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Everything posted by BusyOctober

  1. AMEN! Every. Damn. Episode. And I'm a bit more forgiving (not much though if this stupid story line continues...) of Demelza bringing it up over Ross since she can feel/see/hear his mistrust in her at every turn. Ross is just aching for a fight in his "woe-as me" pitty party lately. "Wah! I don't get to make all the political moves I want to because I have a patron!" Um, yeah, Ross...that's how the political machine has rolled for centuries. You don't think the Greeks & Romans had lots of manipulation and coercion and purchased votes in their "cradles of democracy"? "Wha! Demezela is sad that our dear friends' weeks old infant just died tragically! I bet she's just really mourning her dead poet BF!" So, now ANY time your wife is upset or sheds a tear, you're going to make it about YOU being cuckolded that one time? But she can't weep or frown over you getting with your ex and spawning a love child? Dude, get over yourself! The Vicar had better come to some bad end soon. I can't stand looking at his shiny pig face! If he "accidentally" dies, will Morwenna's son inherit everything? Then she can tell her pushy mother-in-law to get the F out and live happily ever after! Well, if she can get over Drake's moving on to Rosina that is. Is George's latest mustache-twirling bank plot happening b/c the dying guy embezzled from the bank where Ross' money & investments are held? Or is George using the list of soon to be bankrupt investors to bail out & use that power to get back into Parliament? Both?
  2. Just finished the 3rd episode....WTF??? Did David Lynch direct this? I kept thinking “this is some real Twin Peaks-level of BS going on”. I liked ep 1 the best, and 2 was ok (even if I was able to predict the whole story). But this 3rd one...I won’t even bother tho re-watch to try to make sense of it. 90 minutes of my time (and Christina Hendrick’s) wasted!
  3. I think if I had to be stuck in an elevator with either Naggin’ Natalie or CryGabby, I would choose Natalie. She may be bossy, but at least we wouldn’t drown from all the crying Gabby’d be doing. ”Whahhhhh!!! what if no one comes to rescue us because they don’t like meeeeee!! I’m not c-c-cool enough for people to s-s-s-save <sob sob snivel snivel>” Maybe because I am getting old and tired, but I don’t remember seeing so many people cry this early in the game. Someone has cried every episode! I can see getting emotionally drained after being beaten down by homesickness, deprivation and physical fatigue over the course of several weeks, but this crew is barely 2 weeks in. Never mind dehydration from the heat...if they all keep crying at this rate, there will be dried up husks of non-Survivors littering the beaches of Fiji. buh-bye Natalia...she wouldn’t have lasted much longer anyway IMO. Just too high strung and she let the paranoia get the better of her.
  4. I only watched the first half. Not sure I will finish the 2nd or watch next week. I'm tired of the same thing every episode. The editors obviously don't have enough to work with to make 1 hour episodes if they have to keep repeating the. same. damn. sentences. over & over. It's our anniversary! It's our 9th anniversary! I have something planned for our 9th anniversary! We need to find a house! We are running out of time to find a house! We are back in FL to find a house! Which house should we buy? Should we build a house? We need to find a house! One good thing about moving to FL is we will be closer to family! When we move to FL we will be so much closer to family! But, first...we need to find a house! We need an elevator! Where will we put the elevator? This house has stairs so we will need an elevator! This house has a spot for an elevator! But we need to lower the counters! Which counter should be lowered? The kitchen is great, but the counters will need to be lowered! Because we are LP's! In case no one noticed by the title of our show, we are Little People! We need a new house in FL near family with an elevator and low counters! And it's our ANNIVERSARY! Beachbeachbeach! I think the 2nd house they looked at (w/ the closet for elevator/new build) is the one they bought. The style of it is decidedly more Mediterranean/Spanish influenced than Jen's beloved Coastal look. The 1st house (no elevator & condo across the way) was closer to Jen's style I think. I personally liked it better! But I guess if I had their money, I could be super picky about the view being blocked by the condos. They made their home purchase with the best intentions for their family, so I'm glad they finally found a good fit. However, if I had the money to build a custom house on my dream beach front property, I think I could tolerate living in a rental for a while. Plus, does it really take 2 YEARS to build a house? Maybe that's a FL thing? My aunt & uncle had a custom home built a few years ago and it was definitely done faster. They were moved in in less than a year. They aren't LP's and didn't need anything structural altered, but they picked out all the components from outside in. And we are in New England where the weather isn't as consistent as FL. It's also annoying that almost all the "experiences" the family does are private affairs. A whole boat was hired out for the 5 of them (plus crew)? I did see some other people milling around at the alligator place, but they were off in the distance. TLC did this with Kate and her kids too, and I understand they do it for security reasons as well as for shooting purposes. But it's a weird way to grow up. First being on camera for most of your childhood is odd, but then to have all these amazing trips and excursions planned for your solo benefit is certainly not "normal". Will these tv kids understand how to wait in line or share time in exhibits in 2-3-4 years when the cameras are gone?
