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Everything posted by Neurochick

  1. People always ask, "who's paying for......" TLC, that's who. TLC is paying for most of everything, the same way Bravo pays for the trips on the Real Housewives shows. No trips no drama, no drama no ratings. no ratings no money, no money no show.
  2. Maybe postpartum? Or maybe it got real for her; it just hit her that she had a baby with a man she barely knows and she's in a country where she can't speak the language. Is it a thing now when people go through each other's phones? I'm middle aged so I'm asking.
  3. I don't know, it just seemed disrespectful for Ari to say that to Bini, as if Bini wouldn't know that when you meet someone of an older generation you probably wouldn't call them by their first name. I think Ari saw herself as some sort of Disney princess having an adventure. I can see her going back to the US, unloading the baby with her parents and then going off on her next adventure, to climb Everest. She'd probably end up pregnant by a Sherpa.
  4. I got the impression Ari wanted Bini to call him that ALL the time.
  5. Why is Ari so upset that Bini has to work? Didn't Ari's mom say that the dad works all the time? It probably didn't bother Dr. Weinberg at all, he probably thinks it's great that Ari works all the time, you dumb bunny. The man has to work, silly? Does she believe that money grows on trees? Dr. Weinberg, really Ari? I knew he wouldn't be down with being called that, someone said that her father was from Brooklyn. In the market, Brittany's friend Angela was covered, Brittany wasn't, still those men were pigs for acting like that, culture or not, no need to be an asshole. They might have been looking at Brittany because they were wondering why a camera crew was following her. That is a very interesting point, for the Americans: Jenny, Deavan, Kenny, Brittany, Ari. They need to understand that the US is a very young country compared to many other countries. I'm not saying that these cultural norms are right or just, but these countries have them and if you choose to live in one of these places, you have to respect whatever the cultural mores are. Brittany needs to understand that as a woman in Jordan you have to be covered. Jenny needs to understand how VERY important having a family, (children) is to Sumit's parents. Ari needs to understand that she's in Ethiopia, not New Jersey. Deavan and Kenny need to understand that you need to learn at least some of the language before you decide to move to a new country.
  6. If Karen drinks so much that she can't remember what she says while a camera is rolling, maybe she needs to watch her drinking.
  7. The sneak peek is up on the TLC website. So Brittany is going to have a "girls trip" in Jordan, with her friend and not see Yazan. Didn't know that Deavan got pregnant again so soon. I felt bad when she said she had a miscarriage. 😢 Will Jenny and Sumit's ring ceremony happen? Who will come? Who won't? Poor Ari is realizing that she and Bini did shit backwards, you need to get to know the man BEFORE the baby comes. She'll probably go back to the US with her parents who will end up raising the baby while she's off on her next adventure, maybe it'll be the Himalayas next time. I wonder what will happen to Avi, he was born in Ethiopia with an Ethiopian father and an American mother. I feel sorry for the poor baby. Looks like COVID is coming....
  8. I don't really see it as a taunt. Sometimes I think that in the US, we think of smart people as being "smug." A child raises their hand in class and the other kids give them death looks; like "how DARE YOU know the answer." Well maybe the rest of you would know the answer if you studied. Wendy was the only one who knew that flag; the others looked blankly at it (so did I). Good on Wendy for knowing the answer.
  9. Is there a link for the new episode? The first look is up, it's called Fight or Flight.
  10. I can explain it. You can have mandates, you can have laws and people will either obey them or not. The pandemic isn't over, but some people want it to be.
  11. Yeah, he "just happened" to find that Instagram page? Are his deeply religious friends following her on Instagram?
  12. Maybe it's not that people like Brett, but this show has a habit every season to make someone the villain. I remember they did that with Shelia a few seasons ago. They made her look like an "angry black woman" when the reality was that Nate was cheating on her the entire time they were married. The shoes Dr. Pepper saw in his car (I think it was his car) supposedly belonged to the woman Nate was cheating on Shelia with. I think the reason Shelia was made into the villain was because she wouldn't cooperate with the producers, wouldn't give them the emotions they wanted; maybe that happened with Brett too, he wouldn't tell the producers that Oliva really hurt him when she looked down on his home. Heck, I still don't like Brett, but he's no jerk like Luke.
  13. But that's part of Monique's brand. She wants to show you that she's just like every other mom out here.
  14. I was on the YouTube channel of a person who discusses reality TV (mainly on Bravo) and I brought this up. What will happen if someone gets killed because of what was shown on reality TV? Probably nothing, but the genre will have to clean itself up for sure.
  15. The sad thing is, that's not uncommon, been going on for decades. I remember hearing about the Minnesota Strip when I was a teenager, back in the 1970's.
  16. I don't get that at all. What is wrong with Karen? I think Karen is full of shit. She doesn't have a degree. That's all well and good, but I'm a few years older than Karen and I know that to get your foot in the door, as a black person, you needed at least a BA. I am sure that Karen had some kind of help, maybe her family, maybe a man, but she didn't make it all by her lonesome.
  17. Shepard comes across as a major douche. How could he ever consider going into space when something's wrong with his hearing? I mean he could go up there and his head would explode. The peer vote showed just how catty those guys were. MEOW.😼😼
  18. Yes, the point no one seems to get is that Monique went back for a second round and had to be physically restrained when she tried to attack her outside. That. Is. Not. Rational. Behavior. Period, end of story. I wouldn't want to go on a trip with her either, until she admitted that what she did was wrong. I listened to some of the aftershow and Monique was throwing out the "mom" card when she said something like Candiace was going to throw this mom of three in jail. I guess it's fine to throw a single person in jail, huh Monique?
  19. That's right. Chris' mother commented that Monique should get a job and she said, "wifey doesn't work." So no, what Monique is doing, she doesn't consider work.
  20. But what Karen said was recorded, it was on camera, it was on the show. It's not like Karen said something in private, to Wendy and she told everybody what she said. We all saw it. And maybe Karen should pay attention to how much she drinks.
  21. I think my problem is that I don't see it as bullying. Just because someone asks you tough questions doesn't mean you're getting bullied IMO. Kevin didn't bully Michael, he called him on his nonsense when Michael tried to pull the "black" card. Kevin reminded Michael that he too is black, so that didn't work with him. Years ago people used to just sit and smile and say nothing because they didn't want to make another person look bad, today that's not happening. IMO that's not bullying.
  22. I can get with that. I can't with Deavan though. Masturbating to other women is cheating? Is she serious or just self absorbed? I would think it's in bad taste but not cheating. I can't with her.
  23. I have heard that Brittany's storyline is completely fake. Some people on YouTube say Yazan is in on it, but I don't know.
  24. I think that's the problem. The mothers have no partner, they're emotionally incesting their sons. A woman I was acquainted with was like some of these women. She hated every woman her eldest son brought home (even though she wasn't much of a mother to her son when he when he was yonger ) One day her son met a woman that he fell in love with, his mom hated her. He told his mother that he was going to get married to the woman but he didn't tell her when. His mother had a lot of health problems, she needed a way to go to the wedding because it was far from where she lived. So he gets married and didn't send a car or anything to take her to the wedding. He just called and said, "I'm getting married in an hour." There was no way she could have come to the wedding. She has not spoken to her son in about 3 years.
  25. I guess I need to thank Deavan. I didn't know that tents in a park meant someone was giving away free meth (I'd think homeless people) I also didn't know that naked selfies means you cheated, so thank you Deavan for educating me.
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