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Everything posted by amarante

  1. Totally agree as it definitely reflects their specific business model in terms of how their clients use the gym. On weekdays the morning hours attract people who work and then stay at home mothers or other people who don't work 9 to 5 until lunch. There is a lull because typically the rhythm of most people is not to exercise after lunch and in the early afternoon. It then picks up the after work/after school crowd. Same on Saturdays as most people who work out do it in the morning rather than kill a whole Saturday at the gym. I am sure they know exactly when to schedule classes in order for there to be enough attendance to make sense. I have no idea whether Cut is actually a money making business but there are a lot of small gyms like this which focus on classes that have been around for a long time that I am familiar with - at least in Southern California so there must be a way they make sense economically. If all you want is the ability to access a treadmill at any hour, there are gyms for that or a lot of people at least in SoCal either have room for cardio equipment or live in a building or HOA development with a rec center. My building has a gym and pool. Though not stated, I would assume that since the gym focuses a lot on personal trainers, you could probably schedule your sessions whenever you wanted since the personal trainers associated with the gym would have access.
  2. The purchase price for Tamra's Cota house was actually $1.78 and they sold Eddie's house for $1.75. It's not a significant price increase for someone with her probable income. I had never heard of Cota prior to Real Housewives and I don't think it's one of the really desirable locations in Orange County. The coastal communities are far more desirable and expensive in terms of what your real estate dollar will buy.
  3. Simon had lost his job and the short sale occurred in the midst of the real estate melt down. I think the finances of both Tamra and Simon have fully recovered from his job loss and the impact of the recession. Purportedly Tamra made $600,000 for the last season and she has additional income from all her promotional activities. I would suspect that Cut is at least self supporting as there is no particular reason for them to run it as a vanity project and there wouldn't be huge ongoing costs. I don't understand why people think it is outside Tamra's purchasing power to support the house. She doesn't seem to have extraordinary expenses at this point - to a great extent a lot of her lifestyle is subsidized in terms of entertainment and travel expenses because all of her stuff is comped. When she posts on her social media accounts it is a quid pro quo for being comped or if she is shown eating or using a product, she is paid a fee. That's why having as many followers as possible is so desirable - because you are paid a lot of money to promote stuff based on your followers.
  4. The draw for my for the Gina storyline is sheer schadenfreude. I will not duplicate the posts in which it was clear last season that the idea of a family living in Orange County for no reason while the husband had a job and apartment in Los Angeles made no sense. The only reason people would have that kind of split living situation is if the family had school age children who were settled and it was temporary while the kids finished the school year. But Gina had absolutely no reason to continue to live in Orange County except that she didn't want to rock the bock and Matt wanted to be able to live free in Los Angeles. I was with the other women completely in the skepticism because parents of young children do not decide to separate or divorce if they are on good terms and having good sex with no discernible reason to not be married. Not that I think that you are a complete martyr to your children in a horrendous relationship but if there is nothing wrong with the marriage, then you do try to stay together so the kids have an intact family. Not that Shannon is a role model god knows but much more realistic that the spouse is miserable but puts up with it for as long as possible until there is some kind of reason it is no longer possible to hide one's head in the sand. So yeah no surprise and it will be fascinating to watch the future demise of the Gina facade crumble. As others have posted, that Housewives check is the only income for the family now as I would imagine Matt is toxic in terms of a job at the executive level he had. I believe he was with PIMCO.
  5. I think Phaedra’s claim that Kandi tried to drug and rape a woman is way more over the line than any of the stupid rumors being spread by any of the OC women. Insinuating that someone has loose morals is mean spirited but not the same as accusing someone of heinous criminal activity. I think the producers do want the ladies to stir the shit but I only up to a point and Phaedra passed that point. And then there are the very real logistics of the women not wanting to work with another cast member. For whatever reason, Porsha wasn’t as tainted with the rape accusation as Phaedra. And probably more valuable as a cast member than Phaedra. Which brings it back to VIcki in terms of value to the cast. From what I’ve read, the producers are trying to attract a younger viewer and Vicki is one of the older members. She also really doesn’t have much of a story line as I don’t think any viewer is emotionally vested enough in her relationship with Steve to care. Shannon has a great come back story. Tamra is much smarter about not going over the line while at the same time being able to bring and instigate the drama. So far, this franchise has escaped the tedious idiocy of a whole season devoted to whether a dog was returned to a shelter or not.
  6. I know nothing about extensions so please enlighten me. Wjy do women with extensions constantly pat and stroke their hair. Is it a nervous habit or so is something that itches or necessary to keep the extensions in place.
