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Everything posted by BusyOctober

  1. I'm happy to keep watching John over Courtney. I can't pin down why I disliked her but she was just annoying. And I never noticed before last night just how super teeny-tiny she is! Is she even 5 feet tall? She looked like a child compared to the rest of the group. I hate maraschino cherries, so that ingredient alone would have made me throw in the towel. After working so hard to make a beautiful, yummy dessert, you want me to desecrate it with those horrid things? Maybe I could have used the juice somehow, but not the actual chemically violated cherries. Blurgh. At least we didn't have a fondant explosion this week.
  2. They chose the wrong Rolling Stones quote for the episode title. Based on this ending, I would have chosen "(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction". I read the book, and the whole time watching over the 7 weeks, I thought they would need to rush the last episode to wrap up everything, and I was right. Sigh...not satisfied at all. Overall, I don't have any complaints with the acting; I really enjoyed the performances. I guess I am more dissatisfied with the writing. I'll re-read the book to put things right again!
  3. We had another case of the bumper showed before the commercial break that didn't happen. The bumper shows Joan panicking in bed about the noise and while John is going to check, she's holding the phone & says something like "I'll dial 9-1. Yell if you need me to dial the other 1!" Never happened when the show resumed (unless I took one of Colleen's magical pills & I missed it). I did like John and the neighbor sneaking junk food by the trash. JB Smoove always cracks me up. My Colleen hate continues to grow exponentially. When did her character become such a neurotic idiot? Is it because Jen fills the role of serious/snarky spouse (and she is very good at it, so I hope the writers let that be). The wedding can't happen soon enough for me if only to end the focus on her stupid "lookbooks" or dream boards. Why oh why couldn't she & Matt just stick to the eloping plan? I can't speak for every 30 (almost 40-)-something woman getting married, but Colleen's pretty pretty princess wedding wishes seem odd to me. They are getting married for a 2nd time. Even if the first time wasn't Barbie's Dream Wedding, I would think those fantasies would be tempered by now. I got married when I was 36. We had a wedding but it was simple. Neither my husband nor I saw the need for spending money on frills. We also didn't want our guests to be inconvenienced (Side Rant -"destination" weddings need to DIE - how selfish and self-centered are you??? You want to get married on the beach in Cabo? Great! Have fun & I'll have a gift for you when you get back. I am not spending the equivalent of a month's salary for a height of the season flight & luxury hotel to watch you do what could have been done locally). And I'm also over Dougie the roommate. Hahaha...over weight, unconventional looking women with active libidos are soooo funny! In 1950 maybe. I'm not laughing any more, and it's not for any politically correct reason. I just think its L-A-Z-Y writing to go for a "sight gag".
  4. I didn't know how much I really enjoyed Maxwell until he got eliminated. Good for Nakeisha and getting through a double dose of gross; going after those crabs and passing food mouth to mouth to John. While Nakeisha may be a high maintenance girly-girl, I think she is showing a lot of self awareness and growth so far. John needs to give his partner a little more positive reinforcement and stop using the word "poopy" in every sentence when talking about her. If he was going for a tough love approach to get her to focus, fine, it may be working, but he needs to show her some appreciation for goodness sake! And not just a hug when they win. In these jungle surroundings, I don't think I could ever let myself get all hot and bothered over some one like Natasha & Ben are. I'm waaaaay too self conscious about how I look/smell to allow it to get to far! No shower, no shaving, no shampoo means no schmoopy-schmoopy! Here's my number, call me when we get back to civilization if you're still interested.
  5. The only positive things I can say about this episode: 1) No Joe 2) Gloria's accent wasn't dialed up to "11" for once
  6. Looks like I may be a party f one, but....Woo Hoo! Regan is gone! I was so happy to see her packing her bags. No more baby voice whispering. No more boring personality. No more watching the complete lack of chemistry between her and every other character. I'm just so glad she won't be around any more! Loved seeing Donna Pescow too. I remember watching "Angie" as a kid.