  5. I love Laurie Metcalf. I like John Goodman. Never cared for Roseanne as an actor or as a personality, but she had some good moments in her show(s). I watched the Roseanne reboot for nostalgia purposes, but didn’t really like it. Aside from Laurie, John and Roseanne, the rest of the cast couldn’t act or deliver lines that landed IMO. Then the sh** hit the fan, and the reboot got rebooted. I said I’d tune in to the first ep just to see how they’d kill off Rosie. My opinion of the non Goodman and Metcalf cast stands. Peeee-eeewww! The rest of the cast still stinks. And I get that the show runners had to wrap up the Roseanne issue quickly to move forward, but the story just didn’t hit an even tone for me. I think it was an interesting and timely choice to have Rosie OD. Opioid addiction and health care cost are two of our biggest problems that no one in Washington has addressed in any meaningful way. But as for this show, I won’t be back for episode 2.
  6. I did not get the appeal or sanity of any of the items offered deals on this episode. Dogs have fur/hair. If you are going to bring a pet into your home, but are so concerned about extra hair or shedding, maybe rethink your decision vs. stuffing your naturally fur-bearing dog into a onesie. But there are a lot of people buying this thing, so... Applesauce lady seems very nice, and if she has a good recipe and knows people who enjoy it as a snack....yay. But I don’t see fancy, overpriced applesauce making as big a splash as yogurt like she claimed. Applesauce is yummy and it’s a nice substitute ingredient for baking/cooking, but it doesn’t pack a punch as a go to food. It has a lot of sugar and no protein. It is also ridiculously easy (& cheap) to make at home. And if I choose to, I could add other fruits, or as many herbs and spices as I want to. Ta-Ta Towel...I don’t get it, and I am hauling 38D’s in and out of the shower. Not once did I ever want to swaddle them in a terry cloth sling around my neck. Even once the inventor explained the “problem” she solved, I was stlll confused. Wouldn’t a regular towel work to dry off sweat? If it’s super hot or humid, stand in front of a fan! I also get dressed pretty quick after a shower, or I throw on a tee shirt while I do hair/makeup. Plus I just wouldn’t be comfortable walking around with the boob sling and nothing else. The baby carrier handle attachment was just not well thought out. Like someone above mentioned, a lot of carriers have the Z handle to help with hand positioning. My daughter is 12, but her “baby bucket” had the Z handle. Not many people need to haul the baby around in just the carrier for very long. Most people pop them into a stroller or grocery cart, so long distance carrying doesn’t seem like a big problem.
  7. So when George was in Parliament, Elizabeth went to London on occasion, right? If he was re-elected, George & Elizabeth planned to move to London while government was in session. But, Ross gets elected (and apparently leaves for Westminster on the next coach 6 hours later), and HE STAYS AWAY FOR 6+ MONTHS??? No visits home??? Not even @ Christmas to see the kids??? No invite to your wife to come for a week or two??? I know the Poldarks may not have all the money the Warleggans do, and Demelza is overseeing the farm & the kids & the mine, but she couldn't get away for a long weekend?? Ross may have his convictions and want to fight for the good fight, but I'm sure there were other MP's who had farms or businesses in their home towns. Did they all just up and vanish for the year too? Did the House of Commons run a sweat shop? Were MP's expected to be onsite or on call 24/7 for the duration of their terms? Ross is getting on my nerves with his pouty, put-upon, poor me attitude. Dude, YOU slept with your ex and made it clear to your wife that you had feelings for Elizabeth for YEARS. You even have a (not so) secret love child with her. Your wife has forgiven you over & over. She has tried to tell you she is over her fling with the woefully bad Emo poet (RIP, angsty youth). Demelza has given you all signs she wants to reconnect, and you keep finding reasons to run away & eff it up. Are they setting up Geoffrey Charles to become a 18th century frat boy? Running around drunk and getting into trouble or racking up gambling debts like his dear ol' dad? Until it gets so bad that (surprise) George refuses to help, & (double surprise) Elizabeth implores Ross to intervene and (once again, surprise!) save the day? Baby Sarah had better get well quick! I know a lot of babies died in infancy in the 1790's, but not this baby, please!!!
