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Everything posted by cuddlingcrowley

  1. Wow, another great episode! Do we have a new director? This show has always been pretty but we've been getting some especially great transitions (sp?) and the photography in some scenes is also quite striking lately. Speaking of striking, Hanna has been looking so beautiful! I'm ashamed to say I thought Ashley Benson looked rough for a while there after Spring Breakers. I'm glad she's looking her best again. Still with Hanna, I was very pleased with how her and her mom's storyline was handled. I don't know if it's because I'm rewatching Gilmore Girls, but I got a hint of rory/lorelai from their interaction, only with a lot better boundaries and not a hint of self-righteousness from Hanna at all. I was very pleased. And while I get why Hanna was sad, Ted clearly would make a great stepdad, I'll reiterate Ashley can do so much better. I shipped Jason and Aria back in the day so I was greatly (but pleasantly) shocked we got them doing lunch together seemingly out of nowhere. I don't think this will lead anywhere but I part of wants to dream. Another good surprise was the new character who's getting to interact with Spencer. I didn't initially like his introduction but in the spam of one episode I went from appreciating the pov he brings to kinda sorta picturing him and Spencer together because, by GOD, that girl looked so damn happy during their conversation and she seems in desperate need of something new in he life. Her and Toby are way past stale at this point. My one complaint was the comment about Ezra's butt. I actually said ewwwwwwwwwwwww out loud and this is no slight to Ian Harding's assents. Poor Emily looked so utterly uncomfortable. Speaking of Emily , I'm glad she got the memo Paige obviously meant she wanted some space when she moved to another state and stopped answering her calls. I get the feeling they might have talked off screen and Paige spelled it out or maybe I'm underestimating Emily.
  2. I thought Hanna mentioned her Mom dating a Minister in the same episode we got Ashley and Jason hooking up. Did I imagine that? Regardless, while I abhor cheating in real life, I couldn't be happier with this storyline. I always thought Ashley deserved more fire in her life. And yes, while Jason is hardly lively, he's got the boy toy thing going for him. That's what I meant. If only we weren't talking about real life but about a tv show where dramatic reasons most likely relating to the plot are usually behind the characters' actions... Wait! I really should get around to rewatching this show. The only seasons I watched more than once were one and two and only because they aired on tv where I live. I feel guilty when you guys mention details like that.
  3. I'm like that when it comes to The Vampire Diaries. I took a serious break from it after the show got awful in S3 but today I just mindlessly enjoy it. Or, you know, she's dodging Emily's calls for a reason: because she wants to break up. At the very least, Paige certainly in no way hinted she wanted to do the long distance relationship thing which Emily seems determined to do. My take on their goodbye scene is that she wanted a break but I don't blame Emily for not quite getting it. Instead of being honest, Paige chose to do that bullshit tv thing where at least one half of a pair doesn't want to be in a relationship anymore and instead of owning up to it, they say bullshit like "this is what's supposed to happen between us right now" or whatever she said because they're not ready/don't want to shut that door completely. Eh, I did a doubletake on that as well but I'm thinking while her parents can't afford to put her through college completely, surely they, along with Emily and her part time jobs, have started saving a little something since finding out she won't get a scholarship. The writers could have put it in a different way, but I don't think it's a plot hole.
