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Everything posted by BusyOctober

  1. Robin is annoying. She may have started off life as a human being, but she has transformed into some kind of auto-bot. All of the unnatural crap she injects in her face has turned her into something decidedly un-human looking. She now looks like something the crew over at "Face Off" would create if the challenge was to update Disney's "Hall of Presidents" automaton figures. They're kinda humanesque, but obviously not real...just waxy, cartoonish imitations of humans. I also think Robin has the IQ of one of the bratty 'teen in trouble' drop outs her husband "helps". The "Sugar Baby" (gah, I hate that I just typed that) last week tried to hint that Dr. Phil could be her Sugar Daddy, and Phil shut her down by motioning to Robin on her perch. Robin held up her bird-like claw with her big ass diamond and said "And it's REAL, honey!", complete with the elderly white lady's attempt of the 'oh no you didn't' shoulder roll. STFU. First, no one asked you if "he went to Jared's". Second, she is 18 or 19 and you are 60. Why are you engaging with a damaged, emotionally & intellectually stunted teenager? If her aah-mazing products are so fantastic, why can't she get her her own, separate gig on TV?
  2. I'm in Boston so I missed several hours of "normal" TV due to the Patriots coverage. I'm happy they won, but I don't understand why the local channels think we need to watch hungover yahoos waiting for planes & buses for 8 hours at a time. Tomorrow is the celebration parade and that will be aired in its entirety I'm sure. sigh... Hopefully I can catch the PCP rerun sometime soon. Sounds like a real enlightening episode!
  3. Thank God Brooke was put on the chopp-ah. I just can't with her anymore, or ever again. She was all so laid back and chill when she was PM, but then gets up Boy George's ass for approaching the cleaning task the same way? And I think she wants to jump Matt's bones. All the giggling, flirting, hair flipping and now "secret" texting? She wants him. Can't say I blame her; Matt is adorable and smart and good looking and has a personality...unlike her dickish chauvinistic husband. I'm grateful for whoever arranged the final teams that they broke with the tradition of bringing back the most recently fired loo-sahs. Also glad Laila was bounced too. She is a very strong and successful person, but I think she thinks her "I'm the Greatest" attitude is hers by birth right. Nope. Her father earned that title by over coming some real professional and personal hardships. Sharing DNA with an icon does not necessarily mean you become one on the day you're born. I haven't ever used Jessica Alba's products, so I can't comment on the good/bad of their effectiveness. However, the brand and it's tag line about "living the Honest life" irks me. I know its just a slogan but I don't like the implication that people who don't use her products are lying, filthy Earth scorchers. Nails on a chalk board every time Laila or Jessica or Brooke said they live "honestly". I hope Boy George doesn't get dinged for his walkout with the key board dude. I think the Lounge Lizard Liberace wanna be thought he could make a stand for 15 min of fame instead of just doing what was asked of him...play the damn tune the way it was written. In the end I'd be happy with either declared the winner. I think Matt is the underdog since he was saddled with that team, and he may not be able to pull in the cash like BG.
  4. Amblance for ambulance is quickly rising on the leader board of most irksome mispronounced word. Flustrated (alt. Fusstrated) for frustrated is still on top.
  5. I may have to stop watching JJ for a bit. I can't take the butchering of words and phrases any more. It's a silly thing to some people, but hearing obviously mispronounced words drives me up the damn wall. I get that different regions have different accents; that's not what I makes me crazy. I'm from Boston, so I know all about regional accents so heinous that they make your ears bleed. It's things like "he hit me in da mouf." " Dey had to call da amblance !" "My Vee-HICKAL was damaged." "I didn't know my ee-surance lapped" "She had boughten me dat TV." Don't even get me started on the misuse of pronouns ( or should that be 'don't even get I started'???)There are many more on a daily basis, but the mangling has really hit me hard this week for some reason!
