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Everything posted by CrinkleCutCat

  1. I hate that 'shtick' about parenting being so chaotic that Jules was 'selling' (TM Bethenny).
  2. Recap: You're all Fart, No Sh*t! http://www.news.com.au/entertainment/tv/reality-tv/real-housewives-episode-7-recap-youre-all-fart-no-st/news-story/cfad5af28a5c485c8854e08100a6d212
  3. Recap: Stop the F*#ck! http://www.news.com.au/entertainment/tv/reality-tv/real-housewives-of-melbourne-episode-8-recap-stop-the-fk/news-story/9df1cc45f61e8489221345078162398b
  4. Watching her interactions with everybody and her lack of interpersonal skills, and especially her lack of warmth, gives a rather large clue. Petti's son seems rather pleased that she has to reign in her displeasure with his girlfriend! I must admit, she ... Ummm, surprised me. Older than I thought. Less 'girly' than I expected.
  5. 1. Jackie is now a raging nasty bitch Or 2. It's even worse with Pettifluer than we have seen, or can comprehend through our screen.
  6. Can't stand Pettifluer, yet it is quite painful watching how awful her personal relationships seem eg her sister acts very angry with her; her son keeps her at arms length. Watching her try and buy her son with the piano...and watching him leave the piano store with his girlfriend. Aaaggghhh. When he left, her expression showed it hurt her. It's like watching someone hit their head against a brick wall yet wonder why they have a headache. She seems to feel the pain of not being close to her family members but she just doesn't understand WHY they are so distant (or even worse than distant in the case of her sister).
  7. The dog poop in a cup was a stool sample for the vet....but did it have to be put on the counter? Eeewww. I can just about see all the germs buzzing around it.
  8. The upcoming season previews looked juicy! This episode, maybe not so much since so many comments so far have been about hairstyles lol. For me... Best thing about the episode: me rolling my eyes at Bethenny commenting on how skinny Jules is...in earshot of the girl too! Worst thing about the episode: Jules willingly and proudly allowing her child to manipulate her at meal time. Her apparent enjoyment when he had his unearned popsicle was distasteful to me. Yes, they are probably both 'worst thing' examples but I couldn't think of a proper 'best thing' example and I did enjoy rolling my eyes at Beth! Ps. Yes, Carole was joking that Baby is a service dog.
  9. The Real Housewives of Melbourne are off to Dubai this week (they DO get to ride camels ... Cue Gina looking incredibly awkward). Two franchises going to the same place in the same year? To me, that's pushing us viewers too far in the 'believe x housewife is inviting the others on a trip' scenario. Melbourne's 'script' has Chykka's event planning company employed to stage a royal wedding in Dubai so she asks the 'girls' to go with her. We've always known these trips are set up by Bravo...I'm just commenting on the fourth wall being less sturdy these days (further evidenced by the LVP/Kyle/Rinna off camera/on camera drama).
  10. It's all way too fuzzy because the HWs are talking about on and off camera discussions without being clear about which is which and when they occurred.... So we are all trying to piece together timelines and what the heck they are talking about! Plus, we also add in the info we glean from Twitter, Instagram, blogs etc. I think they have all discussed YoLymeDa's inconsistent stories and have questioned the validity of her illness... OFF camera. However, when it was later (IMO it was later), discussed ON camera it had a hefty diagnosis attached: Munchausen's. Even bandying around the POSSIBILITY of Maunchausen's meant Yolanda was now connected ON camera to that disorder. It wasn't a conversation about "Yo is inconsistent, we are confused".... It was now conversation about a significant mental disorder. No wonder they are all running away from being associated with that conversation! IMO they keep focussing on,and backtracking from, the big M-word instead of focussing on YoLymeDa's um, difficulties with the truth. They seem to be backtracking on the wrong thing. Eg Kyle "I never said Maunchausen's". Well maybe not, but doubting Yo and discussing your doubts with the two Lisas is what we want you to address! As a viewer I want her to talk about that...but she won't because it was off camera!!! I want ALL of the real life stuff (see above) discussed on the show! Edit. And if they don't include everything on the show, that's when I want Andy to address the other real life aspects on the reunion shows. This IS supposed to be a reality show (I know. I know what all the for and against arguments are!), so some off camera reality mixed in would be good!
  11. I have no knowledge about weaves.... Is it the way her hair line around her face was still showing that makes it look rough/bad/cheap? I was focusing on the hair rather than how it was on her head, I guess. I'm also remembering, and comparing to, the squirrel stuck on her head hairdo she was sporting on her first season! Lol.
