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Everything posted by cuddlingcrowley

  1. Not only that, but according to "How to get away with murder", the celltower can pinpoint the spot you make a phonecall. I'll echo everyone and say Ali's conviction was completely preventable. There was no case against her but, unfortunately, she had the worst lawyer (can you imagine Annalise Keating being Ali's lawyer? Girl wouldn't have seen the inside of a jail cell) and both her and Hanna basically had long given up. Mike not testifying was unnaceptable as was the girls not coming clean about A. What did they have to lose, after all? I don't buy anyone feeling selfless about their loved ones potentially being in danger when you're facing a murder conviction. Aria, of course, couldn't have been more helpful to A's endgame even if she had tried. She basically threw everyone under the bus in order to save her brother and I don't think she knew that meant screwing herself over as well, until the very end. She also has always been one of the liars most set on not coming clean about A and I think that was, ultimately, the nail in their coffin. And I think it was a very intentional narrative decision from the writers' part. Otherwise, they wouldn't have had Caleb being so loud about the girls doing the exact opposite. I loved his smackdown of Ezra, btw. I also loved Sara Sheppard's cameo!! That's how you do it! I'll got out on a limb and say Spoby is doomed. Just wait. Quick-make ups without adressing any of the issues (Toby is a tool but Spencer did cheat... a lot.) is a recipe for disaster. I predicted the same thing for Pailey. Although, brushing everything under the carpet is the Spoby way, so what do I know? I think I saw Aria spirit checking out of that relationship even as she smiled like a pro and leaned over to give him a peck.
  2. Black Knight, you raise very interesting points. I actually found myself wondering about Caleb in the episode he convinced Hanna to turn herself in. All in all, he just seemed to show very little emotion through the whole thing. And of course, Spencer's comment about him the best boyfriend kind of reminded me of her calling Toby the moral compass of Rosewood and we all know how that midseason finale turned out. I don't think it'll go that way though nor do I want the story to go that way because This. So let's not ruin the only decent male on this show, please MK. Please. Take Ezra. Take Toby. Take both! Aria remains as shady as ever to me, though. She just strikes me as way more calculating and self-serving than she lets on. Which is not necessarily bad but, you know, shady. And that's coming from a calculating person. Takes one to know one. When she cried out she never called the number with her phone I felt a tingle.
  3. Let me tell you about my feels! How much do I love the fact that Caleb clearly has a favorite liar (outside of his girlfriend) and boy does he have good taste! Their heart to heart was adorable and Spencer gushing about him being their perfect boyfriend!! I know she didn't say "their" but she totally meant it. I was never Caleb's biggest fan, but my appreciation of him has improved leaps and bounds but I think the only thing that prevents me from loving him fully is that him and Hanna have no chemistry whatsover, imo. I really wish they'd had the most amicable break up ever and Spencer and him finally got married...I mean got together. Also, anyone catch Aria's little side-eye when Caleb called out: "Spence"? It made my day. She's also the only who doesn't get a nickname. Even Emily is "Em". Serves you right for not answering the damn phone, Aria.
  4. I live in a medium to small sized town and I've probably asked or have been asked Ali's question about 10.000 times. It's perfectly common to be raining in a part of town and to be completely dry in another, sometimes with less than ten minutes of distance because it's just a cloud hovering over that particular spot. And about that Aria scene. Boy, that's one boring scene. I stopped halfway through because I don't want to have to rewatch the entire thing when the episode airs. I actually think her skirt is uglier and more unflattering than the cat jacket could ever dream ot be.
  5. This is embaressing, but could someone please remind me what Melissa and Spencer were talking about? What did Melissa do to protect Spencer that ended up getting someone killed? I remember this storyline, I just don't remember the reveal. On another note, anyone else thinks the lawyer indeed told Ezra who hired him? That was such a odd spot to cut the scene. I'm beside myself with happiness that Ezria finally got a proper break up and that Spoby seems to be going up in flames. If only we got the return of EzrA and TobiAs then I'd die happy. I'm pleased about Hanna being the one who got sent jail and not Spencer. It feels right that's the way all the lies would get revealed. I don't think Spencer would have ever been willing to come true unless it was a way for her to come out in the offence.
