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Everything posted by PBnJay

  1. I guess the difference between this and TGBBS is the contestants are Americans. Otherwise, it seemed pretty much the same to me, which was okay since I like TGBBS. I wasn't watching closely during the first hour so missed the posing, and that makes me happy. But I'll watch for it next episode, thank you very much everyone for pointing it out! I liked the partridge-in-the-pear-tree bread, it was cool looking. And many of the cakes were beautiful. And so were some of the bread sticks, they looked yummy. I only recognize a couple of the contestants so far, so a religious robe and a dangly earring served their purpose for that. Everyone seems to know how to bake though, so all seem to be a good group for this show. Funny that I can watch someone mix dough for two hours and not be bored. Oh, I did wonder if that big tent (with no sides) is heated somehow, after everyone walked in wearing winter clothes. Brrrr. And yes, what is up with football players becoming tv-show hosts.
  2. "Ditto, ditto dumpling, my score too." 4/5, 1*
  3. I bought the PBS show "Carrier" on DVD so the equator TS was easy for me, plus I also knew what polywogs and shellbacks are. Doc Holliday was easy since I just watched "Tombstone." I got several other TSs although I didn't get some of the answered clues so it evens out. I did know FJ, thank you parochial school.
  4. 3/5 one * What a short four day weekend.
  5. 4/5 one *. I thought Niagra would have better lighting than Buffalo.
  6. 4/5. Seventh Day Adventist. Sigh.
  7. Andrew's "If her and I entered a contest ..." during his interview hurt my ears.
  8. Maybe not since my post was a joke about Katy M's handwriting.
  9. I thought that was her but was not sure. Maybe she will be back. This episode belonged to Ansel. He rocked it, start to finish. He's my new favorite character.
  10. I thought of this thread with the interview about the Good For You game. I wonder if he reads here. Plhess = A person who is good at science while being super scared of blood and needles.
  11. Well, true. Plus you can make some funky special golf shoes with the cleats and if you love the shoes, buy a second pair to wear regular. I can see the benefit but now I can't remember if the person got a deal.
  12. You mean, traveling around the South and visiting different chefs, farms and home cooks just like she did on every episode of her old show.
  13. The Halloween gourd clue was so poorly written. Pumpkin should have been a BMS or credit given and scores adjusted later in the game. So irritating. That could make the tournament more interesting and fun.
  14. Here, a Walmart commercial featuring an outdoor tailgating grill for $197 followed the segment for the Sharktank tailgating grill. And yes, you still have to pack everything to cook outside. Maybe the spatula comes with the expensive grill, but if you leave it on the picnic table when you pack up for home, you still don't have a spatula to use next time. I thought the golf shoe cleats would be some kind of step on item like crampons for ice hikers. Screwing those things on the bottom of your sneakers pretty much ruins the sneakers, and if the soles aren't thick (didn't they say 3/4 inch?), you have screws poking into your feet. I didn't like any of the offers this week, but I did LOL when the grill people thanked everyone for the opportunity to be there and got ready to leave when one of the sharks said they could make a counter offer. Then they got a deal. And after almost goofing up the script!
  15. I was yelling right along with you! I wonder if everyone gets smarter next episode.
  16. I agree with this. The pregnant joke wasn't too funny the first time. And why use it the first time, being engaged isn't that shocking is it? Maybe it was so we won't like her, which worked for me.
  17. I can't stand Mark, from his crowing over his great poop to hating on every healthy (or so-called healthy) food item. Does every shark have a "golden ticket" now? Like Willy Wonka? And if Lori's is gone now, will the other sharks ace her out on future deals? I wonder if the Bug Bite Thing would work on snake bites. They never did answer whether it would work for ticks.
  18. I took the College online test over the weekend and only missed 4. Maybe I could go back to school and get on the show. I'll try the regular test again when that happens. I'd love to be a contestant, especially after "meeting" others here who have been. It would be so fun. One of the answers in the test I took was Taco Bell, category fast food, which chain has gorditas and crunch wraps. I thought that was so funny.
  19. It sounds like his church would have been more fun though. Yes, Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum on the left breast, Dodo Bird on the right. I'll bet White Rabbit and Mad Hatter were under the sweater. The fishing TS was curious. My first thought was the Deadliest Catch show. I might have answered crab fishermen. Does Alex ever say "Be less specific?" For the clue "These 6-letter "tones" are used when speaking softly," I said "dulcet." I wonder if I would have been correct. After the commercial break, of course!
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