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There's a scene that I'm confused about: At one point, the lady doctor (never did know her name) urges Nima to come see something, despite his protests that he doesn't have the time. He enters a room with her and looks at something that we viewers can't quite see completely. It looked to me like one of the soldiers in the white body armor. I thought it was going to be Wilford brought back to life. Did I miss something? What or who were Nima and the lady doctor looking at? I thought I was watching pretty intently but perhaps I missed a subsequent scene? Agree with the poster above who questioned what would happen to the soldiers that got gassed. I guess they'll be welcomed to New Eden but it was sort of a loose thread - no one even mentioned them. Anyway - glad there was a relatively happy ending.
That really bothered me and took me right out of the moment. Same as when someone on Star Trek says, "Oh my god!" or "Thank god!" How does that not jump out at the writers??
I was OK with the ending. I've watched this show from Day One and have stuck with it all the way. I thought the show improved dramatically when Liz was killed. I did not care for the actress at all and grew weary of her character almost from the beginning. I, too, am a huge James Spader fan and have been for years. He alone (along with Dembe) were enough to keep me going with this show. I have no opinion on whether Red was a trans man or not. I simply didn't care about Liz's origin story, even though it was the basis for so many episodes and story lines. Overall, I feel like Red's death was OK. He knew he was sick and dying and while I don't believe he went out looking to be gored to death by a bull, when he found himself in that moment, perhaps he thought, "OK, if this is how I'm gonna die, so be it." He wasn't trying to kill himself but when the possibility of being killed/dying presented itself, Red - being the ultimate opportunist - let it happen. He certainly wasn't going to allow himself to end up in a jail cell. I'm glad Dembe lived. Agree with everyone as well that his last scene was beautifully delivered and meaningful. Red died as he lived, on his own terms. I hope Agnes gets a shit ton of money from Red. Why not? She adored 'Pinky' and vice-versa. With Liz dead, Agnes is an appropriate recipient of at least some of Red's wealth. Dembe, too, should get something. I hope that Harold now retires and can live out the rest of his life caring for Agnes and shepherding her through her teen years and into adulthood. Ressler - while I didn't always love his character, I wish him well. He caused me a lot of eye rolls but I did respect his addiction/sponsor storyline and thought the actor handled it convincingly and sincerely. I'll miss the show on some levels - mostly James Spader!
Thanks for confirming the non-existence of Polly's baby and Eden. I just wasn't totally sure but that makes sense (as much sense as can be applied to this show!). And, if the passenger's memories are going to eventually fade, then I guess Polly won't miss her baby after all (which is also sort of sad in a larger way, but...). So if Micaela's memories are possibly going to fade - as Zeke's did - then I sure hope their relationship is solidified before that happens! Otherwise, Micaela might look at Zeke one morning and think, how did I meet this guy and why am I with him?? (I say that tongue in cheek).
So the baby girl, Chloe, that Polly had while in the Detention Center - do you think she'll be born eventually? She doesn't exist at this point, right, since she was born in 2024 and the surviving passengers are now back in 2013. That made me sad for Polly, although I now recall that Polly said she left the child behind with the baby's father (the nice janitor whose name escapes me). I hope Polly will somehow be reunited with her daughter, but unfortunately, she will miss a big chunk of the baby's childhood. Also - how old are the surviving passengers now? Are they the age they were in 2013, or their 2024 ages? When Angelina burst into ashes, my husband, son, and I simultaneously jumped up and shouted "YEAH!!!" Best part of the entire series, hands down. If you were one of the 828-ers, would you tell your family/loved ones/friends what happened, or do you think you would be deemed insane? I guess maybe your family might believe you if they found out that the other 179+ passengers had the exact same story to tell. And I guess once the authorities start questioning all the passengers about the missing 11, the story might come out. So bottom line - WHY were these 191 people targeted by The Grim Reaper thing we saw at the end on the plane to be responsible for either the end of or for the saving of the world? I found that frustrating. The fate of the world rested on these people and we the viewers had no clue why (nor did the passengers!). Why were they "selected" to bear this burden? Just a random thing? Was the Grim Reaper bored and just chose that plane full of people out of nowhere? I have other questions but will think on them more. Overall, I thought the ending was fairly well done and did provide some fairly decent resolution.