  6. Anyone in search of a good laugh should check the Ezria tag on tumblr after this episode, which I did immediately after seeing the Andrew/Aria kiss. I hope this isn't against the rules but I really felt it was my duty to share this little gem and this one. It truly amazes how warped the perception of some of the kids watching this show has become that Aria cheating is easily seeing as worst than Ezra stalking and getting involved with her in order to write his book, knowing full well what her age was and while he was her teacher.
  7. LOL. I'm sure I'll find it funny in the rewatch but I spent Spencer's scenes torn between cringing and in a state of utter disbilief in regards to what I was watching. And the closest I've come to England is watching way too many BBC shows, but even I know the accents were way too exaggerated and the dialogue was horribly unrealistc. I was also torn about how I felt about Collin. He's hot and all, but the dialogue was truly horrible. Still, he gave me shades of Sebastian Roche, especially in his last scene, so I appreciated that. I'm not gonna do a detailed post about the episode because I'm very tired but can someone explain to me what the hell Talia is still doing on this show? And why Emily was hitting on her all over again even though, last episode I thought we all agreed she's the worst? What are you doing Emily?? Are you having a breakdown??? Is this what you look like having a breakdown??? Don't forget the random new ability. I don't even mind terribly how Emily's dancing was introduced, I'm just extremelly sick of watching it. It was cute for one episode and Hanna did a great job of distracting me from Shay's porn faces but I'm completely done at this point. I actually fast-fowarded through some of her scenes. I don't even fast-foward through Ezria!! This was a good episode for the AriA+ theory. Okay, with that said, as grumpy as I may sound, I liked the episode. Especially the Ali bits and the Mama Hastings bits.
  8. Your theory is everything I want and everything I secretly believe. I won't let go of the possibility of Ezra and Toby (especially Ezra) still being on the A-team until the bitter end.
  9. I had to rewind because I was confused as well, but it seems framing Alison was A's plan which Mona only went along with so she could gain A's trust in order to take them down. Alison getting framed was just a means to an end. I'm sure she'll love learning that! The person playing A is obviously a dude and I think the show was actually making point that it was a dude in their last scene, so who do we think it is? Ezra? Toby? Andrew?
  10. The person who leaked the spoilers was spot on about Hanna's dancing scene and while I'm looking foward to the major spoiler about the finale to be true, , I really hope some of the minor stuff they spoiled, is not entirely accurate.
  11. Eh, hate to say I called Talia's "my husband is my best friend" bullshit as being bullshit but I totally did. I'm so glad Emily took the blinders off and right in time for Alison being revealed as innocent. Bring on the Emison! Good riddance, Talia! On that note, I absolutely loved how the writers went about this. As most of you, I was convinced Mike had absolutely nothing to do with A and his behavior would be given some unsatisfying explanation like "roid rage" and that would be that. But not only was he was detrimental to the reveal that Mona faked her death but he did a great service to the narrative by retaining the mistery of whether she's actually dead in a belivable manner! Bonus points for the writers for doing that Mona fainting scene way back when that leads credibility and build up for this entire storyline. A++++, writers! Well, done! Hanna's crazy dance will go down as one of my favorite pll moments of all time! These writers know their characters in a way that very few tv show writers know. They could have easily took the lazy, superficial way out and had Hanna not be as good a dance as Emily and that would be that. But instead they went all they way and did a character piece and I was so happy. We also got a gorgeous Hannily moment! Indeed. And I know Ashley Benson is game so what the hell is MK waiting for? I was very impressed by those scenes for many reasons and this is one of them. AB was truly brilliant. That couldn't have been easy. Also, Caleb being so meh about the girls dancing reminded me back of the time I was convinced he was gay and was bound to have an affair with Lucas. Caleb is a great pal but as a boyfriend he's a wetblanket as much as the rest of the boyfriends on this show. Last, but not least, oh Jonny, I miss you already! The juxtaposition of Emily and Hanna dancing to Bang Bang and Spencer being a Boss as she stole art made my life! I don't think I've loved her, IN YEARS, as much as I loved her during this episode. The kiss between her and Jonny was the perfect way to end this storyline and props to Troian for how she played the moment Spencer realized she has been cheating on Toby with Jonny this entire time. Speaking of Toby, I have nothing against Keegan personally. I read an interview where he talked about his book and he seems like a really sweet, cool guy, but MOTHER OF GOD how unlikably can you play a character that even when I don't intelectually disagree with what he's doing, I just want to punch his face. Repeatedly. Not only that, but Spencer is the one going around cheating on him, breaking the law and forcing Toby to chose between her and his job and YET, somehow, I still feel like she's on the right. What has this show done to me? All in all, another amazing episode. Season 5 is shapping up to be one of my favorite seasons. I don't think I've enjoyed this show this much since season 1. I feel like the writers finaaaaaaaaally learned to balance plot, characters and love interests.
