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Everything posted by BusyOctober

  1. Good thing I don't play drinking games anymore. If the "Drink!" words were "Caryn" "Caryn Chandler" or "Pumpkin Season", I'd have been dead before the first commercial break. Give it a rest already. Caryn may be Matt's GF, but now she's the patron saint of pumpkin season too? I thought Matt the Genius orchestrated everything good and profitable on the farm? Now we find out that Caryn was the brains, heart, soul and muscle of the whole thing! That stupid money pit Pirate Ship is still not open to the public?? WTH? Hasn't that boondoggle been sitting on the property for 2 pumpkin seasons now? If Matt were truly the "detail oriented" person he thinks he is, that thing would have been inspected and repaired and refreshed by August. Who walks the property or attractions on a big commercial enterprise the day before opening? And where is "Farmer Jer" or the Invisible Boy Jacob to swing a hammer to fix those errant nails Ol' Eagle Eyes Matt discovered? The dog vs. diaper thing made me gag. I had to turn off the volume & leave the room til it was over. I am still sick over the idea that filthy dog mouth was riding in close proximity to Jackson on their ride home. Tori is starting to disappoint. She can't work pumpkin season b/c she's oh-so busy watching Jackson & Murphy. Huh??? There are just so many logical solutions to that made up problem that I just can't even. And if she is spending so much time with Murphy, then why isn't he starting to learn obedience commands? If he is still too rambunctious and not following his master, and could potentially interfere with paying customers, then maybe stay home? But I guess if she (and Zack) are stupid enough to get a large, energetic dog capable of knocking down small people, then I should know they are too stupid to enroll that dog in puppy school. Enough with the farm property and the future of pumpkin season! All the talk about the precious memories, and dreams of the grandkids doing the same things their parents did on the farm...enough. Memories of good/bad times will stay with you, no matter where you live. The grandchildren will have their own memories of different adventures that Amy & Matt could be part of making...in different houses, different cities, whatever. Their kids did not seem to have a problem moving off the property. Roloff Farm is not the Bridge to Terabithia or Hogwarts, FFS. It is not a magical world encased in a snowglobe. All their boo-hooing about the end of farm makes it sound as if they will turn to dust if everyone doesn't "Clap if you believe!!" to revive the magic. At the end of the day, it's just land and buildings. Amy and Matt can move on to other land with other buildings and still exist.
  2. If I were the designer who staged LVP's kitchen, I would have slipped a picture of Kyle into one of those pink Le Creuset pots on my way out the door (after cashing Ken's check). Then she'd have to spend another $300k to erase the bad ju-ju from the place. I find LVP almost as exhausting as Mikey, the untalented talking leech Erica keeps on a leash. I like a white kitchen, but I'm not a fan of the entire look of LVP's remodel. Love the stove and some of the features, but on the whole, it is definitely giving off a "Dynasty" remake starring Elle Woods vibes.
  3. I only made it up to the point Jason started speaking. Honey, listening to him do his shtick annoys me more than a wet rooster a-slid’n down the wrong side of a hot tin roof in the middle of tornado durin’ a hog callin’ contest. ( I have no idea WTF that means either...just following Col.Cornpone’s lead). I just cannot with him.
  4. Did Matt really just snark on Amy and her “ornery side” in regard to how Amy acts around Caryn?!? Really? Matt (and Caryn) are bewildered and confuzzled as to why Amy might have a hard time looking Caryn in the eye, or why Amy may not embrace having to share space with her during family events. Again...really, you dumb cheating egotistical perpetual victim who screws the employee man baby? You don’t get why Amy may not want to be chummy with the woman you slept with while you were married? Does he expect Amy to call Caryn to go out to a “Sip &Paint Nite” with her other girlfriends? I had hopes for Zach, but these last few episodes have shown me Zach is as impulsive as his dimwit father. Never mind he gets a puppy (that will grow into a very large, energetic dog capable of knocking him down or dragging Jackson across the yard) in the midst of moving, or the purchase of a new house before selling the other one, or spending a boatload of money to redo the new house while paying mortgage and utilities on the old place, or he bought a house that he, (a dwarf & father of a dwarf with known osteo/mobility/ balance issues) hopes to “retire” in, but it has eleventy hundred stairs in it. NOW he announces they want to get rid of the in-ground pool because it’s too much for him to keep up with! They probably paid a higher price for that new house because of the pool! And Zach didn’t think about the time and effort and physicality of maintaining a pool before making on offer on that Swiss Family Robinson tree house? He is a very bad, horrible, no good, terrible decision maker.
