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Everything posted by AKA...CJ86

  1. So, we still have a little...long...while until the next episode. I saw this on another forum I frequent...some posters were worried with the long hiatus...but how long do you guys expect the series to last? Personally, I'd love it if it had the same run as Lab Rats, but realistically, I could see it going into two seasons. For me as long as the conclusion to the Mighty Med destruction is good/I'm satisfied, I think I'll be fine...and at least one Adam and Leo appearance...although I think it's been mentioned Leo will pop-up. And as long as they don't pull an Aaron Stone and end on a cliffhanger, I'll be fine. ETA: Give Daniel some appearances, still say he can be the replacement of Chase and Bree...he can be Adam and Leo's team/squad member/trainee...
  2. I'll be getting those Golden Girls figures! I love the Dorothy one! Noticed sellers on some sights selling one figure for quite a bit but some comic/video game/collectible specific sites have been a bit more reasonable.
  3. Magnolia Crawford...somebody needs to go home first...
  4. Loved the description by the Producers of the Winter Wonderland Party...each Housewife taking turns taking Gretchen and Slade to task--when they were finished with one, another was waiting in the wings for their turn. I forgot how much I loved bubbly Lydia...although I don't remember which fairytale creature/cartoon character she reminds of...
  5. I've been watching interviews featuring some of the Season 7 Queens (Trixie, Katya, Tempest, MKD...) and quite a few mention a few of the girls don't get that much work...which Queens? I think a few are probably obvious but do they ever go into more specifics on who? I'm just glad my favorites seem to be doing well from the season.
  6. Coming Through in the Clutch -- July 25th
  7. ...Did I hear Sarah correctly...Wikipedia Editor on her business card...the people I know...that's a hobby... ...unless there is more to it that I don't know...sorry, Wikipedia editor never sounded appealing...and I always thought anyone could do it?
  8. Loved the appearance of the Shotgun-Axe! I'll Miss Ward...GoodWard...BadWard...SquidWard... So, moving forward, I hope Daisy's out...like just an occasional appearance next season...I don't need an entire season of Hunting Daisy...but did like the ending with a shoutout to the mystic hobo's family... ETA: I'll miss Lincoln most of all...I was one of what, the two Lincoln fans here
  9. Loved the episode...loved the zombie Inhumans, again loved everything. Almost everything, The episode was going so well...until Lash was the chosen one to save Daisy...
  10. TV Movie please? To tie up those loose ends...
  11. I'm with you on Tempest, much like Naysha this season, my early pic is always the first booted queen.
  12. That's a good question, and I'm totally blanking on last names? I don't think they were ever mentioned...
  13. I love HiveWard but collecting a team of Inhumans felt a little too much reminiscent of Cal collecting super powered individuals last season...my opinion of course... ...I still LOVED the episode though, one of the strongest yet.
  14. Finally caught up. I thought it was kinda obvious it was Daisy. I thought Yo-Yo seemed likely as well, Lincoln would have been too too obvious, and I like Joey, so didn't want it to be him.
  15. That's a totally awesome idea! It's a way to maybe work in Leo and Adam. Except the villain gaining bionics, that's too similar to Krane. Maybe Roman/Riker, or their Father can gather a group of villains?
  16. I knew my strategy would work. I must be bad luck, all the queens I loved went home, so I decided to root for the queen I liked least... ...and BOOM... ...Who to root for next?
  17. She may not at the time, but I think including Nicole's favorite nachos in her cookbook puts her at that level---to a degree---now.
  18. At first I didn't let this bug me, but this is slowly kinda getting to me. I think it's probably the one glaring world breaking/immersion breaking thing of the series. I also wouldn't mind Bree and Chase, although mainly Chase, geek out over being immortalized in a comic book. side note: I don't see any upcoming episodes so I'll try to keep a look out...we're at that break point.
  19. That's So Raven... ...Not a joke, just an observation.
  20. Haven't watched MM or original recipe LR since the shows have come and gone, but my two cents...I felt, or at least IIRC, MM always went for the Power Display with some physical elements incorporated, while LR went with physical elements and incorporated the Bionics... ...either way, I think the main point about the bolded, both casts usually had the brunt of physical work go to one person (Skylar and maybe a guest hero/villain kicking but while Kaz and Oliver were distressed, Chase being a bit more acrobatic while Adam, Bree, Leo were distressed), which to me, left the others standing around. I think MM, through the various super powered bit players and powers, hid this a bit better through the power displays to help distract from the standing around. Do you know what I need? A third location...not going into missions, LR had the Davenport home, the lab and school, then Tech-Town. MM had Mighty Med, school, and the comic shop. Bionic Island had the main entrance/hall, the training area, and the gang's living area. So far the show has been primarily tied to their apartment and base (and the same single area for both)...the characters seem to be primarily on their own, we need some type of hang out...comic shop? Smoothie Bar?
  21. Probably one of the few little things to annoy me with the original as well. To the episode: Caught "The List". Good episode. Crossbow...at least the situation let Kaz and Oliver go "Mighty Med" on the situation, even though it would have been stronger for the story by not bringing Crossbow back. Roman/Riker were getting a little stale, so glad to see things look they'll switch up a bit. Nice seeing the action figures, and some assorted gizmos again... ...and can the gang please meet Baby Davenport!?
  22. They introduced Malick's daughter at what, the end of an episode, a few episodes ago, I thought it was a little late to be bringing a new player, and all I was thinking was "You in danger girl." And look what happened this episode. I preferred the Malick Family Values flashbacks...over everything else.
  23. And we need an update, stat! I did love the whole "What? Bring a mechanic to prove my case?" spiel. The dude thought it was funny too, didn't he? He was laughing it off.
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