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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. I know ymmv and I understand this is an important topic, but I think the coverage of the campus protests are massively oversaturated. I'll give John a little credit about covering the nonsense why the tents look the same and whether students have bike locks, but otherwise, there's just not a new angle for me here. I'm not sure why there's so much pearl clutching over campus protests given it's really an American tradition. I was at Berkeley. There were protests all the time. Maybe I'm more used to it. They took over a building one time too when I was there. Was the picture of the guy watching Fox news the guy that John tracked down from Getty images? I don't know if it passed, but my state had a bill that minors would get a different library card if you're under 18. I don't think that is *that bad*, but I would agree that there's a disconnect with parents' personal responsibility for their kids are the same people complaining about the 'nanny state'. Pick a lane. There's the flip side as well in that very rural community libraries are basically a shed with one volunteer. I've seen them. It's a lot of work to expect them to police the entire town's reading habits. Let's not act like there's not a hidden agenda here. Again, in my state, one of the library bills that failed would have made the bible on the list of books that could be requested to be removed from the library. So, that didn't pass, of course. Last week I read that the Brooklyn public library will issue a card to any high school student nationwide.
  2. I just watched Alanis on SNL in 1995 as the musical guest. I also watched Lisa Loeb's appearance and cannot not think of her as Human Cat Cafe. I liked that they had Alanis look over at the full moon. Savage on the cruise patrons, Beef. I would have thought this would have been a good opportunity to hang out at the coffee shop. They even showed it in the background when Judy was talking to Honeybee. You don't see many plots of Judy being horny. She's never really been mature for her age. I never saw there was a "The Harbor Barber" shop at the wharf. This is less wacky than the last few. Even though Judy's plot was kind of Three's Company, but it was everyone. And Russian Restaurant owner needed to get the hose. Captain Tennille. Stahp. That's the only way it works. It's like going off to camp for the cruise patrons. They're all looking to hook up.
  3. I wouldn't have minded if she won the money or found it and then wanted to spend it on herself, but she lied to Homer about the pants. Homer is dumb, but he doesn't really deceive Marge deliberately. He didn't lie about being at Moe's or the baseball game.
  4. I can't imagine how Duff beer could be too woke. The Larry urn was still in Moe's! I don't get how Marge needs the money from Homer's pants when she's getting the monthly stipend from the Lizzo episode. I guess she didn't actually need the money, but she was kind of spiteful to Homer's pants. I don't think it's too much Marge was ticked that Homer was at Moe's when she had to go to the ER. I don't know it's entirely Homer's fault beyond always being at the bar. He didn't know Moe was blocking cell service. Marge sniping "Where all problems end" is a little much. Burns' griping at Oppenheimer was priceless. "Tickling the Dragon's Tail" is a real thing! So is the "demon core" which is what it's about. Deep cut. This is the name of my new dub step band.
  5. Uh oh. Someone dusting off her Heisenberg hat!
  6. I like how "I go barefoot in my house in the summer but love my slippers when it gets cold" segues neatly into "there were sex workers on the way there". fwiw, I have a regular office (not a cubicle), so I change into slippers when I get in. Very common practice when I was in Japan. It's nice in the winter when you have to wear boots. And I actually chatted up some trans sex workers when I was in Hawai'i while I was out and about. Somehow I feel I should I win something because I have accounts of both.
  7. Nightcrawler namechecked Mystique earler in the episode too.
  8. Well, no one seemed surprised or commented that the Professor looked good or anything. These guys aren't really doing the best for their cause here. You'd think they'd have a pr rep to get in front of the story. I also appreciate Jean's ability to deliver exposition when I don't know what's going on. Big problems with everyone going into those dial up chat rooms! I don't think I'm quite following. There's a lot of these sleeper agents, but it looked like you had to program them or whatever one at a time. It seems like there's too many based on the effort to just create the one. And they all can fly and shoot fire. I did not know Magneto could do that. Well, that was quite the show.
  9. I'm behind from travel. With Professor X being not!dead and not Magneto (which you're not really killing these guys off, and I didn't think X was dead from this episode 1), I feel kind of bad Gambit is gone. I'm thinking some of the main has to stay dead if you're going to have any stakes. Did the original have the other Marvel characters like Captain America show up? Or is D+ just showing off the IP? I'm going to try to watch the original in between seasons. Rogue isn't doing anyone any favors. I was actually shocked she just let the guy go off the ledge. I liked the scene with Roberto 'coming out'. They did it in one of the 90s movies, but it was really clunky. This was far smoother even if it was blatant. Which I think is fine. It's in the original spirit of why the comic was created. Was there ever an episode about the collateral damage they're all causing? I wouldn't say it's all they're fault, but it's not great optics for the mutant tolerance cause either.
  10. DoctorAtomic

    The NBA

    I'm interested to see if Lillard can light it up tonight. I didn't think he'd play.
  11. DoctorAtomic

