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Everything posted by GiandujaPie

  1. I was confused initially too, but then they said or did something that made me realize they were actually siblings instead, and then of course, her sleeping with Gates made it clear. Interesting that the actor who played Andrew was made to use an American accent. I always wondered why they made Neela a Brit, like Parminder Nagra. It would have made more sense for her to be an American as there are a lot of American doctors of Indian descent. And then of course, what was the point of Dr Simon Brenner being Aussie, other than the actor who played him was Aussie. I recently saw him in another show, Truth Be Told, where he was supposed to play an American detective, and you could hear his Australian accent come through a lot, and he just didn't have a convincing American accent. I'm guessing his American accent was worse back in the ER days and they really wanted the actor for some reason. So maybe Parminder Nagra couldn't do a convincing American accent? Has anyone seen her in anything where she plays an American?
  2. I'm watching season 15 right now and most of these episodes I only ever watched the last couple of years as reruns on POP when I was working from home. While some of it is not bad, overall I don't like it. I like Angela Bassett but her character is awful. So much negativity. And when we first meet her husband, it seems like they barely have a marriage and suddenly she is trying to conceive a baby and then when that doesn't work, go right into IVF? I like the maturation of Archie as a person and a doctor but that's about it. Neela and Brenner make no sense, we are never shown why he is so infatuated with her. He clearly has no problem getting women to hook up with him and he was shown to be an absolute dick to the intern he did sleep with, so what was so special about Neela? And Dubenko continues to also be enthralled with her for no reason. I just watched the episode where Neela brought in another surgeon to do some cutting edge technique and Dubenko initially refused to come watch because he appeared to be throwing a jealous hissy fit. I don't get the appeal of either Sam or Gates personally, but to me, they made sense as a couple. They both came from backgrounds that wouldn't necessarily lead you to believe they would end up as successful doctors/nurses, but they overcame it and for better or worse, were able to make it. I know they are broken up for now but I think I remember that they get back together. They make more sense as a couple than Gates ever did with Neela. I'm looking forward to seeing Carter again soon. I don't think I ever watched those episodes when he comes back, except for the series finale.
  3. We were on episode IV when we saw the time jump and suddenly Billy Crow was Bass's posse man with no explanation of how that happened. Then everything got confusing after that. I don't think we will finish the show. Anyone want to convince me that it's worth it? LOL
  4. Neela should never have been allowed to come back to County, especially in the ER after all of the attendings, except Carter, agreed she wasn't suited to emergency medicine. Yet, when she comes back, she's suddenly the best and most sexually desired female working there. And now she's such a great surgeon too. BS. I'm on season 15 and I still don't understand why Brenner is infatuated with her. After she told him that she wasn't interested in getting together with him, despite their "awkward shag", he still follows her around trying to get her to go out with him. Is it just that she's playing hard to get?
  5. Who's everyone? As far as I can see, I'm the only one who actively dislikes Neela. I'm not an Abby cheerleader, but I don't see that she's treated as being more likable or desirable than the way the show depicts Neela. I'm at season 14/15 and suddenly Neela/Brenner throw their clothes off and screw in her office and now he can't stop following her around like a puppy dog and asking her out for dinner or coffee, after we've been shown that he's an a$$ towards towards women he sleeps with. And this is after we're treated to Neela being desired by Ray, Gates, Dubenko, all of the ortho surgeons, and now Brenner. I don't even know why Gallant was so hot for her. Abby is shown her flaws and I agree, I don't think she's a catch either, has too much baggage, is often crabby and seems to always be in a bad mood. I never understood why Carter was so into her but if I remember, he admitted he was drawn to her for an inexplicable reason, and not because she was "hot". His teenage girlfriend at the time who called Abby "hot" was immature and maybe in her eyes, Abby being older and having a career made her seem desirable. I know when I was younger, it would have seemed that way to me. And while we're at it, why is it that Sam is so desirable either? I get that Luka wanted a ready-made family with her and Alex but that was a ton of baggage that she had, but I guess Luka likes that in his women. Sam and Gates make a lot more sense than him with Neela though. I actually think they match pretty well so far.
  6. Just watched the 2 episodes in Season 14 before the writers strike, with the horrible hockey storyline. So we are to believe that suddenly all of the surgeons are really good at hockey and ice skating. And we are to believe that Neela's field hockey experience translates into ice hockey prowess? BS. This has to take the cake as the most ridiculous and unnecessary storyline ever. You can totally see how this show has gone downhill.
