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Mama No Life

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Everything posted by Mama No Life

  1. Is the entire cast of Go On going to be on this show? B/c I miss Matthew Perry on TV....maybe he could find a home here?
  2. When I was watching it in the 80's (ack), I thought season 3 was my favorite, but as I rewatch them over the years I think I prefer season 2. Great chemistry but still interesting plots....
  3. They weren't great about airing the episodes in order and that caused some confusion with Jamie's attitude, I believe.
  4. Love season 3....the tide has definitely turned and it's Scarecrow who has it bad for Mrs. K. Utopia Now, All the World's a Stage.....ah!
  5. I'm so excited to have a place to talk about SMK! Loved season 3 but the stupid mystery marriage was not a good idea. I wonder all the time what would have happened had Kate not gotten sick....
  6. I was ready to be mad at Karen for being mad at Hank, but she wasn't really. She knows she honestly has no reason to be mad at him, and yet she's still hurt. That's believable to me. I'm enjoying watching Hank try to parent this totally immature child since Becca was always more mature than Hank. On a side note, last night's cig was only the second of the season, and Hank didn't finish it. It's been noticeable to me b/c I hate the chain smoking of past seasons. Wonder what's up with that? It has to be a conscious choice by someone. Thank goodness last night was light on the Runkle wrinkles. They grate.
  7. This thing with the sponsor is really annoying me. One, I love Julie White, and two, Jackie is totally using her to bitch and not to get help. You show up at her work to ask for help when you're already using? It just rubs. I love, love, love Zoey and how she calls it straight with Prentiss. Totally confident and totally real. Loved them in the gay bar, as well as Coop and Eddie. Coop needs someone to get his head out of his own ass sometimes. What's going on with Gloria?Is she on some good happy pills? Is she developing a gambling problem? Regardless, enjoying. I didn't think Zoey really beat Jackie in the dr phone calls though, since Zoey's dr was more annoyed than scared since she knew her mom was on a cruise. lol
  8. I hated the whole Emma storyline, to be honest. The mix-up in the hospital about the proposal, them living together but dating, then the Joey thing. Blech. I thought the writers did such an amazing, organic job with Monica and Chandler but they never got Ross/Rachel right for me. I too preferred Phoebe with David, though I did love the ep where she changed her name to Princess Consuela Bananahammock so Mike changed his name to Crapbag. lol
  9. My favorite sentimental moment was during the Chandler/Phoebe Seduce-Off: "Ok, okay you win...I can't have sex with you." "And why not?" "Because I'm in love with Monica". SQUEEEEE My favorite comedic moment would be hard to pinpoint...PIVOT certainly qualifies, along with the Armadillo/Santa battle. One of my favorites for certain is when Ross is eating the cotton candy, totally stoned, and said they sent him to the shrink "on account of my rage." lol
  10. My DVR cut off at the diner scene with Molly and her dad, right after Chief Saul showed up. Can someone fill me in on the end? I assume someone was put down an ice hole? lol
  11. Good question. I keep thinking about Sherlock's share in the meeting at the beginning of the episode. What exactly was he trying to say about not having a peer being a threat to his sobriety? Because no one really GETS him, b/c no one is like him? I guess I get that but it seemed to come out of the blue. That said, it's about time he had his sobriety tested...he hasn't really been in danger of a relapse since Joan moved in. I don't think that's realistic. Joan can do so much better than Mycroft's horrible self. He will always be the stupid kicker in The Replacements to me. lol But he is right about one thing...Sherlock doesn't want to share. And I don't like how cranky that makes Joan. :/
  12. That was crap. The only thing I enjoyed was Callie telling April to stay out of her vagina, Derek and Mere's date day (which was so pathetic, btw) and Robbin's being supportive of Alex. HATE April, so tired of everyone yelling at Jackson, so tired of fat mama crying, loathe Catherine, bleh. I'm happy for Cristina that she's escaping this nest of fools...
  13. Yeah, I watch this show just out of habit. Nine times out of ten I am doing something else and I look up occasionally to see if Booth and Brennan are interacting in a somewhat interesting way. They usually aren't, so I go back to what I'm doing. On the flip side, I'm watching an old one now, the one where they go to Britian. So much better. What happened?
  14. I'm liking Hank more this season, which is very important to me. I would be happy if they'd spare me the autism jokes...too close to home....but I get that nothing is sacred with them so I can deal. I am going to be annoyed if Karen holds this against him....it has nothing to do with her.
  15. I was pleased to see Hank making an attempt at growing up. I hope some much needed character growth isn't going to derail next week. I think the Levon story could be interesting if done correctly...I mean, surely by mathematical averages alone Hank has to have more than one kid, so it seems real to me. Is the thought of Marcy with Stu what's keeping Runks from getting it up? Poor Smurfs. On a side note, we made it til the very end without seeing Hank light up. I was hoping we'd go the whole ep. DD is kind of a health nut...wonder how he feels about having to smoke in this role?
  16. Is this the worst drama on TV these days? I sooo do not care about Cam and her guy. I want Bones and Booth, and maybe a little Angela/Hodgins if required. That's it. Don't care about Cam or Sweets or blahblahblah. And the COTW was dumb, as usual these days. I need some drama in this drama, and some scenes where Brennan and Booth aren't phoning it in. What I really need to do is stop watching, ha.
  17. I love Jak's boyfriend whose name I cannot remember. Fred? Ralph? George? lol But he's such a good guy....it's a shame she's going to fuck things up with him.
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