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Everything posted by Pearson80

  1. and the bitch will never get an invitation...
  2. The Rappaports ate the show, Asa's contempt for them mirrored my own. Every time he spewed hate and disgust, I hollered.. Asa said what he said and did not give a F... Yes! Benjy named his only son after Steve. I still miss Benjy and the show was stupid to kill him off.. The actor that played him as an adult was awesome and had great chemistry with Stayla.
  3. Me-Again made some good points regarding Britney Spears but her hysterical rant took me out of it. I thought that she was going to have a breakdown live on the air. She really needs to chill and learn not to take things so personally. Did you guys noticed how she tried to make the state of California responsible for Britney's predicament?
  4. Carly was the worst thing to have happened to General Hospital...
  5. It's pathetic because Kate in character would never do this crap over a man. Ron always has to debase women in his stories. This reminds me when she was so jealous of Jordan when she was with Rafe. They turned Kate into this jealous childish petty woman. It was hard to watch Kate bully her just for kicks. I will take a sociopathic murderous Kate over this awful version of her.
  6. I love your post and Carrie should have been the lead heroine of her generation but the show was only interested in Sami.. Carrie existed solely to react to Sami's latest scheme to get Austin and nothing more.. She became an idiotic self-righteous saccharine hypocrite. A damn shame since she was resourceful intelligent determined brave as a young kid. Carrie facing off against Stefano on his island as a kid was a just a taste of what she would have been like as an adult with writers who cared about writing for her. She was a mini Roman with a dash of her stepmother Marlena's empathy and I adored her characterization. The show failed to explore her mommy issues with Anna. The Rojohn/Marlena/Carrie dynamic was just awesome and it is a shame that John not being Roman ruined all of that.. When Carrie came back recently under Ron she had no scenes with Jarlena, a travesty. Yet, we get endless scenes of Sami attacking John like we were back in the 90's..
  7. What was really disturbing was Kate blackmailing Chloe into prostitution. I find it to be very sinister for a woman to do that to another woman, knowing how traumatic it can be for a woman to even resort to prostitution. Not to mention, Kate is a survivor of abuse and was herself a prostitute.. It was just a bad look for Kate to do that to Chloe.
  8. Thank you for saying this because LK is always on point but she has definitely gone overboard. I don't get why women do this to themselves.
  9. She is disgusting and I wanted to reach into the television set and slap her hard. Who is she to judge someone else's faith in God. MeAgain's hatred of Joe Biden given her history with him has left me confused and I don't understand it at all.. I doubt even MeAgain can articulate her reasons for hating him so much.
  10. The ladies except Me-again were awesome in talking about abortion rights President Biden and the importance of the separation of church and state. The Catholic church is just something else, I would think with everything going on in the world, they would have other things to worry about and like Joy said they are just using culture wars in order to maintain their power.
  11. I don't care for Theresa either, her nonsensical characterization was a slap to the face to the Kim and Shane fans. To turn them into neglectful parents just to redeem her was wrong on so many levels.. All they had to do was say that Shane cut her off from her trust fund for being a directionless lazy party girl with no ambition and that was enough to create conflict between Theresa and her parents mostly Shane though. I could see Kim being a permissive parent who overindulges her children due to her horrific childhood.. These so-called writers lack imagination talent and respect for the show's history and it's fans.
  12. Thank God! cause Theresa as a character could never come back after that...
  13. When did Teresa try do that? What kind of a mother would harm her baby to get a man's attention? That is just sick!..
  14. Justin was indeed so much better in the 80's just like so many other characters. The Justin/Bonnie storyline is awful embarrassing and a slap in the face to the Justin/Adrienne fans. Justin is so unlikeable and the only thing that would save this story is if it is revealed that Bonne is really Adrienne.
  15. Why is she so obsessed with cancel culture when it was her team that has made it an art form. I wish she would shut the hell up about it. She never has anything substantial to add to any topic..
  16. There were others making fun of her as well. Many people on her side cannot stand her it is why I am at a lost that she will defend them to the death. She is out of control and full of rage. It is so shocking to see someone so privileged be so bitter. She alienated the one person that had her back on the panel today with her childish behavior. Whoopie is a Scorpio and she will not forget this disrespect.
  17. I think Whoopie is done with her but Nutmeg is too dumb to realize this though. Whoopie will tolerate her when she has to do so in a professional setting but outside of work will be a different matter altogether. Whoopie has been very patient with her to a fault, other ladies that she did not like did not get the same treatment.
  18. Her best friend Nutmeg obviously put her through hell on the show. The other ladies were always super kind and supportive.
  19. Megan is just so nasty for no reason. Whoopie was just stating her opinion and she had to interrupt her and get nasty for giving an opinion. As always she gets away with her nonsense because the princess of Arizona must be protected no matter what. In a way, I am happy that she got into it with Whoopie since Whoopie was the one that advocated for her to get on the show.
  20. True but she has children who are of age watching this. They spent a couple of years loving and bonding with A-Rod and his children. So are they now going to do the same with Ben's 3 kids with his ex and what happens when their relationship implodes, they were exes for a reason. I feel that Jennifer needs to be single for a bit and just examine herself honestly. I love Rita Moreno but it bothers me when somebody is trying to minimize someone else's pain because it makes them uncomfortable, in Rita Moreno's case she has the look that is praised in the Latin Community. It is just like when Dark-skinned Black women complain in the Black community how lighter-skinned women are put on a pedestal to their detriment or how dark-skinned Black women are portrayed as masculine social justice warriors and asexual mammies in the media while Light-skinned women are portrayed as being feminine soft and beautiful. Dark-skinned Black women are told to shut up because it makes everybody uncomfortable.
  21. True but a good story for them would be if Abe asks Paulina out on a date and she tells him no thanks because she is divested.. I doubt Ron would do a story like that..
  22. I get what you are saying but there is deep historical pain in the Afro-Latino communities who are treated like crap in their home countries and it follows them here to the states with it's own history of anti-Blackness. So I understand where they are coming from since they are Black like me. Like Sunny said today, it is exhausting and painful to have your Latin heritage question by your own people because you are Black. Indigenous Latinos are treated the same way as well.
  23. Good grief! she takes everything as a personal slight, it is not that serious Nutmeg. It is not healthy to get worked up over nothing. I am beginning to think that anger is the only thing that she feels. I will be shocked if she does not develop high blood pressure after all is said and done.
  24. Also Afro-Latinos are often told in Hollywood that they don't look Latino and often get cast as Black Americans. Zoe Saldana comes to mind when she first got to Hollywood. I enjoyed the conversation about Afro-Latino representation and the back and forth between Sunny and Ana, two Latinas with different aesthetics. Latinos who look like Ana are often the ones shown even on tv shows on Spanish channels. There is a lot of racism and colorism within the Latin community. Sunny was right when she said that a lot of Latinos are ashamed of their African heritage.
  25. Sharon was never good and I don't miss her at all. I do miss Carrie Ann. I wish that they would hire some of the ladies that you listed in your post. I would fire Amanda because I never understood why she even got hired. I would add Brigitte Nielsen to the panel along with Carrie Ann. I love Sheryl so I want her to stay and Elaine has potential.
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