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Everything posted by lexington11

  1. I want him & Laura to stay around long enough for the U-Turn vote just so we can get a replay of that moment
  2. Ask Bret, because he had the same problem with the task
  3. Denise & James Earl (27, I think) got a penalty because Denise gave him the answer during a roadblock
  4. If Mattie returns and ends up on that season, Ev and Laurel better watch out, because she's quickly showing that she's not one to mess with, and none of the girls this season want to go up against her in an elimination after seeing how that ended up for Natalie and Julia.
  5. If that happens, I'm just grateful that even though Cody is going to forever be known as the dummy who chose friendship over a half million dollars, he still is by far, the hotter/more likable brother.
  6. You weren't the only one who was skeeved out there, because my first thought was that Cara needs to run far, far away as quickly as possible, since I remember from BB18 that Paulie has one serious and scary temper when he gets pushed far enough.
  7. Yes...Rachel's sister Elissa competed in season 15 of BB, so she counts as a CBS reality star
  8. For real...that gives me flashbacks to BB6, when Janelle got all the good prizes and caused the Friendship to collectively melt down
  9. Same here. Da'vonne isn't constantly using her daughter as an excuse to get others to hand her the win like Brad and Tony were all last season. The only time I've heard her mention her child on any reality show, aside from confessionals, is when others first attack her parenting skills, like Paulie did on BB and Wes did this season.
  10. No wonder you like Paulie if your first introduction to him was on Final Reckoning. On BB, he got one taste of power, and that ended up with him going on a month long power trip, which Natalie was instrumental in ending. And the fling he had on BB, which incidentally, is Paulie's MO for reality TV...find a hookup, date her long enough to continue to stay relevant/get free stuff and vacations from fans, move on to the next shiny toy, and wash, rinse, repeat, that was all sorts of creepy/borderline abusive relationship.
  11. So true. Bear seemed to be stronger/more competitive than Jozea, so that gets Da'vonne much further, because there's only so much one can do with a weak partner, as we saw last season, because even with Cara and CT being strong competitively, they were hindered by their weaker/not really caring about the game partners.
  12. No kidding...now that Bear's gone, the only two left that I want eliminated, preferably back to back, are Hunter and Paulie, because I can't decide which one is more obnoxious/bugs me more That's why I loved Da'vonne on BB...her one liners were some of the best parts of both her seasons. And it seems that she brought that same sense of humor to The Challenge
  13. She and Brendon did an episode of Celebrity Fear Factor a few months back, and they won that one
  14. For that matter, why does CBS think we need a 5th reality TV appearance from Rachel Reilly?
  15. I love you for bringing up that apple pie moment
  16. Bear with me here, because this explanation is going to get convoluted/make your head spin even more. Anyway, the latest development in the Cara/Marie Twitter drama is that Angela inserted herself into the mix and posted screenshots of how Marie was constantly trashing Cara behind her back, while claiming to be her BFF on Final Reckoning, so you can imagine how that went down. And add to that the previous shitstorm Marie got involved in after she tweeted how Paulie was being abusive to Cara, and you can imagine how that was received on Twitter.
  17. Just wondering, was I the only one who was laughing when Kyle said "I can count, Cara" after Paulie (I think) ended up giving Kyle the correct answer to the first trivia question? It just gave me flashbacks to the elimination match between Kyle & Brad and Kam & Kayleigh in Final Reckoning where Kyle & Brad lost because Kyle's math skills were not exactly the best.
  18. I couldn't stand Tamar either, but that Twitter vote win I believe was real. She and Kandi had the most Twitter followers out of anyone on their season, and then when you combine Tamar's millions of followers with however many followers Toni has on social media, it's really not surprising that she won the Twitter vote.
  19. I'd technically count Josh as a POC winner, since he's Afro-Latino and has said that his father is black
  20. After reading the posts here about certain Challengers not reproducing, I'm adding Cara Maria to that list if she continues with her current relationship, because I think I can safely speak for all of us when I say that the last thing America needs is Paulie passing his genes/slightly sociopathic tendencies to a new generation.
  21. I believe Nany was speaking for all of us in the forum when she gave the confessional about how no one even cares about the Paulie/Kyle rivalry anymore
  22. It's going to be interesting to wonder if, should Victor/Nicole make it to the final 3, will the hometown curse claim another victim like it did with Frank/Margarita and Justin/Diana in NYC, the Schroeders in New Orleans, or Marcus/Amani in Atlanta.
  23. If we're counting shows from other networks, this makes (un)lucky number 7 for Rachel's reality show circuit
  24. I hope CBS doesn't draw from that casting pool next, because not only will Bananas jump at the chance to get on there, but you just know that the millisecond he hears about a Challenge/TAR crossover, Paulie's going to be working tirelessly to get himself back to CBS for that, and to those who don't watch BB, imagine a straight version of Frankie Grande with sociopath tendencies.
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