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Everything posted by Cementhead

  1. The Martha Stewart segment was completely wasted. Should have just been Martha & Rosie. And an extra 5 minutes at least. My fondest memories of Rosie's original talk show from back in the day; which IMO -- was the best talk show that ever was; are of these two together doing their craft segments together. Ahh, good times & good memories. Doesn't surprise me in the least that the View producers who put that horribly shitty segment together for today completely squandered a great opportunity. I was literally sitting just a few feet away from the tv listening but not watching and did not know what the hell happened. I never heard the noise from the studio from where I was so I really thought that she did fart. It wouldn't have been the first time. And as far as this being comedy to her, I haven't found fart jokes funny since I was 10.
  2. WTF just happened? Did Whoopi just FART? And then get up and start waving it around? Just as their guest host was in mid-sentence? What in the HELL is happening here?! Who is allowing this to go on?? ** didn't see the above post as I was typing mine. So that is what happened? Good Gravy!
  3. Between this and those protestors clogging up the damn streets & bridges on her, she's had a rough couple of weeks. So many damn inconveniences. People all getting up in her grill.
  4. I totally agree but don't think it's 'deep down.' It's so close to the surface of her very being that she can't even hide it; in spite of her being an Academy Award winner. She reveals her feelings of celebrity superiority anytime a topic like this comes up and add to that her obvious disdain for us; the viewers, and you have a pretty miserable experience when you tune into this show anymore.
  5. Shit! How did I forget her and her 3 Herve Leger bandage dresses?
  6. I've had waaay too much coffee today so I am just gonna be brave and say it; what the hell ---- Does anyone else find this to be offensive in a racist way when she does this? Because she only uses that voice for very particular topics and if you pay even the littlest bit of attention; you will notice a pattern. There, I said it. And this is coming from someone who never, ever gets into the race discussions on this forum; I usually stay out of them but this time I am opening my big mouth.
  7. Wayne Brady is on my "Why the hell is this person on my tv screen so much?" list; right under Susan Lucci and Marilu Henner. For a minute I thought I was watching The Talk because he's on that show once a week. Lara Spencer, Wayne Brady and Barb on Friday. It's like they are going out of their way to annoy me this week.
  8. Ha! That was me and Cosmocrush totally crushing on her hair and obsessing about what magical hairspray she used to make it so dreamy, lol. And you guys took one for the team and tweeted her for us. I missed today's show (dumb job) so thanks for sharing! That is too funny! I am going to chuckle about this all night. :)
  9. OMG --- It is so funny that you brought this up because just the other day, I found myself googling to find out what the heck her kid's name was because even though she brings him into the conversation often, she has never said his name. And my OCD finally got the best of me and I had to google! And by the by, it's Liam. ** I just read dumbdownus' post below mine and for what it's worth, this isn't a snark on Nicolle for talking about her son. I was just commenting on the name thing.
  10. Not a fan of Ryan's but thought last night was actually his best performance yet. And is it just me who is really bothered by the constant lip licking thing he does? Ugh. And IMO, that was Reagan & Anita's worst perfomances. Reagan runs out of breath after every line she sings (I know she has been sick but she's been like that since the get-go) and Anita was horribly off-key. That big note moment was cringe-worthy. I swear I had not yet read this post above from iknow before I posted. I totally look like a copy-cat because we basically said the very same thing!
  11. LOL. I was using the below post from Morbs as my reference for the Joy/Entertainment Tonight connection when I was trying to decipher what the typo meant because it was the post directly above the one that CathinAz wrote that had the typo.
  12. Not at all, Jaded. You, along with everyone else who has commented on today's cringey show has done a bang up job articulating it! Good on you, Peeps!
  13. And don't even THINK of tweeting her!!
  14. I agree with that, Bronzedog. And watching the wife's face as he spoke was interesting to me, too.
  15. Very well said, kaygeeret. You described it exactly as I saw it, too. Yes, yes, yes. Oh God, yes. Another one, really. I can't even keep up!
  16. I'm catching it on CTV in 10 minutes buffynut, but yes, it does that to me every single day, too. (cuts off at the tag line) I will let you know if it returns after the last guest. Does that mean you missed like 5 minutes+?
  17. I, too am catching it in 20 minutes and from reading all of these slightly terrifying comments, I am super anxious and almost mortified to watch! Yikes. And to all of my fellow Canadians: Do you know who is LOVING Bill Cosby right about now? Jian Ghomeshi. That's who.
  18. I think it is a typo and is meant to say ET as in Entertainment Tonight. Babs was pissed that Joy told Entertainment Tonight about Rosie before ABC/Babs revealed it.
  19. The bit about Mariska's husband was cute and well-deserved but I was surprised that nobody bothered to oh, I dunno, say his name! Jeez.
  20. After they ran Rosie P's bit about her charity, Whoopi says "Can I put a period on that sentence?" and then chimes in with her thoughts on the Arts and their importance in schools .... which was the whole entire point of showing that bit and letting Rosie P speak about it, no? THAT's the reason Whoopi is starting to royally piss a lot of people off. Because nobody needed her to "put a period on that sentence" because Rosie was handling it just fine on her own, thank you very much. It was HER charity for cripe's sake! But Whoopi cannot help herself and has to have the last word on anything & everything.
  21. I'm calling it, too. The woman was seated in the front row and the other woman with her (presumably her daughter) had a friggin' microphone in her hand so the producers/people-behind-the-scenes knew she was there and seated her accordingly complete with mic-in-hand, so there is no way in hell that Whoopi wasn't told. And as far as how human it made her look -- big, giant FAIL there because those tears she was shedding were fake because there was none and she didn't even give them a chance to speak even though they were given a microphone for cripe's sake.
  22. Naya Rivera; or as Whoopi called her Naya Riviera has successfully completed her Kim Kardashian transformation. If she can't find work after Glee, she can always get work as an impersonator.
  23. Not a word of a lie; I was coming here to post those very same words because I was doing the same. AW-FUL. And in the practices Gwen keeps going on about how hot & cute he is and how he has to sell it better. Umm, no. I don't see the charm. Sugar Joans sounds like Kathy Griffin. Again -- AW-FUL. And like Gwen with Ryan; I don't get what Pharrell sees in her either..? I wasn't enjoying Gwen at first but I have come to appreciate what a big, giant dork she is. I'm finding it very refreshing to see a 'celebrity' who isn't as polished and calculated as most of them come off. I think all of her gaffes and some of the dorky things that come out of her mouth show that she is being sincere & in the moment. When Carson was trying to set up that whole "Things that Blake's Mom says" with Blake and Adam was YELLING his way into it? That shit is so tired and played out. And it occurred to me then that thankfully, there has been little to no bromance crap this year.
  24. People.com has been doling out Brooke's "Bombshell O' The Day" for those who are interested in reading the book without buying. Bombshells so far include: How Liam Neeson proposed then dumped her; How George Michael didn't want her sex; How Andre Aggassi told her he was a Meth addict; How she lost her virginity to TV's Superman Dean Cain & and how Michael Jackson was terrified of dating. I will admit that celeb bios are one of my guilty pleasures in life. I usually wait until they hit the bargain bin or buy them at a used book store but if she keeps it up with her daily doses of "Bombshells" I won't have to put out the 5 bucks for this one because why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free? I think she was probably familiar with the' 4 minutes or less per guest' format of this show and so she was speed pimping her way through the interview to sell that book. She also sounded sick. Probably exhausted from all of her pimping appearances and her bombshell dropping and whatnot.
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