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Everything posted by cuddlingcrowley

  1. Now I'm thinking Aria's other personality will be revealed as Red Coat. I know Red Coat looks kind of leggy and Aria is tiny but girl likes her hills. (and yes I'm among those who thought Ali/Cece were revealed as Red Coat and that was that and was confused when Marlene started talking about revealing who Red Coat is. But i've moved on.)
  2. I always thought Toby was one year older than Spencer, tops. If that! I mean, didn't he and Emily share a class together in season 1? But then: Still, the writers clearly didn't follow that with Toby, so I still think he's 18/19. I agree Lorenzo definitely looks like he's on his mid-twenties for sure. Early twenties being very generous. My interpretation of Lorenzo being Rosewood's "fresh perspective" was that he's from Out of Town, as well. In regards to the sneek peak: oh Emily, why??? Be glad you're so pretty, you have completely lost your game.
  3. This but also one of the things I feel the writers are trying to send across is that Alison doesn't see herself as better than Charles and has a twisted sense of responsability for his crimes. It seems to me she feels they're one and the same: they've both done terrible things and if he doesn't deserve forgiveness than she doesn't either. Imo, that's the root of her empathy towards him. You're not alone. I did think Hanna was harsh. That said, it was absolutely awesome to watch. I kept feeling sorry for Alison because I definitely think her feelings are valid and I wish Emily had spoken up. But at the same time I kept thinking back to Hefty!Hanna who was a doormat and a scaredy cat. Who knew that girl would become the kickass Hanna we know and love? I kinda sorta think that was the inspiration to have her act like that. And i'm calling it right now: after the time jump Hanna will be working in law enforcement. Aria was awesome in this episode and no I don't expect to ever repeat those words in this lifetime. I definitely dug this more steely acting Lucy Hale is doing and the monologue at the end. Aria comes off terribly fake and calculated way too much to the point it tires me, so it was a nice break. To see something real. Now...AriA's other personality totally put on that show in order to ruin Ezra's date, didn't she? Glad we cleared that up. Also, I want to make a special mention of Aria's adorable black dress with the green ballerinas which I coveted like you don't understand. I see you black swan theme! Evil!Red Coat is obviously fucking Cece. Or fucking Sara. I'm with most of you in that I definitely enjoyed this episode. It had a very season 2 feel to it, back when things weren't so plot heavy and more character oriented. The fact that Ali dressed liked her mother seems to have been put firmly behind us and she's slowly but surely becoming recognizable again only added to it! Also, before I forget, did anyone else catch that beneath the box on the police board with the list of the dead (Bethany, Ian, Darren, Maya, Garret, Jessica) you can clearly make out: Wilden besides Jason Dilaurentis?
  4. Ah, hell. Never mind then. (Cece is supposed to be older than bethany tho? Are we sure Bethany and Alison were the same age?)
  5. And I think you just nailed that, mercfan3! It goes great with: Raytch's: I always suspected Cece was no good.
  6. Took my comment on the Cece theories to the theory thread! Double checked there's no spoiler.
  7. I agree with both Giuliano Lanzilli and mercfan3 on this. While I'm extremelly frustrated with Alison's current storyline for the reasons the first poster stated, it does make sense. Alison is extremelly young, mentally and emmotionally especially, and a lot of bad things have happened with her and because of her. It's in the text she blames herself for everything and it makes sense she'd try to be the complete opposite of the person she once was. A lot of the choices the writers make with the girls are stupid things some teenage girls would do like: Spencer accepting Toby back after the TobiAs thing, same with Aria and Ezra. The problem is that they don't adress why these choices are terrible. (Or rather, in Spencer's case, one could argue they're showing us instead of telling us why it's terrible. The first part of the season 3 was about Toby showing Spencer he became A to find out the truth about his mother's death and not to protect her, like he claimed. And he was a dick and she lied to her friends for him. From then on, he has been consistently a dick to her, Spencer can't care enough to stop herself from cheating on him and their relationship is in a constant whiplash going from hot to cold.) I wish this Alison storyline was better executed, because it has been boring me to tears, and by God I hope against hope the writers actually get her to a place of self-forgiveness and self-acceptance and she feels she can be herself again, just a better version of herself. And not simply stop where we're at with this sexless, witless, boring Alison and go: there, we fixed her.