  4. More Spencer and Caleb!!!!!!! I'm unworthy!
  5. HOLY MOTHER OF COW THAT WAS ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE!!! And yes almost every terrible couple in this show crashing and burning might have had a lot to do with that. Haleb wasn't touched but we got to enjoy the awesomeness that is Caleb and Spencer working together and I never wanted it to end. I ship these two like Fedex! They looked amazing together. Spencer's coat was a thing of beauty and Caleb actually looked sort of beautiful to me during this episode. I really don't know what happened. Also, I get where Toby is coming from and I even sympathize to some extent given I'm also in the law profession(especially with that last scene) but his whole thing about doing the "right thing" in this instance was completely nonsensical. I loved that both Caleb and Spencer reacted exactly how I felt. I also completely loved every single thing about Aria's storyline. From her being the only one of the girls that didn't get accepted in ANY of the colleges she applied to, to her idea of writting that GLORIOUS LETTER, a huge effort to get in her "slam dunk college". This show's precious snow flake got a reality crash. I'm extremelly excited about where we're gonna go from here with her. And I dare hope this is the beginning of the end of Ezria once and for all. Ashley and Jason!!!!!!!!!!!!! I dared to hope from the first scene together but I truly believed I was gonne be left frustrated with them having some ridiculous mother/son bonding and whatever but then NOT ONLY DID JASON KISSED HER BUT ASHLEY RECIPROCATED AND THEN THEN THENNNNNNNNNNN. Thank you show!! I also liked Emily's storyline a lot. When she broke down it really hit me how Emily's character is in desperate need for the story to take to some new places, even if that new place is something as common as crying over a girlfriend. It struck me that we rarely get see Shay do more than tense/angry and lovey-dovey. Also, i'll confess I felt a sense of satisfaction when Paige wouldn't return her messages. Now, you're without both your girlfriends. lmao tough luck emily. Speaking of Paige, I just rewatched 5x14 and her goodbye scene with Emily, right before watching 5x15, and I got a really strong feeling Paige indeed might have been the one who killed Mona. She really didn't give Emily a good reason for going way, especially considering Ali/A had been arrested, but she seemed extremelly determined about going. Hanna visting Ali!! Her interaction with crazy!Mona in Radley were some of my favorites in the entire show, I hope we get something like that. Now I think Holbrook isn't actually corrupt at all and he really is simply trying to help Ali because he knows she's innocent and that's it. The girls' reaction to learning Hanna kissed Holbrook. Absolutely priceless!! Last but not least, the fashion. Everyone looked gorgeous. Hanna with her ponytail and red lipstick, Spencer and her coat. Caleb. Even Aria was cute in this episode. Well done, show! This episode as a whole really played with my expectations. I expected Aria and Emily to excell in their endeavors and it would be a cheesefest. I also expected A would show itself in a more obvious way immediately after Ali was arrested. And I also expected at least one of the girls to doubt whether they did they right thing when it comes to Alison. While I'm rooting for Alison I'm also glad none of those things happened.
  6. I don't know, but, in the back of my mind, I've always though the girls aren't the main target but simply have been caught in the crossfire in some war where Alison and Mona are some of the main players but not the only ones. Making the girls weak/scared/isolated/insane being the point of A's torture and not revenge or punishment like I've seen mentioned here a couple of times. I think they're what could tip the scale to either side winning. Alternativelly, I love both the dollhouse theory and the Radley theory. We've been discussing the possibility that the girls are seeing A messages when they aren't there since way back when Emily got that cereal box with all the As and maybe even before that. I feel the firewords scene is definitely a contender for them imagining things and I wonder if they're gonna explore this storyline what with Aria wondering about A sabotaging her college applications. I think the timing couldn't be better to explore that issue. If A is indeed sabotaging their chances of getting out of Rosewood then that's scary as hell and ups the stakes so they get the boost to be more proactive about defeating A once and for all, if not and they're so damaged by A's torture that they can't tell what's real and what's not, A might as well follow them whetever they are anyway, so is escaping an option at all?
  7. Look at what tumblr did! I'd laugh for a thousand of years if Paige was the one who killed Mona, if only for the look on Emily's face when she found that out, after framing Alison for Paige's crime. I would forgive this show for everything if this turns out to be true.
  8. I'm tentatively intrigued about the possible interactions between Alison and Toby in this episode given her line about him forgetting about what's like being framed or whatever (she could be talking to Spencer tho...). This has the potential to take Toby to a really interesting place. Also, I'm pretty sure there's a rough patch between him and Spencer in the cards soon, so there might something to do with it.
  9. I'm one of those that has taken in face value Mona being dead, but you guys are making me change my mind. This: And this: Mona could have pretended to be a body not only to leave evidence in the trunk of Ali's car but also so that Mike could take pictures of her dead body in Ali's trunk so they can be used in later date. I know, doesn't make tons of sense, but since when does this show need things to make tons of sense? And yes, Mike is totally A. The little asshole. On another note, I'm totally ready for the bonnie and clyde themed flashbacks with Mona and Mike working together. In regards to the firewords, time actually slowed down for me where I went they'renotgonnagotherethey'renotgonnagottherethey'renot-- aaaaaand they went there. And then I chuckled to myself. At this point I truly believe the writers are doing outrageous shit to make us laugh. I remember the dark cracky humour from the A tags of the first couple of seasons and I have sincerely missed those.