  5. I do not ever want to hear Mark "Health Conscious" Cuban slam any future food entrepreneurs for not being a good fit for his brand/lifestyle/business portfolio again. Over the years, he has made fun of candies, baked goods, snack foods....but my God, I don't think all of the "unhealthy" foods he turned down put together had as many calories, fat, sugar, etc as the offering from Fat Shack! I'm no keto-paleo-macrobiotic healthy eater, so I have no objection to the Fat Shack as a business. I could scarf down a greasy burger with a double thick shake any day! I just hate the hypocrisy. Mark may personally choose to workout and be disciplined when it comes to his own regimens, but it bugs me when he sneers at people on Shark Tank offering up stuff he doesn't keep in his pantry. Bats are great! My sister has a pool and her property is lined by lots of trees. We can swim from dusk until dark without being annoyed by a single mosquito all summer. The bats live in the trees and we watch them fly out to catch their dinner as the sun is setting. And no, they are not fruit bats or vampire bats! The doggie armour reminded me of those kids' bike/skateboarding helmets with the day-glo mohawks and punk style spikes on them. I guess if I had a dog that looked like a grab n' go snack to coyotes, I'd get one of those jackets for my pet. Or move to an area that's a little less Jurassic Park-y. The hoodie guy was exhausting, but very cool product! I have been the "pack mule" for my family for years, laden down with sweaters, jackets, coats. A QuickFlip hoodie or rain jacket would save me from carrying everyone's stuff, or running back to the car to unload the shedded layers.
  6. Loved this and watched it in 3 days. Now I am sad and suffering from PBSD (post binge stress disorder). i didn’t have my glasses on so any eagle eyed posters who can tell me what
  7. I am a fan of Jared Harris and the roles he’s done. I was a little concerned that his character in Chernobyl hanged himself just like his character did in Mad Men. I wonder if he was like, “oh here we go again...” when he read the script? So far this miniseries is good. Both my husband and I watched together, and couldn’t believe the ignorance of the plant manager...he literally ignored the men who told him the core had blown up! I was in college when this all happened, but other than hearing bits and pieces, I don’t know much about the event. I did remember the shut down the city and quarantined it. I know it’s been abandoned since the catastrophe. I am going to assume every single person in the plant and all the firemen and all the looky loos watching it burn died almost immediately after the event. Can people who are contaminated with radioactive material pass on the contagion? Would that mean all the medical staff gets infected? I highly doubt any hazmat protocols or equipment was available to even a small percentage of the plant workers, never mind the city residents. Soviet Russia was not known to be free wheeling with its resources. My biggest question was about the “meters” the plant guys kept referring to...they said several times the readings were “3.6” which was interpreted as not great, but nothing to panic over. Then they said a few times the meters only went UP TO 3.6! Um, wouldn’t you want the gauge to show numbers a few ticks above what’s considered “acceptable”?? How would anyone know when there was a potential threat? And I think one of the guys towards the end of the episode mentioned a reading of “200-something” Holy shit! Where did those things come from? Did the Communist Wyle E. Coyote order them from Acme’s USSR division?
