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Everything posted by amarante

  1. The real estate sale seems shady as hell. Sales price is $213,000 but the estimated value of the house is $528,336 more or less on all of the sites. Baes on the listing it is 5 bedrooms and four baths and about 3500 square feet. It may nit be Shah Chaiet but I suspect that is quite a nice home especially given that real estate prices in Sandy Utah aren’t presumably Manhattan or San Francisco levels Home is very middle class
  2. I have some Jersey transplants here in Los Angeles and they have sourced Taylor Ham to a butcher. They get it for big family brunches.
  3. Being snarky about going to China to buy fugly tasteless furniture at a discount is not racist. It is commenting on her utter cluelessness and lack of taste. It is also reflected in her clothing choices which are label heavy but hideous if it weren’t for the label. Don’t get me wrong as Chanel makes some absolutely gorgeous clothing but a huge rhinestone bedecked necklace with CC is just a joke being perpetuated by the owners of the label. People go to Italy for furniture. I have never heard anyone proudly touting the beautiful designs coming out of contemporary Chinese furniture factories. They have a niche but good design isn’t one of them. People with taste have their own sources and even ways to save money. A good upholsterer or cabinet maker can replicate any piece of furniture at less than what it is being sold for in the stores. Just like a good seamstress or tailor can give you a gorgeous garment. It won’t be cheap like H&M but it will be less than the couture version.
  4. Page six has an article on Shah Chalet being a rental and evidently Brandi of RHOD revealed that one of the housewives was renting and Jen came fir her viciously. The chalet is owned by a Texas LLC and Brandi said she knew the owner. interesting that the Shahs lived in a modest home prior to the rental - at least per the article. But they are now renting a place for $8000 per month. Wonder how long they can afford that https://nypost.com/2021/03/31/jen-shahs-infamous-shah-ski-chalet-may-be-a-fraud-too/?utm_source=maropost&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=pagesix_news_alert&utm_content=20210331&mpweb=755-9335184-720678876 However, off of reality TV, and in actual reality, Shah’s longtime home is located in Sandy, Utah, which she owned with her husband, Sharrieff Shah, from 2004 until she sold it at a loss in June 2020. They initially purchased the home for only $302,069. It sold for $213,000. Currently, records indicate that Shah and her husband are renting an approximately $8,000/month Park City space — which sorta resembles a mini-me of her TV home — that they moved into shortly after selling their 16-year home.
  5. I agree with others that the nature of the crimes is particularly heinous - scamming off the elderly although as I posted above, I find Mary's bilking of her parishioners to be just as morally corrupt albeit legal. From what I have read above scamming older people, there is a HUGE and lucrative market for lists of them. They are specifically targeted especially if they have responded in some way to some kind of data gathering system. Sadly often they are targeted over and over again once they have been scammed once. Many of them are so lonely that they actually welcome the contact with the telemarketer scammers. I happened to come upon the Coach's "resume" last night and prior to being a coach he was a practicing lawyer. Based on this I can't imagine he was not aware of exactly how Jen earned her living. While he might not be legally responsible because he was able to avoid a paper trail, it seems inconceivable that someone with a legal background would not know how his spouse was bringing in large sums of money. That might explain the weird dynamics of their marriage. He seemed like such a *nice* guy and why in the world did he remain married to such a crazy person. It would not be possible that she didn't exhibit the same kind of insane mean over the top madness in private that she showed on the show and with that rant to the stylist. So he stayed with her for the money and perhaps to prevent exposure of the whole money making scheme.
  6. Will Jen now smell like prison as well as hospital? 🤣🤣 From TMZ, Jen being carted off by Homeland Security
  7. Will Jen now smell like prison as well as hospital? 🤣
  8. Tom Girard wasn't stupid and certainly wasn't senile when he agreed to let Erika do RHOBH. I think in his case he never thought the Ponzi scheme he was essentially running was ever going to collapse. I don't think it was fame - it was hubris in that he thought he was untouchable. Girard seems more like the Madoff type. Although Ruth and Bernie Madoff weren't on a reality show, the display of their blatant wealth was no secret.