  10. The episode started pretty slow but I'm happy to say it shaped up halfway through. Aria and the rape whistle was ridiculous beyond words, especially considering how obvious it is that Alison is innocent. But I will say her scene with Mike really impressed me . I'm under the opinion Aria has all the reasons in the word and some to hate Mona and pull out a red dress a la the one Hanna wore when Ian died. So she could have shut down Mike's agnsty party ten seconds flat by mentioning simply one of the horrible things Mona has done to her and the rest of the girls since the show started. So I think it was beyond generous of Aria to offer to hear about the Mona Mike knew. It was an inspired thing to say, to say the least. I can't say I would have been able to act in such a way if I had been in Aria's position. Mike's whole "I know the real Mona" thing really got on my nerves. I find it extremelly arrogant and egotistical. While I think he has every right to mourn his dead girlfriend because he obviously got to know a different side of Mona, I find the complete lack of empathy he shows towards his sister who was bulied by said girlfriend really off putting. Again, I have to applaud Aria here because she never seems to have held it against Mike the fact that a girl having been her former bully never stopped him from considering her "girlfriend material", but by God I do. If he was my brother, I'd have raised hell. I actually finished the episode thinking it was Mike who attacked Aria. He has done it before. Pailey couldn't bore me more even if they tried so I'm so so soooooo relieved Paige is gone, at least for the time being. I tend to have all the patience in the world for Emily (I was one of the few that dug her morning of Maya is S3 while never liking Maya), but her hot and cold thing with Paige has completely lost me and I didn't feel any simpathy whatsoever when Paige rightfully chose to leave. Emily will have a new girlfriend in a week and if it's Alison I wouldn't be surprised. Speaking of Alison and Emily, I was really shocked at Emily being willing to create false evidence to frame Alison. I still haven't decided if that was in character. I understand wanting to save Spencer played a huge part in that as did Emily still feeling scorned by Alison but Lord that was harsh! Hanna calling Grimauld (sp??) was interesting. I was surprised Jason came though for Spencer. Well done! And his scenes with Ali are all gold, but that last one when the police arrived and she just asked him to try and stall them killed me. I can't help it, my heart really went out for her during the arrest scene even as I felt the girls were justified, for the most part, for acting how they've been acting. I also realize a lot of what has brought her to this moment was her own doing and the moment overall gave me a sense of satisfaction because it felt very earned. But I was very conflicted watching. Same here, that was completely horrible. I can't believe that was allowed to be shown. I truly can't. The girls talking about leaving Rosewood made me strangely sad. It's the sanest thing to do, obviously, but the prospect of them being apart...
  11. I'm on the verge of considering the christmas' special non-canon. Nothing remotely relevant happened but on top of that there was the above which was out of character on multiple levels, problematic AND made no sense in the context of the show so I'll just chalk this whole thing up as the cast goofing around and call it a day.
  12. Considering the buzzfeed article I doubt it especially with the time jump where the writers could have each girl going her own way and not necessarily have to show it. I'm more worried about what their friendship will look like. It's perfectly possible to remain close to a highschool friend while far away (I know I have) especially if you have a bond as deep as these girls have but the question isn't whether it's possible they'd all be friends in 5 or 10 years from now. It's whether they'd want to. I can see at least Aria wanting to shut the door on the A part of her life for good and I don't think she'd be the only one. My secret hope for this theoretical time jump is that the current love interests be long gone and maybe some surprising couplings (Hannily *hinthint*).
  13. That's interesting indeed! I hadn't caught on that. I actually pictured something like this as well and I wish we had seen it. It would have made Ezra half naked in a room full of his students a tiny bit less jarring. Which brings me to the impression I got that this special peharps was originally conceived to be 2 hour long so, for some reason, the episode had to be completely chopped up to fit in however long that was. It would make a lot of sense given the structural mess we got. I hate being negative nelly but I personally kept yelling get a frigging FLASHLIGHT when he was uselessly trying to warn Hanna and his participation in the plan ended up serving no porpouse whatsoever. They should have given him a walkie talkie or something, imo. He had a great view of the house and definitely could have been an asset if he could have been able to communicate with the girls properly. Yes, that's fairly obvious which is why I took no pleasure in seeing a traumatized young girl who's been through hell (even if it was of her own making) who just lost her mother spend Christimas completely alone hallucinating out of her mind. Especially because it's only a matter of time until Alison unites with the girls again and we learn things like these were completely gratuitous. I don't know, I remember the writers being more sensitive than this. Even Mona never got this kind of treatment, I don't think.
  14. While watching the show from A's pov would be incredible -- hell, watching one episode from A's pov would be incredible!--, I also think they're gonna go with a time jump. In many ways it would be more appropriate but especially because more and more I have trouble buying this cast as teens. They all look like and act they're graduating from college, imo. Everybody talks about Troian's age but the one that constantly pulls me out of the show because of the age aspect is Shay. She gets even more ridiculously gorgeous with each passing day but the kind of gorgeous of a grown woman. I just googled to confirm my guess that she had to be around 27 and boy does she look it.
