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Everything posted by BusyOctober

  1. I think my time with Deadliest Catch is coming to a end. I fell asleep twice during this one. I don't need high drama, but I think I'm just bored with everyone. I like all the captains and I wish good things for them & their families, but there isn't much to keep me interested. Keith has a temper tantrum. Jake freaks out. Bill picks crappy crew members. Sig is a tough old SOB who will probably fish til he's 70 & die in his chair. Jonathan frets over his dilapidated boat. Wash-rinse-repeat. Sean's boat and bringing Zach aboard is interesting, but I feel like Sean gets little coverage compared to the more senior boats.
  2. auntjess, I agree with you that I think Shaz was instructed to play the part with the understanding that she'd "flit" in the night. I don't know this for sure, but part of me thinks each of the cast were given a dossier on their "character" with some loose guidelines for how they were to behave and interact with the other participants. Parts of how the other characters act is left out so they can react more naturally. In any case I am glad she and her kids are gone.
  3. There is a Gillette ad for women's razors that I keep seeing on my iPad, but haven't seen it on tv yet. It starts with a young woman with her arm raised and she starts shaving. I assume the target area is her underarm, but she starts applying the razor about 2 inches above her elbow! If this lady has hair growing on the inside of her upper arm, that far away from her armpit, the Venus razor may not be the first depilatory option to pull off the shelf.
  4. enoughcats I meant I couldn't participate as a reenactor on this show. Obviously, if I were born into abject poverty as portrayed here, I would have nothing else to compare my life to. I would have had to sink or swim, and hope my parent(s) and I could stay fed and healthy to work enough to keep a roof overhead! I will have to look into those Henry Mayhew books. I did read a book a few years ago about the workhouses in Ireland, as well as "Angela's Ashes" and I remember crying through chapters. Amazing how people survived those environments (and worse). "Indomitable spirit" and sheer will to make through another day were the keys to survival.
  5. You all are talking about (or is that "conversating"?) cases that I'm not seeing in my area! I feel left out. I didnt see the chinless, weird tooth lady or the 40 yo with a baby daddy young enough to ber own "baby". All I got today was teen cousins fighting over some guy resulting in a broken phone then a baby daddy who cashed the vacation refund check (but did not use the money to pay any child support of course) that rightfully belonged to his baby momma. Then a lady suing her idiot landlord for return of deposit...she got double! And finally a Super Bowl Square Squabble. The Super Bowl thing was decided correctly IMO, but I can see how this year's Super Bowl probably caused A LOT of screwed up office pools...the never before OT really threw a wrench if the pool organizers didn't account for "4th Qtr Score" vs. "Final Score" rulings.
  6. Are we going to have to listen to Bill bitch about Zach working on another boat for the rest of the season? I hope not. Bill and Zach just don't work well together and it's probably in both their best interests if Zach works separately. He can just keep gaining experience and decide if fishing is what he wants to do. How old is Zach? He's over 30 I think, so he needs to make a decision about his future. Maybe if Bill keeps the boat, and retires in a few years, Zach will be ready to take over. Has Zach taken any steps toward getting his captains license, like Jake did? I also wonder if Zach had any clue about Nick's drug use? I hope he didn't or else that would be a real slap in the face for Bill. To let a known addict run gear on a boat, far from land is criminal IMO. If anyone got hurt or killed, Nick, his dealer and any of the crew who knew should be held responsible.
  7. auntjess I believe the same families will "live" through 5 decades 1860-1900 and they will experience political and social changes pertaining to each decade. I looked at my local PBS website for more info, but they have clips that are spoilers so I shut my eyes and clicked out! Some of the pictures online show the same people in future episodes.
  8. While I am a huge history nerd, I am also OCD. All of the filth and food out in the open and lack of hot clean water would send me screaming into the Thames to drown with JudyObscure. Just thinking about sleeping on those beds and putting my head on those pillowcases made me dry heave.
  9. I knew as soon as I saw her "fancy boxes" that very few would pass as acceptable. Maybe the neighbors and their kids will give her some tips on how to make it through next week.