  7. At this point they have been making a good amount of money and real estate prices have appreciated so the old home would have been worth a fair amount. I don’t have intimate knowledge of their income or assets. My point is that I don’t think it a financial stretch for someone with Tamra’s income to move into a $2 million dollar home especially after selling the old one. Most people at their income level could afford a home at that price point. They didn’t move into the level of home Heather lives in or Shannon moved out of.
  8. Why would you think someone who is probably making in excess of $500,000 at a minimum can't afford a $2 million home. That is not a huge amount for a home in Orange County and people with ordinary well paying jobs live in homes for that amount. The home that Eddie bought was fairly nice and since he had owned it for awhile, I am sure he had some equity in it so their new home - at least to me - is a fairly normal home purchase for a family of their means.
  9. Thanks I had forgotten the correct term for them. The vintage Mondrian inspired wall units are quite collectible but would never have been used for kitchen cabinets. Yves St. Laurent had mini dresses that were Mondrian inspired and were widely knocked off in the 1960's.
  10. A gang bang is NOT the same as a train. A gang bang is rape. There is absolutely no consent implied or otherwise. A "gang" of men act in concert and rape a woman. A "train" implies that the woman in some way consented to having sex with a succession of men. That is why is implies the woman is of questionable moral character. However, most "trains" fall in the gray area since the woman is so inebriated on some kind of intoxicant that legal consent is not possible. Still because the woman got herself that drunk or whatever, there would still be those who pass a moral judgment on her. There are a very few instances in which women would willingly participate in a train. Years ago there was a woman who was a porn star or some other professional who did one for the Guiness Book of Records. A threesome is always consensual and just another lifestyle choice. It can be any configuration of genders and even include more than three. Obviously it's for the sexually adventurous and as has been pointed out numerous times on this thread, Laurie attempted to shame Vicki on the ski slopes by accusing her of participating in a threesome. I have no idea what any of these people's sex lives actually are but statistically I would imagine a few of them have had a threesome as part of their sexual experimentation although probably not as a steady lifestyle choice. I would doubt Shannon or Emily ever did. Although I find VIcki repulsive and hypocritical, she is such a stupid lump of a bourgeois that I doubt she has - I am still reeling at her stupidity in equating atheism with having no moral compass - only someone with a 10 year old's level of philosophical and spiritual understanding believes that Christians have any kind of monopoly on ethical behavior. And Vicki is also the kind of person with such limited intellectual views of the world that I believe she thinks anyone but a Christian is headed for hell or at best purgatory.
  11. Bravo does surveys after each season where one is asked various questions including who one sided with - do you want to see more or less or each person - which storylines were of interest - whether you would like the show more or less etc. One of the questions is whether you love to hate the person - there are also questions regarding who people "like" - i.e. who is "real"; who you side with etc. Although my answers seem to have no bearing on what turns up on the next season I do admit to taking pleasure in speaking my mind. There are some who are just beyond the pale who I just took no pleasure in watching because they were so awful. I think for me it's when they are really conning the audience and think they are getting away with that con. Vicki reached that category for me with the whole cancer scam including her attempt to use cancer to drive business to her insurance company. On the RHBH Dorit and her weasel of her husband are in that category for me because they are fronting a lifestyle when they don't have a pot to piss in. Tamra is a horrible person - vulgar to boot. But she is still in the category of love to hate because she is what she is and she never has presented any kind of image on screen or attempted to trick the audience into thinking that her life wasn't what it was. Not that I think she doesn't have a persona or that the show is truly "reality". But the Tamra character she plays on television is pretty much Tamra - her life is her life. I think the whole business of gasp - a $2 million dollar home is ridiculous because a $2 million dollar home in Orange County or Los Angeles is really not a big deal. "Normal" people live in a home that is $1 million dollars. Between her salary, whatever she gets as a social media influenster, side ventures in terms of paid appearances their income is more than enough to afford that home - it's not some kind of economic stretch in the way some of the housewives on various franchises live in fake homes or pretend to have lifestyles that aren't warranted by their income or assets.
