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Good Queen Jane

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Everything posted by Good Queen Jane

  1. Wow, two North American Worlds in a row! 2024 Worlds is in Montreal to make up for the one COVID cancelled (I still have my unused tickets).
  2. When Sharik complained about her arms hurting and then asked Phil if he had ever chiseled, I wanted him to say that not only has he chiseled, but there were 8 other people who had done the exact same thing she had and none of them wanted to quit.
  3. That was a great game. I really liked the lead changes between Cris and Mike (although I did feel sorry for the lady in the middle who just couldn't ring in fast enough). The high DD wagers made it really exciting. I could watch a whole week of Cris v. Mike.
  4. Janice is definitely a villain. Drugging your mother is one thing, but letting a mid-seventies women fall to the ground without trying to catch her is just nasty. Beth is lucky she doesn't have a broken hip.
  5. 1/5 no*. I too on Monday said the cities, but didn't realize the clue wanted the countries. I also am embarrassed that I couldn't get an * in a week where there were three. I guess I am not smarter than a Jeopardy! contestant.
  6. They could have Ben meet Sam when Sam has leaped into someone else. Ben would be like everyone else and see Sam as the other person. We the audience would see Sam from Ben's point of view. Just because they are both leapers doesn't mean they can see each other's actual self. That's not to say I don't want Scott Bakula to appear (because I do), but that is a way they could have Sam appear even multiple times, each time being portrayed by different actors.
  7. Didn't Janice say that Ben came to her, not the other way around? Ben is the genius scientist behind the revitalized project. He wasn't supposed to be the Leaper. But in doing his calculations, he discovered something catastrophic happened/will happen at the focal point if he doesn't intervene. Maybe Sam does something that will stop the original project from even happening, which means Beth never waits for Al and Ben never meets Addison.
  8. Do you mean Beth? She would be in her 70s and I thought she looked age appropriate.
  9. The International isn't a high interest event. I am hoping that Peacock gets the streaming rights issue worked out by the time Grand Prix starts.
  10. I really liked Peacock coverage because you got to see all the skaters, not just the top flights. It's a good way to see the those skaters that aren't quite "ready for Primetime."
  11. 3/5, no *. I don't contribute food since I don't want to poison any of the lovely people here, but I am glad to give what I always bring to dinner parties, which is my appreciative appetite.
  12. I am of the opinion that “Theo” is a shortening of “Theoden” and look for him to end up in Rohan.
  13. I look at it as a stern rebuke, like when your mother addresses you by all your names. "John Joseph Doe, come here now." You know you're on thin ice.
  14. And when will the audience learn to either applaud everyone or no one?
  15. The Emmys are on Monday because nothing replaces Sunday Night Football, especially the opening of the season.
  16. @saber5055!! So good to have you back! I'm in.
  17. Perhaps it is a euphemism, as in "Let's Go Brandon."
  18. I don't think that there is any doubt that the final episode will be Richmond v. West Ham for the championship. But there are many possible endings to the match. The most likely one is that Richmond wins on a penalty kick by Jamie, although it could be Sam or even Roy as a last minute sub after Jamie is injured by a cheating play sent in by Nate. But another possible ending would be Richmond losing because the team refused to take advantage of a bad call or they walked off the field because of racial slurs against Sam or other players of color, thus proving principles win over sports. Since the more modern approach to television is bleak endings, another possibility is that Richmond just is out played by West Ham, Rebecca loses the team because of financial issues and everyone goes off to other lives, but are better having known each other. And, of course, there is the redemption ending, where Nate, wanting to come back to the light, deliberately calls a play he knows Ted and the Richmond players will counter to win the game. So many options!
  19. According to Sasukepedia, Najee had to withdraw due to Covid protocol. He was replaced by Jackson Erdes.
  20. It was a double bummer that Joe Moravsky was DQ'd not because he tested positive for COVID, but because his wife did. I understand the reasoning, but it would be awful if Joe never tested positive. It is possible to live with someone who has COVID and not get it yourself. However, the last thing the show would want is all the competitors going down before Stage 4 because of infections.
  21. Also, in the alt-future, when Nurse Chapel is listing Spock's injuries, she is wearing a blue uniform. So she joins Starfleet eventually, probably to search for her missing fiance, as indicated in TOS.
  22. Would you want Ken to host the tournament? You could all throw buzzers at him!
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