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Everything posted by Maharincess

  1. Everything those kids do is work and its been that way since they were all babies. I hope they all sue her for an equal part of everything that's been made over the years.
  2. @Absolom, thank you for posting that. It's been a really crappy day but reading that cheered me up immensely.
  3. I've read numerous times that those "vacations" aren't vacations at all. The kids only get to play on the beach or whatever activity they're doing while the cameras are rolling. As soon as they yell "cut" they pack everything up and leave.
  4. I knew everybody on the women's team except the blonde and the basketball player. I know Vince, Boy George and a couple others on the men's team. I don't know any of the athletes. I REALLY dislike that Carson guy. He's not nearly as funny and charming as he seems to think he is. Is anybody else annoyed by the way Kyle purses her lips all the time? The woman has permanent duck face going on.
  5. I can't physically carry a toilet out anymore but I know how to install a new one. I've always loved to repair and build stuff. Maybe that's a product of growing up with only brothers.
  6. You're welcome. I'm pretty good at home repair projects and I really enjoy doing them. If you were closer, I'd come help you get your work done. We would shut those nosy neighbors up.
  7. @BooksRule, have you tried this? Remove any visible debris from the drain opening Pour ¾ cup dry baking soda down the drain Pour ½ cup vinegar down the drain and cover immediately with a rag or plug Leave it in there for 30 minutes, and prepare boiling water Remove the plug and slowly pour the hot water down the drain. That's what I do on my clogged drains and it works really well.
  8. My aunt Joanne said Saturday that way. She also said skew for screw and skewill for squirrel.
  9. Doubtful. The famewhore bug seems to have bitten them.
  10. Are you talking about the black boy in the commercial? I love that kid. I wish we could find out how he's doing. That kid is awesome.
  11. Kaiser is going to hear that shit his entire life by Jenelle's men. Her new baby will get the same treatment from the next boyfriend.
  12. May I ask why you would get antsy holding a Kindle? Tell me to mind my own business if you want but that sentence has me curious.
  13. I hate the Reese's Peanut butter cups with Reese's Pieces commercial so much. The "music" they play sounds like the needle was stuck on a really bad record. What the hell is that?
  14. I love Jerry Stiller but to me he's Arthur Spooner, not Frank Costanza.
  15. I hate any Marie scene. I HATED that character so much that I can't watch most episodes. I know she's fictional but I wish somebody had told her the hell off once and for all. I liked Doris Roberts but Marie made the show hard to watch for me. The emotional blackmail was just too much. I can't watch the episode with Robert and Amy's wedding because I want to climb through the TV and slap the shit out of Marie. I didn't care for Amy either. Her dopey facial expressions were awful.
  16. She's so spoiled she has all of those toys. She's no hunter, where I live we get critters in the house quite often and she just sits there watching them. My Chihuahua will hunt stuff but not the cat. She couldn't hunt her butt if she needed to poop. She's just nuts.
  17. @bilgistic, you don't sound bonkers at all to me. You just sound like a woman who wants to live in peace in her own house and hates bratty ass kids disturbing that peace. Nothing bonkers about that. You're a much nicer person than I am, I'd have gone off on the kids then went and gave some to their parents too. Or I would go sit outside the parents houses and bang a drum as loudly as I could. At the risk of incriminating myself, I won't say if I've actually done something like that. I'll just say to do it is very satisfying. Especially when the parents come out of the house complaining about the noise you're making and you tell them that this is what you live with every day because of their kids. And if they don't stop the kids, you and your drum will be back. Not that I've done that or anything.
  18. My crazy ass cat just shredded a big 8 pack of paper towels I had stored in my laundry room. I went in and it looked like it had been snowing in there. This cat is almost 5 years old, is she EVER going to calm down?! I've had a lot of cats in my life and they all started calming down around a year old or so. Trixie still has her middle of the night freak outs and races through the house for an hour, she still attacks anything that moves. She's crazy. Pretty kitty @Bastet
  19. We called my dog Harley a cat food slut. That boy would do ANYTHING for a bit of dry cat food. That's how I taught him all of his tricks.
  20. I play word games in my head when I'm trying to sleep. I worry about everything when I'm trying to fall asleep so those games help keep my mind occupied. I pick a topic like singers, movies, streets in my city, places outside and inside of America and every other topic I can think of, then I start at A and go down the alphabet with words that start with whatever topic. I know that probably makes absolutely no sense at all. It doesn't always work but it helps keep my mind off of all of the disasters I start to imaging as soon as I close my eyes. My only problem is that I've had insomnia for so long, I ran out of topics for my game.
  21. I definitely had what I refer to as the "slut phase" in my life. After leaving my abuser I went a little crazy. He had pounded it into my head how horrible, ugly and unlovable I was so I guess I set out to prove him wrong. The phase didn't last too long but I did have a lot of fun at the time. I'm more of a one on one monogomous relationship type person.
  22. Insomnia sucks. I FINALLY fell asleep after 5 this morning. I tossed and turned until about 3 am then I read in bed for a while and finally got back in bed about 4 and was still awake when the sun came up. I slept on and off until about noon then got up. I just want one night where I fall asleep right away and sleep all night. That's not too much to ask.
  23. Don't these people ever smile? The picture with Kourtney and the kids looks so ridiculous. Why don't they smile?! I couldn't imagine a Christmas picture with my kids where I'm trying to look sexy. These people are ridiculous.
  24. Thank you!! That's all I wanted to know. I thought it was something that related to the show and I asked a question. Thanks again for answering me.
  25. But what is a naegan? That's my question. Everybody knows Roseanne and Jackie. What's a naegan? Who said I'm not "rolling with it?'. I just wondered what it was.
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