  10. I was so happy I stumbled on this show by accident! I loved the previous renditions from years ago (Manor House and one done in the US at Plimouth Plantation). I really enjoyed it, but it is very hard to watch. Even though the audience (and the participants) know this is a "show", and won't last forever, it is difficult to see people/kids hungry or hurt. If I remember correctly, I read an article about the accuracy of the selected periods for the shows being spot-on, and the participants had to read lengthy dossiers on how their characters would have spoken, dressed, behaved. They had to commit to living as accurately as written and sign contracts. And while I had tears in my eyes watching the grandfather swinging the sledgehammer and then tweaking his back...that was reality in 1860. Work or perish. No social safety nets, no sick days, no lenient employers. Workers were a commodity and the poorer they were, the less "human" they were to the people on the next rung up on the ladder. I was surprised the Rent Collector let the single mum slide by on this week's rent. I doubt there were many in 1860 who would have done that. I hope for her sake and the kids, she gets a lucky break and is able to make some money before next Black Monday. It was such a cruel & illogical labor system! Work them to exhaustion, pay pennies and kick them into "workhouses" if debt is incurred. I don't know statistics, but I doubt many who entered workhouses ever got out again. I think the thing that shocked me more than the small, cramped rented rooms and muck was the Doss Room!! WTF? What deranged SOB created that sleeping option? "Sit up and slump over to catch a few winks before your next 16 hour shift making matchboxes! But, safety first is our motto here at Ye Olde Doss 'n Doze! We provide the finest rope sling to keep you from falling into the mud and shit laden floor!"
  11. You are right, none of the 4 are currently there as of this episode. I'm just assuming it's a given that Jeremy and Audi will be back on the farm soon. Now that she's pregnant, and they feel they are in 2nd place in the inheritance race, they will move back to start their take over the farm plan.
  12. What does Zach do for work? Is he a manager or instructor at the soccer facility? Between that and whatever TLC pays, and Tori's job they seem to be doing OK. They have a house of their own and have made it known they do not have interest in taking over the farm. Why is Matt asking about what Zach's long term plans are? I guess Matt hustled when his kids were young to make Roloff Farms happen and got a TV show out of it to provide for his kids, but what does Matt think Zach should do? Has Matt suggested that his man-child idol Jeremy or his wife get real jobs yet? Blogging and taking photos will not suppport the hipster doofus lifestyle those two idiots believe they are entitled to. Maybe I read too much into it because I do not like Jerk & Oddj, but I swear I saw abject terror and jealousy in their faces when discussing Z & T's being first in the Great Grandbaby Greed Grab. WTF "clock" is Jerk babbling about? If anything, Jerk and his wife set the clock with their 2-year waiting period before kids rule. I don't believe Z&T signed any non-compete clause. Did they expect Zach & Tori to wait until all Jerk & Oddj's "fucking for Jesus" was rewarded with a pregnancy? Amy would be wise to let Matt buy her out of the big house and move into her own place, off the farm property. She can still be close enough to see her grandchildren. Three of her 4 children do not currently live on the property and have made lives of their own, so it isn't as if her time with them would change. Jerk and Oddj want to move back home, & just take over the farm in name only...they have made no mention of paying for any property or buying into an interest. She can see her idiot son and daughter-in-law scheming working the land when she comes to work/visit. If she moved off property, Amy would have the bonus of not dealing with Matt, his girlfriend or his antics.
  13. I watched Ep 3 and barely made it. I deleted Ep 4. Not funny IMO (aside from Chuck/Carol/Angie). I'm out. Guess I'll just sit & wait for "Trial & Error" to get renewed before I watch another new NBC "comedy".
  14. OT -Never been to a female strip club, but in college I was talked into going to one of those "Men in Motion" shows at a local club (no full nudity). I knew 2 of the"dancers" from class. It wasn't my thing, but we were all going to hang out later. The 2 guys I knew were gay, and another friend knew 1 other dancer who was also gay. It was horrifying (to my 21 year old self) to watch so many 50-70+year old women throw themselves and their $20's at these guys, and fight to get on stage to gyrate with the guys. I over heard one woman about my mom's age say she was going to spend up to $1500 to convince the "pilot" to "f*** her in the alley after the show. The pilot was one of my gay friends & he told me later that woman was there every weekend. He didn't know anyone from the show who actually took up her offer. Last time I ever went to any type of strip club.
  15. I read the preview article and it sounds very interesting. I love Ian McShane, so I'm in. I'm concerned if I didn't read the book that it will be confusing to follow. I hope I'm wrong, because I don't have time to find the book and binge read it before the first episode.
  16. Oh for god sake...now women need "incentive" to push out a baby? Guess what? Most full term, healthy pregnancies end when nature and the BABY decide to emerge. Birthin' babies is not based on the promise of a gift for the greedy girl on the gurney. And what does this ridiculous custom call it if there's no "pushing" involved, like in the case for a C-section? A Gash Gift? Stitches Surprise?