  8. I have used the FF'd button on the remote more this season than any other. I FF'd through most of the challenges, the letter reading, all things to do with the loved ones, all things to do with Loser Camp EOE...I am down to watching the "Previously on Survivor" intro, a bit of the TC aftermath chatter, who wins the reward or immunity and most of TC. Ultimately I watch 12-15 min of this show....while answering email, doing a crossword puzzle and texting...so "watch" is really more "TV is on in the background".
  9. Maybe it’s because I had a really sh** day at work, and I was already in a foul mood...but this challenge was a crap festival carnivale All 9 designers chose the same colors...and the ugliest patterns... and cheapest fabrics. Did I miss the “celebrity” guest saying she loves washed out 80’s turquoise and orange-red palettes? Did she expressly ask to look like an extra from Culture Club’s “Karma Chameleon” video? I do not like the female judge (Elaine?) who stepped in for Karlie. Brandon, Nina and Christian are the voices of reason. Karlie is no Heidi, but she’s doing a good job. It has been driving me crazy trying to figure out who Karlie reminds me of when she speaks and I got it! She sounds just like Alexis Rose from “Schitt’s Creek. The stylist woman must have big time dirt on a producer or something. Why is she on so much?? I am not a fashion maven by any stretch, but I know what hurts my eyes. Marni’s and Hester’s looks make my eyes roll and blink uncontrollably. In my untrained, old fogey mind, “fashion” doesn’t equate to loud, obnoxious, costume-y, over accessorized, mis-matched items from the thrift store or grandmas attic.
  10. Julie is this season's token goat, right? Otherwise, I don't get why she's still in the game. She's boring and hasn't been shown making any major decisions has she? I guess she isn't obsessed with building her "resume" like the others. I have no real vested interest in any of these people, but I kinda like Rick/Devens screwing with the others' plans. If he ends up winning, I'd be neutral on the disappointed scale. Hahahahahahahaha! Bye Ron! So glad you made it to the Family Visit episode you so "deftly" amped up to weave your spell over your minions, but now you can exit post haste and take your smugness with you. So with almost the entire original group still in play, how does this shake out? One person from EoE will win the chance to get back in and continue competing OR the EoE person gets vaulted to automatic final 3? And of the EoE remnenets, which ones make up the final jury? ALL of them? Or only the people bounced after X many days in the "real" game? When Aurora gets home, she should seek out an endocrinologist. Those popped eyes may be a sign of thyroid issues. I hate the family visit. Aside from the uncontrolled weeping and snotty sniveling, all I can think when clean, showered Loved One mashes bodies/faces with unshaven, unwashed, salt water-encrusted, dirt in every crevasse Survivor is "UGH, you smell! Don't touch me!"
  11. watching Zach and Tori’s “moving day” shit show gave me such anxiety and feelings of sheer rage. How un-fucking-organized can those two idiots be? If I were Chris, I would have turned right around when I saw how NOT ready to move they were. I know in the end, it all got done, but Christ on a cracker, don’t they realize they made a stressful situation even worse? Who doesn’t empty out drawers or disconnect TVs or clear closets/cabinets BEFORE the moving truck rolls up the driveway? And how in the world did they ever think the old house would sell with the 2 car garage chock a block full of their piles of crap? At the end when they were all moved in, did anyone catch Zach saying they’d be in that home for “20 years”, until they retire? RETIRE?!? From doing what exactly? I need to go take a Xanax to stop my OCD twitching before I even attempt to sleep after that cluster.
  12. I must have become as addled as most of JJ's parade of clowns because I could not follow the assaulted tenant case at all. What did Plaintiff's soon to be ex-wife's attorney have to do with making trouble for the poor woman who was (I'm guessing) sexually assaulted in her apartment? I even rewound and rewatched & I cannot make heads or tails out of what the little weasel's divorce case had to do with filing an eviction notice years after the incident in the Defendant's unit. The other case of (Not) Innocent Boutique Burglar was boring. Both of these women are too stupid to breath let alone be involved in a business. If the clothing shop owner wasn't making enough money to pay her employee, how does getting a second job help the situation? Whatever she made at the part time gig was (supposedly) going to the Defendant. She's spending more time away from her failing business and more money on commuting to a 2nd job! If ever a person was deserving of a Byrd-assisted eviction, it was dummy DEfendant who doesn't know the difference between "charges dropped" and "innocent". JJ let her ramble on way too long.
