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Everything posted by cuddlingcrowley

  1. Another interview with Marlene. In this one she adresses that infamous flashback between Alison and Toby and how that would fit in the timeline and it's as hilarious as you would expect! MORE. I'M DYING. And another one! Some good news, finally!!!!!
  2. S1 and S2 were way more character driven than the later seasons. Then A was just this quirky thing that made the show different and created good drama, imo. From S4 onwards all we had was endless plot and love interests. And since we're on the subject, I started my PLL rewatch today. I woke up feeling pretty down on the show then decided I should give it one last go before making up my mind about where it'll stand with me. I'll confess, rewatching the pilot was way more fun than I expected. I'm doing a list of questions and answers for each episode and the pilot, at least, passed. Watching this episode alone helped me come to terms with Wilden's character, where he started and where he ended, since I felt really strongly he ought to have been Charles and was looking foward to rewatching the show with that in mind. Also, knowing Ezra is lying his ass off in the Pilot makes the show so much better.
  3. If I quit this show over anything is over the god-awful make up the keep putting Alison in to go along with god-awful hair. How the hell does Ashley Benson looks younger and fresher than Sasha in the 6x11 promo when the actresses are like 7 years apart?? Seriously, during the flashback they had Alison back with her season 1 hair, make-up and clothes she looked beautiful, it was like no time had passed at all, so why do they deliberately mess her up??
  4. That's how I felt as well but I get why some people were offended. And while the girls were touched, her story didn't erase everything, even to Alison. It was clear there was no expectation from the writers that it would for the audience as well. I'm really, really, really glad for that. But count me in as really fucking shocked at the reveAl. I've always know Cece was no good and there was the weird stuff hinted between her and Mrs. D but damn!! All in all, as it is I'm satisfied with the reveal, not over the moon, but I'm satisfied. I may or may not have let a little chuckle when Cece said she had been targeting the girls because they were happy Alison was dead. As a Alison fan I couldn't help but empathize just a little. I'M OVER THE EFFING MOON BECAUSE SARA HARVEY WAS RED COAT!!! PRAISE JESUS AND BE GONE!! THERE WAS NEVER A MORE DESERVING PUNCH!! On another note, Mona having killed Bethany was interesting. I've always thought she was hiding more about that night that she had revealed. But i thought she had been the one to hit Ali. Close enough! My one real disappointment was that Melissa wasn't Black Widow. Now that's gonna sting for a while. I'll confess I chocked up like a little bitch at the goodbye scene between the girls. It was damn gorgeous! I noticed Hanna was the only one Alison didn't hug. Aaaaand Alison is a teacher! Yay! But married young...nay. Called it! Along with like three of you. Rip Emison. Omg. ETA: btw, thank you EW. I love how the press is like don't fear fans, WE'RE ON IT!
  5. Ha! i'd never manage to stay awake till 4 am, good luck! Psss, we're all thinking it. I'll take Toby too!!!!
  6. I'm oficially on the "Noel Kahn as Charles could be cool" wagon. I hadn't considered that at all and I didn't see the theories that "It's no lie" might hint to that. If true, it's very clever! That said, we're talking about a crew that has a very close interaction with the fandom and knows exactly how crazy we are, so I wouldn't be surprise they're just trolling us. Wilden as Charles is still might pet theory. I do think it could be shocking to the girls if he was Charles, even more shocking if it was Noel Khan. Because: 1) Wilden should be dead so he appearing again would be inherently shocking 2) Ali and Wilden hung out in Cape May and God knows what else that caused him to be very invested in finding out who killed her and that was never explained; 3) He was an intense foe to the girls for like four seasons, but especially to Hanna (I adored their interactions). In comparison, Noel was just the annoying hot boy. I don't think any of them felt strongly for him one way or another. But something that stayed with me was that when Wilden died Hanna didn't show the glee she did when Ian died. 4) Imagine Hanna's face as she realizes her Mom slept with Jason AND Charles. That's all.
  7. I love Noel Kahn too (who doesn't, really?). Man, what if he's Charles after all?? Like you said, I'm a tad unsure he could off where they're going with Charles. Besides, him knowing Alison was alive and was helping her makes my brain hurt.
  8. I never heard of that and I'm hardly an authority on the subject, but, on context alone, I very, very much doubt that refers to virginity. I don't want Wren to be A for the exact opposite reason. He was one of the feel male characters I actually liked on this show and if they make him A I'd feel the writers would be trying to have their cake and eat it (more than they already do) as far as inapropriate love interests are concerned. Ezra is good but of course Wren is evil. It would be infuriating. I already felt a touch of that in season 3 and, imo, it was very, very lame. Also, I like the actor but I don't think he can pull off evil.
