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Everything posted by cuddlingcrowley

  1. My take on what went down is that I find it next to impossible to give Travis ANY benefit of the doubt for not being a misogynistic jerk when his entire account was basically misogynistic garbage. So we're not talking just about one isolated post that most of us agree was completely overblown and probably didn't even mean what the tumblr fans said. And I think it's important to note that it's unlikely Sasha's boyfriend and friend were acting completely isolated from her and only taking the fandom's word that something iffy was going on. It's very possible if not probable Sasha herself was uncomfortable with that first post and her boyfriend and fans took her pains. I do agree with you that the overreaction to the first post was unwarranted and Travis being a POC no doubt played into that as much as the fact that his character is serving as an obstacle to a popular ship. It's very likely the issue wouldn't have been raised if he was an white actor. I've seen them getting away with saying way, way worse over and over again in fandoms like Supernatural where the crew is pretty much composed of white males and most of the fandom would let them get away with murder. On his end, Travis chose to engage a fandom composed primarily of young teenage girls in an hostile manner by proceeding to post a series of blatant disgusting misogynistic posts followed by a direct attack which involved a myriad of insults so, imo, he holds A LOT of the responsability for how bad things got. The death threats he received, race based and otherwise, are completely unnaceptable, though. Sadly, he's not the first actor and won't be the last to receive them for ridiculous reasons. And they don't erase the fact that his behavior was appalling, in my opinion, and no way justified. He's an actor, a professional in an industry where image is EVERYTHING and the way he portrays himself represents the show he is in, so he has a professional obligation to conduct himself in an appropriate manner. You don't see movie stars going off on fans on social media sites for a reason: it's bad for business! They're costing a ton of people money if they do that. So no, I personally don't agree Travis being "forced to recant" was unfair. If anything, I believe he got away easy. I can't think anyone would have gotten way with confronting a "client" in any profession, let alone in a public manner and in the way he did, without getting a serious earpulling from the Boss or getting fired. I've seen people getting fired for way, way less, in the non-hollywood world. There's an abysm between wanting to respond to an attack in a certain way and actually doing it. In between those two lies the difference in being a professional and at the very least an adult, imo. I remain amazed a 37 year old didn't have enough foresight to not scalate a fan issue that 15 year old actresses that receive hate since reaching puberty seem to have every day. That's an ugly part of being actor, but hardly a secret one. If I were Travis I'd be asking myself if the benefits of his profession outweight the bad sides. If the answer is yes, then he better get a really good PR person to give him some tips. I don't think my take on things is more right than yours, or vice-versa, but I stand by my comments on this issue.
  2. Aria did look all sorts of stunning didn't she? Spencer's was my favorite in the promo pics but it didn't translate well to tv. Alison's looked even better than in the pics, but Aria's looked incredibly unique in the best way, I couldn't glance away when she was on-screen. She really pulled it off. The hair was also all sort of adorable; I want that hairband. And her earings. A+.
  3. So, who do you guys think are Charles, Red Coat and Black Widow? I wanna hear your predictions. Mine are: Charles - Wilden Red Coat - Aria Black Widow - Melissa
  4. If I ever get married, my wedding is looking like that. Those trees were incredible. It sounded like she was having an aneurysm to me, but to each it's own. The girls dancing with their SO while Alison looked for Charles was insane even for this show. I think the editor went a tad cooky. I actually felt tired on Alison's behalf at one point because all that walking in heels, with that heavy dress, must have been a killer.
  5. Kariyaki, my mind went straight to Troian when I read the news, as well. Ashley Benson and Lucy Hale as well. Unfortunately, I don't I think losing only Spencer is a deal breaker to keep the show going, as central she is. Losing more than one girl on the other hand... And yes, I still genuinely love this show and while ideally it would had had a 5 season run and wrapped while it was at its best and without half of the fillers we've gotten and with the entire cast still around.... as it is, with the terrible new guest starts, the endless fillers and the not so great narrative choices here and there, I'm still sticking around to the end. And I'll probably have a great time at it.