  8. Ha! Not me. I just want all of us to know exactly what to yell at MK after the finale.
  9. Sasha already said someone who we thought was dead in coming back so we have that in benefit to the Wilden theory. As far as having been shown Wilden's body, we saw Mona's supposedly dead body as well. The writers could say faking their death is a trait that runs in the family. And Wilden would have had way more resources to do it than Alison ever did. On another note, so we're all clear, the finale airs on Tuesday August 11, 2015. Charles' identity and backstory should be one of the revelations of that night, the Black Widow will be unmasked and we'll get the last appearance of Red Coat (Alison rising from the ashes?! Y/Y?). Along with the other previously mentioned revelations, that is. Remember we should also get to see Bethany's face, answers about the night at the Lodge and about Toby's mother. And, course, last but not least, we should be getting to know all of the A-team.
  10. Ha! So true, only you know, Toby morphed in a way less hot version of Wilden. I still have serious doubts whether that has been intentional by the writers though. We were so close, if only Spencer wasn't inexplicably dating a douchebag who takes away her candy and her agency, that's more like it. I really hope
  11. That's your prerrogative. From my end, any reservations I had with characters coming back to life died with Alison coming back (heh). I was initially very against it but, imo, it ended up breathing a much needed air on the show through the second half of season 4 and the bulk of season 5. So if it takes the show to new and different places, then I'm game. Especially if it means ChArles ends up being a character who's been around since day one AND had substantial interactions with the liars. The only alive characters I'd be happy with being ChArles are Ezra and Toby and that's never gonna happen. So I'll happily take Wilden. (I like Wren a lot and he could work but, in my gut, I don't think it's him. I personally think it's kind of lame Charles' cover story being "away in London with Melissa", this whole time, and not for nothing, the actor is super busy and is pretty focused on his new show, so I find it unlikely he's coming back any time soon let alone stick around in any capacity if needed.)
  12. Wilden being ChArles would be positively GLORIOUS! I've always inexplicably loved the character (and his interactions with Hanna!) so he's definitely my dream-pick! It would fit with the spoiler about a character we thought was dead being alive, that Charles is someone who's strong AND we'd have some idea of what he'd been up to before stealing the game from Mona: already making the pll's lives harder as he tried to figure out how much do the girls know about that night. I got effing chills!! No matter how much I try to wrap my head around Wren being Charles it simply doesn't work for me.
  13. Are we oficially through with run of bad episodes? Hallelujah! I simply loved this one! I'd to start making a special mention to how pretty Alison looked with her hair back in curls, be it in a pony tail or not, jeans jacket and a summer dress, you know IN HER FRIGGING STYLE?? And not her moms!!! Also, we got to see a glimpse of old!Ali drugging her Dad! Her scene with Mona was short but sweet. I sorta kinda believe mona may have hit Alison with that rock afterall, but it was sweet. It definitely packed a punch so did the scene between Mona and Mike. The actors did an amazing job. I loved the girls taking the trackers out by themselves. Spencer and Hanna are hardcore fierce bitches! Surprisingly, I really liked the interaction between Sara and Claire (sp?). Are the actresses friends in real life? They were adorable together! Emily, on the other hand, creeped me the fuck out. I'm sorry if I were Claire I'd have offered for my friend to come live with me whether that had been planned or not considering how Emily was acting. She really came off way, way too possessive and controling. She knows Sara for two weeks! Mother of God! The showdown with Jason, the liars, Charles and the cops was surprisingly well done! Jason jumping to protect Spencer was gorgeous and I think the actor really sold his desire to see Charlie again. Last but not least, I was happy we got to see a parent react to liars stunt which was insanely dangerous. Also, I deeply appreciated the scene with Aria tearing up alone in her room after dealing with her parents. I think the show suffers when it forgets to have scenes like these. All in all I was really entertained by tonight's episode! I did not expect this! I can't believe I'm gonna say this but I felt sorry for him. He was clearly having a bad trip and while on duty nonetheless. Interesting about Keegan not being a regular anymore. I'm glad you said it because for a moment there I thought I was going crazy since as I watched the scene I automatically concluded the boy was Charles and the whole "second cousins' birthday party" was Jessica's way of having her three children celebrate Charlie's birthday together. There were obviously no other children there and little "Freddie" inquired when he'd have to "go back" which obviously meant Radley.