  17. I agree that Lu's house is the one I covet the most. Whether she pays for it or it comes naturally, her sense of style and decor is on point IMO. It is definitely cozy and welcoming. I do like Bethenny's house and the property, but her decor is not my style. Romana's house is just not appealing...the architecture and the decorating is so 80's and 90's. But so was Romana's wardrobe for too many seasons (royal blue shiny disco dresses, anyone?). And even though Lu's personality is often off-putting, I still think she looks the best and least "facially manipulated" of the bunch. Sonja is a close second. Bethenny, Carole and Ramona should stop going to whichever boutique-y uptown clinicians they have on retainer. Unless they can reverse some of the damage work done, just stop. Yikes.
  18. Here's my Amazing Race rewrite -How about a Survivor style shake up with a team swap? If you come in last on a non-elimination leg, you still get the extra detour, BUT once you complete it, you get the opportunity to trade partners. I'd love to some kind of gimmick to allow Scott and Vanck to swap & race together and leave Brooke and Ashton behind. I don't think those two whiners could cross the street together, let alone make it through a physical task.
  19. If Oddj has followed any threads from the forums here, she'd know I'm no fan of hers. Or her dopey hipster dipster man-child husband. Edited to add: OMG with the hashtags! I unfriended someone on Facebook for hash tagging every.fucking.thing. she posted. She literally added 10+ hashtags to even the simplest posts. This diaper cake lady needs to #chillthefuckout and #stopit.
  20. I know there's only been 2 episodes, but I have mixed feelings. I like pretty much every character on the show...except the lead. I don't know the actress, so I can't compare her acting in this to anything. She just isn't selling it to me. Tina Fey, Amy Poehler, Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Bell, Mindy Kaling, Ellie Kemper (and a dozen other actresses I can think of) can pull off the klutzy physical comedy and the panic stricken looks of embarrassment much better IMO. But my love for Andrea Martin and John Michael Higgins will keep me watching for now.
  21. My only explanation for Cirie leaving Michaela on the bench was to hide their alliance. Makes NO sense otherwise IMO. I'm sad Michaela didn't find the advantage, but she is a woman who wears every.single.emotion. on her face and in her attitude. She is an athletic competitor & she was so mad about being left out, she just sat there and stewed instead of looking around. I love her "zero fucks" attitude on this show! I hope she can keep it in check a little longer to outlast Sierra and Brad at least. I despise Sierra and her smugness, and Brad is just meh, but I want them out before Michaela. Of course neither one of those a-holes would give Michaela a vote if she makes it to the finals. There's still a lot of game left, so flipping and flopping is bound to happen. But I would love for the the rest of the "tightly allied, lines drawn in concrete" pack to be Pagong-ed as they were planning to do to the other side. Please let Sierra be the next one gone! I'd like her to be gone before she can use the dumb legacy advantage she nabbed on the first day.
  22. I haven't been on LPBW forums in a while but after seeing the ad for the new season, I thought I'd stop in to see what's been happening... HOLY SHIT! Oddj is PREGNANT????? OMG...I am anticipating all the preciousness, the hipster expertise, the setting up of "boundaries" they expect the family to follow...I don't know if I'll be able to stand it. I can't imagine how often the high maintenance princess and her unemployed man-child husband will flood their various social media accounts with minute by minute details of Spawn of Roloff's gestation. Everyone who thought April the Giraffe's pregnancy was drawn out and over exposed, you ain't seen nothin' yet.
  23. yes she is Thanks for the info gunderda. Now, I'm not a religious person, but can someone with Biblical knowledge tell me if a pregnant Oddj is one of the signs of the Apocalypse?
  24. Is Oddj preggars too??? That picture makes her look like she's showing off a "bump".
  25. Liv Tyler looked genuinely thrilled and happy with her discoveries, and getting to share that with her dad was a cool experience for them both. I think it was a very sweet episode and she found a really fascinating branch of her family tree. I don't think I've seen her acting in more than 2 movies, so I'm not very familiar with her. In both movies, she had a "little girl" voice and a vacant way of looking at the other people as if she couldn't understand what was said to her. Her characters came across as "simple" to put it politely. After seeing her in this episode, I came to see she wasn't making acting choices for those roles...she does have a little girl voice and she does look as if she struggles to follow the conversation. Like several actors on these shows, Liv Tyler seemed a little dim IMO. Even if you aren't a history nerd, there should be some basic understanding or recognition of certain events from the past. I get that she had a Bohemian rocker childhood, and she was a model/actress at a young age, so I don't think education was her ( or her parents') focus growing up. Overall, I didn't like this season's guests or the stories uncovered as much as I enjoyed previous seasons. I wonder if PBS is doing any more "Finding Your Roots" w/ Prof Gates?
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