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Everything posted by ranchgirl

  1. I'm guessing that Carlin's meds are: 1) helping her not have seizures anymore, 2) helps reduce them or 3) they just aren't talking about it when she has one. She doesn't want to drive, as that would free Evan up to get a job away from her. I believe that is not something that is Ok with her. Cruises and traveling with Evan are just fine. She doesn't ever want to be alone. She doesn't know how. And she hasn't seen a doctor in well over a month, right? I honestly can't believe they even mentioned having another baby right now. They don't even have a handle on what is going on with her. Also, they are very lucky that Zade is such a laid-back baby and not energetic. I've never seen a baby at his age just want to be held and do nothing.
  2. Nurie's note is proof for what a martyr Jill is. Look how she handled this very painful and hurtful life event .. being cheerful even though her heart was breaking and getting out of bed every day and going on with the schedule of singing, filming with a smile while the kids swim, posing for pictures on the beach when she was in tremendous pain. She is Nurie's best friend (besides God and her husband ---> how many times has Jill written like this?). Those poor Rod kids. Just a prop for their mom. Trained to parrot everything out of her mouth.
  3. There was also a video of Layla telling us what she carried in her purse. It is my opinion that the child had a pull up on. Or her underwear is really bulky. It appeared the family was just hanging at the house at the moment, wouldn't that be a time when a mom who is consistent in potty training her 3 year old (who was killin' it last week) would have her not be in a pull up? Maybe she leaves her in a pull up all the time, just in case of an accident?
  4. When I first saw this, I thought she was going to announce she was leaving BSB. Has she even been to the warehouse since getting back? I hope Whitney takes a nice 3 or 4 month's vacation.
  5. Everything has always been a competition with Ma and Pa Bates. Even their I Love You Day is a competition with the themed costumes. They have been competitive with "talent shows" at other parties and get togethers.
  6. The way Carlin featured herself with Baby Hailey just seems weird to me. Anyone else? And Mama B went on and on about how great Carlin was and then, oh yeah, good job Katie. I was not surprised her and Evan got out of there as soon as the baby came home. Her job was done. Does Zade have a personality? Does he ever play? He sits so quietly and contently no matter who is holding him. He must have a very calm personality. Also, I can just hear Mama B while sitting in the waiting room or birthing room, on her phone constantly as she makes arrangements for herself, and the kids left at home, for the next couple of weeks. Who can take Jud and Jeb? Who wants Ellie or Adde? And where does Callie go? I never see her. I can only imagine the phone calls and texts Kelly makes daily to keep the constant going in her daily routine.
  7. In her first post about the miscarriage, Jill only said that andKaylee was so excited to be pregnant together with HER. I thought that was interesting that she only mentioned that andKaylee was excited, but she never said how she felt about it. We all know that she wanted to be pregnant at the same time as Nurie because she openly told everyone she was praying for that. And those letters from her kids. Goodness. Why make those public.
  8. Erin drove her kids to Orlando to meet up with her parents who had a layover there. (Chad was not shown or mentioned so not sure he went.) She tagged the Webster family in one of the pictures but just said that her kids enjoyed some cousin time. No picture of her with Alyssa nor did she even mention Alyssa and John. Alyssa also tagged the Paynes in a picture but never mentioned Erin and Chad by name or had a picture of them.
  9. IIRC, Joy Duggar Forsyth brought and decorated her L&D room with some fairy/patio lights that she (well, probably Austin) strung around the room or the bed.
  10. Carlin just posted some stories. More pics from NYC. Layla and Zade not seen in any footage. I guess someone else is now in control of the consistency of potty training.
  11. My first thought was how W&Z have had to carry the boutique during Whit's morning sickness while C&E galivant around from family to family to hang out. In the beginning of the boutique, W&Z did most of the heavy lifting. She's had to carry it when Erin and Carlin couldn't be there. I guess out of all the Bates families having babies, I do feel that W&Z pay attention to their kids and interact with their kids and don't just use them for social media.
  12. No new content from the "Fab 4" + Kelly, in a couple of days. Hmmmm.
  13. I have a feeling that Katie and Travis know when she is having this baby. Early on she said that she probably wouldn't go to her due date b/c of her clotting disorder, so perhaps the doctor said he'll give her a week to see if labor starts naturally and if not, he'll induce. Would Carlin really go down 4 weeks early to wait it out? Regardless, she is there and brought Layla with her. And oh goodie, she plans to potty train her at Katie's house. Isn't that nice.
  14. Like you said, Carlin wrote everything she wanted Layla to pick on the pink paper so Layla would pick up. Then she got all worried and said to Evan, "What if she doesn't pick the pink paper?" Ummmm, the child can't read. Even if she picks the wrong paper you can just tell her what she is doing next. Probably the closest Layla will ever get to a ballet pose. And BTW, what are they holding?
  15. Carin and Evan also seemed very annoyed that Lawson saw them and came over to talk to them. They were not pleasant to him in the least. Evan was just like, "we can't go into Buckee's because we are trying to stay ahead of the storm" and there were no real smiles for Carlin's brother.
  16. There was video of her during their Thanksgiving video of her holding Zade (I think) and jumping on a trampoline with other small kids. Glad she didn't have an "episode" then either.
  17. I was shocked that she is putting the baby with Maci and the other youngest girl, whose name escapes me right now. And why redo the walls and such. It isn't like he is going to know or understand. He will stay with Alyssa and John for the first few months anyway. And then I'm sure when he gets to be 1 or 2, they will rearrange again. The spoiling has begun.
  18. I was thinking the same thing. Their set up in FL doesn't look a whole lot better than what they have now. A little more room in the house but they could have found another place in TN like that. I think (just my opinion) that Erin wants away from her family now that there is disagreement and tension between her and some of the siblings. Perhaps living that close to home is stressful to her. I feel sorry for the kids with this move. They will be so isolated now. I feel the house was either offered by a church member in FL or maybe one of their followers. Probably at a very reduced rate. I thought the same thing about her "view" and the trash containers being lined up there. Erin will enjoy that kitchen though. A lot more than she has now.
  19. Tiffany waved around a pregnancy test in the last video, the one where they went to see Nate's new baby. She said it was negative. Lawson was rambling while she did that and then he mumbled something about it, but I didn't catch it. Didn't go back to listen again, my ears were already bleeding.
  20. If any woman writes to Josh while he is in prison, wanting to get to know him better, I can see him writing her back and getting stuff going with his new pen-pals. Anna never has to know.
  21. Temps are getting cold in Arkansas. Wonder if Jason is still sleeping in the tree house?
  22. I don't know about Lydia, but Trace has been to Hawaii before.
  23. I'm not a doctor but it is my experience that certain stress can bring about anything.
  24. I couldn't access the story. Carlin appears to be over the filming. In the Q&A video, she seemed bored, fidgety and didn't want to answer the questions. And then in the vacation video, she was pretty much absent and when she did say something because Evan asked her a question, she hardly gave the camera any time.
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