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Good Queen Jane

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Everything posted by Good Queen Jane

  1. Olympics limit the number of competitors to make it manageable. The US won the right to have 3 spots at the Olympics by Karen and Bradie’s placement at Worlds. But since the US had only 2 women competing at Worlds last year, they had to show that they had another woman who had the skills to compete by scoring in the top six at the qualifying event. Which was Nebelhorn. It had to be someone other than the two woman who competed at Worlds. Alysa wasn’t hold enough to compete at last year’s Worlds but could compete this year and won the US the third spot at Nebelhorn. By the way, the country earned the spot so the US could have sent any three women they wanted.
  2. So far USFSA has not listened to any of my recommendations. Good to see Jason is cheerleading even if he will not be skating. Ukraine does not have an entry in Men and Germany does not have an entry in Pairs in the Team Event. They each had skaters qualified in those events I wonder if COVID reared its ugly head?
  3. I could have sworn she didn't, but looking it up, I see that you're right. And I was there! But, as I said, I am old (and obviously forgetful!) Thanks for the correction.
  4. Alysa didn't compete at this year's Nationals. She tested positive before the competition began. Her growth spurt issues seem to linger and I don't think her switch to a new coach right before Nationals has done anything to calm TPTB's fears. I am prejudiced, but I really want Jason to do the short in the Team competition. First, his Sinnerman program is superb and has consistently gotten high GOE's. Secondly, Team is realistically the only competition he can medal in. However, I am old enough to remember Paul Wylie at the 1992 Olympics where he came from nowhere to beat all the great jumpers for silver (and should have won gold IMHO), so maybe I'm selling Jason short.
  5. My ideal US team would be Jason doing short and Nathan doing long in men, C/B doing Rhythm and H/B doing Free in Dance, Karen doing both ladies, and C-G/LeDuc doing both Pairs.
  6. As stated above, every topic I follow that used to be list under the New Shows Added has disappeared from my Home Page. For example, Other Interest, Sports. I accessed them again and marked "Follow" but they still don't show up on my Homepage.
  7. Any news on who will be competing for the US in the Olympic Team event? Since it starts on Friday, they should have to announce the team members soon.
  8. I know. I'm assuming the boy is Nicholas and putting his age around 13, But if Hailey is younger than a teen in the flashforward, even more reason to believe she and Baby Jack would be with Toby if Kate is dead.
  9. Hugs to you, @Country girl. Thank you for sharing. You are very brave to post the above. I hope you have found peace.
  10. The problem I have with the concept that Kate is dead in the flashforward is that Jack and Hailey are clearly not with Toby. If the boy identified as Kevin's son is Nicky, then Jack and Hailey are both teenagers. If Kate is dead, Toby would have custody of them and would not be arriving separately. So I think Kate is still alive.
  11. Many survivors of child abuse blame the non-abusing parent for not protecting them. It's not rational, but emotions rarely are. Jack has the defense mechanism of pretending bad things didn't happen. Dad is abusive; he doesn't exist. Mom is safe but reminds him of the abuse; she doesn't exist. Nicky has mental issues; he doesn't exist. When things got tough in his own life, he drank so that they wouldn't exist for at least a little while. Jack would have benefiting from some good therapy. Instead, he created his own little world where all was good. It isn't sustainable and would have fallen apart when the Big 3 became adults and moved on to their own lives, but since he died before that happened, he became Saint Jack.
  12. 2/5, 1A*. Not great, but my Bengals are going to the AFC Championship Game! Who Dey!
  13. I like this show, but I long for the day when the gender of the participants is not something that is emphasized.
  14. NOOOO! Don't use it! Remember the Crock Pot of Death was a gift from someone not using it!
  15. I really did not enjoy this episode of "Mother Knows Best." If Toby gets nothing else from his marriage to Kate, at least he learned how to give a Pearson Speech. He even had the props close at hand to teach Kevin the Meaning of Life. So we have the Crock Pot of Death and the Big Green Egg of Marital Destruction. What's next, the Air Fryer from Hell?
  16. The Winter Olympics and the Super Bowl, which are the first two weeks in February, could account for some of the lack of new episodes. Networks tend not to put new episodes opposite them.
  17. 4/5, 2*, 3A*. Scoring is getting complicated, but I can't complain since I did better than Amy on FJ this week!
  18. Unfortunately, that hair has migrated to my chin and under my nose! Deja is how old, 15, maybe 16? I know people have sex at that age, but presenting this as the great love story just bothered me. If both Deja and Malik looked the age they are supposed to be, wouldn't we be talking about the "older" man taking advantage of the "younger" woman?
  19. To correct where I watched it, it was on the NBC app. I have too many streaming services. But it definitely said Yellow Brick Road as the title. Maybe Sir Elton objected.
  20. I watched it on Paramount + and it was called "Yellow Brick Road."
  21. I'm back from the figure skating Nationals, which were wonderful (especially the Men's short program). Week 16 : 1/5, but it was a good one, * and A* Week 17: 2/5, no *
  22. According to this, the actress playing Barbara wanted to leave and TPTB wanted to give her a dramatic and irreversible farewell.
  23. Or Robyn could get a message from Bishop that his son was in danger and that he was was taking him somewhere safe (like Mandyville tm West Wing) and he goes off the grid, never to be seen or mentioned again. Or TPTB could recast Bishop and we just pretend that the new actor was always Bishop.
  24. 3/5, no A*. I will not be reporting my scores from now until January 11 as I am off to the US Figure Skating Championships in Nashville (fingers crossed that spectators will still be allowed to attend). I will be with my usual Blue Scarves Group and will wave at all of you who tune in.
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