  14. Alison looking like a princess in her trademark yellow Aria dancing with the guy everyone knows was sleeping with her while he was her teacher. Super appropriate. Spencer looking like the most gorgeous slytherin queen. Hanna also killing it.
  15. As of right now, I'd say that could be Alison herself. One of the first of many hints she was alive the whole time. That said, if we were to discover Sara Harvey had a more active role than we've been led on... In late Season 2, Jenna got an eye surgery and was fully able to see throughout the third season. However, going into Season 4, the operation proved to only have temporary effects as she began to lose her sight again. I think she was really blind before the operation. YES!! MOTHER OF GOD YES!! This is one of the biggest question marks for me. I didn't put this question on my post because I'm not entirely sure the A tag was used during that episode the girls were framed by Garret and Jenna. Then I saw something else that made me unsure they were actually behind the framing job (but I'm 80% sure they were). Yes, it was, sorry! I'm pretty sure of what I said was what was going down with Peter and Jessica. But I could be wrong, I don't know whether Kenneth knows about Jason not being his son, but I think the reason they have such a shitty relationship (even shittier than his relationship with Alison) is because he along with Jessica had to basically brainwash Jason about forgetting Charlie, which had to be hard on their relationship. Then Jason resorted to drugs and we know how well parents take that. On another note, as I read your answers, more and more I'm convinced all the A suspects -- Jenna, Garret, Melissa, Lucas, Wilden, Shana, Toby, etc -- worked with either MonA or ChArles at one time or another and were completely aware of the "game" at the very least. Whether they were aware of A's identity is the question. I do think a couple of them had genuine change of hearts in regards to Hanna, Spencer, Emily and Aria and that is Lucas and Jenna, and maybe even Garret. The more we dig the more I believe Melissa is a lying liar who lies.
  16. Alright peeps, thanks to the glorious timeline posted on the timeline thread I've managed more or less make sense to what we know and what we don't know. Mostly. Sorta. Well, it's a good start. I'd love some additions to whatever i forgot. What we don't know: Who was the blonde in the red dress at the Masquerade ball? And that's hardly the only sighting of a blonde we've had connected to A. The person who attacked Mona also had blonde hair. (was it frigging Sara Harvey??) Why and when did Wren and Melissa get back together? Why did Big-A try to kill Jenna not only once (by exploding her) but twice (by drowning her)? Alison saved Hanna from the Lodge Fire. Who saved the rest of the liars? Who set the Lodge fire? According to Shana, she herself did to get revenge for Jenna. Melissa said it was Wilden. Who was it? Who was Mona referring to in 3x01 when she said she’d never know "her" identity? Who’s Beach Hottie? (Wren or Wilden?) Who hit Alison and gave her a bloody lip in August of 2009? Hint: it was a girl. Why did Alison got to Spencer's looking really scared that time? Why did Garret fake-killed Alison and why did he lie to Jenna about it? What was with he "protecting Spencer"? Who hit Alison with a rock? Who hit Bethany with a shovel which dented her skull? Why was Bethany Young killed? As a body to mimic Alison or another reason?Why was Bethany Young at the DiLaurentis house that night? Who the Varjack? Who’s Black Widow? Who did Alison have sex with in the summer 2009 that caused the pregnancy scare? (Wren or Wilden?) What is the truth behind Marion's death? Why was Cece wearing an identical yellow top to Ali's? Who did Melissa call during "that night"? Who really killed Garret? Wilden or Melissa. We were told (by Melissa? If I'm not mistaken) it was Wilden. Who pushed the girl from Ian's frat party down the stairs? We know Cece was kicked out of school for it but was it really her or was it Alison? Who were the man and the woman with dark hair (like AriA's) the creepy kid from the doll store (you remember, who come on) aluded to? What "MAYA KNEW"? And what was the deal with that secret website of hers? Who did Grunwald mean was touched by the one Alison fears the most? Then, it seemed like Ezra. And to be fair, Alison did believe Ezra was A, didn't she? Page Five said Alison (actually Bethany) had dirt on her lungs which meant she was buried alive. Is that it? How did Alison’s ‘Jenna Thing’ bracelet get on Bethany’s body if she left it with Mona at the Lost Woods Resort? Why did Alison "choose" Aria? Whose remains are in the barrel? Did we get an