  6. Oh man I'm cursing Marlene so hard right now!! Weren't we supposed to get to see Charles's face tonight?!! For freak's sake! Now, that's out of the way, whatever happens next week, i'll always love this show giving us the Moms hanging out together, drunk. It was positively glorious!!! There was a great season 1 Desperate Housewives feel to their interactions because of the amazing black humour and their conversations was possibly one of the most realistic things this show ever had! Veronica might even have debunked Ashley as my favorite mom. Her contempt for Ali's mom and the Dilaurentis as a whole was delicious and everything I never knew I need to witness. My second favorite thing of the episode was that the girls didn't spent nearly any time at all in that lame barn because it was getting depressing really, really fast. It made me so happy that they crashed their prom, you don't understand! Also, special mention to the shots of Alison in the yard wearing that incredible dress and the ENTIRE fairytale theme of the episode. The feels it gave me!! I'm ignoring all the couples because they're were the worst, but I will say I never loved Aria more than in the moment she was dancing with her fringing former teacher/boyfriend in her senior prom she crashed. You gotta admire her for that, even a little. And then those fools proceed to have the sanest conversation they ever had. Slow clap to Ezria! In contrast, I don't think I ever hated Emily more than when she got distracted from following Alison to because of "Shower" Harvey. GOD FREAKING DAMN IT EMILY! ETA: I'm still laughing that the guy we saw Alison talking with at the promo pics was actually just a waiter. Marlene, you troll!
  7. I very much doubt he would have done it on his own accord, otherwise. Heck, I very much doubt it he did it at all. It's most likely a PR person took over his account and made that post. On another note, there's some news about the possibility of s7 not being the last season. Oh. I don't even know how to feel. This show has been with me through so much. I went from a kid to an adult watching this show. I binge watch everything else, but this one is the one I watch live and actually am active part of the fandom here with you guys so when it ends it will feel like a big loss. So there's a part of me that's happy to hear that, i'm not gonna lie.
  8. If he had just ignored what was being said about his original post or would have clarified to Giana and/or Hudson: it's about a girl I'm dating, so we're clear. This would have blown over in 2 seconds. But nope. He proceeded to engage the fandom in a ridiculously hostile way to the point I'm left wondering if the fans' supposed misinterpretation of his first post wasn't right on. Imo, the way he has behaved through this entire thing is way worst than anything his first post might have meant. BTW, MK removed her post about Travis being Rosewood's finest and Travis has deleted all his gross posts and made an apology to the fans. Whatevs. Meanwhile, Sasha... Thankfully, we've got a new episode tonight otherwise we'd have to look elsewhere for more entertainment.
  9. Marlene called him a Rosewood's finest. That's one backhanded compliment if I've heard one lol. And yup, I'm also aware of the spoiler thing. GAH! It's completely revolting to have this guy associated with the show. Despite the fact it has so many problematic characters, the entire cast and crew has always been absolutely lovely...until now. If they need Lorenzo for some reason, couldn't they just recast? I'm not serious...not entirely serious, anyway. But I trust MK knows what she's doing, whatever it is. This show is clearly her baby, no one cares more than her.
  10. They've certainly shown us...it's been infuriatingly realistic. The lack of pay off, unfortunately, is what bothers me and probably what makes most doubt whether what we see is intentional. Again and again Toby and Ezra are terrible and again and again, the girls, Aria and Spencer especially, let them get away with stuff. In that way, they're extremelly similar to the younger side of the fanbase that worships the ships. Let it be said, though, that Hanna Marin has always been amazing at calling out Caleb when he screws up and on setting boundaries for herself. Because there are teenage girls like that too. I wonder if by making the time jump the writers are being sorta meta and the girls we'll start seeing these guys in the way most 20+ viewers do. Now that would be a hoot!
  11. Yeah, I wouldn't say the Montgomery's are The Family of the show either. Better than the average, sure, but not particulary special. A nice family that's doing their best, that's how I see them. But I think they'd say they're The Family of the show you know? They strike me as being that type (especially Byron and Ella) who'd see themselves as having a real sense of closeness even after the divorce, are not focused on the material and value their children as individuals and whah whah whah unlike the other familys, because they're artsy and hippie and whatnot, hence why it would totally be their motto, imo. Kinda like Aria is the main character in her head. I definitely, definitely agree Hanna and Ashley are THE family of the show, like hands fucking down. That said, I don't think they're aware of that at all. Hahahaha, you're not expecting me to disagree here are you? You only forgot the hidden anger issues. But aren't we all a tad fucked up by our families? Most of us is, I think.
