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Everything posted by Cementhead

  1. Yep! I haven't understood a word out her mouth since she started. Probably has something to do with the fact that she literally sings with the microphone smooshed right up against her mouth.
  2. I agree with everything you've said, Medicine Crow. I don't mind Sheryl that much. She bothered me at first but then I clued into the fact that she's there to play a certain role and so she plays it. Whether we like it or not, that's what she's there to do. I am just used to her schtick now and usually end up laughing with her. Hey -- it beats getting yelled at by Queen EGOT, right? I find it especially funny / sneaky how this show manages to discuss so many snarky & catty things during their Hot Topics, under the guise of discussing what "The Haters" are talking about. They do this all of the time. They will bring up some really gossipy, mean-spirited story about some celebrity's weight or something and then open up the discussion with what "The Haters" on social media are talking about, like so&so's recent bad plastic surgery, etc. And then this opens it up for them to be all snarky and gossipy under the guise that they are just talking about "the haters" Yeah, sure, lol. Too funny. I think Julie has probably said the word "haters" at least 500 times by now. Ahhh! So this explains why Mrs. O. (hate when Julie calls her that!) has a new face. I figured she must have had a recent tune-up.
  3. Yes, Medicine Crow, yes!! I haven't watched this show in ages but caught yesterday & today and am asking you all -- just when the hell did this show become All About the Osbornes?! What the hell? I literally just came here to search this forum out to ask that specific question. I found yesterday's show to be very, very interesting. If you paid any attention to the other ladies' faces and body language, they looked less than thrilled with The Osborne Show, as well. Sara Gilbert looked like she didn't even want to be there, period and then whenever Kelly opened her mouth, she looked even more annoyed to be there. Did you see their faces when they were sitting over to the side during Sharon & Kelly's cooking segment? They didn't laugh or crack a smile at any of their stupid, unfunny antics. I don't think I've ever heard anything of value ever to fall out of Kelly's or her even more loathsome Mother's mouth. Ever. When Sharon is moderating and effing the entire thing up, you can just see the frustration in all the other ladies' faces. And they don't dare to correct her or laugh at her because she is untouchable for some reason. If anyone doubted how classless these Osborne broads are, just watch yesterday's cooking segment with the salmon. After Sharon picks up the salmon fillets to place on the cooking tray, Kelly says "Mom -- smell your fingers." UGH. Edited to answer my own question: It probably became The Osborne Show around the same time Kelly quit Fashion Police and is now looking for a new job. And to answer the question about why Aisha never moderates. IMO, it has less to do with whether or not she wants to do it and everything to do with the fact that aside from Julie; Sharon holds all the cards on that show and has all the power. For some strange, unknown, unearthly reason?! You would think that Number 2 spot would be held by Sara. ??
  4. Tuned in just now to see what's up ... Whoopi is still yelling and that Cristella woman still has the WORST god-awful cackle of anyone ever on my tv screen. Yell, yell, yell, cackle, cackle, cackle. HORRID. Click.
  5. I just put this on at noon to watch for the first time in over a month because even though I still read this forum on a regular basis, I really miss contributing to it. And I can't contribute if I don't watch. Well, my watching lasted all of 10 minutes. Why is everybody so LOUD? They are all YELLING at each other. One of them yells out something and then another one interrupts them and YELLS over them and all we are left with is 4 or 5 voices screaming at us. With Whoopi's voice being the loudest, of course. I don't know who said it but when she was bitching about the anonymous bullies on the internets and how she'd like to see their faces to see if they were "any better than she is" before reading what they had to say, one of the table morons says in the background, "Nobody's better than you!" So I see the hour long tongue bathing of The Great Egot is still alive & well. It makes me really sad that this is what this show has become. I can't even hate-watch it anymore.
  6. OMG. I am attempting to watch this show right now and all I am hearing is Whoopi YELLING and Rosie & that Cristela woman CACKLING. Speaking of Whoopi's yelling, she seems to be yelling even louder now that Rosie O has left the show. And now I see what you are all saying about Rosie P. It's painful to have to suffer through her trying to spit out her point. Yeesh.
  7. On her reality show, there is a scene where her physician advises her to gain 5-10 lbs. in order to help her chances to conceive. She says she can't do it because she has to be thin for her job. No, I did not/ do not watch her show but have seen this particular episode being talked about many times over the years. I think I even saw a clip of it on youtube. As far as The View goes, I think this is the 1st time in 10+ years that I have been at home at 11am and forgot that it was even on. I haven't been watching it since Rosie left. I did tune in on Monday to listen to them talk about The Oscars and came to the conclusion that the show/mainly Whoopi makes me too angry. And I have enough shit going on in my life to be angry about. It was the day that she spit out her venomous tirade about not tweeting her about something because she doesn't care about any of us and what we think. Between that and her just being so loud and sitting there so smugly and so effing pleased as punch, I just got too angry to watch. It is most definitely 100% The Whoopi Goldberg Show now. She knows it, we know it and all those cowards sitting at the table with her know it. She owns that hour.
  8. I stand corrected because I am the one who suggested that the show was using a laugh track. If that hysteria was indeed from a live studio audience than might I suggest they go for an audience a lot less deranged from here on in.
  9. The laugh track KILLED it for me. This show was on my 'one to watch for' radar and I tuned in excited to give it a go but because none of the sit-coms that I watch have a laugh track and because it isn't 1998, it did not even remotely occur to me that this show would have one. Shame. Good Luck to them all. I hope this one sticks for Matthew Perry. I liked Mr. Sunshine just fine.