  7. Thank God Buffie is gone. I couldn't take her woe-as-me underdog complaining, her indignant pouty face, or her verge of tears voice any more. Glad Marcus put her out of her misery vs. giving her (another) "stay in the game" pep talk. Buffie seems like a sweet woman who probably does a lot for her community, but she's out of her league here. She didn't come across as decisive or business savvy. Maybe she just lacked confidence? She could borrow some from Erin...he has buckets of confidence for someone who appears so blase and lacking. I can't remember what he said his college major was, but I'm guessing he minored in Theater; he keeps acting like he's some kind of corporate shark a la Gordon Gekko with all his posturing and turning questions back on Marcus. And I'm also tired of his hands off attitude when doing a task he isn't 100% comfortable with...like interacting with kids, selling to the general public, reading a P&L (aren't P&L's reviewed Intro to Biz 101?). I would have loved to see his face & heard his TH if the pet shop guy asked Erin to clean up the dog pee in the store! My bets are Erin gets eliminated next. I like Peilin but I think she may be too clinical for Marcus. Guess that means Juli FTW by default.
  8. Finished the episode with God n' Jesus woman. He won't take the advice, but Jack the husband should run run run and never look back. Aside from her beliefs, I think a big warning sign of Brooke's mental issues is her animal hoarding. Her "parrot rescue" is code for "I require unconditional love 24/7 so I surround myself with living things who depend on ME to provide for their very existence". I also think it's telling that she chose birds to hoard rescue since she sounds like a flock of deranged squawking seagulls when she starts her shrieking tirades. She was even flapping her wings in an agitated manner. The 2nd guest and her sun damaged skin...I will be running to the store later to restock my SPF and moisturizers. She was 55 but her face looked 10 years older. The sun is no joke, especially for those of us freckled, pale, blue-eyed Celts. I really wish $hill would stop with the whoring out of his wife's and sons' various projects. Why spend the last 15 minutes of most shows telling us about your kid's "amazing" rock band or the other one's "life changing" Doctor on Demand? Robin & her transforming skin care is BS. If I want to "transform" myself into a figure in Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum, I will find out who did Robin's multiple plastic surgeries and fills. People watch Dr. Phil to see people with problems get help, and maybe be able to apply Phil's advice to their own issues. The shilling takes time away from those cases. Plus I think its gross and very icky when he shifts from talking to a person in crisis and his/her family, to spouting off about eye cream. Talk about a disconnect. It's so disrespectful.
  9. This show is getting funnier each week. I really enjoy scanning the background for extra things like the leading cause of death list. I am a fan of Lithgow. Sherri Shepard is good as long as she is playing a character...the minute she opens her mouth IRL, all bets are off. She is one of the least informed people I've ever heard. I like most of the characters and minor characters too (news anchor Heidi & taxidermist Dave are hilarious). My minor problem with this show is the hair styling, Josh and Carol Ann specifically. Why is Josh's air so full of product and plastered to his head like Alfalfa from the Little Rascals? And I know Carol Ann is supposed to be a hard ass lawyer, but her "serious" hairstyle bugs me. The swoopy bangs with the severely pulled back sides, minus those two little strands hanging by her ears just makes her hair look greasy to me (not as much an oil slick as Josh's, but still).
  10. I haven't watched this ep yet, but I would bet somehow, someway, someone from the McGraw family has financial interest in whoever is selling snake oils beauty treatments being hawked on his show. As for his financial interest, I am almost sure I heard or read that Dr. $hill does indeed have some stake in the "best treatment facilities on the planet" that he shuttles his guests off to.
  11. Totally agree that the time limit of 90 min is ridiculous for scratch made puff pastry. Ninety minutes would have been better used is they gave them pre-made puff and allowed them to really work on various fillings. Actually, I'm shocked/impressed so many of these bakers were able to make all those curds and creams and mousses in 90 minutes! I mentioned here after last weeks' excessive use of fondant and icing, but I will repeat myself...enough of over decorating simple desserts like brownies! Fondant has no business being on the same plate as a well made gooey fudgey brownie! I know some people like to up the decadence factor by topping brownies off with a ganache, but never fondant. Almost no one likes to eat excessive amounts of fondant, modeling chocolate, gum paste, isomalt or gel icing. Save all those tricks for "Cake Wars". And Nancy can shut it with her emphasis on things needing to look "Spring-y". Just because the show is titled "Spring" doesn't mean every plate needs a bouquet of sugar flowers dumped on top of every damn cookie, bar, pie or pastry. If that's how she feels, then her rule needs to be applied to every baker in every challenge. For example, in this episode, I definitely thought Adam deserved the win for his renovated brownie...it looked ah-mazing and sounded like something I"d OD on if his bakery was close to me. However, it in no way looked "Spring-y" per Nancy's definition. No flowers, no pastel buttercream streamers, no colored sprinkles, just an awesome, professionally baked dessert.
