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Everything posted by amarante

  1. What was even more ridiculous was that he was calling a regular single bowl sink a "farmhouse" sink. A farmhouse sink is one that has the "apron" front and it can actually be a single bowl, double bowl or even triple bowl. The farmhouse sink is somewhat of an aesthetic choice but it also is a bit more functional because you can get closer to the basin of the sink which makes a difference in terms of comfort to some people. I have a *real* farmhouse sink which is also copper. And a single bowl single is MUCH more functional than a double bowl sink because when I had the two bowls I would wind up splashing myself if I had to wash anything large since large items couldn't lay flat on the bottom. Since the homes were being flipped, I have no idea why the flipper didn't install the more popular and functional single bowl sink but then - having finished a gut remodel of my home - I know exactly how a builder or flipper cheaped out - like not having lower cabinets be deep drawers since drawers are more expensive but way more functional.
  2. While she wasn't a "favorite" of mine, I do think she added something to the mix. She was genuinely wealthy and her twins were adorable. I also thought she was beautiful and loved her clothing and hair choices. A bit much on the plastic surgery to be sure but it was nice to get a break from Kary's short shorts and rompers. I enjoyed her in the same way that I enjoyed Kat - I like seeing what clothing she is wearing. I don't know that she added less than Stephanie whose chief point of interest is that she is so blandly nice. In the first season she was a bit trashy and there was the cotentiousness with Leanne over how they acted at the "high society" events. How ironic that is looking back in terms of how their arcs developed over the seasons. I might have low standards though as I can't think of any housewives on any franchise that I "admire" although there are housewives like Kary or Leah (from NY) that I actively want off my screen because their behavior is so appalling.
  3. So Tiffany Moon is officially gone and is a one season housewife. She doesn't need the money so she could be walking away because it isn't worth it. I don't see why she would be fired. She wasn't boring - at least to me and she wasn't a liability like some of the wives who were fired.
  4. Did the Gorgas have significant income prior to being on the show? The Guidices had the house of cards fraud going but was Gorga even faking financial success?
  5. I don't know why his having given the guy excessive amounts of morphine to snow him is in question since that is absolutely what he did.. Showing him with the two bottles to dispose of was just to use an anvil at the end to underscore that in the event that there was any doubt. Of course my understanding is that morphine is a closely tracked substance in any hospital and so someone can't just throw out two bottles and that is the end of the story. Of course this is Chicago Med so either they don't track narcotics or this signals some kind of discovery of proof of his having overdosed (snowed) the delusional patient. Is there any doctor or nurse except Crockett and Dr. Charles left who has any shred of medical or other ethics left?
  6. I also had pneumonia and it is no way a walk in the park. But compared to lingering maladies of old age, it is relatively quick and painless. Remember this was pre WW II - antibiotics weren't available until the late 1940's/early 1950's. Many older people I know well don't fear death but are afraid of lingering suffering and succumbing to diseases that leave than less than like Alzheimer or an incapacitating stroke.
  7. In the days before antibiotics, pneumonia was sometimes referred to as the old person's friend because it killed someone relatively quickly and painlessly and spared them from dying of a more painful illness like cancer.
  8. There is a difference between mispronouncing a somewhat tongue twisting word and not knowing the meaning of fairly basic vocabulary words and misusing them. Andy was laughing at himself because he realized he was mispronouncing something - I typically tongue twist with endodontist and feel no shame. Exhibiting a lack of understanding of a word by not using it appropriately is in another category - I am a "high achiever" like Tiffany and I would feel mortified if I exhibited my ignorance of a word's meaning by using it improperly. I actually would want someone to let me know in the same way that I would want to know about spinach on the teeth so that I didn't continue to put myself in a position where people were laughing at me behind my back.
  9. Could someone explain how Kary's jewelry is any kind of a viable business model? She is buying costume jewelry findings and having them linked together with beads she purchases. My mother made this kind of jewelry in her senior citizens' craft group.
  10. This is good in theory but I know almost no people who would work if they didn't need the money. I have "enjoyed" my jobs but I certainly wouldn't work on them if I didn't have to. There are some jobs that people might do even if they didn't need the money because they are getting some form of emotional satisfaction but - at least in my experience - those types of jobs either aren't 24/7 positions where most of your time is spent working or is at such a high level that you are wielding enormous power and influence. Or is the kind of job like tenured college professor where you don't have enormous stress and the hours are great.
  11. I don't understand why it is okay for Andy to make fun of Kam's illiteracy on WWHL but having a reaction to Kam's stupidity is somehow mean.
