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Everything posted by hula-la

  1. I thought I had seen Les Twins in an ad for the show. I love them, as well as many of the groups that you mentioned above. I follow WOD online, and am really looking forward to the show. Please show--be good!
  2. I have lots of students like that--we call it Learned Helplessness. They are really good at appearing like they don't know what they're doing, when really, all they want is the easy answer. They want someone to do the thinking for them. Basically, I just look at them, and don't answer their question, knowing that they will figure it out. They try to get other students to help them, and those kids learn fairly quickly to ignore them too. I was hoping that it would change as students grow up, but apparently, it doesn't.
  3. I thought that too, but noticed that there was a dark haired woman in the lineup (like that makes it better somehow). Had nightmares last night about being chased through the streets, but I'm not going to stop watching!
  4. I agree. What I love about the Canadian version (haven't seen the UK, but hear it's sweet and lovely) is that there's little manufactured drama. There are some complete tools on the show, and not everyone is a match, but that's how dating goes. I don't need to see manufactured bad dates--anyone who has gone on dates has had their own bad date stories to tell, (ooh, that would be a great thread for this show!).
  5. I find it funny that bossy blonde woman thinks that women don't age well, as the older lady was positively stunning!
  6. It's interesting, as I've followed her on Twitter for quite some time. For someone who has so many followers, I notice very little interaction with her Tweets (very few re-tweets, likes, or replies). Maybe she's not as well known as they claim that she is. Also, I totally agree with your Indian food comment!
  7. My French is kind of passable (written is ok, and I can understand it if people speak slowly). I understood enough of what Gabrielle was saying that I almost started to yell it to the TV. But then I recognised that the TV a) can't hear me and b) wouldn't do anything even if it did. I am worried about how this storyline is going to end.
  8. The sippy cup women mispronounced Zinfandel and Pinot noir. While I'm all for non spilling, this seems like a product geared for those who want to drink away being a spectator at their child's sporting event. I'll stick with carrying wine in my reusable coffee cup (not that I've ever brought wine into an area where it wasn't allowed).
  9. I've seen the UK version and it was great! Hope that the American version is.
  10. I read a phrase once that said "nothing in life is truly cheap. Someone, somewhere along the line pays the price". That's what this season is for me.
  11. I think my favourite part was the guards beating Micheal/Kaniel for supporting terrorists and basically ruining things for Muslims around the world (even though I don't really like violence and had to shut my eyes when he was getting beaten).
  12. Thank you so much! What a powerful scene, but then again, it's a powerful show.
  13. I went to the bathroom, and missed the last scene, with Gabrielle and the mother. Could I ask very nicely what happened? I just came out in time to see the look on her face.
  14. There's a Canadian version that's currently airing its second season. I love it! Plus, it's filmed in the city where I live so half the fun is watching to see if there's anyone I know. I hope the US version is as good as the Canadian one and doesn't focus on unnecessary drama (though hopefully they also get a self-proclaimed wizard like we did).
  15. I am neither here nor there about Jesse's performance as a host, but have to give him props for his proper pronunciation of the word "liqueur". Drives me crazy every tine I hear a contestant mangle it!
  16. Bocuse d'0r is pretty serious, and the team should be hugely proud of themselves. Of course, being Canadian, I read the comments.
  17. I have students who apply to fashion design programs and as part of their portfolio, have to show their ability to sew. And, they don't use the term "fashion school". I wonder if she means that she took a few week course offered by sewing machines dealers, Mood Fabrics, Craftsy, etc. Those would use the term "fashion school", and you just sign up. You don't need to create a portfolio and get accepted. They have sewing courses, as well as courses on the business of fashion, which is how she would learn the terminology.
  18. I was sobbing through this episode, and went to bed crying. Mr. Hula-la asked what was wrong, and I explained that it was from a show. I woke up this morning, still upset, and he came out of bed at 5 in the morning to make sure that I was ok. I'm at work now, and still tearing up.
  19. Thanks to you and Ms. Blue Jay for the heads up! I have dance classes on Thursdays, so rely on my pvr. I'll set it up to record the other shows just in case. I normally love me some Bravo for bringing PR back to Canada, as well as airing Suits and Underground, but not happy with this one.
  20. Did it air in Canada last night? I was all excited to watch the recording on my pvr tonight, but instead, they showed an episode of Relic Hunter. Then again, knowing that Tieler is gone, maybe I didn't miss much.
  21. My white BF, who had never even heard of New Edition, is currently glued to the Marathon that's playing on BET right now. That's a testament to how good it is. Though, he won't be singing along like me. Someone on Twitter posted a photo showing the original interview (I think it was on BET) and the mini-series version. The wardrobe department nailed it! I can't attach the photo, but here's the link to the tweet.
  22. For the most part, we Canadians don't care about the religious persuasion of our prime minister. I have no idea if our current prime minister is a religious person, and I honestly don't think Canadian media ever reports on that. I think our version of the religious question is asking which hockey team they support (why I could never be prime minister, as I don't like hockey).
  23. It's a thing (the concert has been around for at least a decade), and refers to a movement of African Americans in the punk scene. Check out images of attendees at the yearly Afro Punk music festival and you'll see fabulous examples of street style. Those from the Paris Festival are simply stunning.
  24. This episode reminded me a) why I love teaching high school home ec and b) why I'm on a first name basis with the local wine store.
  25. We made the Pavlova for Christmas dinner and it was a hit. My BF is walking around talking about his creme pattisiere and creme legere like he's a pro now. He fell in love with that vintage pie tin that Paul used for the hot water pastry pie with turkey, ham, and cranberries. As it's pretty expensive, including shipping, to get it to Canada, we won't be getting it anytime soon. I get two PBS stations here in Canada (Seattle and Boston), so I've set my PVR to record GBBO on both stations. That's like twice the episodes!
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