  12. Some of the Austin choices were nice and added to the functionality but others really had absolutely nothing to do with MCM finishes and were really hideous. There was furniture made in the primary colors she chose for the kitchen cabinet but those were wall units and would never have been used for cabinets. An MCM kitchen would have walnut slab cabinets with a formica counter - orange was a really popular accent color. While I don't think someone needs to do a slavish recreation of the period and I am the last person to want people to make design choices based on what is popular at Lowes - (white or gray Shaker cabinets ha ha) she could have introduced the look she wanted by having a wall unit done in the primary colors. And that chandelier was just wrong - though cliche a vintage Sputnik chandelier would have been more tasteful and true to the period And my eyes in terms of what she did with the bathroom had nothing to do with MCM and was just wrong - speckled blue counter with some kind of ungodly tile wall?
  13. I am not even understanding the "horror" of the coke accusation. There was a period when it was impossible NOT to do coke and it's not some appalling horrible secret that indicates a complete lack of moral breakdown. It's not as if everyone was selling their body for a line :-). It's as ridiculous as when people were attempting to hide that they smoked weed when there wasn't any self respecting person of a certain age who lived in LA or New York who didn't.
  14. The furniture is not part of the restoration budget and would go back to wherever it came. The reveal would lack the wow factor if it wasn't so beautifully staged. The homeowner would probably have the option to purchase at a decorator discount since the prices they are quoted are clearly retail. The budgets are fantasy as well and there is no way on earth any kind of those renovations could be achieved on those budgets. I would imagine it excludes most labor costs and substantial discounts on all the special materials he sources from all those shops which get a bit of promotion from being featured. I am just finishing up a major remodel in Southern California where I needed some vintage hardware and I just smiled when the Arts & Crafts sconces were remade, finished, glass put in for $300 - that was the Arts & Crafts farmhouse episode - they would have been lucky to get both sconces as is for that amount. This isn't knocking the show or the premise - he's an extremely talented guy and the results are always beautifully and lovingly restored - just not possible for a "normal" person who needs to hire a designer, architect, structural engineer, General contractor, various skilled and unskilled laborers plus all the materials to achieve those results without probably triple the budget.
  15. A "train" is somewhat consensual although that may be in a gray area if the woman is so "drunk" or otherwise impaired that she lacks legal capacity to consent. They can be lined up or in the room depending on the sensibilities of the male participants. A gang bang is rape - there is no question of any consent - implied or otherwise. Whether all the participants are in the room at the same time is moot. It's rape by several different men acting together - i.e. as a "gang". A threesome is always consensual and probably you could have a foursome or more. It doesn't have the same kind of "ick" factor as a train since everyone is more or less together it together so there is no issue of "sloppy seconds" or thirds or fourths. Saying someone is gang banged should not be viewed as insulting the woman any more than one would blame any one who is raped. It doesn't speak to anything of the moral or otherwise character of the poor victim of the rape. If someone "outed" a rape victim on television who didn't want to be outed, it is despicable. Clearly they meant a train in which Kelly was so "out of it" from alcohol or other mood altering substances that she allegedly had sex with a number of men consecutively - consent being in the gray area in terms of how impaired she was.
  16. Water alarm system will automatically shut off water as soon as any is detected outside an appliance. I have water alarms and also pans underneath my washer, dishwasher and refrigerator. Any appliance that has waterlines can leak and cause damage. No reason not to have a washer dryer by bedrooms where it is most convenient. When I think of how my poor mother had to carry loads up two steep flights of stairs because the washer was in the basement.
  17. For years Teresa has supported the family through her Bravo paycheck plus whatever side gigs she still has going. It's a fiction that no one can mention that there is significant money because they are housewives. When she was in jail, they were paid for the special series they did. I find the idea of Joe Gorga being so busy ridiculous because the Gorga family is also being supported by Melissa's paycheck from Bravo and whatever other promotional side gigs she gets. All of those appearances and posts on instagram add up. I don't think Joe Gorga has any income coming in that would support their lifestyle.
  18. I didn't understand the jurisdiction of the judge. Presumably he was a Federal judge so why would he be hearing petty criminal cases that are obviously state offenses. And why would Federal criminals be sent to a prison outside the Federal system. Made no sense to me - If he was a state judge, he wouldn't be hearing federal securities fraud cases so far as I know.
  19. Not a shred of sympathy for this vulgar stupid woman. If she had just been a bit shrewder, she could have stayed on as the HW people loved to hate - or even retained her underdog status. I think she is not in control of herself - she isn't crazy like a fox - Tamra from OC is crazy like a fox. And on the subject, why is she moving yet again. Does she not pay rent because it certainly doesn't make sense for her to make a voluntary move this quickly.