  9. Jen will do jail time just like Mr. and Mrs. Juicy The Feds are very meticulous in how the investigate and by the time they actually indict they have all the evidence they need to convict. I think their conviction rate is over 90% which is why most accept a plea bargain - especially white collar criminals. When you are accused of financial crimes, there is always loads of paper and digital evidence to back up the charge. I can't imagine Coach Shah is not going to suffer repercussions from the arrest. I find it hard to believe that a spouse has absolutely no idea that the spouse is earning money in some kind of illegal manner. I am prepared to be shown otherwise because he seemed like such a rational nice kind of guy. I read the indictment which is linked to the press release and there are very serious money laundering charges - requests to pay in cash; to send funds to off shore banks and withdrawals and deposits that are "structured". Structured transactions are when there are a series of bank transactions which are a bit less than $10,000 in an attempt to get around the law which requires banks and other financial entities to report any transactions over $10,000.
  10. I think this will be a HW first if Bravo airs the footage. The closest was when the OC wife’s daughter were served with an eviction notice years ago. This is according to the Salt Lake City Tribune According to a Bravo spokeswoman, the network has no comment on Shah’s arrest. Although there are reports that Shah has begun filming for Season 2 of “RHOSLC” — and that law enforcement came looking for Shah during shooting on Tuesday — Bravo has not confirmed who will be in the second-season cast According to the indictment there is also a forfeiture of assets but the only one name is a relatively modest $500,000 home owned by Smith who is her co-conspirator and first assistant.
  11. When I saw the headline, I assumed it was Mary. Morally and ethically not much difference since Mary also preys on the poor and uneducated but stealing in the name of religion is legal unless you add in an element of investment fraud like Jim and Tammy Baker
  12. The Zydeco segment utterly confused me. I have very eclectic music tastes and so I have listened quite a bit to Zydeco and other Cajun style music. I was expected something that hearkened back to the roots on the bayou but that was just an extreme lame excuse to have the ladies twerking - yet again. And not to be sizist because I have always liked that the Atlanta ladies resemble real women and haven't dieted themselves into size zeros like the other franchises. God bless that they have put on some weight but does it really need to be exposed in skin tight flesh colored leggings which leave nothing to the imagination?
  13. I just have major issues knowing that COVID was raging all over and New Orleans was a hot spot and these ladies acting as if there was nothing going on. Those damn shields which do nothing and are meant to be worn OVER masks to protect the eyes as additional protection. I assume BRAVO chose the hotel because they were able to book it. I bet they just bought out the whole hotel for the duration for crew and cast. To the extent that other larger hotels were even open, I bet most of them would not have been able to have filming and not violate the COVID restrictions in place. As I recall the City of New Orleans had fairly stringent regulations at that time.
  14. For sure, if you have a boat, living on the canal makes sense. However if you don't have a boat living on a canal isn't appealing to me. Many of these people live in the suburbs and (at least to me) it would make more sense to install a pool in their home since that would seem more fun for the kids since there really isn't anything to do in a canal house except drive to the beach. Then rent a house on the shore for a week or two and get the real shore experience.
  15. My family used to rent a place on Long Beach Island every summer. It was pretty idyllic back then - certainly not all the tourist spots in place not. The one recreation I recall were a bunch of miniature golf places and one spot called Fisherman's Wharf or some such. We were generally about two houses down from the beach and would just wander back and forth. I don't understand the appeal of those homes on the little canals unless you actually own a boat. The water doesn't seem to be something I would swim in and certainly isn't user friendly for children as opposed to splashing around in the surf. You still have to drive to the actual beach which means shlepping everything you need and setting it up for the day. I didn't grow up in Monmouth County (Colts Neck to be exact) in Jersey but spent the summers (except for the two weeks on LBI) with the aunts/uncles who had a guest house on their property but 20 minutes to get to the beach on LBI doesn't seem to be much better than driving 20 minutes to Sea Bright beach - hell it doesn't seem to be that much easier than driving to Riis Park from my actual home in Brooklyn.
  16. I am not an expert on PTSD but what Teddi is "going through" - whatever it is doesn't seem to relate to the stressors that correlate with PTSD - except for dealing with COVID. The rest seems to be grief - parents die and 58 doesn't seem to be such a young age. Losing a parent as a child is traumatic but not the cause of PTSD. Losing a loved one in 9/11 (or any disaster) doesn't cause PTSD - it causes grief. Surviving a disaster causes PTSD theoretically. The only justification I could think of for this truly wretched episode is that it was relatively cheap to produce and it gave the majority of the actors time off. No major production scenes to up the budget. And enabled Owen to direct an episode which was no doubt contractually required and he got to do it in a faux-arty manner.