  8. I tried to watch this week’s episode, but the stupid ads and hype for American Ninja Warrior Jr. just ruined it. I know it’s been advertised for months, but tonight really irked. The banners took up the bottom third of the screen. Some kids’ entire faces were covered at one point! Carson’s lamb looked way too rare for me...or my tv color palette is way off. Londyn is talented for sure, but enough with the damn bows. Her name is “LondYn” , for chissake. I think her parents already used up their “lookit meeee!” points with that. No need to add a gimmicky hair accoutrement as well. This isn’t Master Chef, where the contestants are heavily encouraged to be “unique” and stand out (by purchasing & wearing mass quantities of mass produced hair tchotchkes from Claire’s).
  9. Not one self respecting drag queen would leave the house looking like that...Unless she were performing as Miss Hannigan in an all bird-humanoid revue of “Annie”.
  10. Holy Frightmare, Batman! That defendant in the cruise case...do you think one of her parents is a parrot? A Macaw perhaps? I haven’t seen anyone look so avian since Kids in the Hall!
  11. I know they already bought a house (mansion) in FL, so watching this real estate focused show was kind of boring. The houses (mansions) they looked at were stunning, and drool-worthy, but Jen and Bill’ constant negative dialogue about the style, the size, the levels/no levels, how much retrofitting they’d need to do, really got on my nerves. To each their own, and buy or build or rehab as you can afford, but I just don’t get this couple. If an elevator is a must for the family’s physical needs, LOOK AT ONE-LEVEL HOUSES! it is not a normal feature, or even a popular upgrade to have a flipping elevator in a house. If having custom kitchen and baths to accommodate your family is an absolute, and apparently money isn’t too much an issue (for these folks based on the house they ended up with), why not build a custom home? Or look at more modest priced homes and put the extra money into the rehab? Looking at multi-million dollar houses means high end, over the top kitchens and baths. You’re going to pay top dollar for a place with state of the art appliances, counters, fixtures, cabinetry, lighting, flooring THEN RIP IT OUT?? Just build for goodness sake. I was also annoyed by the kids’ behavior in the houses too. Running amok in public isn’t cute anymore once they are school age. Bill and Jen just keep encouraging it by not discouraging it. I am over Bill’s “heh-heh, ain’t that funny” attitude toward the fresh acting out, and Jen will never get teenage Will & Zoey to listen/respect her with all of her passive mealy-mouthed “please’s” and silly questioning, “UhOh! We don’t have food out side of the kitchen, do we?” And while I may be crucified here, I still think Will has some developmental issues. It wouldn’t be surprising if he had more issues beyond his physical condition. He is a cute kid, he has a very lovable character and his speech is definitely improved. He just has some delayed social behavior. He acts much younger than 7 IMO. He’s closer to a 3 or 4 yr old.
  12. I have had a package stolen once. I work from home so I am usually here to receive deliveries. One long weekend when we went away, I forgot I had ordered a monogrammed item from LL Bean. It was delivered while I was gone, but I got the notification it was there. I called my mom to please swing by the house to grab it the next day...it was gone. When I got home, I called LL Bean and explained that I’d need to reorder and expedite shipping. The wonderful customer service lady reordered it & did not charge me for the second item! I did pay for overnight shipping, but so worth it. So, now if I know I’m going away, I either don’t order stuff, or I stop my mail temporarily. Problem solved for me without having to buy $$$$ gadgets. Re. Plastic straws...I realize this is a big environmental problem. I think instead of coming up with a new product to replace the plastic, we should all just try to change our consumer behavior. I don’t need a straw to drink my ice coffee or ice tea. Straws are not required to drink. People drink beer and soda from cans/bottles without straws. I can pour my drink of choice into my own YETI and sip it out of the lid. And if cafes and restaurants would allow diners to bring their own travel mugs for purchased drinks, we could eliminate paper/plastic/styrofoam cups too. I will easily opt to NOT take a straw versus paying $20 for a metal straw and remembering to keep it with me. So glad the kid got a deal. Great idea that really does solve a problem!