  13. Hester should have at least been left on stage right before elimination. If the judges knew they weren't going to auf her b/c of immunity, then I still would have had her standing right next to whoever the soon to be departed designer was. And I would have made it as clear as I could that if she didn't have immunity, she'd be the one leaving. That dress was a tragic effort. Nevermind the "elegant pasties"; the bottom of the dress looked cheap and puckered and sewn by someone unfamiliar with a sewing machine. I don't get the love for her, especially Nina. Nina has historically disliked kitsch and costume-y design. Yet, Hester is indulged here. She's annoying AF and her esthetic is beyond just kooky. She is an attention seeking twit, and everything she does is a lookitmeeee! moment. And because of all of this, and what the others here have posted, I fear we are stuck with Hester the Jester til the end. And possibly crowned the winner for some unfathomable reason. I equate my dislike of Hester to my dislike of "All Star" "Winner" Michelle (which is another reason I think Hester will be in the finals...whoever I can't stand either wins or finishes in top 3). Tessa was an early favorite (Ep 1), but she is just not likeable. Mean girl and opinionated and smug and rude. As an (excessively) "curvy" woman myself, fuck you, Tessa and all the other designers who feel disgust for anyone over a size 2. So sorry 80% of the female population ruins your designs by having boobs, butts, hips and thighs. I know it must be horribly exasperating to have to buy more than a 1/4 yd of fabric to create a top, a skirt, a pair of leggings and a coat to cover those beefy beasts models you get stuck with occasionally. Why, half your Mood budget must get used up buying enough material to hide those lumpy bumpy bodies under the sack tents you are forced to design! Poor poor designers (sniff). I hope the judges just hand you each a win for the pain & suffering you endured around the fatties.
  14. I have never been so bored/disinterested/disengaged by any season as I am by this one. I don't even have any negative or positive feelings toward any of these people. I am annoyed by most of them, but nowhere near the intensity of past players I could "hate watch" (Tony, Pavarti, Rupert...). Reem is the only one who gets the occasional STFU out loud. Honestly, if any of the current tribe or EoE remnants were cleaned up and put in a lineup, I'd be hard pressed to ID 50% of them correctly. I don't even bother look up from my iPad to pay attention to challenges or TC very much. It's just background noise now.
  15. LVP is just ridiculous. She gets into a snit, then projects and twists and redirects to make herself the victim. Are either Kyle or Dorit the bestiest besties that ever bestied? No. They can be shrewish harpies with little to no self awareness most of their waking hours. They have flaws like all the rest of the mere mortals beneath LVP’s pink soled shod, perfectly pedicured, bathed in Rose feet. Aside from her emotional manipulations and machinations every season, I think what really has irked me the most so far is LVP’s kitchen remodel. She has stated several time that her root cause for the total demolishing of her kitchen was to rid the place of the very bad, horrible, no good feelings and memories she now associates with it. Because of a fight with a so-called friend? One that you have belittled and bullied for most of your “friendship”? Really?!? So any time something unpleasant or upsetting happens in your home, the best course of action is to rip out the walls? If that were the case, I would have had to redo my bathroom where I miscarried my first pregnancy; my bedroom where I got the 2am call my Dad died suddenly; my kitchen where my mom told me my grandmother had Alzheimer’s, and my kitchen again when I got the news that my mammogram showed something my doctor “didn’t like”. Get over yourself, Vanderpump. Dorit is dumber than the 200 boxes of hair stored in her closet if she truly believes she is completely blameless in the whole doggy dumping drama. She needs to be smacked in the head every time she says, “I did nothing wrong!” Yes. YES YOU DID! And PK should be smacked three times as hard every time he tries to excuse his oral flatulence on his sparkling British wit. Just because you are British doesn’t make you as humorous as Michael Caine or John Cleese. Hell, I think Theresa May could get more genuine laughs in Parliament than P-fucking-K.