    The NBA

    Why is Boston risking injury by not clearing the bench at this point? I'm not really rooting for them, but you're asking for trouble.
  12. DoctorAtomic

    The NBA

    I know the Heat have the personnel issues, but you can still hit open shots without Butler on the court. At this point they should just go home and save themselves the humiliation. The game was over at 21-13.
  13. Are we ever going to see this show again?
  14. Seinfeld was on from 89-98, so there was several years where Larry would have been running the show before he was married. I don't think they'd have both Jeff and Larry both cheat on their wives. In the original special, Larry finds out Jeff is cheating on Susie (not in the special) when Jeff's girlfriend shows up at a bar after Larry's set in a NYC club. Larry is clearly uncomfortable, and leads to a great payoff. On the show, Larry is always complicit - I happen to enjoy wearing women's panties!
  15. DoctorAtomic

    The NBA

    I have to really hand it to the 76ers. They worked really hard to give the game to the Knicks. I can see why Embid is the MVP. No one was getting the ball stripped as hard in the paint tonight. Except for Maxey. He actually seemed to realize you're supposed to score points. At least we're getting some OT, but wow was that a terrible half.
  16. I meant that it's OOC for Beef to not have been better prepared prior to the white out. I'm familiar with them. They could have easily been in Auntie Dirt's bunker well in advance. This episode was just too wacky for me.
  17. Wow AOL instant messenger, LuckyCharms69. Reaching way back. I lived in an apartment with a huge kitchen table. We played tons of cards, dominoes, quarters, all that. I don't see why Honeybee just drags Wolf back into their cabin. It's right there. Or just go down to stay with with Auntie Dirt. I also don't see why Beef wouldn't have supplies and water prepared in the event of a multi day snow event. Making sure there was enough dry wood. Preparing meals, etc., would have been enough to keep them busy. Jerry could have also just left on his own. fwiw, I didn't think Beef ate all the chocolate. This last batch of episodes is leaning too much into the wacky for me. Beef going out getting drunk is all right because they showing he's trying to get out there and on his feet after Kathleen. Then you got Wolf acting a fool, and now this. It's a little much. They actually have British navy uniforms?
  18. I only meant that Toranaga let Blackthorne go around being a barbarian and the other christian regents were obsessing over him when Ishido could have been getting them behind him much more strongly. The council itself was continually weakened by Toranaga just a little here and there so that the battle never had to be fought.
  19. I think they missed the target here on government transparency versus what actually needs to be secret.
  20. I should clarify. I thoroughly enjoyed the series, or I wouldn't have commented on it so much. It's great that it was weekly because we could let the show breathe and talk about a lot of details versus binging. I don't think we'd enjoy some of the characters who didn't have a ton of screen time. Not showing the battle was the right narrative choice. Winning the battle before it even starts is the central tenent of The Art of War and shows how Toranaga was just in a completely different paradigm. How that all unfolded, would have been interesting to actually see than just being told. I would have liked to see that build up to pay off. Really, the Heir pulling back the banner, therefore making Ishido's gambit unlawful, could have used a little bit more. Toranaga just telling Yabu, "Oh, she flipped at the end and will pull the banner and support of Ishido" doesn't measure up to the quality of the series. Mariko dying was the huge turning point. I would have liked to see one scene where the decision is made to pull the banner, and then another when the rest of the regents realize that all their christian nonsense cost them. I don't need to see them blowing before Toranaga; just the realization that their fixation on Blackthorne cost them. I'm talking maybe 30 more minutes if that. I wouldn't say I didn't not like it, but they didn't quite stock the landing.
  21. I don't know. I didn't read the book. So what if it was. The TV production could show some more scenes of what Toranaga was talking about or Blackthorne if they wanted. I'm not saying to change any of the characters fates. We've seen a lot of the regents and seeing them turning on Ishido would have been interesting, for example. It's just an odd way to end the show for me.
  22. It's a television though. Your general audience doesn't know what happened in the book or history. You're not making a show for the people who know that. And I actually know that. They didn't stick the landing. In the real history that we do know, the Tokagawa Shogonate lasted quite a long time. You'd think the show might indicate that in some way. Toranaga wasn't just the guy who won this time around. They buried the lede on how total this victory was.
  23. I thought old Blackthorne was weird because the real one stayed in Japan for the remainder of his life. I didn't realize it was the dream until he let the cross drop into the lake. I didn't think Toranaga burned the ship. Well played. They got me. Was that the end? Toranaga just says what's going to happen? I take the point that Toranaga wasn't going to win on the battlefield with lesser numbers, but I would have wanted to see that played out with the regents. I also would have liked a little more on how the heir pulled back at the end. I said earlier that the heir liked Toranaga so I can get it. I would have just liked a little more. I would have liked a glimpse into how Blackthorne actually spent his years in Japan. The Japans.
  24. I like that commercial. It's so throw back before helicoptering. I used to come home with all sorts of scrapes.
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