  13. In addition to this story having no closure, Mr. Millennial Podcaster was very off putting IMO. He has no background in crime investigation or journalism, but since “Serial” was so popular, the lazy ass decided to copy it? How very original and industrious of him! Plus, he seemed very pleased with himself for being quasi-famous. Dude, you Googled cold cases and stumbled upon this poor girl’s story to exploit. Hope those 20 minutes worth of keystrokes didn’t wear you out! But I am not a tech savvy, woke millennial, so what do I know about good storytelling... Yeee-ah, I’m gonna suggest the young lady with the horrific eye makeup watch this episode, then realize the error of her ways, and toss every one of the 276 products she used for her TeeVee debut in the trash can. Yikes.
  14. I watched the pilot, but for the life of me I don't remember how/why Miggy is part of this group. Yes, he has a baby and is apparently a single dad, but why is he hanging out with this group of Kindergarten/1st grade parents? And what happened to his wife/baby momma? Dead like Douglas' wife? Divorced like Angie & Will? And why doesn't he ever put the baby down? Overall, I like this show, but... the actress playing Poppy needs to slow down when she speaks. She talks too damn fast. the little boy with anxiety issues is starting to creep me out, toting around all his Mom-scented items wherever he goes are the twins supposed to be evil?
  15. I feel bad that I watched the pilot. I do not feel bad that the only characters I liked were the work nerds, especially the guy who fell off the rock wall & now identifies himself with the climbers/survivors of Mt. Everest. And while sitcoms stretch the parameters of the real world beyond recognition, I do not buy the main character 40 something mom being in a work group with 20 something millennials. Even bigger stretch that all of her nerd herd gives enough of a sh** about her family life and kids to get actively involved with resolving her ‘hilarious’ weekly wacky shenanigans. I will just have to be content with The Good Place and Superstore as far as NBC sitcoms go.
  16. So since the cop was able to "find" the idol so easily with the help of purple string, can I assume the rest of the idols have been coated with glow in the dark paint to make the night time "hunts" just as simple?
  17. Episode isn’t over yet (for me...I am watching on DVR ) but I am already sick of the David vs. Goliath BS. I know much of it is producer driven, but if we are going to hear “I’m a David b/c my family struggled with...” and “I’ve been a Goliath since birth!” all season long, I may not make it through the season. All the rationalizations of why or why not they fit their producer assigned tribe, along with Probst’s incessant bullying of the “nerds” & tongue bathing for the jocks, I am predicting a lot of FF’g in my future. What’s with all the crying??? They’ve been on the island for 24 hours and they are already emotionally exhausted??
  18. Did we know Rachel was an addict in Season 1? Or she was recovering...stole the $$ and relapsed?? Her drug addiction seemed to come from no where (for me anyway). I do not like the FBI guy. He may have started off on the "right" side but he's become almost as corrupt and amoral as the Byrds & the hilly-billy mafia he's chasing. I keep wondering if/when he will spin so far off his script that he gets taken off the case.
  19. That was....awful. I never read the book, so I had no expectations. Well, that's a lie...I did expect to see a Masterpiece-worthy period drama. Other than the set design and the costumes, this 3 hour dreck was just a waste of time as far as story telling. The set up was promising, but then we got no pay off about the damn "Miniaturist". Just a wave of the hand, sad-ass explanation of her precognition skills- "Oh, I am no witch! I am just an excellent observer of the obvious! Well, nice knowing you, I'm off to Brussels! Byeeee!" And talk about anachronistic & revisionist story telling! What the actual Hell? As others said, there is NO WAY Joannes or Nella would have spoken/behaved in the same way as in the story. Yes, homosexuality as existed since the dawn of time, but in such repressive, Puritanical religious reformation times, a man charged as a sodomite would not have; 1) made a "I am who I am! And it is YOU who are the sinners for judging me!" speech, & 2) an understanding, sympathetic teen bride who's only view of the world has been seen through the Reformation lens. Not that I am glad the poor men (and women??) accused were put to death for being gay, but I was a little relieved that they actually went through with drowning Joannes. My eyes were rolling hard enough without having it end with Joannes' passionate speech changing the courts' mind & setting him free. Serious historical question: If government & religion were basically one & the same, and the religious/civic leaders decided sugar (and other fun things) were the Devil's tool to lead people away from Godliness, how were bakeries still operating? Sure, they could make bread, but the shop in this story was still cranking out cookies & pastries (even after being raided). The bakers were even helping sell the sugar loaves. So, were they allowed to sell/bake goodies or not? Or was it just a small group of alt-right fanatics occasionally raiding the shops, and then it was biz as usual the next week? Thankfully, Poldark returns next week! Masterpiece redemption!