  7. LOL @Cloud9Shopper I get that you hate Abby and I'm not saying that she gets a pass or should get a pass but I also don't think that Abby is being shown as the best-est ever mother and person that you think the show is doing. She clearly spiraled out of control here because she has a disease and it's pathetic that her friends/colleagues who are doctors all failed to recognize it and/or took advantage. CPS didn't get called on her because she was a white woman, and clearly middle class. My husband is a defense attorney in CPS cases and in these situations, if the parent is white and middle class, CPS will hardly ever get involved. However, if the parents are non-white, even if they are middle class, there is a much higher likeliehood of CPS involvement. Anyway, I'm not sure that this was the point of ER having Abby go to the airport clearly out of control. I was just making a real-life observation of what could have happened if a parent shows up at the airport intoxicated with their baby and makes a scene. Yes, Abby should have recognized that her alcoholism is not under control, but from what I recall, Luka doesn't even think she has a problem. But that's the thing with alcoholics, they stay sober for a few years, think they have it under control, and then a little adversity and it can come rearing back. They need to have better support and since Abby was missing or lacking in that, she relapsed. I still just can't believe that her supposed good friend Neela did nothing when everyone could see that she was drunk at the bar. I'll give the others a pass in that maybe they thought Abby was just letting loose, but as a friend, Neela should have known that Abby was spiraling and should have done more.
  8. Just watched the awful Blackout episode from season 14 where Abby slept with Moretti. So many terrible things happening. First of all, is there nobody left on the show who knows that Abby is an alcoholic? Why wouldn't Neela know? They were roommates for a while and are supposedly good friends so how is it that Neela didn't know? And then even if she didn't know, how is it that no one noticed that clearly Abby was out of control drunk? Yes, I suppose Pratt noticed when he told her not to go back to the ER to check on the family with the baby but no one else did? Some friend Neela turned out to be. And Moretti clearly should have known better. Not only was Abby married, but he should have known she was drunk and incapable of consent AND he was her boss. Clearly wrong in so many different ways! And then Abby's behavior after getting home was so awful. The poor babysitter. And then what was Abby thinking getting in the car and driving herself to the airport??? At least at some point she recognized she was too impaired to finish the drive and flagged down a cab. But whatever happened to her car and why wouldn't she have taken the car seat with her? And then her behavior at the airport - she is truly lucky that they didn't call law enforcement who would have then called CPS because she was clearly endangering the baby and she was still drunk! I guess ER was effective in showing Abby hitting rock bottom (is this her rock bottom or does she have farther to go?) but so many people just either did nothing or took advantage. Disgusting all around.
  9. Just watched the Season 13 season finale and what a mess it was. The only good part was when Katie called Neela a bitch and said that Ray's predicament was her fault. Neela's complete lack of self-awareness is infuriating to watch. There was some satisfaction in seeing her get trampled at the anti-war protest, but why was she even there? And why did Gates follow her there? Ridiculous that in the crowd he was even able to spot her. And then of course we got to the season 14 premiere and again it was all about Neela. The way so many other patients in the ER got neglected because everybody was so f-ing concerned about her. Grrr...and Gates should have been fired for what he did to the suspected bomber, not just banished to the ICU. He should have been arrested too. Watching the entire run of the show in order, you can really see the decline of the show. At this point in the original run, I had also stopped watching regularly and so many of these episodes I've never seen. I know they were competing with Gray's Anatomy at this point, but the personal and romantic drama just doesn't work when it appears to be the main focus and the characters are annoying. Neela is annoying and not a romantic lead, same goes for Abby and Sam...not one of them is as appealing as the show makes them out to be. And the men really aren't any better.
  10. Just watched the most ridiculous season 13 episodes where Neela is "dating" Gates (while lamenting that he is now busy with taking care of Sarah and not knowing where she fits in to his life), has Ray pining after her and kissing her after a night out, and then Dubenko telling her that he's allowed his personal feelings for her to influence his treatment of her at work after she complained about no longer being the prized pupil. So we are to believe that 3 of her work colleagues are simultaneously in love with her??? Ridiculous. She's cute but just like Abby, not sure that her personality and baggage is all that appealing either.
  11. Re: JD/MD's - Do you guys follow the Betty Broderick real-life saga? The husband she killed, Dan Broderick, had a JD/MD that he used to pursue a career in medical malpractice lawsuits. I think there are multiple uses for MDs who also pursue other advanced degrees. There are many who also have joint MD/MBAs as they ultimately want to pursue careers in hospital administration. Re: Peter and Cleo. Yes, I agree that her character was pretty much useless, as we never really got to know her. And there is no way that Peter's career as a surgeon would have put him at a disadvantage during the custody fight. There shouldn't have even been a custody fight, as Roger had no legal right to Reese. There was never any indication that Peter was a negligent or neglectful father, other than he worked long hours at times. But so do plenty of other parents.