  12. On a shallow note: I'm not getting the Kim love on her look. IMO that dress is making her look like a big Ol square chest. Big square boobs with spaghetti straps is not a flattering look. Those boobs could look way nicer. I also think her hair looks too clownish. I guess I prefer a more natural hair look. Equally shallow: Kandi's sleek, slightly asymmetrical, bob looks gorgeous! I didn't know she, or her stylists, had it in her/them!
  13. Her pretense about her ongoing marriage with My Love irks me so much. It makes me question their whole 'on air' marriage. Was it all fake? These scenes (when we know they were seperated) look as real (yeah, really real ha!) as all of their previous happy married couple scenes. Blerk!
  14. Eileen's overalls on a long haul flight? No way. Those teeny weeny airplane toilets get wet floors. Lots of people use each cubicle/you get jostled in flight/sometimes there is turbulence/men don't always aim straight. So there's pee and water from hand washing on the floor. Good luck keeping your overall straps off the wet floor!
  15. I'm so over YoLymeDa but I'm succumbing to temptation and commenting:Lies: no makeup in 11 months; in bathrobe for 14 months. We have RH footage to discredit those statements. Erika: "This [the gala] closes a chapter on a lot of doubt and misunderstandings [about Yolanda having Lyme disease]. Nope. A paid by the family award/open time at a microphone/other people having Lyme disease, does not necessarily mean Yolanda has Lymes. What stood out to me was this quote by Yolanda: "Everyone who played a big role in my recovery is here tonight". So: she has recovered? She's all better now? This is what I commented on last episode. Yo seems to be articulating that the has recovered now. Plus she managed to cope with the gala which would have been hours in the whole: hours getting ready and hours during the red carpet and the actual gala. She must be all better now. Hmmm. Edit: Whoops. Boo boo trying to edit my post. Now I've quoted my post and edited. Well, it was a fabulous post worth quoting!! Sounding like a RH!
  16. I think Peter will be helping her keep :::his::: peach next episode!
  17. Take away Kenya and I don't think the reunion would have been so.... lively! IMO Andy was loving her escalating the drama tonight. He sure looked happy! At one point I noticed him looking at Kim, who was all riled up after a Kenya dig, and he was sucking his cheeks in looking very excited. I was entertained! I'm looking forward to the next episode, especially Peter getting called out.
  18. Recap of the episode: http://www.news.com.au/entertainment/tv/reality-tv/real-housewives-episode-5-recap-i-dont-think-gina-gives-a-st-about-gamble/news-story/6f5dc5dbeb031a67702b5a787db8e0ae
  19. Lucky me gets to view and comment on this episode straight after it airs! I can be a Housewife cynic with the best of us, but I think Gamble and her Wolf Pup are a long term match. Add in Luke and it's just sweeter all round. Best wishes to them all.
  20. But such a visible way to remind everybody of her Journey.
  21. Sure Yo-Lyme-Da....you've been "isolated" for 11 months. Sure hasn't seemed that way based on your social media and HW work. Is Yolanda suddenly all better now? What's with all the NY travel, skipping up the stairs, playing the piano, toasting about burning her robe and making lemonade now if she is still sick? I seem to recall reading in her thread that the awards were purchased by the families of the recipients... Yes? No?
  22. Woah! Sexy time! Cynthia in her dowdy t-shirt/masseur outfit providing Peter (sucking in his gut) with the most ridiculous massage. If you have to talk up the sexy with constant commentary, it ain't sexy. Plus it was: In the kitchen. With a film crew. I just hope the crew got danger money.
  23. Erika is too earnest. A sense of humour and self deprecation can go a long way. This earnestness just keeps a wall up that no one can penetrate. Eg Lisa tried to joke with Eika about the spider web whilst painting the house. Erika was having NOTHING of that joking around. Sad. If she DID join in a bond would have begun to form. Sad. Earnest. Erika. I SEE you.
  24. Great idea for a party: everyone wears their old wedding dresses!! Twas nice to see Janet and her ex having a lovely family dinner (if he could reign in the womanizing I think they could have a great relationship moving into their older years. They are so compatible) .... everything else during this episode was a Snooooooze Recap: http://www.news.com.au/entertainment/tv/reality-tv/real-housewives-of-melbourne-episode-4-recap-janets-on-the-prowl/news-story/aa92b1b14bf39c7f0bc1fe5dcb418a65
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