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Everything posted by CrinkleCutCat

  1. Ps. After the Does he/Doesn't he have cancer drama with Brooks from the Real Housewives of Orange County do we have to endure a Does she/Doesn't she have Lymes season with Yolanda? I don't mind some speculation and debate but we seem to EXHAUST these questions here on the forum.
  2. I like Lisa Rinna's self deprecating humour.... But then I AM Australian! We love laughing at ourselves (and each other)! I think too many celebrities (reality and fiction actors) take themselves waaaaay too seriously and believe their own hype. Lisa R is the cast member I would love to spend time with....oh, and Eileen too!
  3. Many people would not consider the term "Nazi white" as merely tasteless nor awkward. It's a racist term. The Nazis, under the leadership of Adolf Hitler, believed in white supremacy (see: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_supremacy ) which is why they committed mass genocide against anyone considered non-white, and therefore undesirable.
  4. I was happy seeing Cynthia displaying her long lost backbone with Peter...but then she agreed to give their marriage one more chance. C'mon Cynthia, how many chances does this crook need? Notice how he whipped out the tears? Then when he got one more chance to keep his bank, I mean wife, he looked pretty relieved/smug. Tears gone. I hope she keeps the backbone.
  5. Is EVERYONE selling something? This episode feels like an infomercial :(
  6. This episode has only just screened in Australia and we are up to page 16 here?! I'm sure I have nothing new to add so I'll just share my strongest thought: Shannon. Owned. Vicki. Owned.
  7. Thank you for reminding me about this blip on my flatline experience of this episode.... I LOVE that moment. Love it! I laugh each time too!
  8. I must have taken whatever Vicki took before the reunion....I just can't muster up much emotion about this episode.
  9. My thoughts are with, and about, mothers.... - NEVER discuss your step children's mothers (publicly). Thank you Heather for schooling Meghan (shut up) on this. - Mothers should NEVER air dirty laundry re their their children on social media (looking at you Tamra), especially teenagers. That will never broker a reunion. - Mothers breaking the law in such a ridiculous way are not particularly funny Vicki. What hijinks, not. - I'm sorry for the loss of your mother Hayley. - Vicki, when your mother dies in her 80s, it doesn't seem particularly sensitive to bemoan your loss without acknowledging the loss a 17 year old has just gone through (see above). Edit... Ps. Meghan does not have her own children and Vicki has no step children: therefore they should keep their opinions to themselves. They just won't 'get it' nor understand the opinion of each other.
  10. Soooo.... You got Meghan?! LolWhat a relief! I got Shannon: "You're usually the kooky, fun one, but it's been a rough year for you. You'll survive, though, and stay positive. 'Cause when life gives you lemons... put nine of them in a bowl!"
  11. As mentioned by many of you in this thread, and the threads for other episodes, WHY is someone (Vicki) away for EVERY significant/serious cancer treatment for the man she claims to love so much? THAT there is the first root of all our suspicions. Not the hinky psychic's proclamations. (Focusing on the psychic just confuses things....takes away the focus from the real inconsistencies and lies.) The second reason for serious suspicion is that faux medical document Brooks was brandishing for all to see. I mean, not all....just Tamra.... The person whom he tried to discredit previously. I can think of other inconsistencies but those are the two that seem to lend the most credence to Brooks being a liar. The gray area is whether Vicki is 'in on it' or not? Who knows? I haven't seen anything to sway me enough either way. Normally I wouldn't delve into the is he/isn't he... Is she/isn't she questioning, but, as I have mentioned before, I had someone in my life lie about having terminal cancer so I am not in the "how dare you question if they have cancer" :gasp: camp. I'm now cynical enough to focus on questioning what is and what isn't credible information. The other thing I wanted to mention was when Vicki asked, in a TH, what Brooks' hypothetically lying about cancer had to do with her. Well, Vicki...if you are being duped by him your friends would be worried about you! For a narcissist, I couldn't believe she didn't see/articulate that self important perspective (heck, maybe she did and it got edited out?)
  12. ....and then Terry, TERRY, was concerned about Tamra's dress getting wet at her baptism/wedding/storyline finale/excuse for a party.
  13. IMO... All that strung together language reeks of cut and paste or some kind of copy/import.... Which messes with formatting (the words all strung together). Would a professional report (which is usually intended for a professional) be so badly formatted? IMO no.Apologies if this has already been mentioned...I'm jumping in after only reading page one!
  14. Meghan delved a lot deeper than that and is quite openly discussing how she delved a lot deeper than that. Contacting individuals (Brooks' ex and his doctor) is way beyond internet usage. So, IMO: 1. Her behaviour is overly intrusive and abhorrent 2. Meghan is quite open about said behaviour. Not embarrassed. Not shy about it. Defiant. My original post was more about the fact that point number 2 is the bit that surprises me the most.
  15. I can't get over the way Meghan is so blasé about what she did... she is quite open about chasing down Brooks' ex who commented on a blog.... open about the lengths she went to contact said ex... open about calling the Dr's office... open about pretending to have cancer for that phone call. Meghan is happy to discuss all of her bedazzled headband wearing super hero activity so openly. No uncomfortableness about her actions when being confronted by Brooks and Vicki! It's her attitude about what she did, rather than why, that gets to me. Blows. My. Mind. (ps. Dear Grammar Police, I know what an ellipsis is, and what it means, and when one should use it. I, however, use it with reckless abandon in my own way. Maybe I'm more like Meghan than I realise? Oh dear.)
  16. Tamra: "What does 'Consider the source' mean"? Brooks: "Whatever you want it to mean". So slippery.
  17. My vote: it's Monty's own scruffy hair. I mean, who would buy a toupee that looked like that?! Ha ha!
  18. Thanks... Unfortunately the link goes to a page "Coding for Lymphoma".
  19. As some of you have mentioned already, Vicki's refusal to continue her conversation with Briana on camera is SO out of character for her. Although, don't forget how she walked out on Brooks' birthday dinner with Shannon and David when she got a whiff Shannon was going to bring up something (negative) about Brooks. SOMETHING is off about this out of character "not on camera" Vicki. IMO!
  20. From Dreammoods.com I think this analysis of Ramona's teeth dream is more accurate, don't you?! "To dream that you have rotting or decaying teeth implies that you may have said something that you shouldn't have. You may have uttered some false or foul words and those words are coming back to haunt you." Dreams about teeth are so common that they have a whole section on it: http://www.dreammoods.com/commondreams/teeth-dreams.html I already had this info because I recently had exactly the same dream....my teeth were all falling out. Wonder what I said? Maybe it was something snarky here?! I love love love the clips with Sonja and her toof falling out! TOOF!
  21. Sanitary pads and duct tape?! Doesn't sound hygienic to me! The doctor doesn't have any dressings and surgical tape? We've covered Salmonella, now we can move on to wound infections!
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