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Everything posted by amarante

  1. There is a fashion cliche which states - If you were old enough to wear it the first time, don't wear it when it comes around again. I think this is true of Aviva. While the clothes might actually be bought in the year she is wearing them, they are not particularly flattering to a woman in her forties. The old marm fashion look is best worn by young things where it is a contrast versus being worn by someone who looks like they just dragged it out of storage from the time they last wore it. There is a way to dress well for one's age without looking matronly or being a slave to fashion. I think Lulu for the most part always looks great - not dressed as mutton disguised as lamb nor does she look matronly. I think Ramona also dresses poorly - she needs to rethink all of those unforgiving tight satin mini-dresses which look like they were picked up at a store catering to prom queens or disco impersonators.
  2. The "trips" are the most strenuous part of the filming for the housewives which is why the women do rightfully get pissed when a housewife doesn't show up unless there is a really valid excuse. According to Alex McCord, you are essentially being shot 24/7 for the duration of the trip which is quite different than the shooting schedules when they are at home when they can more or less control the schedules don't have to go to bed and wake up with cameras in their faces recording everything. So Aviva has essentially cancelled out of the most strenuous portions of the production. I've always enjoyed Luanne even at her haughtiest because she always exhibited behavior that I found normal in an adult woman in terms of interactions and I have no idea why she was demoted this season because the season without Luanne would have been even more unwatchable. Kadooz to her for really being the only housewife to call Aviva on her flaunting her disgusting father's behavior. Of course, you can't control what another person does but you sure as hell can refrain from having it broadcast to the world for posterity; engaging in conversation with a parent about their disgusting sex habits and enabling the behavior by approving it. I disagree as Aviva was attempting to equate *serious* art which might have nudity and/or sexual themes with vulgar discussions of three way and other stuff that George does. There is quite a bit of difference between George's lechery and vulgar talk and actions and art. I don't think Luanne was being a prude - or attempting to bowdlerize the world but making a valid point about how George is not someone who should flaunted in *polite* society - and I am deliberately using the arcane terminology.
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