  9. Yep. The only seasons I ever rewatched were season 1 and 2 because there used to be a chanel in my country that aired them repeatedly. I've probably rewatched the pilot 30 times (what a great pilot *_*). I'm not from the US so I don't get ABC family, otherwise I'd be watching the episodes that are being aired today as well. But as it is, I have way too much stuff to do to actually dig up the episodes. I have a good feeling the answers themselves will make sense. Marlene said over and over again she's not worried about shocking people and I don't care to be shocked. My main concern is Charle's sob story. Now, that I'm terrified of. But full disclaimer: if Charles in indeed Wilden, then y'all gonna think of me as weak tomorrow. Because I love the guy!
  10. Hell, I'm ready to dance at Ezria's wedding if they pull Spencer way from Toby once and for all. At least with Ezria they're not actively bringing down one of my favorite characters and, I can't believe I'm saying this, but Ezra and Aria are very compatible personalty wise. Spoby is the most inexplicable mystery this show has ever presented me.
  11. Check! Check! CHECK! I blame the cast entirely for it because of the recent interviews! I'm in a state and so damn glad this show airs on Tuesdays because I don't think i'd survive waiting another day! This is it. There's no more: they'll make it work some other time. Either they tie (almost) everything together in a way that makes sense today or they never will and it will most likely ruin the show forever, retroactively. I've decided not to watch the episodes Marlene told us to because I'm really excited to do a full series rewatch so I'm praying they don't ruin everything.
  12. Yes. You'd be surprised how common is it to think sex only counts if it involves vaginal intercourse, so I can believe quite easily that Ian not having intercourse with the 15 year old girl made him feel he wasn't doing anything wrong. Besides, that way it's a lot more harder to prove he was doing anything at all. Of course it was. But this show has a long history of asking me to suspent my disbilief as far as all the girls are concerned. Maybe because I'm in the same agegroup as the actresses are in real life and they all look their age to me. And the characters often act that age as well, especially in season 1. I'm sure if they had played these characters back when they were their age it would have been a lot easier to buy certain character choices.
  13. Bearing in mind that virginity is a social construct and that one loses "it" when they have sex, since sex can happen between boy and boy, girl and girl, and girl and boy then the answer to your question is yes. The thing is: the notion there's anything biological to "losing one's virginity" is something that's being left behind for some time. A lot things we link to losing virginity (the bleeding, for instance) is not an universal experience (yes, even between a guy and a girl). So your conception of virginity my take penetration to be lost, but if you follow that logic then are lesbians virgins forever if they don't use toys? That's all kinds of ridiculous isn't it? Alison's so called redemption arc has been a horribly problematic mess from start to finish. I can't find the source to these besides this blog: Maybe Mona? Let it be one of the love interests please! I'm hoping against hope it's Sara and the reason she's in 6-B are her being shown as Charles' minion in flashbacks. Y/Y? Or Toby heroically (*gag*) dying in the line of duty. Or Ezra by just existing? Praise the Lord!
  14. Oh, man, I hope so too! It stretches belivability that she'd stay at all, imo, but at least have her have gone to school somewhere else. I actually wish the writers wouldn't go with the obvious route with the girl's professions as it seems they have in the promo pics. Back when the show first started, yeah of course I could see Spencer as an lawyer. It was one of the many things I identified with her. But then her character seemed to make so many odd choices and go in all these weird paths that I was ready to accept Spencer would be happier skipping college altogether and becoming a freelancer writer or a painter or something. Something with flexible hours. I have this odd feeling Spencer has this untapped artistic potential. Maybe it's Troian coming through, idk. I'm sure there was a line in the first season about interior design lessons or something. Of course, nothing stops one from being a legal-professional and being artistic (o/). Hanna is another one i wish would stay far away from the fashion industry. Now her I could see as a lawyer. A legally blonde type! I would love that! Emily should focus on charity. I think that would make her happy! Aria...should be a teacher. NO, no, I'm kidding. I think Aria should be a stylist! Or a country singer...
  15. Alison as a teacher is something I could actually get behind. The more I think about it the more I like it. If done right, it could be really poignant for her to be working towards creating a school that's a safe and healthy inviroment for the students as way to make up for the reign of terror it was back in her day. Now that's a redemption story I could get behind. (If we must have one, that is...*grumble* frigging Toby and Ezra didn't have to get one why does Alison need to *grumble*) It also has the benefit of keeping her connected to Rosewood and its people (and the mysteries) but also it would be cool to have an excuse for the girls to be walking through Rosewood's high hallways once again and getting into shannanigans there.