  15. Basically this. It was extremelly cringe worthy and, dare I say, out of character of Ezra. Isn't he usually pretty damn awkward around the other girls or the fact he, occasionally, seemed aware his relationship with Aria is completely imoral was just one of his many lies? Okay, I know I'm not supposed to be thinking so hard about this so i'll stop....Surely Emily at least should have screamed in horror? No? Okay. You can add to the out of character moments Jenna joining Alison because she's terrified of her. I. Don't. Buy. It. I know Alison blinded her but this is JENNA for God's sakes. Don't ruin her, show. Don't you dare! And of course: Speaking of pointless, why the hell was Lucas in this episode at all? And he was, supposedly working with the liars? Huh? When did that happen and why didn't we actually get to see him do anything useful in this episode? Same goes for Toby. That's not how writting works! I loved seeing all the girls again and I've missed this show terribly, I truly did, but I really could have done without this Christmas special. Everyone looked gorgeous and the show was as pretty as ever but I think there was way too much focus on the production but not nearly enough on the writting. The episode had all the elements to create a special episode with Alison's ball and Mona's ghost, heck PLL has done a lot more with a hell of a lot less, but I don't think whoever was chosen to write this episode even tried. Sadly, same goes for the acting which, imo, I'm afraid to say, it was absolutely god awful with special mentions to Shay and Troian, the later who very obviously broke character at the sight of A's little surprise. Frankly, i'd rather had watched 2 hours of Alison uncovering repressed memories with Mona's ghost scared the crap out of her while Hanna went through her various hiding spots narrating each one. There. Give me that episode. Okay, rant over. Now I'm gonna give these people a break because they clearly very much need one. Hopefully, they'll be well rested by january. Hopefully.
  16. I agree with Cranberry. I think this new show stands a good chance. While I could not have been less interested in Ravenswood mainly because of Caleb but also because of the completely lackluster cast and premise of show, I think I'll be checking this new show out. I gave The Lying Game more of a go than I ever gave Ravenswood but it was pretty mediocre all around, maybe save for the main actress who played the twins and the blonde sister. Still, the good twin/bad twin thing has been done to death in TVD (I know Elena and Katherine aren't actually twins but they might as well) and I was pretty sick of the premise already to be able to stomach an even more superficial version of it. It didn't help that the main guy who the girls fought for was simply awful. I agree that PLL has struck gold with its casting, not just the main girls but also with the supporting actors. I know I was instantly hooked with the pilot and I don't think I've ever liked so many characters in show at once before. I'll certainly be rooting for MK to find a similar success with this new show. Not only would it mean I new show to obsess over long after PLL is gone but I also think it would make MK and the producers more willing to wrap PLL sooner than later.
  17. Eh...the special was a sweet gesture and all but I thought it was pretty meh overall. I would much rather have watched something focused on the show itself (be it the clothes, the sets, the actors, the characters, the crew, etc.) than the fans My favorite part was when the actors' whose characters have died spoke about the experience of being written off the show. It was unexpectedly hilarious. Is it just me or this hiatus has been feeling longer than all the others? It always seemed to me like PLL was on all year long and we were pretty spoiled when in comparison to other shows, especially like the ones in HBO or the british ones. Maybe it's the lack of a Halloween episode...I can't wait for the Christimas' episode. It seems so far away still though...
  18. That's true! I also believe she knows what's she's doing in the majority of the time and I think MK likes to show a strong front at all times (and possibly genuinely doesn't get hang up on the stuff she can't control, like ABC chopping her storylines). There's something to be said about that attitude because writting for tv must be pretty brutal. You have to do the best you can with the little time you got, then your work has to go through a bunch of people and, if that's not bad enough, you simply can't go back to change this or that or add something to make some new storyline more seemingly or make a past one more polished like you can do with a novel. You just have to keep going and I always remember this Rob Thomas interview where he talked about this and it made me a lot more tolerant when it comes to tv shows. Now that's intriguing. Not that I care very much about Melissa's ring (although that episode is a classic) but what other things Oliver Goldstick might be referring to, like the infamous "page 5" or "Maya Knew"? Those are on the top of my list. To heck?
  19. I saw red for a minute there. Seriously woman? I can't even call you a bad writer, because, imo, you're really, really not. I love 90 % of the what you write but what gives?´Why is your blind spot with these two characters so friggin huge?? Bless Ian Harding's soul. That is all. This was such a fun read. I love how they asked literally everyone from the crew and I love how all these people at least appear to be genuine fans of the show. There's nothing quite as depressing as a crew who looks down on their own show, even if it's warranted.