  12. I liked the story between Robert and his mother. It was handled well; Robert hoping his mother would finally give him some unconditional love and the mom remaining her uptight self. As debraran noted, it would have been unbelievable if she had melted into a puddle of acceptance and tolerance. Seeing Robert's mom as a cold fish really made me think that Robert married his mother when he married Grace. She was basically as closed off and judgemental. She obviously wasn't so warm n' fuzzy as a mom herself. The actress playing Robert's mother is great, but she looked like she could be a contemporary of Frankie, Grace, Sol & Robert vs. someone from the previous generation. Wish my gene pool was as youthful as this groups'!
  13. Gun arguments aside, one thing really bugged me...Grace hears breaking glass, goes down stairs w/ the gun and sees the broken glass before she shoots. How did the glass break? Was there a 2nd B&E? Are G &F being stalked? Did Frankie do it by accident? Did a bird fly into it? Did Bud & Coyote's DIY attempt to fix the 1st break in spontaneously combust? I've watched several subsequent episodes and NO ONE answers this very important question!! (unless they did explain it in this episode, and I wasn't paying close enough attention...then never mind)
  14. I know this is a limited series, so they can't get too deep with each character. My main complaint re. lack of character development is Bonnie. In the book, she was soft spoken, gentle, peace-nik and always came off as an apologist for other people's behavior or a mousy doormat. That wishy-washy peace-love-and granola personality really made the ending more interesting. While Zoe Kravitz is doing OK in this, she isn't playing the book character. Unless the last episode gives us more about her, the big reveal won't make sense for non-book readers IMO. That is if they stick to the book plot...they wouldn't switch up who the killer is would they??? Also, the next episode better do some more exposition about the virginity for sale plot and its resolution. It was a real intense moment in the book; it woke Ed up out of his passive ways, it made Madeline more raw & vulnerable, it gave Celeste the opportunity to be powerful. In this episode, I found everyone's reactions to be so tepid! Sure Nathan ranted and yelled at his daughter for a minute & a half, but then he calm down and saw the "heroic" gesture of Abigail's social conscious...Um? REALLY??? And Madeleine got physically ill when she heard the news, but then is tearfully telling her 16 year old about her big mistake re. the affair. Then she strolls away! No effing way normal parents would be that que sera sera about their child prostituting herself on the internet. It's frustrating that there's only one episode left and sooooo much left to do!
  15. Yah, he was the same when he was on "Naked & Afraid". I kind of figured he and his partner would be the ones to go home based on the edit. Showing all their zen compatibility had to be the death knell for that team. The Boy Scout guy and his partner winning will hopefully help them mend fences and work together better. And I have to give Nakeisha some credit for going to her partner and explaining her position. I still wouldn't want to be stranded with her for long, but she showed more maturity in her convo with whatshisname than over the last few episodes. He could have tossed her a bone and made her feel heard. Instead he continued his disappointed Dad rant and walked away from her. When winning lady said she was turning 50 next year, I was like meh. I would have said 45. She looks like she is in good physical shape, but I wouldn't have guessed she was in her 20's or 30's. Besides, most women in their 50's that I know (myself included!) do not look like what "50" looked like in our parents'/grandparents' day. My cousin just turned 50 and she looks 30. Some of the parents at my kid's school were surprised when I said I was 50 and told me they thought I was 10 years younger (they are all my new BFF's). My mom is 72 and people think she's in her 60's. These days we can thank fitness, good genes and all the potions in Target's Health & Beauty aisle for not looking like crones when we hit 40.