  20. I binged and watched the whole thing in a day. I really liked it overall. My big question is if there is Riverside & Oceanside as the only (???) places in the afterlife, then how do people end up in one over the other? Is Riverside where everyone goes to start, then some venture out and "find" Oceanside? Or are there different "types" that get put directly into Oceanside, and Riverside folks need to seek out or attain "Oceansidedness"? Personally, as boring as Riverside may have looked, I think I would enjoy being there over permanent residence in Oceanside. I have had to deal with enough pretentious posers and faux free spirits during my time on Earth. I would go crazy surrounded by them for eternity....but I would drop in for a good party now & then! All that said, I am going to assume this show is giving us a glimpse of just Southern Cali Afterlife. There's no way that mold infested, quarantined neighborhood could contain ALL the dead people!
  21. Hey, Patti! No, I am in Massachusetts, near the NH border. I guess its kinda "North Florida" thanks to the Snow Bird migration?? Don't even get me started on the Walmart crowd up here. Its truly a observation lab where one can study reverse Darwinism in action. Multi-generations of gene pools just becoming stagnant, mosquito larvae breeding grounds.
  22. For the time described above, I was never empaneled....I was one of 3 last people standing when they had filled all 12 seats and 3 alternates. It was me, another properly dressed woman and one of the young guys with saggy pants who were not selected. It was a civil case, but I can’t remember all the details...something about an employee getting hurt on a construction site and blaming the company that owned the building.
  23. I seem to get called every 4 years like clockwork. I've only served on 2 juries over 20 years, but I have definitely seen the decline of what is considered "appropriate" for court. My last trip to the courthouse was by far the worst parade of fashion nightmares yet. Two 20-something women had on what I would consider pajamas, as if they were competing for the "Look Who Cares Less" award. Contestant #1 had way too tight faded sweatpants w/ "Juicy" across the ass. Said sweatpants were riding so low, the crack of said ass and the obligatory tramp stamp were on full display. Her top was comprised of several spaghetti-strap camis (also too tight) with dirty, tattered bra straps exposed. Contestant #2 was wearing a pair of those fleecy lounge pants - Hello Kitty theme of course- but they were so filthy and worn out, there was no fluffiness left in the fleece. She wore a pink Victoria Secret t-shirt with a super deep V neck so all of her titty tats could be viewed. There were at least a couple of "gentlemen" with their jeans hanging below their butt cheeks, and one guy who looked like he was 40+ with bright orange streaks in his gray pony tail and he was sporting a treasure trove of facial piercings. I'm still not sure how he got through the metal detector on the first floor. I wasn't selected for that jury panel. I presume it's because I was wearing a pencil skirt with an Oxford blouse and low pumps, my hair was combed, I wasn't chewing gum & mouth breathing at the same time, & I only have one piercing in each ear.
  24. Quof, I believe it’s spelled “Gaezues Hollyhock Khrysstd”
  25. Really??? Another show about multiples?? I used to watch the Gossling clan (before the divorce, and Kate's full transformation into a psychotic Greek mythological creature). I just can't with these shows. Fertility treatments can be incredibly helpful for folks who want a family, but I have an issue when couples (or single moms) who already have a brood of children opt to implant a baker's dozen worth of embryos just so they can "try for a girl/boy". I guess it's none of my business how many kids anyone decides to have, but I just think some of these folks are motivated by potential fame/freebies brought on by having litters of 5-6-7-8+ babies. Guess what? For many of these "famous" multiples families, the excitement, the money, free supplies, offers of extra hands, prepared meals, laundry service, babysitting all dry up after the 1st year. And I also think that no matter how much love & God's blessings you think are abounding in your home, some of the kids are not getting enough attention. I'm referring to parental attention; not the parenting by proxy that the Duggars apparently do by assigning one of their new pups to one of the older spawn. As for the names...oh FFS. A whole generation of made up & misspelled names is out there. I guess tagging your baby with an emoji is next up for this "look at me! I'm sooo original & wacky & thirsty for attention!" crowd.
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