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Everything posted by Neurochick

  1. I don't think Bini called Ari a cutter. He asked her why did she stop the cutting, I thought that meant the circumcision. Ari was totally disrespectful. She was like, "I'm a white, American woman and what I say goes and fuck all of you brown folk. This is MY baby and and my husband has nothing to do with him." That's the vibe I get from her. I also didn't like how she made fun of Bini's accent. Princess Crap.
  2. Monique wanted a baller and a baller is what she got. Her choice.
  3. Yes, because Kevin Frazier was doing his job. Brett has no excuse.😣
  4. It's not like she's a single mother who has to get up in the morning, get children ready, get herself ready, go outside at 5am and wait for a bus that takes the children to a sitter or daycare and then get on another bus to get to work and hope to get there on time. I'm sorry but I don't consider what Monique does as work.
  5. I don't think Kevin Frazier is a bitch, Brett....yes. ☺️
  6. More closeups of the baby on Hannah's Instagram.
  7. Did Monique work to get those 4 homes, or did those homes belong to her husband?
  8. Many women are intelligent and kind hearted and don't always get that happy ending.
  9. Sadly, I have heard many of these same type of experiences, they aren't common. Many women go from abuse to drug addiction and prostitution and never come out of it, or it takes many years. You are very fortunate that you met your husband because most women who experienced what you did, don't get lucky, many of them die. This is why I believe that 90 percent (maybe more) of life is just chance, luck.
  10. He could have joined them via video, which is what he did in the first part of the show with Kevin Frazier. I don't think he would have been at risk if he had done that.
  11. I was talking about the finale, in the studio, talking to Kevin Frazier.
  12. Thanks for sharing. I made the post before I saw the episode (I didn't even know the show was back on).
  13. Here's my opinion of Monique and her "brand." She knows that people who watch the show like her, so she assumed (incorrectly) that those people would want to see her and buy whatever she's selling. The reason that Monique is popular is IMO because, some black people have issues with: Light skinned black women Mixed race women Black women married to white men Monique is a brown skinned black woman married to a black man; it's nice to see a woman like that on TV. Sadly women like her aren't shown enough on TV. My issue with Monique is that after the initial fight with and they were separated Monique ran back outside the barn and had to be physically restrained from attacking Candiace AGAIN. That's not the action of a woman that I'd take advice from. Period. ETA: I love the tee shirts Robyn's selling but they're all SOLD OUT.😞
  14. Kardashian ass? Black women have had large behinds before the Kartrashians were even born! Brittany needs to stay home and continue twerking. She looked better with no makeup and braids. Stay in Florida sis. I want Sumit to marry Jenny because their story will end and I won't have to see them on TV any more. Deavan is on TV because she hopes to get a job at Disney (when it opens up again) as Snow White. Ari is a nasty, spoiled, disrespectful little princess. Another posted commented that maybe Ari was upset that she didn't see enough white faces at the hospital; I think that is true. She didn't have the baby by herself, what a witch.
  15. I thought it was petty AF to say Christina had a five year affair with a married man. I think Henry found that out because some of Christina's "friends" mentioned that to Henry's friends (sounds like a game of telephone to me). Henry just seemed petty and catty to me, so here's a double MEOW.😼😼
  16. I thought Brett was down on Olivia like, "you RENT?" Whoa Brett. The only person who made Brett look like a bad guy was Brett. I can understand why he didn't physically show up at the reunion, but he could have come back for the part with all the couples, I thought that was tacky, kind of a Brandon move. I thought, "Brett probably thinks he's better than everybody." I don't see Brett as a victim of the show or anybody else. And I think Olivia looked down on him the same way he looked down on her and her life choices. I guess we should worship King Brett the Saver.
  17. I certainly hope that Brett knows how to share how he feels without exploding in a fit of anger. If he doesn't then he really shouldn't be married to anybody at this point.
  18. I see you drinking Kathryn and I don't know everything but I know where that will lead, IF she's an addict that is.
  19. It only showed how immature Henry was. Did Christina tell the story of the text message on camera? The only person who brought it up on camera was Henry, so when was Christina going to put him on blast, if she didn't do it on camera?
  20. Here's how I view the Laurel story. The police, the paramedics, Child Services, all saw Laurel one way, a drug addicted black woman. Sadly, no one would have spent that much time on her, her child or her case. Another angle: Laurel was a middle class girl, maybe her family found her in the city and took her back home. Maybe she wanted to find out what happened to her son, but her family convinced her to forget all about her "old life." Maybe Laurel moved on, got married to a "respectable" man and had children. That may sound far fetched, but I've heard similar stories through the years, of women who surrendered their children because they were addicts or alcoholics. I don't mind seeing a lot of Randall because shit, almost everything on TV is about pretty white people and their problems; which is why I don't want to see Kevin and how he hooked up with Kate's friend, got her pregnant, and magically asked her to marry him, because I guess Kevin was in love with her all the time, right? But I do want to see more of Randall's daughter, Tess. To me she's a character who should be developed more.
  21. I don't get this. William never went back to the apartment. I do not think that the police would have spent too much time on this case, two black heroin addicts? Not really in 1980, not even in 2020. Even if they did realize that the baby was hers, I doubt they would have given Laurel the baby. It's nice to think that the police would have spent time on the case but I really don't think so.
  22. Yes, but you have to ask the ADA first and then the ADA asks the witness the question. Also, IRL, the ADAs always carry the HUGE book that is the NY Penal law, every time one of them came in the room, they'd have that darn book with them (this was in the 1980's).
  23. Must disagree one thousand percent. The scene between Randall and Kate was wonderful because that's what happens to black people, to POC. So many times we feel we've got to make white people feel comfortable; and Randall's like, "nope, not doing that anymore, not going to be Superman." I'm totally glad that he said he needed a black therapist. About damn time! Loved the song at the end.
  24. I meant she didn't have a place to live when she was on the show, remember she said some of her things were in storage, in her car and in California, hence she didn't have a place to live. Why bring it up on the finale? He's kept silent about it for that long. Some might say he did it for revenge (see, a weenie) because of the gay rumor. But here's the thing, she didn't bring up the email on camera, so why bring up her dirt, on camera?
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