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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. I'm all in for a heist. This was kind of like Oceans 8. Nice to see Marge get her own plot.
  2. I think what struck me is that she didn't seem willing to hear him out and was more concerned where the kids were going to play football.
  3. One problem was more that the episode came on the heels of a previously Gene-focused over the top episode. Within the episode, his lack of boundaries was problematic. He was reading Tina's diary. Even Gene knows that's not right. When they do Gene centered stuff, they amp him up way too much than they need to.
  4. I wonder if the next season is already in the can.
  5. I'm going to put pasta alla Norma on my list. I already have my own sauce made with spices/garlic in there, so it's a matter of getting the eggplant right and finding where I can get the good cheese. Donkey hard pass.
  6. I guess PBS and HGTV title the episodes different. PBS Cafe Grandma was HGTV Carriage House. I had missed the beginning, but this was a bad episode for Dick. Angel was already laying into him about plowing the fields from the jump.
  7. I just saw a commercial for Sunday last night.
  8. And Bob's trans friends. They've done an exceptional job with the outside the family character development, so you really don't want to drop that. We haven't sen Fishoeder in a while either. Again, something like the road trip to return the snake is a good example.
  9. I think they have enough in the tank for a while more. Gene home alone was a bit much, but the plots of the shoe store and getting the hood were funny. I think they're better off when the kids go on adventures, and the plots expand to include people in the town. Like when Bob had the food stand at the xmas wharf event for the country club. I'd also have more 'wins' for the restaurant. The Valentines day idea to stay open for people who forgot to make reservations turned out well for them. For family episodes, the the road trip to get the photo and the race to the skating rink were both funny.
  10. Human cat cafe Lisa Loeb still kills me. Alanis ripped that whole line with a lot of relish.
  11. Honeybee is from Fresno, so she's a transplant.
  12. All I know is there was a lot of slamming of doors.
  13. When it was firing on all cylinders, it was a really great show. One episode was just the cast performing Taming of the Shrew.
  14. So who is the original culprit of this will they/won't they business? Is it Cheers?
  15. They worked really well with Locke moving his toe in the pilot and then the reveal a few episodes later on. If they had just some kind of plan beyond the first season.
  16. That seems a stretch. Bob's Burgers/Family Guy which are completely different teams has Thanksgiving episodes/Valentines Day/Halloween episodes altogether. I can't imagine that for a stalwart like the Simpsons, and an unprecedented 700th episode that there wouldn't be flexibility there. They made a big deal out of # 600 so there's precedent. I don't care that it's an xmas episode, but the actual episode itself was fairly derivative for a 700th.
  17. Lost has a TON of issues, but the reveal it was a flashforward was brilliant - Kate. We have to go back.
  18. I liked the 'richer than them' jab Alanis made too.
  19. I've only seen the show, so I'm just talking about the faked Mormon documents. They all wanted them. I'd like to know what actual documents they really have.
  20. Seriously replacing the morning announcements with Baby Got Back is a legendary prank.
  21. I think that's the point right there - writers aren't good enough to write relationships. I don't know what that says about them though. Relationships take work, and you can write ups and downs episode to episode.
  22. I feel like the episode was built just around that joke though. It wasn't bad, and I liked it, but like I said, odd choice for # 700.
  23. I think the technical term is 'wibbley wobbley'.
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