Agree completely. I think what sealed the deal for my reluctance with Nate was when Ted and Henry attended that game as spectators and waved/called to Nate. Then, after the game, Rupert texted Nate to "apologize" that Ted and Henry were permitted in and that he (Rupert) wouldn't allow it to ever happen again. Nate started texting back with something like, "Oh, it's OK," but then changed his mind and replied, "Thanks." BOOM. At that point, if I had even the smallest amount of good will towards Nate, or the slightest thought that he deserved a bit of a second chance, it vanished. I totally do not feel that Nate has punished himself in any way for the absolutely awful things he said and did.
Major props for the Kelly/90210 reference. I totally thought Keeley was going to tell Roy she didn't want to be more than just friends just as Jamie interrupted them. I thought she was going to tell Roy that she didn't want to bounce right back into a relationship after the Jack debacle, that she needed some time to be on her own and to get KJPR back into shape. Which all makes sense and is admirable, but I really, really want Roy and Keeley together! Oh well - I guess not every story line is getting wrapped up with a pretty pink bow. I don't have any original thoughts on Nate that haven't already been expressed. I didn't want him to be redeemed. Or at the very least, I would have rather he suffer a bit and openly face the people he hurt. I get the whole forgiveness message, that it's not for the wrongdoer, it's for you yourself, but still...I found Nate's character unsympathetic and I just can't root for him. Flaws and all, I will very much miss this show.
And what was the significance that picture of Sam's being the 1994 Nigerian team? Did his dad play on that team or something? I am very happy that Roy and Keeley are back together. I know most folks really disliked her this season, but I was good with her this season. Yes, sleeping with your boss and source of financing was a HORRIBLE idea but it was pretty obvious it wasn't going to last so that made it easier to get through it, as a viewer. I do hope that Rebecca now providing funding won't strain the wonderful friendship she and Keeley have. On a super shallow note - her hair looked awfully dried out; it needs a deep conditioning. Seeing Roy in that little party hat was EVERYTHING. And when he took off the tie-dye shirt in the parking lot, one look at his body and you know damn well he's got a hairy butt! But seriously - he is my favorite character of the show. I only wish we'd had one more chance to see him with that group of older ladies he used to hang out with. I wonder if we will find out how Trent's book works out. I hope it's wildly successful. I love Trent; he is such a good mentor of sorts to Collin and just an all-around decent, intelligent, sensitive person. I don't have anything original to add about Nate that so many other folks have already mentioned. I'm not a fan. He's said and done some really horrible, hurtful, awful things with almost no consequences. I simply found it hard to be sympathetic to his storyline. Higgins is 100% correct - those kids in Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory are D-E-A-D! I'm sad this show is coming to an end. Even with its less than fab episodes, it is/was still head and shoulders above many other things out there. I will seriously miss this show.
But didn't the chef order them, and Sam was happily surprised? I can't recall exactly, but that was my take on it. I could be totally wrong about who ordered the matchbook souveniers.
I agree, but it is worrisome that he's been with 14 teams in the past 15 years (or something like that). There have to be reasons for that...
I felt like he was hearing other Changelings in the Great Link, or whatever their home 'world' of goop was called. When they're all in the liquid together, can't they hear each other's thoughts in some manner?
Spencer dove back under the tug and retrieved a large jug, from which he and Alix both drank. I wasn't paying rapt attention but I don't think they were stranded for more than a day. Spencer had sent out an SOS distress call on the radio before the tug turned over and he was quite certain the message had been received. But I, too, wondered how his rifle was functional - perhaps it was somewhere that the water didn't reach once the tug was upside down.
What happened to the baby? Last I recall, Ruth's friend brought him back to Ruth, but what did Ruth do with him after that? I, too, am scarred for life by John Boy's "blessed fucking day"!! What would Grandpa have said about that??? I very much wanted Ruth to have her new life, but yeah - her days were numbered. Still, she was my favorite character. The actress who played her was truly terrific. What will happen to Three? Will he inherit all of Ruth's assets? Overall, I enjoyed the show. It was intense and dark; my husband and I usually could only watch one episode at a time. The few times we watched two back-to back, it was too much. Still, we were captivated and engrossed. The show definitely kept our attention and spurred much discussion. I'm OK with it ending - that was enough - but I'll miss looking forward to it.
She explained to Aram that Harold himself chose Aram to take over - it wasn't her decision.
Completely agree with this. I was utterly bored throughout this entire episode. What a complete let-down after last week. I do not like Sylvie at all, haven't since she was first introduced. Overall, this was a dull, uninspiring episode, and I'm glad that there's a second season, because to end the show completely with this episode would have been really bad.