  6. As much as I dislike those Chevy commercials with "real customers NOT actors", I'm loving the new LEGO/Bat Mobile one. I love the LEGO-ized Chevy dude, and anything with Will Arnett's Batman voice is good for me.
  7. I've never been to a quinceanera but I've been to several Italian 1st Communions, a Greek Christening and a Greek wedding. All of these events had at least 400-500 people in attendance. The Greek wedding went on for 3 days and the bride had 4 wedding dresses and 2 evening gowns (all with Swarovski crystals as the proud momma told anyone who'd listen). At one of the 1st Communions, the little girl sat in a gilded throne brought over from some Italian castle that some Pope blessed a hundred years ago. She sat up on a raised platform and all the guests brought up her gifts and laid them on the steps (yes, like pilgrims praying at an altar) Her dress was more like a wedding gown and cost over $5k. I'm not sure what these families are thinking with these ridiculous celebrations. I'm not religious, but I guess the lesson is God loves you more if you waste money, food and resources?
  8. A win for Matt or George will be OK for me. Can't stand Brooke and I can't pin down why. She just irks. Laila is just OK. I've seen her on other things...Food Network I think...and she is OK in small doses. I really will miss Carson. He's smart, sharp and knows PR and marketing well. Hopefully he gets paired up with Boy George again in the finals. Don't they usually bring back the "losers" for the final task? Maybe they edited it out, but why wasn't it mentioned in Brooke's QVC pitch that the device she was shilling wouldn't be shipped for a month? Carson's team mentioned the immediate availability of their product on air. I know I personally would think twice before buying something I can't get as soon as possible. That may have affected Brooke's sales if it were mentioned. But, then again, as a person who does not workout, the slide thing looked easier and more fun than the tension thingy Carson picked. If I saw that laying around on a table and knew nothing about it, I'd guess it was part of a garage opener pulley system. And they should have shown how it worked "the whole body", not just arms. I guess in hindsight, as good as Carson is in front of the camera, he should have had Lisa and George up front. Or George in the truck.
  9. Glad Emily is finally gone. She was waaaaay out of her league. I know she was the "hometown girl" for this season, but really show? She was the "best" you could find in Charleston? She started off talking a big game about her bad attitude and her experience in many kitchens. I thought she was going to be bitchy, but be able to back up the talk with her skills (like Tiffany from days of yore). But, nope. She had nothing memorable on her plates IMO. A great elevated dessert could have been a stroke of genius in this challenge. No one else did dessert, and after all those savory dishes, the crowd would have enjoyed something sweet (and chilled in that heat). Emily couldn't deliver. That crowd and the judges wanted to eat 5 star quality food at these events; not something they could do themselves at home with a recipe off the back of a Duncan Hines cake mix. A simple ice box cake with no flourish or exotic ingredients/flavors ain't going to cut it. She's a basic cook. Basic pallet, basic skills, basic repertoire. Basic isn't bad, but Top Chef isn't about basic.
  10. Izzy needs to thank her lucky hair sprouts for that near miss. She should have gone home for that tragedy. That looked like something my daughter did with a basket of old scarves tucked into a belt...when she was 4. That poor woman looked awful. Allie should have had her model remove the robe to show off her skills on the striped dress. Her look would have passed for a date look if it weren't for that "overlay". Tieler is becoming a favorite. Loved how he kept referring to his model as "Miss Megan" like a nice, respectful Southern young man. His mammas raised him right! Um, Chris? Please leave the Tim impersonations to the master. I remember Santino. I watched Santino. You, sir, are no Santino.