  12. I just realized I might not have the same interpretation as most of you. I totally think the "my husband is my best friend" thing is complete bullshit. If the guy is just her best friend and nothing more, then why not get a divorce and remain, you know, friends with the guy? There was nothing about the conversation between Talia and Emily that made me think she's a lesbian. I paid very close attention to her wording and what I got from it is that she's bisexual and by being with both Emily and her husband, she's having her cake and eating it. So you can imagine how extremely confused I was that Emily could be okay with going along with this. I predict Emily stumbling upon them having a very steamy encounter or Talia inviting her to a threesome or something. Absolutely terrible bisexual representation perpetuating the "bisexuals are just greedy" cliche, but there you go. Bottom line is that Emily should never have agreed to be involved with Talia while she's married. But I guess these girls have got to act like teenagers some of the time.
  13. lion10, it took me about 0.2 seconds to give in to temptation but I'm glad I did. The spoilers sound insane, like awesome insane. I don't regret reading it and I think it will only make me appreciate the season more in anticipation for what's to come. There are some minor stuff I didn't like, but pretty par of the course with PLL.
  14. I don't have a problem with Shay's acting. I think she has grown a lot as an actress since the first season and she's perfectly competent. That said, I believe Emily's storyline in 5-B is possibly the worst she's had and I include the mourning of Maya through the first half of season 3 which is almost universally hated but I dug it, mostly. But I think it's near impossible to seem young and fresh when you're written to be basically carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders while interacting with the most boring character in the history of this show. Imo. But yeah, to each its own on the age thing. That's very subjective. I have a case of Lucy Hale where I look way too young for my age so that probably has something to do with my opinions.
  15. I'm not arguing against the actor who plays Andrew looking way too old but I'll say it doesn't bother me, terribly. Same goes for Troian, for that matter. The only one who constantly pulls me out of scenes is Shay. They're even making a point of seriously dressing her down lately, but the girl doesn't look a day younger than 27 to me. The fact that Emily is constantly frowning and looking tense makes it worse. Talia looks between 33 and 35 to me.
  16. I loved all the little nods to continuity but this one just about won the entire episode for me: Also, can Andrew drive the girls to all their crazy adventures from now on, while making cute inquiries and standing nearby with a bat while shit goes down? After this episode, I felt the PLL group is seriously missing a key member. It's scary how accurately you described my feelings during the Ezra & Hanna scene. He wasn't half bad there. Actually, he was sort of awesome! I kept thinking what if, up until this point he had been a minor character, a young, "hip" teacher Aria had a crush on at some point but never went anywhere BECAUSE HE'S HER TEACHER and now that they're with a foot out of highschool and he has openned the brew, he becomes a mentor and an ally and why the heck not A FRIEND and OH TO DREAM. Yup! My theory as well. Along with Andrew, I'd like for us to keep Jonny. I know what he did was messed up but he really seemed to regret it after Spencer dropped the "I've been arrested for murder" bomb. I don't even find him all that cute or necessarily would like the type of person he is in real life, but mostly, I'm really sold on the connection between him and Spencer. I can see quite clearly what's drawing them together and it feels belivable. Cardboard Toby better watch out. Spencer looks more and more infatuated by the episode and I can see this very clear picture of her getting in Oxford and having this hipster boyfriend her parents would loathe. And, I don't know, in this crazy picture of the future she actually smiles around her boyfriend. Also, the Evil Church lady is A. i'm calling it! All in all, I thought this was a great episode! ETA: I will not talk about Talia. Maybe if I ignore it, it will go away.