  12. I have such a shriveled black heart that I took enormous pleasure in realizing that Kary had lost her gravy train. How far she has fallen from the woman who showed off her husband's wealth but forced the women to sleep with each other when there were sufficient rooms for privacy. I could never be a housewife because the thought of sharing a room - let alone a bed - with someone I am not having sex with is off the table. I only wonder how airtight her prenup is and how little it provides her. She had no children with him and theoretically she is earning a decent salary. Of course the jewelry business is a joke but the money from BRAVO plus the promotional money she makes on the side plus whatever the prenup pay out would provide a decent living for any middle or even fairly upper middle class style. I wonder if her first husband pays child support since she seems to have provided them with a fairly lavish life style. D'Andra's face looked beautiful but she certainly made an odd sartorial choice with the blazer, pants and platform wedgies. She and Tiffany definitely were the ones who actually used their brains and came out reasonably well in terms of the back and forth. Stephanie and Brandi might as well have been out of action and Kary's choice defense was to bring on the histrionic fake tears - using the divorce as an excuse for her really reprehensible behavior - like excusing being mean on being drunk, many people go through even more stressful situations without turning into bullies - there I've said it. And it is amazing what good makeup will do to turn an average woman into someone good looking. Both Brandi and Kary really looked awful. Kary looked every bit of her 50 years and Brandi's makeup choices were beyond bizarre.
  13. I think the Grace dynamic is interesting because it seems at one point she and Siobhan's mother were similarly situated but Siobhan's mother chose to get out of the ghetto - and so her daughter had the advantage of growing up in a relatively privileged environment. When Kelvin said they wanted to use the money to get the mother out of Roxbury, the mother said she had the choice but had chosen to stay. So on some level, she was responsible for what happened to her kids. Bad influences all around and the reality of their being inferior schools. Obviously not every kid grows up to become a criminal but the pressures are really difficult to overcome. The season of The Wire which dealt with the school system in Baltimore showed how so many of the kids were victims of the environment in one way or another. That was a heartbreaking season.
  14. In terms of the specific couples, Jen's parents have started living alone very recently. Dolores' father had a separate home in Patterson from the time he was working as a police officer. It appears that Jackie's parents have been living apart for at least a decade since Jackie mentioned it as being something they had been doing for awhile and the family had evolved around the separate living. Many married people stay together ONLY because of finances because they can't afford two households. However, for the three Jersey parent, finances are irrelevant so why shouldn't they have two separate residences. People often have two separate homes - one being a vacation home and it isn't considered to be odd or outside the financial abilities of a moderately prosperous couple. At any rate Jackie's parents are wealthy and can afford whatever the fuck they want. Dolores' parents set themselves up years ago and judging by her mother's home, they live fairly modestly. It doesn't seem as though upkeep on the houses would be that much more so it's not more expensive than just living in one house. Everything else would be the same more or less - Dolores would have the same pension benefits and Social Security benefits as though they lived together. Dolores' father was unfaithful all during their marriage. I doubt whether Dolores' mother particularly wants a male relationship either or to live with someone. I would imagine Jackie's father has had lady friends during the years. Her mother may or may not. At least in my parents' circle, the "single" men generally do find new girlfriends but most of the women - BY CHOICE - are happy to live the single live and aren't actively looking for a new relationship. Maybe it's because there are fewer benefits to being the female in a relationship although I am probably stereotyping because they wind up pulling more of their weight in turns of running the household and being a caretaker. They have their kids; their friends and the freedom to do exactly what they want. If money is not an issue, most of them thrive being single and "retired". Jen's parents don't have separate homes and I suspect that they are probably subsidized by the family whether in one home or living in Jen's home.
  15. I don’t think they do it consciously but reality sets in and then they realize it is extremely hard to combine a high powered career and family life - so why do it if you don’t need the money.
  16. My friends and I joked that our mothers gave us the wrong advice - We were supposed to marry lawyers and not become lawyers :-). Just kidding. I don't regret getting the degree but it is a really common phenomenon that many professional women married to high earners drop out of the work force. I have a friend with a JD degree who has an extremely large trust fund and she doesn't work. She has taken jobs that are satisfying to her and works on a lot of causes now. But realistically why should she put up with the crap that almost every job has when she has better more fulfilling ways to spend time other than making more money for a corporation.
  17. Actually many woman with degrees and professional credentials stop working if there is really no financial need to do so. I have many friends with JD's or MBA's who decided to be stay at home mothers because there was absolutely no financial reason for them to work and they wanted to have lots of time with their children. Even with lots of money for household help and nannies, running a household PLUS having a career that brings in major money is extremely taxing. And you then feel torn because you aren't there for a lot of parenting stuff. Not that it's easier if you don't have money but I am just discussing why people who don't have financial need to work choose to stop working. Honestly most people I know - even those with professional degrees like me - work because we need the money. Honestly the only people I know personally who continued working without financial need to do so were a few college professors. Job was very satisfying; hours were good and there really isn't much stress once you are tenured and have been at the same institution for a number of years. If I were married to someone who is probably bringing in more than $1 million per year plus I had significant assets why would I want to deal with difficult clients and boring real estate transactions for $150,000 or so annually.
