฝ Thanks for straightening me out on the show family connection ๐Ÿค“
  22. Had to spend a lot of mulling time on this season. Several things stood bright when I recovered from the cliffhanger overkill... Rip & the ring -- The man who killed Rips mother was not his father but his stepfather. This was made clear in the conversation between John and the men taking John to the barn to deal with a teenage "wild animal" in survival mode Rip. It was also stated that the stepfather " came back" and killed "the whole family" and they said they hadn't found the oldest son-- intimating the possibility he was responsible for the stepfathers death but also that the stepfather killed him elsewhere & they hadn't found the body yet. Rip's carried guilt for his mother & brothers death as evidenced by his statement that he " should've killed that **** a long time ago ". The huge traumas Rip suffered in his early years can explain his actions and the attitudes he holds in adulthood-- his intense love for Beth & unquestioning, unwavering, core- deep loyalty to John & the Yellowstone. He's an absolutist in that love and loyalty- these feelings towards his mom haven't diminished with the passing of years. So when she's exhumed his reaction is not one of revulsion or horror but sadness and longing unabated by the passage of 30+ years. I think the ring he removed isn't one given her by the monster stepfather but perhaps by Rips actual father or her own mother/ family. I also think he doesn't even have a passing thought that it may seem creepy or macabre. Beth's the only woman he's ever loved/ felt as deeply for as his mother. Likely his mother was the place all his tenderness & finer emotions/ higher humanity fled to during the horror of his childhood. She might have been unable to protect him physically yet somehow kept the higher part of his nature surrounded with softness encased in a layer of stone -- having just enough of a crack that he can access that part of himself for Beth, a different piece for John (& a drop or two for horses). His mother's ring is the symbol of what she protected for him - what makes Beth possible for him. So giving the ring indicates the transfer of the safeguard of that part of Rip from his mom to Beth - the only place he allows himself access to that light. The Assassination Dance-- I'm tending to agree with the idea of multiple perpetrators. I also tensed up when John stopped to help with the tire situation. I think the woman might have been involved somehow - mainly because the killers made such a point of killing her not only John. I can also see the boy coming to be another orphan folded into the Dutton family. Entertaining the possibility he could be the eventual "child" for Beth & Rip (providing their eventual marriage comes to pass). For this murder attempt I put it to Jamie/ his father. The dad may have indicated to Jamie that he could/ would take care of John for him & Jamie didn't tell him not to but didn't want to know the details so his hands would appear clean. Jamie has many character flaws one of the biggest being cowardice. I wonder if it will be revealed Jamie's mother was Johns' wife's sister or related somehow? Anyway, John survives & wreaks epic vengeance. . A Bomb for Beth-- this feels like Willa/ Roarke/ Market Equities. Beth loses another assistant to the Dutton family associated violence. First scenario--Beth survives, is found amid the rubble (possibly by Kayce, maybe by Rip) injured and unconscious. She has emergency surgery , ect., remains in a coma, at some point Rip, who stays by her bed, slips that ring on her finger and vows revenge while steadfastly maintaining to all that she will wake up ๐Ÿ˜‡ .(This depends on the depth level of suds )... Next scenario -- Beth survives but with a major injury such as paralysis which throws her back into pushing Rip away because she doesn't want to burden him-- thus creating misery for them both. Rip will never give up on her and she will eventually walk again possibly after Rip carries her to that mountain meadow and the marriage ceremony set up there. I'm fervently hoping for their happily ever after by series end and also fervently hoping the writer delivers a less predictable journey there. Kaceys Razor Reflexes--- This one is most puzzling as to who's responsible. Kacey hasn't been prominent in the affairs of John & Beth vs ME ect. His existence is known, of course, but he's been occupied with Livestock Agent stuff. So I'm thinking the attack on Kacey comes from a different source. Perhaps even a consequence of Jamie's tenure. Maybe someone related to the situation with the death of the thieves in the horse trailer? Jamie was only in that office a very short time. Whoever came through that door might not realize a change was made and Kacey is the Dutton currently in place. Kacey being highly trained -and a very good shot- will most likely emerge unscathed or with minor wounds. .He & Rip will make contact quickly and one or both find John and Beth - events unfold from there. I appreciate this show on so many points. The setting is different than any other show and so delightful to see. It's very well cast, the writing is mostly superior, serving drama and humor in a pretty good balance. Personally this is the only "must see tv" around of late-- & I hope to get to enjoy a lot more of it for a good long time! Currently suffering from insomnia - brain-- 3am is now "naptime" vs. middle of the night dreamland. Combined with this insanity that's been 2020 I'm never sure what day it is let alone what time...๐Ÿ˜ณ thus repeated binge watching....
  23. And once again Sutton๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ต Somewhere a designer & a salesperson are curled up in fits of giggling glee "OMG! She's really wearing it! I told you we had her !" ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜Ž
  24. What we snickered at with Naked Repulso was how very teensy was the "blur area" production needed to use for him.๐Ÿ˜†
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