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Mama No Life

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Everything posted by Mama No Life

  1. What he heck is with the splinters and his butt?
  2. Am I the only one who skips from The Parts in the Sum to the The Bikini in the Soup when rewatching? I can't stand the Maluku/Hannah arc. Even knowing how it ends it is so awful to watch....
  3. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks this is boring. It's not moving at all, and I'm starting to care less and less about the characters.
  4. Do we really think she was going out to get dope? She was already self-medicating, I assumed she just OD's on that. I loved this ending. I have loved Corey all along and liked Chip--now I love him. Bradley was my least favorite but this episode almost redeemed her.
  5. agreed. Bradley is my least favorite of all the characters. Even Alex's daughter is above her lol
  6. OMG mine too. When Fred said he was setting up a meeting for him and he said, 'don't tell me who with I like to be surprised' I cracked up. I liked Alex telling her privileged daughter to fuck off with her big head. One thing that is blowing me away with Aniston--and trust me, I was not a fan before this, worst of the 6 friends haha--is how she is good at playing Alex as a bad actress on the show. Alex is so real in real life but so fake on the Morning Show, and I love that Aniston is playing it with that nuance. After this show I may never be able to stomach a morning show again...
  7. Why do I watch this show? I have no idea what is happening or why I even care but I still watch it.
  8. Is it wrong that I loved how Marty treated Wendy after her brother died? I needed them to get back in step.
  9. Favorite physical gag--Amy's wild gestures flopping Charles's arm all over the place....the little details they put into everything.
  10. So did I. She NAILED Kerry Washington. The actress playing young Elaina had a lot of her mannerisms down too, but KW's expressions are so distinct that they stood out in young Mia's actor.
  11. I have no idea what they are trying to accomplish or why. It's really undercutting my enjoyment haha.
  12. I was actually quasi interested in this one, which I haven't said in a while. If they could just get rid of those stupid Marissa/Bull over the headset conversations this show would improve so much. They're just awful, awful, awful. Fun fact, Bull's 2 week old has the strongest neck in history. Another fun fact, you can burp children by patting their butts. No wonder she farted instead.
  13. This reminded me of one of the best arcs on Friends, when Chandler and Monica couldn't conceive after Rachel got knocked up by Ross. Perry and Cox did such a good job with that materials, and Samberg and Futuro are knocking this out of the park. I love this relationship...still one of the best in tv history because they always take the reasonable, normal path and they so clearly love each other.
  14. Is Bull's child gestating permanently? Is he going to be born six years old?
  15. I've started watching again for some reason, because as much as I loved this show for 10 seasons the last two were kinda painful. Watching season 1 though, and how their relationship developed so organically and how much chemistry they had from the start, makes me fall in love with them all over again. Also I hated Cam. And I'll skip Hannah episodes.
  16. On a side note, I am loving the background bit of Susie and Jackie living together. Nice to see more of Jackie. Astrid, Chaim Christian? LOL
  17. I thought Anthony Edwards was a huge bright spot this season. His character was flawed, obviously, but AE was terrific. Emily (well the actress) is an awful crier.
  18. Best scene of the night. I rewatched it several times.
  19. Abigail and Chad don't belong in the same universe as Jack and Jen. Their mistake was screwing with them to start with. Especially for Tan Dan. Abigail and Chad are booooorrrinnnnngggggg....Chad was so much better with Gabi.
  20. Just watched this. Excellent acting. Billy Crudup is still amazing. Writing was erratic at best. ha. No pun intended. Pissed they didn't wrap it up somehow.
  21. I wanted Julia to be alive. But I'm okay with the way it ended. Not an award winning series but I was interested start to finish, so that's a win.
  22. I love this show. I do not like Maddie, her forehead, or her breasts in her unprofessionally unbuttoned to her navel maroon shirts. She is no Tammy Taylor and I miss Buck. But other than that, I'm enjoying it.
  23. I'm sure MW has lost weight. He trains a lot in the summers and he also got slimmer as the episode went on. I'm sure it was aligned with the story. Never liked cable so bye. Actually I don't like most of the characters. Why do I watch this show? 2million a month is probably nothing for a firm that is probably sued constantly. It's not that they couldn't afford 400,000, it's that it was a low-yield payout (I know that sounds horrible) and they probably are faced with that 100 times a month. They need someone to keep them from having to pay all of them. Notice the insurance guy didn't seem that stressed when he thought they were going to lose. They just have to keep fighting them or they'll go under but they expect to lose some.
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