  12. Holy Cow. Aaaand someone is probably getting fired. I'm agreeing with those who said there was an overraction to the tweet. At least iniciatially. I myself wouldn't have glanced at it twice. That said, if both Sasha's boyfriend and best friend saw to respond that the tumblr fans aren't that out of line, imo, and it's likely Sasha herself was uncomfortable. Even some members from the crew of PLL apparently have favorited some of tweets from Sasha's boyfriend. The entire thing was overblown, yes, but just not by the fans. And some of it was thanks to how Travis chose to react to the entire thing. So with all that said, I'm finding very hard to believe this guy is 37 years old. He's an actor, a public figure and has no sense on how to portray himself in a professional manner. I find it ironic he started the post above with "Silly children" because that's exactly how he comes off, imo. And the fact of the matter is, he's probably talking to children and that's not how you talk to children. Besides, he basically did the equivalent of yelling at the client with that response. I don't think he'll be around long. I doubt MK will want to associate further with this guy. Now matter how cheap he probably is to have been hired to play a twenty year old. Hahahaha, it is indeed!
  13. I don't really get that sense, Crim. Aria and Mike seem like unusually close siblings to me, especially for the age-group they're in where you tend to barely remember you have siblings, and even Byron, God help me, the little he's been shown seems to be trying his best when it comes to Aria. Ella has been more absent but I think the bond is still there with all the family members and they seem a lot more functional than the average family. They all definitely get a long way better than the average family where the parents got divorced, in my experience. Spending time as group is way trickier. (I work for a judge in a Family court so that might be influencing how I see things.) I think the problem is that the parents aren't shown as much anymore because plotplotplot. The in-show reason for it that I interpret is that they're not shown as much because of the wall the girls have created between themselves and their family thanks to their lying, Which is starting come down.
  14. Houston, we have a problem.Tumblr is all up in arms about comments made by the actor who plays Lorenzo, Travis Winfrey. Comments to which Sasha's boyfriend (Hudson) and friend (Giana) have responded to. No doubt he's sleazy, but I'm personally more bothered by the guy apparently being 37 and playing a love interest to a 19 year old actress.
  16. I remember there been some sort of confusion between Aria being described as compassionate or passionate back when the episode aired. I myself thought heard "compassionate" but I agree "passionate" makes a lot more sense, so I'm not so sure anymore of what I heard. I agree Alison seemed to genuinely like Aria and have fun with her. The observation that Aria was the only one who said "no" to Alison without it being a big deal is interesting and a thing I noticed as well. Because Aria always struck me as the girl who Alison exerted the least amount of power over... but why that is? Warning: babbling. The show has played with similarities between Alison and Aria over the years: the Lolita thing (liking older guys) and donning the red coat (vivian darkbloom and Aria wearing the coat look ridiculously alike and now we're about to learn the identity of Red Coat...), for example. They also both were involved with frigging Ezra and boy if you didn't think that Ezra wanting to write a book featuring Alison and not Aria as the main subject wasn't the worst blow to Aria's ego in the story of ever...especially because I think that was the draw of Alison to Aria. Aria wanted to be/wanted to believe she was like her: older, wiser, sophisticated and experienced beyond her years -- or at least that's what Alison came off to the girls, anyway. That's Aria's whole shtick, imo. By season 1, Aria had that persona down: long dark wavy hair without the childish pink highlights, layers and more layers of coats, the writing, drinking coffee, being "travelled" and dating a teacher in secret. She probably believed, on some level, she had surpassed Alison. Then we reach the end season 4 and it's like, nope: your teacher-boyfriend who made you feel so cool and edgy and brought you all that cool drama has been with you all this time in order to write a book about fucking Alison. Hahahahaha... So, my point is that the reason Alison probably liked Aria was because she felt Aria was the closest thing she got to a kindred spirit. While Hanna superficially wanted to be like Alison, the thin, beautiful, queen-Bee. Aria and Alison were actually striving toward the same thing: the "cooler than you" image and, more importantly, the drama filled existence. Those two thrive on drama like Hanna never did. I believe the show will adress why exactly Alison picked Aria, otherwise they wouldn't have lampshaded it like they did that one time. And I think Vivian Darkbloom, Aria and Red Coat are intrinsically conected.
