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Everything posted by pitchy

  1. I saw a nature show (probably Nat'l Geo) that showed a video made by some guys who happened upon some sand that suddenly started shifting and they saw these little babies scurrying out of them and then STRAIGHT toward the ocean at high (for turtles) speed. Talk about instinct -- what a weird first activity after being released into the world. And tons of them kept coming out of the hole. It was amazing. Some said the guys were interfering with nature because in a way they were helping the babies out when they came across barriers or a sea gull or something worse that was swooping down, and in normal life, the big birds would get many of the turtles. That videoclip showed hundreds of them making it into the waters, but they of course didn't need to be bathed first. Sad that so few actually survive the initial days. Loved this date though. What adorable little turtles.
  2. I kept yelling 'ASSHOLE!' at the screen showing me the fake-sincere Ben with the unblinking gaze-into-eyes given ALL the women. Smoothest, slickest Bachelor ever. I prefer men who act less 'nice' but are honest and not playing the 'good-guy' to bolster their own sense of worth. In every episode, his main interest is that each woman tells him they LOVE -him- and that is the primary prerequisite for his keeping them around. He doesn't give a fig about how he can hurt their sense of trust for years after each has just told him she has an intense fear of being used and tossed, again, and is afraid to let down her defenses, especially in such an odd situation when she's just one of several being 'dated' at the same time. I think he is the phoniest bachelor ever but that he has convinced himself of his loving ways. The only way he can save his good-guy image is to let us know he told each (or the two he did not feel as strongly about) that he didn't want to have sex in the fantasy suite but wanted to wait until they're out of that artificial situation. Most of all -- I hate his ridiculous "puzzled" look (with the practiced concern-brow) when each woman tells him that she's feeling anxious and not at ease now that they're down to the final three. He can't begin to understand why on this earth they'd feel insecure. Sure. I can't believe how actually unempathetic he is. In fact, he's there supposedly because he was recently in that predicament himself, but even MORE LIKELY it's because he FAKED interest in Kaitlyn (which I always suspected) so he actually never experienced that anxiety and could not have cared less that he might be let go and was probably hoping he would be. Of course he acted very sad when let go, although he and Kaitlyn had nothing going, since The Bachelor gig was apparently the focus. Ben shows NO real empathy for women who are telling him about being scarred from past relationships. He wants the heart of each one for his belt and of course in front of millions in today's virtual amphitheater. The audience even votes thumbs down for those that should be cut. The only possible saving grace is that Lauren, if she's the one -- who seems to me a really sincere, nice human -- may be JUST the 'giving' and 'forgiving' person he needs, one who'll always look to his feelings first and then maybe he'll treat her well. But I suspect he'll love other women falling all over him eventually. I hope I'm wrong there, for her sake. No one deserves the Ben we're seeing the last couple of weeks.
  3. And, actually, that title being HOW to get away with murder, that's probably the final point of it all. They WILL get away with it But will they really, mind-wise? Judging from what we've seen, probably so, since the kids are fairly shallow ! and Bonnie and Frank are not only amoral but immoral. I can't imagine putting plastic around someone so they can't breathe and letting that happen. Annaliese is physically the most guiltless of the original crew and doesn't intentionally harm anyone who doesn't deserve it (jail time in Catherine's case, she thinks) but she's the entire reason for all of it and even the director of 'How...' I am always disbelieving that this crazy show has me riveted every single week.
  4. The guy who plays Rowan was just signed (last week, I think) as a Regular on the show (rather than recurring, I guess).