answer to that? What is on the NAT videos that could bring Alison’s family down? If CeCe knows who killed Bethany why hasn’t she told Alison as she claims it’s the same person after her? Or was CeCe bluffing? Who was the shadowy figure hiding in Jason’s house? Was that ever answered? And what was the deal with the bloody bandages? Why did CeCe go to Radley and dress up like Ali and act crazy? I'm sure there are a lot more. What we do know: Alison and Cece were Red Coat. Alison pushed Ian off the bell tower Ezra is Board Shorts. Lucas was the one who wrecked Alison’s memorial in season 1. Mona was the one who ran Hanna over Shana and Jenna were the ones who moved Wilden after Ashley ran him over. The A Alison was meeting in Brookhaven during the flashbacks was the Original A: Mona. Mona bought Jenna’s blue mustang from Shana for some weird reason. Mona is the first to find out about Ezra’s book. Shana knew Big A because he drove her out of town in 4x18. There were "two queens of hearts" in the Halloween Train: Melissa and Wilden. The blame of killing Garret and attacking Spencer only falls on Wilden, conveniently. Mona was there as hell dressed as the phantom of the opera with the Alison mask underneath. Melissa confessed to burying Bethany. Charles is/was Alison's brother. Jessica and Peter’s agreement referred to Peter threatening to tell Kenneth about their affair and destroy their marriage if Jessica went to the police and told them Spencer and Alison were fighting with the shovel the night she “died”. Cece killed Wilden (according to Alison). Spencer was up late in the pilot because she was speeding of her adderral adiction, arguing with Ali. She did not hurt Ali. Alison's mother burried her. Alison blackmailed Byron at one point. ETA: I'm adding your answers: DigitalCount: Raytch:
  17. Holy cow, that timeline is amazing! I love how the poster added the reveals in the timeline as well, like Lucas being the one who destroyed Ali's memorial, Mona being the one who ran over Hanna, Ali being the one who pushed Ian of the bell tower, the A who Ali was meeting in brookhaven being Mona, Wilden being the one who killed Garret and most likely drugged Aria, and so on. You really get a great sense of the story as a whole and everything coming together surprisingly nicely. I would gladly watch a mini-series of what went down before PLL started. Definitely a must read! And much needed reminder of the of which mysteries remained unsolved and the ones that were in fact answered. Now more than ever I wish we got some sort special with MK walking us through all the mysteries solved and unsolved up until this point. And definitely some sort of DVD extra when all is said and done with her breaking down all the mysteries and explaining the answers. Ideally, of course, this should be done on the show. Ideally. But I even would gladly take a helpful little booklet I can use in my rewatches.
  18. actnormalbitch, I appreciate the interpretation of the show you've brought and even agree with it. But to make myself perfectly clear, the reason it bothers me they don't tell their parents it's not even because I believe they'd be able to "fix it". It bothers me because I was brought up believing parents are entitled, on a fundamental level, to know what the hell is going on in their kids life. I don't mean everything, God knows I did my fair share of lying and hiding stuff as a teenager and still do on some level, as a young adult, of things my parents wouldn't approve of BUT no way in hell I'd have hidden anything anywhere as serious as someone threatening me. I also can't even imagine if I had a child and later found out they hid all that stuff from me. That's a huge frigging wall you're putting up capable of seriously damage any relationship. So my disbilief in regards to the girls not going to their parents more is about less than their supposed ability to fix it and more about they being their freaking parents and having a right to know and support their children when they're going through a hard time. The same way the girls have each other's backs, so should the parents be aloud to have them as well. I mean most of them are pretty decent, save for Alison's parents. But I understand no way the show would have stretched this long if the parents were made aware of even half of what's going. No doubt most of them would have contacted the FBI or/and moved. And I get the girls are so close that they would never risk it. I do wish it was adressed properly on the show. On the US, everything requires a perfect figure. And the fact that she has a medical condition probably makes it even worse for the producers because they can't just tell her to shut her mouth and exercise.