  17. I completely identified with the Chicago HH's choice of the full service high rise condo with the spectacular view - maybe because that is the type of condo I purchased for pretty much the same reasons. The only thing that needed immediate attention was the kitchen and replacing the flooring. The $25,000 allowance would have more or less covered that and a gut remodel of a kitchen when you aren't living there isn't a big deal. You hire a GC and work with a kitchen designer. I am thankful to live in a building where there has never been any kind of crime. I feel safe whenever I come home at night. The staff in my building are great - so handy as they take all deliveries/packages and help me out for minor handyman stuff in my unit. Parking is in the building and so it's just a ride up the elevator - monitored by the doorman. There is a gym and a pool and it is used. Yes the maintenance is high in a full service building but the rent in a full service building is high as well so you are essentially just paying what you would pay to rent an equivalent apartment. And at this point my actual costs - rent, mortgage and property taxes are less than half of what units in my building rent for and I could sell it for much more than I originally paid - so I don't regret opting for a full service high rise
  18. Stupid story. Just put the cops into "plain clothes" so they aren't visually frightening and yet - supposedly - they are better trained to handle incidents. If something happens in terms of the bouncers physically hurting someone the liability would be through the roof. I understand why the population using Bellevue's (aka New Amsterdam) might be intimidated by uniformed police but it is ridiculous that the staff would feel threatened by the presence of police in the ED.
  19. There is definitely a rental business but it usually stocks different sizes as well as different styles. Private people don’t rent their clothing out - they use a consignment shop or outright sell it on one of the websites. A lot of the housewives have their stuff for sale. I don’t know how Carole Radziwill’s wardrobe compares to Marlo's but Carole sells a lot on Poshmark. I bet there are anonymous celebrities who do it as well. Jackie Kennedy Onassis bought a lot of stuff when she was married to Ari and then would sell it at a consignment shop and pocket the money.
  20. She will absolutely have more time to be with the kids and she also will be less exhausted when she is with them. She will also have some flexibility in terms of scheduling the day off so that she can show up to important events. My mother worked and she was never able to be at any school events like plays. This was also at a time when most mothers were SAH. I am not "complaining" - looking back I see how exhausted she must have been by the time she had come home - cooked dinner and cleaned up. My father was pretty evolved for the time but the onus of running the household was still on her shoulders. This was a time when most women didn't work outside the home. I give a pass to the way Tiffany sometimes communicates with her children in an "adult" manner. She and her husband seem to have very warm relations with the kids - the don't seem to be in "awe" or "fear" them. My experience is that many academically oriented people do talk to their children using adult vocabulary and concepts.
  21. Is Kam smarter than she appears? Sometimes I am not sure whether she is putting on an act like when she doesn't know the meaning of basic words. I don't think she is stupid but I also am not sure she has used any of her "intelligence" to acquire normal information. Not everyone is "smart' - I think Brandi is not a particularly smart woman. Tiffany is obviously extremely smart in terms of traditional academic/intellectual achievements. Stephanie D'Andra and obviously Carey (the one married to the plastic surgeon) are smart women in terms of that. Emotional smarts are different - Kam seems to be emotionally smarter than someone like Kary (the chirpy Mexican LOL) for example.
  22. Thank you for providing context. Perhaps there was something that was edited out in terms of Mama Dee's talking about her second marriage. It would then have come out that D'Andra wasn't the biological child. Perhaps most people assumed that D'Andra was a biological Simmons unless they were very wired into the intricacies of Dallas society. Kam knew the back story but I wonder if the parvenu element like Brandi or Stephanie are aware of nuances. Does Dallas have the equivalent of the Social Register? When I graduated from law school I worked at one of the very traditional white shoe firms for a few years and did a rotation in the Trusts & Estates department. It was there that I learned that The Social Register was an actual book that was issued every year - people were added and dropped. I had thought it was an expression like New York's Four Hundred so I was surprised - and a bit amused - that it was a compilation that was used instead of a phone book because anyone you wanted to reach would be in The Social Register. Of course things have changed - for starters I imagine it's not on a website. :-).
  23. Since BRAVO pays for the away trips and sets them up and pays for everything, it is BRAVO that decided that the destination would be a birthday party excuse. I doubt very much that Kary paid for the party - she traded promotional consideration for the event planners. Perhaps some of the really wealthy women like Kam do pay for a party with a minimum of promotional trades but I doubt Kary's husband is willing to pay anything to sponsor a party for Tiffany or anyone else. The sad thing about the exchange between D'Andra and Mama Dee is that they are both right. D'Andrea took the last name because it would reap her benefits and perhaps she was also hoping he would be more generous to the "namesake" and Mama Dee is a fucking bitch. What I don't understand is how that whole exchange started. Why were they even discussing the name change at the party. It seemed to come out of left field.
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