  18. I don't think they are pretending the parents are happily married. They are stating the reality that the parents are content with the present arrangement and they seem to have no desire to either live together or get formally divorced. I don't think that is that odd actually. While not all extremely wealthy people hide their wealth, there are in fact many extremely wealthy people who are the proverbial millionaires next door - or actually in today's economic world, the multi-millionaires next door because having a million or even two million isn't really that rich. It's just comfortable. My best friend is a multi-millionaire and she lives very much like Jackie. If anything her life style is even more modest because a lot of flaunting wealth takes work :-). But if you examine her lifestyle, you realize how much wealth it takes to support it - kids all in private school with no worries about any kind of college or grad school costs; kids all have houses and/or expensive apartments; lots of travel and large comfortable house in one of the most expensive areas in my city as well as buying the house next door when it came on the market because they didn't want to deal with having construction and a McMansion built next to them.
  19. Evan is a partner at Hawthorne Lane Capital - it's not really a hedge fund per se. I would imagine his income is at least $1 million per year. Finance and hedge funds aren't necessarily shady. Not everyone is Bernie Madoff or running penny stock back room operations. It is cutthroat obviously but I doubt he is going to show up doing a perp walk and they obviously have the jobs and income to support their current lifestyle as opposed to Teresa and the Gorgas. Nothing I have ever seen about Joe Gorga or his businesses convinces me that he makes any amount of money other than the money from the show AND whatever money he and Mellissa make as "influencers". They are paid huge amounts of money for their promotional services - if and when they lose their moment of fame their income will collapse as well.
  20. I think you are over thinking this. Jackie’s family has enough money for multiple houses for everyone. I would imagine the father has had relationships through the years. Maybe the mother has but I wouldn’t be surprised if she didn’t because a lot of women of a certain age really have no desire to have to deal with relationship. They aren’t lonely; they have friends, families and rich lives filled with activities. Many women in my mother’s circle would mourn their husbands if they died but have no particular interest in being married again and living with someone. My mother has actually expressed that sentiment so it’s not a great leap to being perfectly content to have separate houses but remain married. Maybe they don’t want to deal with splitting the assets legally Dolores’ father was rumored to have women when he was living in Patterson. I don’t think her mother is particularly concerned about her sex life or his at this point. For all intents and purposes, she seems like a happy widow
  21. Story made no sense. Maybe I am missing something - why couldn't he have explained the situation including not wanting to blatantly expose whatever "secret" she was holding onto. Even if she didn't have ties to Danny, something could have been worked out with the DA so that an obviously very disturbed veteran was not given a long jail term. It wasn't even helping her or the people around her to allow her to act out in the manner she was doing. She escalated pretty quickly into a ball of rage and the rookie didn't seem to do anything particularly aggressive. What if it had been a civilian who had approached her?
  22. The Guyland couple were textbook illustrations of idiots who want the same house they grew up in without stopping to think that the house with the nice finishes and pool in the backyard was probably NOT the house their parents originally moved into. The parents lived in an apartment or bought an extremely modest starter home like one of the original style Levitowns and then moved into the home the children think was the home they grew up in. And also they aren't adjusting for the reality of home prices increasing more than inflation. My childhood home was purchased for $16,000 and now sells for over a million dollars. It was just a home in Brooklyn that was built for the working and middle class people of that time - believe me nothing fancy :-). The neighbors were teachers or owners of small businessmen - not upper class professionals. But now people with the incomes of my parents would not be able to purchase that same home.
  23. I saw what I am certain was a rerun - it was a couple in North Carolina who were buying a "beach house" somewhere in North Carolina. Ostensible drama was that she didn't want a house on piers and didn't want to rent it. My question is what is the purpose of buying a "beach house" that is not within close walking distance of the beach. We used to rent a house on Long Beach Island which was a few houses down from the beach so we could just go back and forth easily. Once you have to get in a car and drive to the beach and shlep stuff there and back, it doesn't seem to be much better than when we would get in the car and drive to one of the local beaches for the afternoon. The homes didn't have any pools or stuff that made outdoor living more fun than just a normal suburban backyard. Why wouldn't someone just build a pool in their backyard and have a great place without the expense and burden of another home. Personally I think one of those high rise condos would be much more fun than a ranch house blocks from the ocean. But maybe I am missing something as I can't see what the purpose is to drive four hours to a house that would require driving to a beach.
  24. She was cutting hair herself because during the pandemic salons and barber shops were closed.
  25. Jennifer’s father lives with her so there aren’t two houses. Jackie’s family has lots of money as Jackie inherited money so they hav3 plenty to support more than two houses if they want. Dolores’s parents have been separated for years. I think the father lived town where he was a police officer even when she was a child. Dolores’s mother’s house seems very modest. Is her father even alive. She never mentions him.
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