  12. Peter may not have been the biological father of Reese, but he was on the birth certificate, always held out Reese as his own child, and provided for him financially and emotionally. There really would be no reason for him to lose to Roger in a custody battle, other than to create drama for TV. If Peter wanted to act in the best interest of the child, he would continue to let Reese have visitation with Roger and encourage a relationship, but legally, Peter would have custody of Reese. The idea that because he worked long hours as a surgeon and that would be disqualifying is insulting to all working parents. I'm currently watching season 13 on my DVD and it's pretty bad. I know everybody hates Abby here, but I really can't stand Neela. Just watched the last few episodes where clearly Ray and Gates are having pissing matches over Neela and the Christmas episode where we start seeing that Dubenko has feelings for her. Ridiculous. And of course, even those homeless kids somehow think she's the best thing since sliced bread. Ugh.
  13. Well, they said they had a limited number of tries so they didn't want to waste one of the attempts on what seemed like an easily guessable passcode but sometimes we give people too much credit and expect them to be smarter than they really are. LOL Remember Spaceballs and the passcode on the combination lock for the president's luggage?
  14. I forgot about that, but yes I agree, it was interesting to hear from her. Although every time she mentioned how Maggie and even Alec were her "friends" I would yell that they weren't her friends, they were her employers LOL. I think it's pretty clear that the Murdaughs felt most people were beneath them, including and especially "the help".
  15. I deleted the 20/20 episode as soon as I recognized it was the same case Dateline had just covered. It's irritating that they keep covering the same stories. There are so many cases/victims out there (unfortunately!) why do they have to do the same ones? As for the episode on Thursday, I deleted it before watching as the episode description sounded like the one from last week with the guy whose body was burned in Miami. I guess I should have started it just to make sure. The Murdaugh episode didn't really add much other than the investigators talking about how they unlocked the phone and also a mention of the clerk whose behavior is now under scrutiny. I didn't realize that 10 of the 12 jurors signed affidavits denying the clerk said what Harpootlian claims she did. However, if they can actually prove that she did say or do any of those things they are alleging, I would have to unfortunately agree that a new trial would be appropriate. At this point, I just don't trust the defense is telling the truth. But they've managed to poison the well enough to sow doubt so I guess they succeeded. They did interview the prosecutor Crayton Waters and I wish they'd shown more of his cross examination of Alec. I happened to be working from home that day and had the trial on and his cross was pretty effective and it was so funny how he kept needling Alec about his "new story".
  16. I know Abby is the least favorite character here, but mine is still Neela. I just finished Season 12 which is when she and Gallant get married and then dies and inexplicably we find out Ray has been holding a torch for her all this time and John Stamos makes his first appearance and is also inexplicably attracted to her for no reason and tries to ask her out for the first time. When Gallant dies, I'm sorry, but Neela's reaction is so self-centered. She almost didn't go to the ceremony at the gravesite, without any regard to how it may look or feel disrespectful to Gallant's parents and family. Her grief is understandable, but her lack of respect for his service is not. At the reception after the graveside ceremony, she lashes out at Gallant's father and practically throws the flag and his medals at him. I hope she eventually returned all that to his family instead of keeping it for herself as she clearly had no respect for it. I don't know if the military has any rules regarding this, but I feel like if the servicemember did not have any children/heirs when he died, those things should go back to his parents/siblings instead of the spouse, who will likely re-marry, in order to keep it in the family.
  17. The Family Feud thing was a little overblown and I agree that the point is to think of answers that could be on the board, but if that was the intent of his answer, he would have also said something like "not that I would have said something like this but..." Instead he made a face and said "sorry honey" or something like that. The ex husband was a man who never outgrew his frat boy persona. I could see how when they were in college and in the first few years after, he'd be considered charming, but that gets old after a while. He was stalking her and clearly couldn't handle her moving on with her life with a new man. I too thought the defense/divorce attorney was ridiculous. She says they never proved he was inside the house? How do you explain the shell casings? Even without the gun, that's a hella coincidence.
  18. Got around to watching the episode about Bethany last night and I agree. I kept yelling "where's the baby" and my husband finally told me the baby must be with some other relatives. I don't recall that they mentioned that the baby was living with Kim, the grandmother, until sometime later. Because I kept wondering why no one was concerned about the baby. If Bethany didn't want to talk to anyone for 3 weeks, ok, that's a little weird, but wouldn't grandma want an acknowledgment that the baby was ok? That's what led to the whole Casey/Caylee Anthony situation, because grandma wanted to make sure Caylee was ok. And then even once we knew that Grandma Kim had custody of the baby, I wondered if it was normal for Bethany to go 3 weeks without seeing her kid. I think if the family had raised the alarm sooner and reported her missing earlier, the police might have been able to find more evidence in the apartment to nab Ronald. They never explained how the apartment got cleared out or why all of her stuff was in the trunk of her car (unless I missed it). It's ridiculous to me that the family would have waited 3 weeks to report her missing. Even if she was communicating via text and messenger, they didn't think to verify that it was her or check if she had showed up at work?