  11. So PK can tell Kim Richards to knock off the stupid attempts at an English accent, but he can't give his wife the same advice? Anyone remember the good old days of The Soup w/ Joel McHale? Remember how he referred to Mamma June (from Honey Boo-Boo "fame") as the 'human thumb'? I think we've found the missing thumb mate. It's PK. He is so repulsive. I love Boy George, so it's hard to figure out why he is so friendly with Dumbwit and PK. I guess living rent free with 2 sycophants is enough motivation? Good for him walking away from the gossip session. And good for LVP being somewhat reasonable about it too. If it's vitamins/sleeping pills, who cares? Most of the women in NYC & BH carry those ginormous $30k designer handbags because they need to tote their gallon-sized ziploc baggies of "supplements". Kyle looked fan-freakin-tastic this episode. Keep up whatever you're doing (except I wish you'd burn that crocheted ruff you wear in TH's). Greece looked like a good time for Kyle & Erika. Eden needs to be a one-and-done Housewife. She is nuts and an egomaniac. What's with her pissy attitude about not being greeted properly by people she met 2.3 seconds ago? First she's put off that Kyle gave her "zero love" at her Game Night. Then she gets upset when Kim - who Eden called out at Game Night - doesn't fawn all over her at Dumbwit's party. These women barely know you and you have behave very assertively any time they see you. I'm guessing both Kim & Kyle are very reserved and skittish around new people as a result of living with their crazy mom, and her insistence on keeping secrets and being child actors. K & K probably have a lot of trust issues, so they are not the Type A personality like Eden (yes, I said it Eden and I'm not even on a hamburger and nicotine infused high). I'd be happy to never hear Eden lecture the world on how recovery works per the Sassoon Salon of Sobriety again. I'd also be glad to not have to look at her half deflated, wrinkled titties anymore. Unless using a ruching stitch on boobs is a new plastic surgery trend in BH, Eden is a candidate for 'Botched'. Those puppies be puckered.
  12. Do you think Brooke knows she's not 20 anymore? I know she considers herself a "millennial mom", but ummm...NOPE. And does she remember she's married? Granted, if I was married to the sad sack, no talent chauvinist, I'd try to forget too. What's with all the giggling and flirty ditzy behavior? She wanted to "just wing it" and "play it safe"? I really wanted her to lose her task, but the other team really did suck more. Vince obviously checked out after his big win. Contributing dancers who could shake their T&A near his bloated face was his swan song. Chael should stop the HGH or steroids or whatever magic chemical he is taking. He brain has been damaged beyond repair if he equates vandalism with gaining a competitive edge. Some would call him a "tool", but tools are useful and have a purpose. I love Carson and Matt and George, so I'm happy with any of them winning. Lisa is annoying as hell. I couldn't work with her personality type. Ricky is too...chill? laid back? coma inducing? There's no energy or passion with this guy. Porsha made my head spin with her yackity yacking, and it obviously worn thin w/ the Gov.
  13. I struggled with this last season and if I continue with the second, I think it will be to hate watch. The Alice character makes me stabby. I am no expert on southern dialects, but of all the actors, the woman playing Alice has the most fake, junior high school drama club level "Ah do declah!" accent. Did she prepare for the role by watching Foghorn Leghorn cartoons? Hale and his nurse continue to be the Civil War's rendition of Frank "Ferret Face" Burns and Hot Lips Houllihan. If they are supposed to be comedic relief or mustache twirling villains, they fail on both accounts IMO. I love US history and especially the Civil War era. But this production has just bored and annoyed me. Maybe I just don't like the actors in the major roles enough? Maybe I find the anachronistic dialogue too jarring? Whatever it is, I don't think I'll last the entire run.
  14. Warning: beating of a dead horse ahead... Why limit these designers to ONE DAY tasks?? They could still air the desired # of episodes and endless ads if they did a few simple things. Reduce the # of contestants to 10. Give them 1 day "Quick Zip" challenges (a la Top Chef Quick Fires) to test skills/techniques. The "loser" of that round could be saddled with some disadvantage if TPTB need manufactured drama. Give them 2 day challenges to really showcase their talent (or lack of). Edit out the snipping and non-sewing related chit chat. Cut down the time spent showing them running around Mood (sorry, Swatch I do really love ya!). Stop repeating the following every single week; * the intro to permanent judges - guest judge/sponsor intro only. Tim needs no more introduction or explanation of his role * rehashing the product placement task before, during and after the clothes hit the stage - "you were asked to..." THEY KNOW! * the damn runway rules - someone is In, someone is Out. Got it. In fact we all got it Season 1, Episode 1 * the prizes - yadda yadda free makeup, free sewing machine, cash...