  16. I loved NoHo Hank's team getting relegated to the storage container! I cracked up when one of the guys suggested a trip to IKEA, "Maybe get an area rug?" Sally's self consumed entitlement and need to be THE object of attention irks me. When she walked into Barry's bullet-riddled room without any notice of feathers flying just makes me keep questioning why Barry is sooo into her!
  17. Just finished it! Loved it. So glad there will be S2. All of the actors were fantastic. I cried at the scene with his dad in the nursing home because it was so similar to an experience I had. My grandmother had dementia, had just about forgotten all of her kids and grandchildren. On Christmas Eve the year before she died, my mom and I drove her back to her residence after our family party. We were helping her get into bed and she looked at me soo intently. I saw the light in her eyes come on like a switch. She grabbed my hand and said, “You’re my beautiful girl! “. That’s what she called me when I was little. I was 40 when this happened, and I cried like a baby. I am so grateful I went with my mother that night. But, just like the dad in this show, that moment of clarity and love was gone in a second. One of the aides came in and my grandmother called her an “fucking prostitute” in Italian. She called them all horrible names, but we kept telling all the very nice, sweet, patient Jamaican aides that Nonna was saying “pretty ladies”.
  18. Hildi once again does her own interpretive modern dance -influenced by a few rounds with the hash pipe -style. As for the puckering and bubbles, some may have flattened out during drying. I have also”resolved “ air bubbles in wallpaper with a pin. Poke the air bubble and flatten the paper. It works well on a few random places in the wall, but not if the entire section needs to be “deflated”. Better to rip it off and start over.
  19. The game may be hot for a while, kind of like "Cards Against Humanity". We do a game night once a month with several couples, and "Cards Against Humanity" was a lot of fun and our go-to game for a while. Haven't played it in over a year now. I didn't understand how Barbara wanted to make it a "social media" thing. Did she mean like an app? Like Words with Friends? I don't know how I'd gauge a stranger's willingness to do something for money, despite asking a few "research" questions like the game inventor did in his demo. And how do I know the person (stranger) I'm playing against isn't lying when I ask the few probing questions? The rest of the stuff was not interesting to me. The bottle cap thing isn't enough of a problem for me to need a "solution". Maybe I heard him wrong, but at the beginning of his pitch, did he claim throwing away containers with product left in it was compiling the recycling/landfill problem? Whether I get the last drop of lotion out a bottle or not, I'm still throwing away the container (recycle bin if possible). And I'm still going to buy a new container full of product, use it and discard the empty. How does his little device make ANY impact of the landfill/waste issue? I was half asleep so I could've imagined he said anything about this!
  20. I can't speak to a Walmart type store, but from '89-96, I was a retail store manager in a metro region for a national chain. I made $65k plus bonus. One year, my bonus was $30k. I'm too lazy to do the conversion of 1990 salary to 2019, but I made more money than many of my college friends. I was single, lived in a condo without roommates, and I had a decent but not a luxury model, (nor company provided) car. Some retail mgmt jobs can pay well, but the trade off (for me anyway) was that there's hardly any time to enjoy it. I worked 60-70+ hours a week (more Sept-Dec). I worked just about every Sat/Sun and most holidays. I covered every shift if someone called out sick. I worked the floor , the stockroom, the registers. I unloaded deliveries and put furniture together. I designed floor displays, washed & waxed floors, swept the parking lot & did the landscaping. All in addition to the "office admin" stuff like ordering goods, managing inventory, hiring/firing staff, banking, payroll. AND all while wearing the required suit, blouse, heels and pantyhose! I ended up leaving for many reasons, and found a 40hr/wk M-F job at a 40% pay cut. I sold the condo, traded in the car, & moved home to save money for 18 months. I discovered what "weekends" & "days off" were. My quality of life improved immensely! I had a social life again, I reconnected with friends and hobbies. I met my now husband and bought a new place. I'm still working at the same place, and moved up the ladder. Money is great, but I'm so much happier since leaving retail.
