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Everything posted by lexington11

  1. That cracked me up too, mostly because I could see myself also spending more time flirting than paying attention to the dancing if I was doing that roadblock. And where was this side of Chris & Bret on Survivor, because they were pretty much non-factors on that season
  2. Bret also entertained me on the silent beat roadblock. I was cracking up about how he just went to the most attractive guys to drag them to the DJ and didn't pay any attention to the rhythm, because that would have also been me doing that task
  3. Rachel's a very forgiving person, because she and Ragan are good friends now, and those two had one of the most intense BB fights I've seen. Plus she's on good terms with Amanda after Amanda made Elissa's life more of a living hell than Britney did to Rachel
  4. I'm guessing Joey and Meghan being YouTubers had something to do with them getting on the cover
  5. I think Britney's over that mindset, because she managed to squash all the drama she and Rachel had when they played together, and Brit trashed her plenty. Janelle I think is still stuck in that mindset.
  6. It definitely conflicted with AR filming dates, because Da'vonne said she was also considered for this season (which is true), but turned it down because it filmed at the same time as The Challenge
  7. Corinne was way worse on Survivor. Eliza is more cutthroat in the sense that she's willing to do whatever tactical move to get ahead, but she's not one of those people that will go low when it comes to making personal remarks, whereas Corinne isn't as devious as Eliza, but if someone screws her over, she will get as personal as necessary with that person. And yeah, it was the elephant task when Victor said that he was feeling bad that Corinne & Eliza and Janelle & Brit were struggling, and because he didn't want to see the 2 all female teams suffer much, he decided to tell them all where to look, while Jamal was the one who got annoyed.
  8. And no doubt those two would've done well, because if Vic/Nic were still there, Vic & Paul were bros on their original season, so that's one ready made alliance. Also, I'm surprised Josh was even in the running, because didn't The Challenge film around the same time AR31 did?
  9. Not everyone, because Britney's had her fair share of drama with Rachel when they played BB together, and I have yet to see anyone calling her a bitch on the regular. Yet Corinne's actions on this show have been consistent with how evil she's been on Survivor. If you think Rachel ls worse, I challenge you to name any time when she made a low blow and brought someone else's family into an argument with them. Yet one of the things Corinne is most notorious for was on her first season of Survivor when she threw in that jab about Sugar needing some anti depressants so it would seem sincere when she was crying about her father, who had recently passed away. Your opinion may vary, but to me, talking like that about someone's loved one is a line you simply do not cross.
  10. Extremely accurate assessment of Corinne & Eliza from Brit
  11. Same...all the other teams I dislike have gone, so hoping they're next
  12. Which most likely was made more aggravating by the fact that her original race partner was her now husband Brendon, and his ego is a match for Rachel's
  13. It always has been, so never expect anything less from Rachel
  14. In Nicole's case, that's not entirely true, because even on BB, she was extremely self conscious and camera shy, and she generally seemed to be one of the few people on either of her seasons who wasn't there to get some level of post show fame/using the show as a way to get noticed by TV producers
  15. I know that, but even during the early airport scenes, where we had the conflict between Colin & Mirna, she had confessionals where she'd say that he was a criminal, abusive, that he probably treats Christie horribly in daily life, etc.
  16. With cassava, you can cut it up and fry it just like you would French fries
  17. So true..aside from Tyler, it seems like the only other ones this season who always have to constantly be on for the camera are Afghanimals, the Reilly sisters, and even Corinne/Eliza with constantly playing up the mean girl/bitchy side in order to get more camera time. Other than that, I don't see any of the remaining teams this season constantly turning it up to 11 whenever a camera is in their face.
  18. I think that "Colin is abusive" mindset was also perpetuated by other teams, which helped fuel the hysteria back then. From what I remember, it was mostly Mirna who was making comments about Colin being a criminal/abusive boyfriend, and her & Charla's fans immediately jumped on that bandwagon.
  19. Not much of a difference between BB Rachel and TAR Rachel, because she's always been this over the top any time a TV camera is on her
  20. My guess is that Paulie still holds a grudge from the previous season, when the roles were flipped and Kyle somehow decided that Paulie hooking up with Cara Maria was a perfectly acceptable reason to make Paulie his number one target.
  21. I think that's just how Nicole is, because even on her two BB stints, she seemed very self conscious and not at all into the camera mugging that everyone else on that show seems to love, and she's the first to admit that she suffers from serious anxiety and that the race was the first time she's been anywhere outside of the USA. When she and Victor are alone without cameras on them, like in their social media videos, she seems far more relaxed than she does on the show.
  22. No kidding...aside from the Afghanimals, Victor, and Floyd, this season doesn't have much minority representation
  23. Britney and Rachel hated each other on their season of BB, so it won't be too long till that happens
  24. Janelle was a superstar mainly because of how impressive she was in the competitions, not because she was a camera mugger. And really, she's tame compared to the more recent generations, because starting in season 16 (Nicole's first season) was when the show started becoming heavily populated by those looking to become actual stars instead of Z-list reality show contestants.
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