  20. For what it's worth, her spending is not $320 per week - I believe the figure is at most $320 per month which covers everything needed to make prison more palatable. The commissary prices are fairly high and you buy stuff like sweats, shower shows, tea, snacks, paper, supplies. If you google commissary lists, you can get some idea of pricing and what needs to be bought. While a minimum security prison isn't as horrendous as a maximum security prison, it is still prison. You are sleeping on a thin mattress on a bunk in a small cell. Your life is completely regimented - subject to checks, instructions and with a complete lack of privacy. It's no vacation as you are expected to work. I think most people who aren't living in completely abject surroundings would find being in prison - even a "good" one like Danville to be a pretty terrible experience. Read anything written by a white collar criminal who has actually spent time in one of those places. To a great extent, the kind of "activities" like classes etc. are for the benefit of the administration of the prison since inmates that are doing stuff are going to be less likely to get into trouble. They also act as a form of carrot since you can take away the so-called privileges if they don't toe the line which is an effect way of ensuring good behavior. Also, many of the "classes" would be theoretically beneficial to the inmates after they leave prison.
  21. It's been A LONG time since I was a One-L but outlines are more than just notes. They represent a synthesis of the entire subject matter studied. The most coveted ones would be ones prepared by Law Review members from previous years - or prepared by someone who stands out as someone who clearly has a strong grip on the subject matter. When it comes to the Final (and first year grades are determined solely by the final - at least when I was in law school), it is the outline that one crams into one's brain during the final run up to the exam - and the outlines are typically quite long. Other than that, this show bears even less resemblance to law school than I think cop, medical or other "career" shows do to their respective fields.
  22. It's driven by what people see around them in media and design magazines and assume is normal - the "master" bedroom as a retreat/sitting room. Of course with an open floor plan, it does make sense that people need a place with a door to get away from the rest of the family. I don't have issues with anything people want so long as it isn't out of line with their budget. My mind boggles when someone is looking for a home on a relatively modest budget and complain about the size of the rooms. My other WTF is seeing how square footage is divided disproportionately. In a relatively modest home, there will be a disproportionately huge master bath with other very cramped rooms to make up for it. ETA - I think media causes people to have a disconnect with their budgets. I was watching a drama series last night and one of the roles was a manicurist who was making $11 per hour - per her statement in terms of how hard it was to provide good food for her son. And yet, she was living in an apartment with stainless steel appliances and very sleek kitchen cabinets - and I thought I don't know any $11 per hour worker who is living in those kinds of digs in a major metropolis.
  23. Nicole was being sanctimonious as were all of the other ass hats in terms of their avowing that they are not driven by material possessions - ALL of them have sold their souls for fame and fortune. But yeah, Bobby was absolutely telling Nicole that he was about to gift her with lavish gifts. I would assume the shoe wine holder was about the extent of his gift giving. And I absolutely agree that Bobby is so NOT into her and only hooked up with her to be on the show. I do find it interesting that Bobby has essentially concealed his real profession and financial net worth on the show because there is not a peep about his actual car dealership business and I assume that he spends significant time on that. And I always thought the whole fireman stuff was bogus as a career. I grew up in Colts Neck and it's a volunteer department. My uncle was involved with it because he owned the General Store but my uncle didn't self identify as a "first responder". LOL.
  24. I'm not sure what people think an interviewer is supposed to do. Andy asked hardball questions and followed up to the same extent most interviewers do. Interviewers never interject their personal beliefs in terms of saying I don't believe you or whatever. By their questions, they try to expose the "truth". I do believe that anyone viewing the interview came away with the essential *truth* about the Juicys. This was hardly a puff interview. They have clung to their lifestyle as long as they have ONLY because the bankruptcy petition was only recently formally dismissed and they didn't have to pay their restitution until sentencing or their creditors until bankruptcy was dismissed. They don't really own anything since their mortgages are equal in value to their houses. I am 100% sure their cars are leased. There really isn't much of real value in their households. Realistically, even if they sold all of their clothing and furniture, the proceeds for that would be insignificant. Maybe Tre can get a good advance for a tell all after her release from prison. Maybe like a cockroach, she will be able to resurrect her brand but I am skeptical because even before this sentencing, her cookbooks were pretty much played out - the grilling one was the last gasp and didn't sell well because it made no sense. The wine line is dead and I doubt the hair line ever made significant money.
  25. I'm with Kassa in that teaching the autistic child to say "I Love You" as an accomplishment is more of a parlor trick to stroke the egos of the parents versus teaching the child to articulate their OWN needs. As I recall, it was especially repugnant as the kid was trotted out to perform like a trained monkey. Isn't I Love You a spontaneous utterance by non disabled children?
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