  16. I am glad to hear the back stories/secrets of Jules and Richard. She's a thief and he threw a game, so we know they weren't as "innocent" as they claimed when Ezra mentioned the blackmail plot. I'm looking forward to hearing more about both of their skeletons. Is there something significant that the shameful/criminal secrets Jules and Richard have are things they each did first hand, while Ezra's folder was more "sins of the father" dirt? Ezra himself didn't do anything shady/illegal. The whole side plot of co-worker with a crush naming the dog "Ezra" and no one ( her boss, Ezra's brother??) thinking it was odd annoyed me. I'm puzzled why the "Scooby Gang" (TM mochmajesty) panicked about their role in investigating the cons who stole from them. Yes they stole some relatively small amounts of money to finance their trip to Seattle, but that's pennies compared to what the Doctor & Co. have stolen. Not to mention, the amount of cash the Federal Burrow is tossing out Patrick's mansion & private jet windows.
  17. You know what? I was too happy that the bells are tolling for Reagan that I completely missed Jess taking of from her new job. Buh-BYE Reagan! Congrats on the new job, adios! Hope you never come back, so au revoir! Winston is too many kinds of awesome and Ally is right in step with him. Also loved everyone ganging up on CeCe and Schmidt for being at the loft. Even Winston's mom! "I thought you two moved out?"
  18. This kind of ad, which seems to be getting more popular, extolls the virtue of being a doormat for one's children. Like she only lives to clean up her rotten progeny's messes. I hate them! Don't you know that merely incubating a precious life inside your body for nine months is not enough? You must continue to incubate that special snowflake for the next 30+ years! Every. Waking. Moment. of your day should be devoted to fostering your child's creativity! That's why Pintrest and Mommy Blogs were invented! And NEVER criticize or discourage lest you break his independent spirit! Childhood must be magical at any cost! Bento box lunches with carrots carved into his favorite super hero! Lavish themed birthday parties with individual organic, artisanal treats and traveling menageries! Prom (or Kindergarten/8th grade graduation) gowns encrusted in Swarovski crystals with matching tiaras! Swiffering up whatever detritus your spawn leaves in her/his wake is a small sacrifice if it means your amazing, gifted progeny garners more likes on their YouTube channel or paves the way for 15 minutes of fame on "Chopped Junior" or "Project Runway Junior" or "Shark Tank".
  19. EXACTLY!! He is always spouting off how he is a mandated reporter, and how he has worked with the courts for years, blah-di-blah-da. Instead of giving these loser parents/step-parents/husbands/wives/grandparents/BF or GF's his puffed up resume along with a lecture about what <<could>> happen if he took his responsibility seriously, he shuttles these asshole abusers off to a free stay at his buddies' very expensive rehab resort. And since we rarely see any follow up shows of successful recoveries, I'm guessing more times than not, the brief stay did not have lasting long term effects. I know the social services systems are broken and over taxed. I would hate for kids to be taken from one hell hole to another by going into foster care. However, if CPS could at least be alerted to problems in these homes, maybe another set of eyes on the case could help? I certainly don't have a fix but I am almost as tired hearing $hill say "mandated reporter" as I am of seeing his over botoxed frail bird wife telling me about her skincare regime.
  20. FB is full of whiners and complainers these days. Left or Right, someone somewhere is offended/outraged/boycotting/petition forwarding over something. It can be a commentary on a complex issue like politics or an opinion about an insignificant TV sit-com; there are at least 10 people ready to tap away at their keyboards to tell you why you're wrong, or a fascist, or a bad parent, or a slut, or uneducated because of your post. I stay away from FB now. At least on the forums I follow here, the crowd is more respectful of each other!
  21. Heather reminded me of one of the contestants from the Holiday show... Maeve? I disliked her more than I disliked Heather though. Also not loving Courtney. Maybe I just don't like cooks/bakers named Courtney...there was a Courtney on Master Chef who I found insufferable. Of course, she won that show. I totally agree about the excess decorating that's going on here. A really good buttercream frosting on a well baked cake is all I need. Cookies, brownies, tarts, etc do not need piles of icing or fondant or candies. I'm not a fan of eating iced cookies, but when they are well decorated (I.e.-neatly, precisely and attractive colors), they definitely have eye-appeal. Since I missed the very first episode and I'm too lazy to look this up, are all the contestants "home bakers"? There seems to be a lot of amateurish offerings here in regard to the decorating and plating. The majority of them are successful with their baking skills and flavors though, so I can't say they don't know what they are doing!