  16. Right thread. . - Sasha Anyone got a clue what this might mean? "Alison is searching for normality but not in a location you would normally see her". Can we strike church then? Can we?! I'm thinking the writers had Alison get pregnant really young and already started a family and that's her storyline (*sigh*). At least the mom clothes will finally make sense? What do you guys think? There was a rumour we'd get to learn something new about Mona so this fits. It seems that MK having done a good job at incorporating Charles to the story is a popular opinion. I know the cast isn't going to talk shit outright about the show but they always manage to sneak in if they didn't quite like something. But this time, everyone seems very excited with finale. ?????????? I need to know ???????? What could it be? I'd love if it was revealed what most of us already believe: that Alison wasn't telling the whole truth during ther "tell all". !!! ...I'm so embarrassingly excited.
  17. I'm thinking while Ian and Alison apparently never had "intercourse", it's likely they did everything but considering that video and the fact they got a room together at Hilton Head and were set to film whatever they intended to do there, if I recal correctly. I took the interview stuff to the spoiler thread! My bad!
  18. Is the information in those articles considered spoilers? I really wanna discuss them but I'm unsure what's the right forum.
  19. Also who is part of the A-team and some answers about the lodge fire. I will say I'll be disappointed if we don't get to see Jenna, Lucas, Noel and Melissa again, even if it's just in flashback. Those are the great supporting characters that made the show what it is and they need to be on the episode. I'm perfectly ready to accept we will never know what the exact answers are to some questions given the time constraint, but we should also realize that one answer can encompass a lot of questions so we'll probably be getting more than we realize. For instance, if it finally gets revealed Melissa indeed is part of the A-team and was lying her ass off the time with Spencer on the bridge, then "Melissa!" becomes the answer to loads of questions in regards to events we know she was linked like the fire Lodge, the ghost train, the night of a thousand yellow tops and so on. I'm a lot more concerned about getting an answer to smaller mysteries like: And also what actually went down with Ian. It's likely Charles killed him but still, I want a straight answer on this one. Same goes for who was the blonde who kidnapped Mona. (I think it was either Melissa or Paige who gave Alison the bloody lip. I'm leaning more towards Melissa.) More than getting answers, I'm extremelly worried about how they'll handle Charles sob story. I hope against hope Marlene who's resposible for pitching this storyline keeps in mind that ChArles was noticeably more extreme than MonA in his terrorism of the girls, and MonA, while not a walk in the park, was never "forgiven" by the girls. She'll be answering questions about this show for the rest of her life.
  20. I stumbled on a link for those on tumblr, myself. Are they any good, SadieT? Marlene adressing the fandom since even her has noticed how skeptical everyone is in regards to actually getting answers. Oh, MK, just leave us to our low expectations. It's best for everyone.
  21. So it's not just me who has been struck with sudden "Toby might be Charles" feels. I'm not taking it too seriously because I also don't see how it could have worked in the timeline and what with Toby probably having grown up in Rosewood. Still, it's a fun little theory especially with him being the one to put up the disco ball in the barn after Aria's comment about Charles "installing a lethal disco ball".
  22. Marlene and Shay on how the fans will react to the Charles reveal. I know it's ridiculous to analyse this, but it's interesting both of them think the fans will be not only shocked but upset by who Charles is. I'm a big supporter of Wilden being Charles, but this video made my mind go straight to Toby, not gonna lie.
  23. What? But she's the showrunner isn't she? She seems ridiculously excited on twitter about next episode and frigging Charles and his sob story and how it brought her to tears. Hell, I'd say just she even appears confident we'll like it.
  24. I agree, CloudySky. Last episode was enjoyable but it ultimately left me feeling really anxious about the finale. The so called "Summer of Answers" never came to be and they've left everything to be dealt with in the finale. It's enough to give me palptations! At this point, I'm already expecting an awkward mess but I just don't want to feel horribly disappointed with what we get so I can actually go ahead and do my PLL rewatch like I intend to do. Like you, I'm pretty much dreading Charles' sob story especially because this show has a history of letting male characters get away with atrocious behavior after a dramatic gesture. That clip of Charles attempting suicide is giving me Ezra getting shot flashbacks. If Charles gets some insta-redemption that would seriously make me doubt whether to keep watching this show.
  25. I'd like to thank God and Jesus. That's the same episode the actress who plays Sara Harvey was seen at the table read if I recall. Should be an important one.
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