  17. Uhg, glad I'm not alone (save for Johnny, there is. I liked him). I'm also at the point I'm a lot more entertained when watching Ezra and his granny shirts on my screen hanging out awkwardly with a bunch of teenagers. Heck, Sara/Emily and Spoby, lately, and fucking Lorenzo have been making me feel nostalgic for the ridiculous that was Ezria. At least they were fun to hate. Next episode we're getting something good though: he's going to a prom organized by his ex-student/child-girlfriend's parents. Can't wait!! All the character will probably clap as Ezra and Aria dance, kinda like the end of Titanic.
  18. Aria pretending her life isn't really happening in order to live the one she has made up in her head is basically her entire character in a nutshell. Ezra was an escape. From A, from her parents' issues. A damn good one. I believe that's 90% of her draw to him.
  19. The show itself lampshaded that Ezria was ilegal via Ezra's friend (whose name i can't recall) who made a comment about Ezra ending up in an orange jumpsuit if he kept it up with Aria.
  20. I wish she could have been allowed and/or would have been interested in working as a producer on PLL. i'm sure the time has passed for that, but I believe she could have done a lot of good for the show. I don't know if this is the thread for it, but since we're on the topic, I found it fascinating to hear not only her opinion on various storylines but also to glimpse a bit of what's Troian's relationship with the show. You can tell she has an intense love/hate relationship with it. She's not dismissive of it by any means, but it's obvious there are many aspects of it that frustrate her. Being limited creatively apparently being the major one. It must royally suck not being able to addition for other roles because the pll schedule is so insane. Also, for the ones who heard the entire podcast, is it just me or was she seriously hitting at Spoby being doomed or wanting Spencer to end the relationship but not being quite there yet? She started and ended the podcast talking along very similar lines, about wanting Spencer to let go of something that worked in the past and doesn't work anymore. My mind goes straight to Spoby because that's exactly how I see their relationship.
  21. Sara Harvey is massively hated on tumblr, a place where even the most mediocre characters have some sort of fandom. On twiter, Sara Sheppard herself has expressed not liking her. That says it all to me. I very much doubt the writers don't realize her unpopularity.
  22. I can barely deal with the thought of Sara still around after the time jump thinking of her as merely an obstacle for Emison. But if Alison indeed gets killed in the mid-season finale then I'm done with Emily's character. That said, I don't think that will be the case otherwise we'd have gotten a hint of sorts by now. I believe the writers have come up with this absolutely terrible, pretty much universally hated temporary love interest for Emily so they can create drama for Emison which will be endgame. Still, this will be a painful road. (I was never Paige's biggest fan mostly because I didn't think she and Emily had much chemistry, but she was a decent character. I kinda wish she'd return for one episode, see Sara and Emily and ask what is this shit.)
  23. Which she used to put Lorenzo in a state of false sense of security to steal his card. You know Ali used to be a bad bitch when using her prison learned skills to fool a cop is lame for her. (Yes, i'm joking.)
  24. You guys need to hear this podcast with Troian! Just as a tease, she talks, among other things, about how she has difficulty dealing with Spencer jumping from one suspect to the next and literally goes: "Gaaaag" when Ian Harding and Lucy Hale read an Ezria scene at the table read. That's just the first 7 minutes! She talks the most hilarious stuff about Ezria at 34 min. on. including the paper bags scene and half-naked Ezra at Christmas. She also talks about playing Spoby as though something is broken between them after Toby joined the A-team. And I can die happy now. ETA: "Awesome for Toby!"
  25. ITA! Actually, the second half of season 4 (when Ali was revealed to be alive) all the way through S5 will go down as one of my favorite periods of the show. I really, really dug what they did with Alison's character there. It's s6 that's ruining her for me, not bringing her back from the dead. That said, Dead!Ali remains the best.
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