  22. The volume of the music in this show needs to be dialed back. Yes, music adds to the emotion/pacing of a show, but when it is blaring at "11" it takes me out of the story while I scramble for the remote to turn it down. You know what else I'd like to see dialed back? Laura Dern's acting. Never a big fan, but all her arm flailing and "look at me! I'm emoting anger" isn't working for me. The Renata character should be outraged and angry and concerned (I would be in same situation), but Dern's acting seems over the top IMO. As for the school being concerned about Ziggy's behavior...if so concerned or suspicious, why wouldn't the teacher or principal be actively watching any interaction between Amabella/Ziggy or how Ziggy behaves with any other kid in class or on the playground? If this school is truly the special snowflake incubator the staff and the parents believe it to be, I'd expect more proactive intervention from the staff. Add me to the "stop with the running montages already" faction. I get it, Maddy, Celeste & Jane are all running "from" something & "toward " another. I read the book so hiding this...
  23. Haaaaaaated the defense team from the jump. The husband and wife's arrogance and lack of self-awareness is exactly why many people think lawyers are sketchy. The local attorney assisting them (after wifey and her "brassy broad bravado" effed up) was no better. They looked like they were auditioning for a show of their own. "Get a shot of us in a <<cough cough>> heated argument! Now look at us just chilling in a local pub after a long day of lawyerin'. We are young Turks! Good looking and hip! We are too cool for school and ready to shake up this town!" Um, that shows already on NBC. It's called Chicago Law. Our laws provide for a vigorous defense for the accused, but I just find it abhorrent that attorneys can defend some of these evil people- Manson, Bundy, McVeigh... Mr. Motta Sr. defended John Wayne Gacy???? I feel like I need to shower just typing that name. I don't think that insanity is automatically an excuse for a murder (or FOUR!), but there was obviously some psychosis going on with Garcia. And I don't buy Motta Jr.'s attempt to blame solitary confinement for Garcia's diminished capacity; that man was mentally ill prior to being caught. Aside from the victims' families, I do feel a lot of sympathy for Garcia's family too. Those poor parents are probably financially and emotionally broken.
  24. Re. The gravy vs. sauce debate...my grandmother and her 2 sisters came to Boston from Sicily in the 1920's as young girls. They only spoke Italian in their home growing up (but learned English at school). They had Sunday Dinner every week while they were children. When they married (also Sicillians) and had kids, every Sunday there'd be the big dinner. When the grandchildren started coming (Americans with Irish, Italian, German, Cape Verdian, Swedish, Philippine, Scottish decent), bigger Sunday Dinners. You know what was on the table for all of these meals? Sauce AND gravy..."sauce" for the pasta course (primi) and "gravy" for the meat course (secondi). No one in our family has ever confused the two for almost 100 years.
  25. I think Dream Crusher shows a lot of signs of Aspergers. While he may be highly intelligent and a master chess player, it seems obvious to me he struggles with the interpersonal skills. I could say the same for his almost mute partner. I didn't get the feeling these two were big on communication. But I give him (and anyone signing up for these kinds of shows) props for putting himself in what looks like a very uncomfortable situation...socially, physically, emotionally. I'd never apply to be a contestant because I know the hardest part for me in would be the social side. For example; I would have a very hard time playing nice with people who annoyed me. I couldn't hide my eye rolling or snarky sarcastic comments at all if I were stranded with someone like Nakeisha. I would be able to handle the outdoors, the bugs, the dirt, the lack of food for about 5-7 days. I could hold in my utter distaste for Nakeisha's shenanigans for about 3 hours, tops. Crying because you don't want to "taste" a new food?? She acted like they gave her a plate of poop versus a wild potato. Is it the most appetizing thing to eat? No, but it's edible and will help sustain your bony ass for another day. Loved the crazy food feast. I wonder how many of the 4 winners had gastrointestinal "issues" after that chow down? Did they ever tell us what happened to Kirsten after the medics took her? What the Hell she was allergic too? She looked so uncomfortable!
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