  5. I was really startled when I first heard him in the interview and then even more so when he moved around and responded so quickly and with such a great sense of humor. So, he is really playing against his own type there. I've always liked Wes too, actually, and figured he was written to be morose, overcautious and removed, but I also did think maybe they got an actor who was somewhat limited who could only play 'passive'.... Apparently not. :-)
  6. I agree. I don't think Wes killed his mother either. He was just standing over her with the knife, a staple of murder mysteries and soap operas. In the preview he says, "All I remember is I was " [somewhere] but it's a red herring that he was holding the knife. I love the kid who plays him -- his eyes and expression look JUST like Wes's. Amazing. I realize that most here seem to dislike Wes a lot, but I saw an interview with Alfred Enoch at HuffPo, and I had never realized that he's British ! He's totally unlike his character -- very animated, spontaneous, laughs a lot, has a quick mind with fast takes. http://live.huffingtonpost.com/r/segment/aflred-enoch-how-to-get-away-with-murder-interview/56a7bcac6f753aecc300140e
  7. Since we're all so big on grammar here, what about *definitions* ? -- the word 'floozy' has always meant a sexually loose, promiscious, dinghy woman without morals. The word does not fit -- so don't be telling me that this forum "might not be the right place" for me because I don't agree with your use of the word for that group of women. I'm not big on Ben, the more I watch the season, but he's at least chosen women who don't hate one another, who are unusually empathetic with their competition and seem like nice people, and as others have said, personality seems more important to him than artificial, model-type looks.
  8. I think it's that Ben is very, very slick. He always has the right words and the right look. He looks into each gal's eyes without blinking as if she were the only interesting focus, but for me it's like Caila's studied upbeat manner. It's acting. and he's a very good actor. (Caila isn't.) He's also too 'familiar' with each woman and leads them on even more than he needs to, all because he wants to 'know' he could be 'loveable' (apparently meaning he is adored by his choice), and he seems to want this from each woman, knowing he could hurt them badly if he convinces them (as the salesman he is very good at) that he needs them to let him know they love him because without that, how can he trust/love them? I do think he and Lauren B are in love and sincere with each other -- more reason why he shouldn't ask each of the others to be vulnerable and to let him know they can love him. He couldn't even pretend with the brothers because he could detect (couldn't anyone?) that they weren't going to eat up the usual reassuring words. But his words were still smooth and obviously a script for him and he's able to act 'sincere' while doing all this. Now I think he suddenly insists he "really loves" the runner-up (though we never see the kind of close relating that we see with Lauren B), and I suspect it's JoJo because if it is, then he would be 'proving' to the brothers that he WAS sincere. Granted, The Bachelor is paid a good sum to do all of this well and there's also the promise of TV and celebrity work to come, so he's focused on doing it right. But as a result, I see a lot of insincerity while amping up the final womens' hopes.
  9. That sure startled me too !!! I suppose you could say she was trying to let herself fall in love despite her constant fears and being so guarded (at best). But she did transmit this particular feeling, so it's no surprise that he was not interested in pulling her out of her shell, whatever it's made of.
  10. I don't have a clear memory of her (November seems ages ago), but I keep getting the impression of Vicky Lawrence, who played Carol Burnett's sister in the old comedy show...
  11. I thought that scene at the police station was from the time Sinclair was egging him on to turn against the others ... Whatever, last night was totally confusing. But one thing makes sense, and the last episode is no crazier than the first one. We've accepted for two seasons that these Annaliese-hand-picked, cream of the crop law students would -- after one of them had hit her husband over the head in defense of the girl he was throttling -- then decide, when the blow resulted in death, to *actually* DISMEMBER his dead body in order to hide what had happened and consider burning the body (I'm confused, though, as to just what they did do to the body but I was in total disbelief over it and almost stopped watching the show, which I've since found intriguing and beautifully directed/acted, but the writing makes no sense.) That initial cold-blooded cover-up is on Annaliese. It started with an insane premise -- that a law professor would have her students dismember her husband to 'protect' one of them against what would have been just a self-defense case -- and has stayed true to that craziness. The last scenes grew out of the utter insanity of the first scenes. It's one thing to try to protect Wes/Cristophe out of guilt for something that happened in the past, but she made the rest of them (minus Asher) cold-blooded body-hackers, just to protect one of them from being involved in a self-defense case. And then the writers decide "Why not make Asher a killer?"... In fact, he's the only student who intentionally uses a lethal weapon against someone who was merely making him feel bad. At the heart of it, the show is about the derangement that can come from being chronically abused (whether physically or emotionally) when young and then again, when older. If I think of the show as just a giant, well-directed semi-human puzzle, I enjoy it -- as a series of vignettes that grab me and as a wildly-irrational mystery series. But as a coherent show that makes any sense? Not even slightly. I see it from the level of a child asking "Tell me a story!" and then this series tells me this long, two-season story, and I'm glued and thinking, "What? Wow! Huh?" ...