  10. I really enjoyed this finale. To me, it felt like the show lit a giant stick of dynamite and just took itself out. All of the cheap shots at Sheen were bugging me at first but then all of the actors started taking shots at themselves along with the show and the writers. This is coming from someone who hasn't watched this show since Sheen left, other than to tune into the first 2 episodes when Ashton showed up. And yeah, there is definitely NO love lost between Lorre & Sheen.
  11. My Mom's been trying to turn me on to Wendy Williams all year but the only time it is on in my area is at 11am and when I am at home, that has been my View watching time for as long as the show has been on the air. I've tuned into her once or twice but old habits die very hard and I couldn't seem to quit the View no matter how horrible & godawful it has become this season because I kept tuning in for Rosie. Even Whoopi yelling at me every morning hadn't made it any easier for me to make the switch. But now that Rosie has flown the coop, I am going to watch Wendy instead. I imagine not getting yelled at by a pompous windbag who used to be a big deal will make my mornings that much more enjoyable.
  12. It's already been mentioned a few times already but my favourite moment came less than 5 minutes into the show when he called Keshia Knight Pulliam "Ke-shia Knight" as she walked out and I could have swore he also called Gilbert Gottried "David Gottfried" but I see no one has mentioned this so I must have heard wrong. Then it got even better when 10-15 minutes into the show he tries to clear the air with Keshia and in true Trump Fashion, just makes it even worse. "I pronounced your name wrong. What is your name?" , "That is a great name, just great!" , "You've been great on the show. Just great!" , and as she starts to thank him for allowing her to highlight her charity, he totally interrupts her and moves on. Oh, and because of such "huge" ratings and the show being a "big success," he says it is being renewed. He is such a pompous blowhard and it just cracks me the hell up. What a windbag. This is the only 'reality' tv show that I will watch and thought this season was highly enjoyable and probably my favourite ..... until he fired all 4 players off the one team. That killed it for me and I lost interest. Clearly NBC just wanted to burn this show off as quickly and as fast as they could. Oh, and edited to add my other favourite moment -- when Ivanka made the mistake of asking Ian that supposed tweeted in question and he went off into one his motivational speaker moments about how losers quit and winners never give up or some such bullshit. This show did that guy no favors. What a nutjob. Someone married this guy? I don't know how his wife can stand listening to him. I don't know what I would want to do most --- laugh at him or punch him in the throat.
  13. To put it nicely, I don't like any of those women & don't care about anything they have to say so I am out. I'd love to see the very long list of names they went through before they landed at the very bottom with these four.
  14. I just read that interview in People magazine and she named her baby Hannah. This was a good episode. Everyone else has already expressed what I was going to write so I won't repeat anything other than to say that yes, Meredith has become an unlikeable bitch.
  15. Loved this episode. Diane is hilarious and the actress who plays her is so very good in her role. This show has quickly become one of my very favourite sit-coms along with The Middle and The Mindy Project. The casting & acting is top notch all the way around; including all of the child actors and the writing is also fabulous. I would be so very happy if it was on after The Middle instead of that horrid Goldbergs show where all they do is yell at each other but what are ya gonna do? Great show!
  16. While Rosie P. probably has a lot of interesting and intelligent things to say; she just isn't the least bit articulate. Which is kind of a requirement for this type of job. She also seems to be generally nervous in this setting and that might be related to her not feeling particularly effective in her words. I kinda feel for her because I can relate to this myself. In that I am a nervous person in public settings and usually end up having to stumble & stutter my way through conversations with people. But then I am not getting paid to talk.
  17. Whoopi: "Do you know what I don't care about but we still have to talk about it?" (Her opening for the egg discussion) Rosie shrugs and says "That could be just about anything." Hee!
  18. Perhaps I am in an extra bitchy mood today but Rosie's twitter reply really chaps my ass. I feel differently than maggiemae and Medicine Crow in that I took it to be a big "Eff You" to the viewers who tuned into this shit show to see her. I already knew that the show didn't give a flying fuck about the viewers and I guess now I know that Rosie doesn't much either. "Google it" she says. Gee, thanks.
  19. Nothing. You missed absolutely nothing. Elephant in the room, as Fisher King mentioned.
  20. Thanks for this, merriebreeze. As a devoted viewer since Day One, I feel as though this is the most spot-on, truthful article I have read of the recent goings-on.
  21. It features her doing a stand-up set of her talking about her heart issue. She said the first half hour she talks about her kids and the second half she talks about how she almost died.
  22. This show is completely unrecognizable to me now and not even close to being the show that got me hook, line and sinker. When Fitz was reflecting back on his moments with Olivia (touching hands on the plane, almost kissing outside the campaign room, etc.) I was also reflecting back. Reflecting back to when this show was watchable. And when it was still Scandal. Because I don't know what this shit show is now. But it sure as hell isn't the show I signed up for. It's all very Homeland and The Americans to me now. And if I wanted to watch Homeland or The Americans, I'd be watching them already. Bye Scandal. I hardly knew ye.
  23. Between this... and this: ... you people are killing me today, LOL!!
  24. And according to Whoopi, Juan Pablo, the 1st Latin Bachelor wasn't Latin, he was "a fake Italian" with "a fake accent." And there will never be a Black Bachelor because ABC wouldn't know how to handle the shit that would go down. Rosie P told her to not make such a generalization but what the hell does she know, she's not Black, so she wouldn't know. Oh God, yes!! That Cristela woman's laugh is NAILS ON A CHALKBOARD to me. I have a physical reaction to it in that I wince and want to stick my fingers in my ears.
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