  21. I have a co-worker who has has several Bernese Mountain dogs. I've worked with him for 12 years...he's on his 3rd dog since I've known him, but had 2 others before I met him. He said the dogs all died before they were 5, and they all had various cancers that are common for the breed. He did get several of the pups from different breeders, so they weren't all related. I do not understand why he and his wife kept getting the same dog, and put themselves and their kids through the sadness of losing a pet...every few years! SO I foresee the same sadness for Z & T. It's great that Z &T want a dog and want their kid(s) to grow up with a dog. But there are soo many other breeds that would be more suitable size & temperament IMO. Plus, they really should have waited until they were in the new house officially. A puppy (and kids) do better with regulation and routine. By the time they sell that original house, the dogg will have settled in only to be uprooted & have to learn new routines all over again. Add a just-walking toddler to the mix and good grief! That's a lot of upheaval for everyone in the house. As for buying the new house without selling the first...that was a colossally bad idea from the jump. I don't think either of them did ANY market research or asked for advice from anyone before they bought the new place. At least have the house on the market for a few weeks, and evaluate how the traffic on your open houses goes! Even if they got super lucky and sold immediately without having a new house yet, it isn't as if they were going to be "homeless". They could have moved in with Tori's parents, or Amy for a couple of weeks until they found a home. If they thought they'd be able to afford "a few weeks" of 2 mortgages plus 2 sets of overhead costs, then they had enough money to stay in a hotel if House 1 sold before House 2 was found/ready to move into. Also dumb idea to not only buy a 2nd house, but to actually start rehab/renovation projects BEFORE selling the first!! How much $$ did Zach have tucked under his mattress??? Current mortgage + upkeep + food+ utilities+ cost of new house+upkeep+utilities + $$$ for contractors/materials/...that's CRAZY.
  22. If any of these bakers are paying attention, the keys to win Nancy's undying love for your bakes is pretty obvious. 1)Plenty of booze 2) be sure to write the theme word (i.e.- "SPRING!" or "Halloween!" ) in the matching theme color(s) using coulis or drizzle (boozy one if possible). 3) Top of with theme inspired detritus- flowers, pumpkins, mini Santas.
  23. The two businesses that got the Sharks’ attention were the two I’d leave on the table. Empanadas? Um...yes, please! Door safety appliance was cool, even if the demo didn’t go as planned. I think schools and municipal buildings would be all over those, especially if they can be priced less. (Although, sadly in the case of school classroom doors; that wedge wouldn’t be enough to keep someone with semi-automatic weapons from just shooting through the door). Beer cooler thing was useless to me, but my multiple beer drinking days ended a few decades ago. I can see that getting a lot of sales, especially when partnered/branded with Budweiser. The mom market- aimed Groupon thing was blah. That may be making money for them now, but it will fizzle out, just like Groupon. Potential problems that made me and my friends (mom’s, singles and couples) stop using Groupon: too little content, or repetitive content, too many restrictions on when the certificates can be used, places go out of business before certificate expires, business decides not to honor certificates any longer... I know this is a different company, but most experiences I had with Groupon were less than stellar.
  24. Hester's style reminded me of something from the past too. And Kovid can just shut it with the sad story. You have not had to deal with any more emotional, psychological and possibly physical abuse than 99.9% of other LGBTQ adolecents born into cultures where "gay" is unacceptable. You are not the unique unicorn you think you are. And, I only hear "King Julien" from Madagascar every time Kovid speaks.
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