  17. Thank you, guys. That cleared things out a lot. Now he has lost the little baby fat he had so he definitely looks older. His face used to be fuller and the glasses helped make him look younger as well, I think. He has always been...huge so I never bought him as student. But he has nice chemistry with Spencer, so he can come back whenever. I couldn't see them dating, though,
  18. While I can understand Aria freaking out -- I was always a great student and yet it took me very little to lose my shit and believe I was gonna fail--, something tells me that while Aria probably gets a couple of As, she's probably a solid B student in most subjects. That would still make her a good student... I believe. I'm not american so I'm way over my head in this conversation as it is and people on TV seem to either get straight As or Cs and Fs, but to make "honor roll" one would need straight As right? If so, I can see that being daunting to anyone. The part of that clip that bothered me the most was the "conditional admission". Is there really such a thing? It sounds horrible.
  19. That scene might be my favorite scene of the entire series! I loved just everything about it! The imagery of the all american blonde riding in her car alone late at night listening to loud music and instead of us getting the tired old dumb blonde victim cliche we get Hanna kicking ass and teaching a pervert a lesson. Word on Hanna giving Aria some lessons. This was one of many great lines in this episode. Not all of them landed great (Emily's speech fell incredibly flat to me), but most did, imo. Yeah, I was either incredibly bored or incredibly confused by Emily in this episode. I didn't get her little speech and I felt the urge to foward through all her scenes. And then I forced myself to go back and watch them properly. Mistake. Talia is absolutely the worst. She's remending me of Maya at this point, given how much I'm growing to detest her. I think it's ridiculous that Emily would be involved with someone this soon, even though I called it. I don't care how lonely or whatever she is. Paige left five minutes ago and Alison is in jail. Surely that would cause enough emmotional turmoil for her to swear off women for a while, but nope! Yes! That was my first thought when she came up on the screen. And I echo whoever said she's not supposed to look geeky or nerdy at all, even hollywood geeky. She looked incredibly stylish to me and I liked the look of the actress a lot and i think the character is interesting but I felt she had some trouble with her lines. Same goes for Mike, actually. They both pulled me out of the story because their line reading sounded so artificial at times. The lines weren't great, to be fair. My thoughts exactly. But now I'm thinking they might have mentioned Cece and not Shana because: a) Aria, you know, killed Shana, so that's an uncomfortable name to bring up; b) I don't think they ever let their guard down around Shana like they did with Cece hence why she might be more appropriate to mention given the context; On another note, I like Johnny (sp?) and I was as impressed by his machine as Spencer. He can stay. Also, I always appreciated Spencer's ability to flirt like a pro and make me completely forget she has a boyfriend. I think she forgets too. But who can blame her? Toby needs to never come back. I also liked the scenes between her and her mother and how she put her doubts about the college thing. Have I mentioned Toby needs to never come back? Unlike most, I didn't think this episode was boring AT ALL. I wish it had aired last week instead of the one we got! I'm so happy the girls finally realized Holbrook isn't the one after them and Mike is in the spotlight, after weeks of build up. I really appreciated the editting and the character details through out. I'd like to make special mentions to: Emily and Caleb chatting (adorable!), Hanna and Spencer making up (double adorable!) and all the Mona/Hanna flashbacks with creepy!Mona. I actually thought Mona was making reference to the british children's drama series called "Bernard's watch". I used to love that show! But I know it's unlikely.
  20. It's just speculation, at this point, but there was interview aboutthe finale where it was talked about taking the show to a different place or something like that got me 80% sure we're heading to a time jump. The couples breaking up definitely seems like a huge hint to me. ETA: Okay, I just found this. I don't know how legit it is.