  15. These intellectually low functioning people on disability can't get jobs but have enough smarts to figure out how to open accounts in other people's names/SSN? A guy in jail, who apparently has the drive to earn his keep sweeping the place giving him free rent, meals and healthcare, still collects SDI while doing his sentence?!? Talk about a F'd up system. I wish the (US)government and employers could see that everyone would benefit if money were spent on programs for education, skills training, better mental healthcare, group homes for mentally challenged, long term and short term housing for our vets, our elderly, our homeless. Instead we spend billions on programs that perpetuate and exacerbate these issues. People need to feel valued and have dignity in their lives. Paying them a pittance to live below the poverty line and making them reliant on the government for their very existence offers no value or dignity.
  16. Panera has either changed their spokesperson or moderated the original one's voice. She's still hawking "clean food", but the pitch and tone of the the voice has improved from "stabbing my ear drum with ice pick" to "cats with over grown claws crossing a floor made of chalkboards".
  17. I found this by accident and then binged through the whole 1st season in a day. Love it! I hope more people find it because it is pretty funny.
  18. I thought Melissa was a bad stage mom, but Yolanda not only takes the cake, she baked in a few handfuls of extra Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs. What. A. Loon. Her poor kid has way too many more years to live with that type of insanity. I hope there are some normal adults in her life to balance out the situation...and a very large bank account to cover the therapy. Abby must just be coasting to the finish line, because Kelly & Christi were way less mouthy than Yo-Yo and she didn't put up with it without blowing a blood vessel every week. She hardly reacts to Yolanda's brand of crazy. Why does the funeral home mom and her non-dancing kid continue to hang around? If she isn't dancing, then the TV exposure they hoped for isn't happening. Time to pack the bows, self tanner and hairspray and get back home.
  19. Don't like Eden's intensity. She's an odd duck IMO. Why would a complete stranger become immediately fixated on "helping" Kim or Kyle? All of her California zen hippy aura vibing just comes across as phony posing to me. Kyle didn't look cold or impolite at her home. Don't try to investigate Kyle's family's psycho-dynamic...deal with your own. From the sounds of it, Eden has some serious familial issues of her own. I guess it would be OK for her, as a fellow recovering addict, to say something like "I've been there. If you ever want to talk..." or "I go to meetings at XXX and the group is great. If you ever want to come, let me know". Put your offer of assistance & support out there, but no need to become a stalker over it. And does she need to start every sentence with "As sober women, we should..."? I understand maintaining sobriety is a struggle and takes a lot of strength. It's important to acknowledge your recovery and to be comfortable letting others know you don't drink or drug. But is it part of any program to label yourself in every and all conversations? Like when she goes to the Post Office, does she say, "As a sober woman, I choose the Forever Flag stamps." Can we please be done with the fucking underwear story now? If I promise to pay homage to the Victoria's Secret & Fredrick's of Hollywood deities, can I never hear about Erika's pubic peek-a-boo with PK? And speaking of Erika...I really do like her. Not a big fan of her music or stage persona, but she's an interesting Housewife. I do not like her hired handler Mikey. Like the panty story, there's just too much of him. He's exhausting. We get it...you're fabulous. You don't have a real job. You live in a closet at Casa Girardi, & you're surrounded by items worth more than the GNP of Europe. If Erika is going to keep him as a pet, she needs to get a handful of whatever Doggy Downers LVP gives to Giggy and Ken and calm him the F down. Eileen and Rinna have worn out their welcome. Eileen had been a voice of somewhat reason in the past, and Rinna and her loose lips were entertaining up to a point. But they have come unglued. I don't want to hear Eileen replay every. single. conversation. she's ever had. I don't want to watch Rinna digging up dirt and innuendos like a malnourished rat terrier going after a vole.
