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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. I can buy that Judy would be upset, but it was good of her to do the right thing for Ham. I loved the guy calling himself a lesbian and too bad because he's already dead.
  2. I was saying I wanted the phrase to make a comeback.
  3. 'Jive turkey' is just not used enough. I did like Bart and Lisa working together and her vapid voice to the executive. Nice detail of Homer dunking the fries in the shake.
  4. 'Jive turkey' is just not used enough.
  5. I liked the narrator on AD because it was basically another viewer watching the show with me.
  6. I actually wished they did more CIA plots. Stan was actually good at his job forge most part, which was refreshing. I really liked Stan of Arabia.
  7. One could also invest their money well too, and let it make more money for them. Not all players want to win championships and are fine getting paid and racking up stats. I do think it comes down to the investment from management. Why should I take a pay cut when they're fine with going 8-8 every year? There's a reason all those old players took pennies to go to NE. There was a clear commitment to getting rings.
  8. The was an Italian club I used to go as a guest (a member had to invite you) like the osteria at the end where you get a set meal; salad, pasta, entree, wine, but they kept bringing it out of you wanted more for $20. Big tables, loud, there was a raffle, and ice cream sandwiches or hoodsies at the end.
  9. I'm not sure that's much of an argument for a show on Italian history, culture, and food though. He went with some social media person. Eh. I mean, you want to go to the secret bar or that big place at the end? I liked Felicity coming on the show again.
  10. I liked the Sunday dinner with the fashion family. The first half of the show was lacking the community that I liked. I really liked when he cooked for the crew and the townspeople. Same thing, community. I can take or leave a private pop up bar over a 3 dollar Peroni outside at the piazza.
  11. Milan - the roof of the cathedral looked fantastic. I can't say I'm huge fan of cooking with so much butter or even veal. I liked the differences in Northern cooking, but Milan seemed like work to enjoy. I mean, a bar with a password? Ok. There was a lack of just open air.
  12. The key point there though is that in taking the pay cut, or signing below your actual value, you do have the organization investing that money in building a winning team. That's not the case imo with a lot of organizations where they just want to stay above water and hope for a few breaks season to season and back into the playoffs.
  13. Didn't someone say this was on HBO Max? I couldn't find it.
  14. That's funny you think Bob and Linda wouldn't cave.
  15. I don't know if anyone else has been on unemployment insurance, but when I was, and I was still working (adjunct at a community college), you had to fill out a form every 2 weeks where you listed the hours you worked and had to document your job searching activities sufficiently to keep getting the insurance. I would imagine most states have something like that. And this was a blue state. Not too much of a problem to me because I was applying to beat the band, but I can guess people who don't have my background would find it more difficult. I have no doubt in my mind that Tupac (the rapper) is living on the Falklands.
  16. When SciFi was actually a channel, they showed Babylon 5 M-T at 5 or 6. I watched it through twice and then got my roommate into it. They did the same with Farscape. So you just come home and put the tv on.
  17. It means the NFL is going to make sure that the chances of a tie are very low.
  18. With all the original content year-round, there's still new shows I still haven't got to. I haven't rewatched since before DVRs.
  19. I took as him 'selling out'. The moonshine was made in Finland, and he was living in Springfield Towers.
  20. The entire birth of the NFL is due to gambling. If you're betting on money line - +550/-375 (which is where you make the real money) then you need the winner. The tie means the house pays out from my understanding. So you want to lower the chances of a tie. The spread is the spread, so the tie doesn't matter. It's also only -110 for any spread bet, so it's not much.
  21. Unless there were any regulars milling about the flea market. They've had this and the xmas card episodes largely focused on the family as a whole, and with road trips. I do like how Bob always knows exactly who Gayle is.
  22. I think I watched this in December. Actually, I think it was xmas because I was in the kitchen making my crock pot mac n' cheese. I follow Claudia Christian on FB and she posted about being the voice actor for Hera. (She's done a ton of voice acting for lots of video games too, and worked with almost everyone). I thought the story was fairly straightforward, but I enjoyed it. (I like the actor for Zeus too anyway). Animation was fantastic, and the music was really sweeping. They took you right into that final battle. I thought the giants were a cool, original idea, and I think they had just enough of a variety of the greek gods. I didn't see the twist coming with the brothers, but I hope there's some redemption for Seraphim. I feel like he got shafted and had been a pawn. But I think like Heron was able to, he needs to temper his rage.
  23. I'm more inclined to stick with a show that's on here so I can talk about it with people. On the weekends, I usually find things here and there on my streaming channels that are just one offs; movie on Saturday night, maybe a documentary on Hulu on Sunday, etc.
  24. Does his wife accompany him? Seems kind of jerk move if not.
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