  12. I thought the kids did well too, though I see others dislike them. My brother and I had conversations like that during our parents' divorce when we visited cousins who had both parents... The 'Thanksgiving' Spencer recommended -was- sweet. As for Jason, I couldn't stand SB's one expression (well, maybe two) and his always "stone-cold" face in reaction to almost anything, so I am happy that BM is not the Jason many want to see returned. He and KEMO are doing a great job. Here's to a Jason 3 who's an interesting mixture of Jason's potential.
  13. I thought that her scene discovering Spinelli's program results was really good! Underplayed but very strong...
  14. Actually, BIP, for people who couple up from the start is a fairly intensified relationship experience, I imagine (at least for the person feeling it).. They have long days and evening hours there and they spent 18 days lying around together, sharing a vacation as a couple, in what looks like a LOT of togetherness that doesn't happen in a normal couple's life when the normal workday and commute traffic and other friends and family take up some of your time. They seemed to mainly have each other -- except for times Carly gossiped with the other gals -- and were usually seen together in any group scenes. Huddled up. I think that is not a normal 3-week relationship. Oddly enough, they seemed like an old married couple. So, yes, I think it would be traumatic.
  15. Interesting pic from July 20 after the Men Tell All show or something? Yes, that's Ben H. with Tenley and other recognizables from BIP 2015. https://scontent.fsnc1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpt1/v/t1.0-9/11694844_10152818796401377_3527725314359778553_n.jpg?oh=3ebf9e2b1fc880b7bb23eee0ef558f86&oe=565DCA9A Story at http://www.eonline.com/news/681060/whoa-the-new-bachelor-ben-h-is-hanging-out-with and it has another photo of BIP folks
  16. If so, ALL Samantha had to do was say she wanted to be able to finish her statement before being questioned. NOT demand that a co-host leave. That was ludicrous. She 'allowed' Jenny back on because she was now visible to the world and always wants to look like the non-drama good person.
  17. Chris B made his bad rep with Bachelor Pad when he bedded two and tried to get another one while saying very disrespectful things about them (something about turning in a convertible for a better model) while the gals were into him and believing of course he was into them. He has an engaging smile, but when drunk he is one sour, dark guy, and it's sad because he actually IS attractive. But his schtick was cynicism and a kind of gloating over his conquests and openly enjoying fooling them. I did enjoy his weird time with Elyse (sp?) and it was interesting to hear him say that she was a great ("wonderful"?) gal and then implied that she had let him go. Interesting since she seemed to be into making him as comfy as possible (like a baby). I'd hoped that one would work out for him. ADDED LATER: The gal he treated badly was Jaime. Chris has released a long statement about his retirement from reality TV and in it he apologizes to Jaime. (And everyone else.) Interesting read ! http://www.rantnow.com/2015/08/31/no-bs-with-bukowski-my-retirement-letter-from-the-bachelor-franchise-and-my-apology/
  18. [The editor keeps erasing my line feed after the quoted post, and I remember the moderators don't like seeing the resulting single-space, so this is my third try at separating the comment from the quote.] Jared was being asked to laugh along with the others -at- Ashley I, and he wasn't comfortable about that. I actually like that. Didn't do the Hang with the Cool Kids thing that this crowd is. Samantha. Right. She clearly is used to having things her way, and that demand was amazing and I was disappointed in Chris H that he allowed it except that he then pulled one over on Samantha by not having Jenny truly leave. Sam wants to tell her story without anyone having a chance or time to rebut her series of lies. This gal lives in a world she creates and believes that her reality will be everyone else's also and they'll see it her way (as long as no one is there to argue with her). Am with you on Kardashian too. I've never watched the show because the magazine and newspaper stories are such a turn off. The Celebration of no-talent. I did think this After Hours show was lively but felt sorry for the gal who took Kris Jenner's place, since she was so uncomfortable and felt she had to entertain.