  20. Does anyone know where a US resident can watch Seasons 1-3? I only have seen Season 4 and on, but after watching the 2 Christmas specials, I want to see the earlier shows! I have tried YouTube, but 9 times out of 10 I'm either blocked from viewing, or if I can find an old episode, the sound quality is so poor I can't watch. Thanks!
  21. I never liked Katie Couric. She always seemed fake to me. I didn't mind Meredith, and I liked Ann. I really like Hoda, especially when she isn't weighed down by KLG. As for Tamara...the more I watch her as a main anchor, the more I question her IQ. She gets rattled with the simplest of concepts. Maybe she's a better reporter, because she is great on her crime show on ID. I don't think Al Roker is a big Tamara fan. He appeared very annoyed with her is segments they have together. I was watching this morning b/c I heard Chaz Palminteri & Robert Di Niro were on. Then I heard the reason and saw the scene from their new venture. Wow. Let's just say I don't think the "Hamilton" cast and crew has anything to worry about.
  22. I forgot to add what BS Brooke's non-entity of a spouse's "reasoning" why he wouldn't do it... Shooting him on the back of the bike isn't what would happen in "real life". And Brooke No-Backbone Burke buying into it & trying to sell that in the boardroom. Um, what?? 99% of what is shown in ads in not portraying "real life". Whether it's print ads or aired on TV, ads (especially ones featuring quasi-famous people selling nonessential goods) are all about the fantasy of being like those people... in their environment, with their clothes/makeup/perfume/car/lifestyle. The colors are enhanced. The bodies are enhanced. The freaking KFC chicken is enhanced. None of it is "real", you blockheads! You are selling the dream of whatever joy the marketing execs tell you their product will bring into the unwashed masses' lives.
  23. Brooke should have gotten the axe. She seems to do a lot of talking but offers very little substantive action. As far as viewing her & her husband as a "power couple"....I never heard of her chauvinist husband before. I bet more people on the street would be able to identify her over her "celebrity" spouse. What a dick. I would have told him, "OK, sweetie, you don't want to be on the back of the bike because you are too macho? No problem. We are in L.A. In 5 minutes, 10 reasonably good looking model/actors & their fame seeking spidey-sense will geo-locate the cameras, so we're good. Any rando off the street would kill for a chance to add to his resume, get new headshots, and try out a cool new motorcycle if the only downside is sitting behind your spokesmodel wife. You just head on home and see if any of those Baywatch residual checks cleared."
  24. I recorded this b/c I wanted to be fully awake, engaged and caffeinated to watch...Only made it through 26 minutes. Deleted from my DVR. Jude Law and cool scenery just wasn't enough to hold my attention. Maybe I'll just rewatch "The Borgias" or "The Medicis" to get my fill of Papal intrigue.
  25. Not a good start to the second half of the season. That was awful. She was not a good (or even mediocre) host. And the material sucked too, so it wasn't all her fault. I think the only sketch that was kinda good was the Leslie-Keenan one. I get where they were going with the Fangango skit, but it fell flat. Same with the Jokeoke one. Why would Felicity use the same robot voice for her pharma rep character? The Albee Something theatre skit was too stupid for words. Even though it's so cliche, it might have worked better if Felicity played it as "hot nurse" to the old guy versus whatever the Hell she did with it instead. Was she supposed to be old? Inept? Mentally challenged? And what does Sasheer Zamata have to do to get a lead in a skit? Or not have to play the straight woman to everyone else's "funny" part? Too often I think this show promotes certain cast (male) members within a season. Beck has been a funny guy but he is no Jimmy Fallon or Will Ferrell or even Taran Killam. I just don't see the star power there. And I'm getting tired of Pete Davidson, Voice of the Millennials and Weed Smokers popping up on WU with his "humorous" observations.
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