  19. I agree. I didn't watch first run many of the episodes from season 12 onward, only caught a few episodes here and there at the time they aired or more recently as re-runs on Pop TV when I was working from home but from what I remember seeing, the show was not as good as the original seasons. It was almost like a completely different show. And ended up inexplicably revolving around Abby and Neela.
  20. I'm now on Season 12 and Gallant and Neela just got married. I still don't know when they were supposed to have fallen in love and why they did. Knowing that the show only lasts through season 15, I'm now surprised by how much happens in the next 3 seasons. With Gates making his first appearances already, and Abby and Luka already reconciling, a lot really does happen in the next few years. My husband is watching these episodes for the first time and he still can't understand how Neela goes from a whiny, self-doubting intern to the object of every male doctor's desire in the next few years. There is no indication yet that Ray ever had any feelings for Neela so I find it hard to believe that they are some big love story and that they deserve to be together in the end.
  21. What kills me about these interviews is that these family and friends are being interviewed after the crime has been committed and there has been an arrest and they still want to go on TV and talk about what a wonderful person they thought this person was. If I had a friend who got arrested and then charged and found guilty of murdering his wife, I would be so angry that I had been friends with someone like that and I wouldn't be going on TV telling the world what a great person he was and how much he loved his wife. I'd be ashamed and angry at myself that I didn't see what was happening. I just don't know how people can sit around and laugh at "good" memories of a man who murdered his wife in cold blood and do it publicly on national tv.
  22. The Note Very sad but seems like it left a lot of stuff out. I too was wondering where Kendra fit in the picture. I'm not sure there really was enough evidence to convict Brody even though I'm pretty sure he did do it. A kid who was arrogant enough to talk to Megan's mother the way he did definitely would have issues. They also never mentioned whether his father, the cop, had anything to do with a coverup. I thought I remembered that they said he wasn't exactly forthcoming in the beginning. The Clearing I agree that the defense attorney was top notch and was worth every penny. It's possible that Matt killed Emily but the prosecution didn't prove it. I don't see how they didn't find her body before those women did. They mentioned that he had a previous DV charge with his ex wife for choking her and that is a big red flag, but then they never told us if she testified or was even questioned. The amount of tragedy in Emily's life doesn't make it seem unlikely she would have committed suicide. And this was during the original Covid lockdown when many people were going stir crazy being at home and having nothing to do.
  23. Just binged this one in a few days. It was entertaining but pretty ridiculous. So the whole plot was to get some criminal mastermind out of prison and to make a gazillion dollars/pounds by shorting the airline's stock? So their conspiracy involved multiple people who didn't know about each other, including a couple of doofus goons who didn't realize they had guns with blanks (or did they insist on it, as it appeared they were not really that hardened? I couldn't tell.) And then in the end, the head honcho criminal whose release from prison was the original motive, ends up getting shot in the head by one of his co-conspirators because he wouldn't get off the computer and wanted to keep making more money? Did I get that right? Also, I don't believe that the woman who ended up landing the plane would get off scott free. I'm sure those in charge would just say they told her whatever she wanted to hear in order to get her to land the plane. Maybe they drop the charges related to barricading herself in the cockpit but no way she can get off for murdering the pilot. And at the end, I kept waiting for the twist that Idris Elba was one of the conspirators who had been put on the plane as a possible insurance that the whole thing wouldn't go too far south. Was there ever an explanation for why he was in Dubai and now heading to see his ex wife when she clearly had moved on?
  24. I watched both this one and the 20/20 episode and she is a special kind of evil. Jennifer is delusional and a narcissist. Yeah, I too don't know how a dumpy frau like her could get so many men to do her bidding but there's been dumpy men who've managed to con numerous women too so I guess both sexes are susceptible.
  25. I'm just not getting it. What was real and what was not? Did Anna really start puking up black sludge when accepting the award? Was that woman in the bathroom real? Did Anna hallucinate Cara Delevigne's nurse character giving her a miscarriage? I wasn't going to watch this season as I hated last season and quit after a couple of episodes and I hate Kim K but when I saw that Matt Czuchry was going to be on the show, I decided to try as I really like him. I think Kim K's character is awful and she's a terrible actress. She's basically playing herself/her mother and she's not believable as a tough agent/manager whatever she is. And her face/body are distracting with all of her plastic surgery. I'm going to try to hang on for a few more episodes but I'm not sure how much more of Kim I can take.
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