  20. If that's true then I so knew the Pailey effortless reunion signified emminent doom. That's what happens when you're a doormat. On another note, I'm extremelly excited for the Christma's special now. It sounds glorious. I'm so happy Janel will remain a regular!
  21. Oh, man, you just reminded me how let down I was when Emily went to the dance with Toby and then revealed Maya was the one she really wanted to be with. Uhg, Maya. That's so weird to remember given how the show shaped up to be and how I've developed as a viewer. I've grown to ship Emily with not one but two of the main girls (Alison and Hanna) and the though of her with a guy is unholy to me nowadays. It's almost as weird remembering that once upon a time Toby was quite an intriguing and even likable character. To answer your question, I personally give a lot of leeway to teenagers when it comes to stuff like this and Emily had just started to come to terms with being interested in girls during this time period. I believe there was enough chemistry that even Emily wondered that might have been something there but in the end she just knew and she really doesn't strike me as a bi even though there was that flirtation with Toby, the asshole boyfriend and that creepy stuff with Nate. The only guy I've ever seen her show any resemblance of genuine interest was Toby but, in retrospect, that chemistry was probably simply a result of them meeting in the right place and right time and bonding over feeling like outsiders.
  22. I go back and forth with Paige a lot too. Overall, I think she's a great girlfriend for Emily right now. Certainly way better than Maya ever was both as a love interest and as a fleshed out character in her own right, but i don't see them going for the long haul. That said, I don't love Paige and sometimes she can really annoy the crap out of me and I often wish she was gone mostly because I get bored really quickly with love interests which really doesn't go well with watching a show where all love interests are the same since season 1. Which I guess is another unpopular opinion: I supposed I miss the days where we at least got Wren and Jason to shake things up. Yep.
  23. Yes, I would also make the sacrifice of sleeping with Wilden. I don't even have children and don't really intend to have them but I would endure that hardship. For science. He was one of the very few male characters on this show that I thought was hot. Same! I so know what you mean about that "don't really care" kind of acting. To be fair, in Charmed, I think that sort of worked otherwise Piper's character would have been incredibly charmless (I'm so sorry about that pun) and she has held that back a little on Pretty Little liars which I appreciate. But yeah, I also agree that Ella is the weakest Mom by far. She wasn't always though but she has been absolutely terrible lately. I can only speak for myself, but Charmed went on for for-frigging-ever and if you stuck with it, even if you weren't a huge fan of it, you probably have some lingering fondness for the actress. I know I do even though her character has been making me cringe and Piper wasn't really my favorite. To be fair though, I think Lucy Hale and Holly Marie Combs have great chemistry and really work off each other well. I just wish Ella wasn't absolutely terrible at giving relationship advice. My unpopular opinion is that I find both Toby and Caleb remarkably unnapealing and I see almost no chemistry between them and the girls. I loathe Ezria on principle because they're a teacher/student relationship that should have been hot and scandalous and not one so tame that it looks like they're two 12 year olds dating for the first time BUT I think they're the canon couple with most chemistry (which isn't saying much) and that look best together. I also have grown to accept that they're pretty much perfect for each other. But to do that I had to completely kill any and all hope there's anything remotely redeemable about Aria but they sure are perfect together.
  24. Oh, I knew that scene was a callback to somewhere! The difference being that when Tara went "let's skip the talking and kiss and make up" actually worked perfectly, imo, while between Paige and Emily just made me go "meh" like anything with them usually makes me feel. I just don't feel MK is that invested in them, I truly don't. I don't get endgame from them. But I don't think Paige is gonna die. We had that with Maya already and I think it was challeging enough dealing with one dead girlfriend and Emily already went Dark!Emily when she kissed a dude and killed him, imo. We're having a special christimas episode this year. Did you miss Emily laying the smackdown of all smackdowns on Ali in the previous episode? Where she went "I'm so done with you"?
  25. Oh, that would have been awesome! Along with a handful of hilarious lines that scene gave us, I actually saw a lot of S1!Emily there which I loved because from all the liars it seems like Emily is the one who changed the most and it can get a little jarring if you think about it. That's one of the main reasons I think the girls are simply way off in regards to what they think Alison is up to. It's nice to see one of the actual great characters of this show get some proper attention and not frigging #PoorToby or #EzrA. Also, I think it's just starting to sink in that Mona is really dead and I'm getting weirdly sad. I applaud the writers' decision because not only was it very well done but it kept the show from getting too predictable but damn no more Mona...and poor thing probably suffered a lot. I wonder if we're gonna get any details about how she went out if/when they find the body at some point. I don't know if I want that. We didn't even get to see the murder weapon which makes it even creepier somehow.
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