  19. Evidence for what though? The girls aren't trying to prove anything to police, they're trying to find A! The police knows the girls were kidnapped and the psyco responsible for it is on the loose. Also, the pll have an ingrained suspicion A is in the police force or at least controls it (after Darren and Garret, how can they not?), so that alone would make them think twice before bringing them any "evidence". If you add to that to the fact that the Rosewood police is extremelly incompent and have falselly arrested them not once but twice, I for one would forever fear they'd interpret whatever "evidence" i've found as a reason to falsely arrest me for the third time. I'd normally agree that if something fishy happens the thing to do is go to the police but NOT in their situation and I think the show has proven over and over and over again why that is. And yet the "got to the police!!" cries persist season after season. The thing that bothers me is that they don't go to their parents more. That's insane to me. Uhg, this. They also tried to make Emily/Sara into a good thing in the same episode, so they were on a roll. That said, after how long Aria dated Ezra and how isolated she was from everybody else during their relationship, it's not unrealistic she'd feel like that. It's deeply unhealthy tho. *Slow clap* I have no doubt in my mind that's the reason behind Sasha P. being so scarce this season. They couldn't manage to hide her body enough and decided to hide her all together.
  20. Well, there's not enough time in the universe to list all the things there are wrong with Ezra, but at least now that he and Aria are broken up, he's just the guy who points a traumatized Spencer to a drug user and tells a stranger who's probably after Emily to offer her some sort of job opportunity about her very, very personal and traumatic kidnapping and captivity by psychopath still on the loose because he wants to watch the world burn. While wearing granny shirts!
  21. I have the misfortune of informing y'all that sara harvey will be on the show until episode 13 and possibly beyond. I'm oficially skipping her scenes. This character is universally hated, I can't believe MK has miscalculated this badly with her. I'm seriously starting to fear she might be Emily's endgame.
  22. This episode looks passable, at least. Anyone else thinks this season might go down as the weakest? And considering season 4, imo, that's saying something. There's so many fillers. I keep having the feeling I'm watching the same scene with Sara and Emily over and over again. The only glimpses of brilliance we ever seem to get is with Hanna's character and maybe Mona.
  23. I think we should make a whole thread out of that question. Right at the top of my head, Hanna's bulimia would have been a lot more overt, stretched for a lot more episodes as A's attack on her would probably have centered on it. Wilden and her would have had hate-sex at some point. Hanna and Ashley wouldn't been the great mother-daughter due they are and would have a relationship more similar to the one in the books. Hanna would be bisexual. Aria would have had sex with Ezra for the first time in the pilot, when they hooked up in the bathroom. Alison would have slept with Ian, Ezra and Byron. Same goes for Spencer and Ian and that past "relationship" would probably have explored more. Toby would really have died after being revealed as A and Spencer would have spent the first half of season 4 as part of the A-team trying to take it down from the inside. She would have to terrorized the other girls to prove she's for real and reach a the point she'd start think she made a terrible mistake, that her plan to protect her friends has backfired and she is as bad as the real A now. Spencer and Jason would hook up at some point because obligatory incest. Alison/Emily/Jenna would be the show's love triangle. After breaking down over finding out Ezra has been writting a book about her and her friends, Aria would join him in exploiting her friends because plot twist and it would be the closet she'd ever get to creating something..
  24. This would be the dream! Getting all the A suspects, especially Ezra and Toby, and then: SUPRISE, GIRLS, YOU WERE ACTUALLY RIGHT ALL THOSE TIMES! Now that would be a twist!
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