  19. One doesn't have to feel sorry for Juelia to see that almost everything that comes out of Sam's mouth is a lie. People don't go on vacationS together unless they are friends, and she even denied they're friends. She said if she had known what Joe/Juelia dynamic was she wouldn't have gone after him. Blarney. She wouldn't listen. It's not incumbent on her to NOT try to snag him anyway but she shouldn't pretend she wished she'd known and then she would have acted differently. That BOOK of over 600 text messages was a beautiful indicator of the quality of truth out of that woman's head. "A few text messages." I can't stand that blond co-host either, but she spoke for me -- not that Samantha HAD to be like her and stay away from a friend's love-interest but that she denied EVERYthing about the circumstances in ORDER to go after him (and then held him culpable alone for the 'drama'). She came on, knowing he had told others they had almost 700 text messages ("and some phone calls" -- which she denied but I now believe Joe more than I believe her) and yet still tried to get the audience to believe she was bewildered and sort of victimized by circumstances because they had only traded a few text messages. Faced with the book, she then had to 'admit' her error in lying about it (not knowing there would be proof like this being shown). She comes off incredibly cold until she has reason to feel sad for herself (as she did at the end when exposed). Sad that even the bartender was bewitched by her.
  20. I think I heard her make a condition in that she said they could share the suite if he'd be a 'gentleman' -- and the next morning Mikey told the others that the two of them had "kept it classy" during their overnight-suite setup.
  21. Maybe he was offered a TV spot somewhere. He has distinctive looks, doesn't look like every other schmoe, and many find him (and his personality) attractive... I'd rather that be the reason. Even if that's not the reason, he's inexperienced in dating, so probably isn't at ease with women closing in on him. Shoot. I was getting fond of JJ. Has a sense of humor and when things get serious, he shows signs of caring about other people's feelings. A lot of his schtick is alpha-male bravado for the production cameras.
  22. I'm with Cecily. It's not that he was using Juelia for a rose (they all do that with the ones they care less about) but it was his messing with her mind by insisting he was into her, messing even more with Jonathan's surprising ability to be human instead of in BIP mode only, and then when Joe gets Samantha, he doesn't (in front of all their friends) say ONE word to Juelia and doesn't look at her. The others do talk with their rejected temporary 'partners' . He treated her as if she was not even human, in effect, worse than you would a dog. And, worse, lies directly to her, when he knows people there know that he is lying. He has respect for no one. But the key thing for me is that this show, vs Bachelor Pad, is more about the dynamics of group relationships in an unnatural but natural :-) setting. Unlike The Bachelor(ette) shows, these people actually spend time having fun together in co-ed fashion, talk with one another, with the camera not showing most of it, and make group alignments the way people do in school (when they have no reponsibilities except to do what you're told). They mix it up too, but form actual friendships. So they wind up in subgroups (some able to flow between them) where most of them Care about the other people to some extent and, as little grouplets, they watch out for their own and are very protective. Something in between junior-high dynamics and those of the warring gangs in Chicago. Again, it's not about changing partners (normal) but how you handle that and how most don't like it when Joe callously humiliates the one who brung him to the waterfalls and rose, w/o a second or third thought and, most of all, shows he doesn't care at all about others' feelings. He treats her as less than human. As for Juelia, she needs to get some basic help. Easily deluded and self-deluding, very out of touch. Most of these people have modeled or auditioned for acting parts in the past (including Jared) -- they're there mainly hoping someone in the biz will 'discover' them. It's easier for them to act the roles assigned.
  23. True. I think that when he decided she really wasn't for him -- as a BIP 'partner' -- it was easier to cite their age difference (which isn't her 'fault') than just say he'd seen enough of how she is to know he wasn't interested in being a couple.
  24. That's bad enough on its own. Who does that ? and on a first date when you're maybe trying to hook someone. My guess is that during their unseen time together she got somewhat clingy (as she did with her BIP partner last year) after her dramatic reaction to the bungee jump and because she does seem so desperate to have someone. While Ashley I. is like glue with him, too, maybe he just minds it more in someone older. 8 years is actually quite a bit at his age, for a serious relationship, which is what I think Clare was hoping for.
  25. Some very funny writing in this article: http://observer.com/2015/08/bachelor-in-paradise-morning-after-rose-ceremony-episode-4/ And there's a quoting (is it a mis-quoting? I don't remember the exact words but they were similar) of what Clare had said that drew looks of disbelief and Jade's outspoken ire.
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