  21. I miss Wilden. I always enjoyed the hell out of his scenes with Hanna. They had an interesting history with his involvement with Hanna's mom and the Nat club of course. I was gonna ask if you actually mean Holbrook with the kissing Ali thing then I realized Wilden macked out Ali was well right? But do you mean Holbrook here? Because if yes, then I also have a feeling he might not be corrupt and that Tanner and him are working on something together.
  22. I immediately thought of this and I was surprised Caleb didn't bring it up. Now I'm wondering if highschool me would have thought of this and maybe it's realistic that they didn't. Maybe I've watched way too many spy shows, but I thought it was common knowledge that's perfectly doable to pass a polygraph test without any help. Add Haleb to that and I can almost dare to dream that they're prepairing to shipping of all the love interests so they can do the time jump. If we do have that time jump, I'd even accept older!Spencer interacting with older!Toby for the agnst and if they absolutely have to keep him around, as long they're long over and have no hopes of getting back together. Caleb remaing a pal to the girls and/or marrying Spencer would also be acceptable. Uhg this! She just might possibly be one of the most boring and predictable characters this show has ever introduced. The fact that she and Emily have no chemistry whatsoever doesn't help at all. I want her gone. I even prefer Paige over her. I'm thinking the same thing especially because Ian Harding didn't even try to look upset during that scene. But mostly I think Ezra is just trying to protect himself. The likelyhood of Aria meeting some new dude and deciding to dump Ezra's ass when she gets in college is huge. Not before growing to resent the hell out of him, of course, because drama. I mean we are talking about the girl who kissed his brother. I think the only chance they might have is if they decide to do a open relationship for a while. I could see Aria managing to keep that up. There's no way Ashley and Jason are over. I actually could see the show going ahead with Ashley marrying Ted and then she and Jason getting together again for a full blown afair. and This: I'm think/hope the letter thing might lead to something bigger that might tear them apart, if this is where the show wants to go. Ideally it should serve to make Aria take the blinders off in regards to Ezra. But I don't know what could have that power. The yearbook scene was ridiculous and hilarious at the same time. They obviously were trying to show how utterly obsessed with her relationship Aria has been that she has become incapable of having a life outside of it but they didn't need to go through the trouble. Just keep showing her cutting the girls off from talking about A and getting framed for murder to talk about Ezra. That's all I need to see to get what a self-absorbed little twit she is. You guys are killing me! To wrap this up, I didn't like this episode anywhere near as much as liked the previous ones. The writting wasn't par to the story and it kind ruined the great pace the show had going. I'm more than ready for the girls to realize Alison isn't A.
  23. I agree with your entire post and my take on the whole thing was that the novelty of dating a Minister and whatever moral validation that gave Ashley definitely wore off. Uhg, this so much. I'm actually under the opinion the show has done a solid job of establishing, for years now, why going to the police is simply not an option and it keeps giving more and more reasons why as times goes on. I actually though both Caleb and Spencer showed incredible restraint in not taking Mona's laptop with them and/or called the police. I don't think I would have resisted and it would have been a terrible idea. While we're at it, I don't think these characters' decision making skills, generally, are nearly as bad as some posters make it out. I definitely don't think they're stupid most of the time but they have done stupid things for sure. Hanna and the gun comes to mind; Aria. But that's the exception as far as I'm concerned, not the rule. There have been times watching the show has been like reading the boards considering how much thought they give to what they set out to do and still the phrase "too stupid to live" is used way too much around these parts.
  24. My unpopular opinion is that I've been enjoying season 5 immensely, season 4 having been the weakest season by far, as far as I'm concerned, both too plot heavy and couple heavy. The girls' actual development was almost completely stunted. I also couldn't care less about Toby, Caleb and Paige as love interests and I think the show works a lot better as it currently is, with most of the relationships on the rocks. I'm generally Pro-Alison and I echo both mercfan3 and mabinogia's words. I was very against Alison being brought back to life at all but I think the show has been handling her wonderfully, save a few misses and I definitely think her return has breathed some much needed fresh air on the show.
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