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Everything posted by Maharincess

  1. I hated her when it came to those dogs. I remember when she got the first one she tried to hide from Deborah. She took the adorable fuzz ball out of the crate and set it on the floor. It walked around a bit then peed on the floor. The bitch smacked it on its butt. It wasn't a hard smack but it was still a smack. Apparently she expected the puppy to know where it was supposed to go and not supposed to go. I'm sure she didn't do as a normal person would do and take the puppy to the yard before she brought it in, show it where to go and then praise it when it goes in the right spot. The person who she got the puppy from should have nixed the sale the minute he asked what kind of dog she was looking for and she said "one that will fit in a purse".
  2. In regards to Amber and anonymity, I still attend meetings on occasion. My town has a music venue here and there is a big, big music person who goes to my meetings every time they are in town. Nobody talks about this person. When this person comes to play here people aren't lined up to hopefully see them at a meeting. This person is major, major and has been for a few decades. When they attend meetings I've been to, they are treated like everybody else. This person gets up and shares and nobody bats an eye. Amber is full of it.
  3. I don't see the big deal about not following the news. I don't. I have enough going on in my real life, I just don't want to watch an hour of more bad stuff. A few people have tried to talk to me about Baltimore and I respond with "I don't care". I have read a lot about ISIS but I don't watch the news.
  4. Thanks. I'll never understand using initials like that instead of just typing the whole word.
  5. These old episodes show that puberty is not kind to the boys. They were so cute back then, now not so much. Its the opposite with the girls. Jill doesn't even look like the same person to me. "Amazon River".
  6. Oh god, another one. What is GAS?
  7. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I LOVE this place! The site and the mods (especially you) are soooo much better than "that other place" was. Thank you.
  8. Between her ten inch tarantula lashes and the beady slits, I don't think I've ever seen her eyes.
  9. She says all that crap about Vergara but I don't recall her ever taking Sherri Shepherd to task for hiring a surrogate and then abandoning the baby and the birth mother is now on the hook for child support.
  10. I prefer my 2 acres and private road over an hoa. I keep my own stuff clean, but if I ever had to move from here, I'd seek out a non hoa neighborhood.I'm just not going to live anywhere where somebody feels they have the right to tell me what I can and can't do in my own yard.
  11. I really don't understand using the word contrived in a scripted, fictional sitcom. Isn't everything on these types of shows contrived by the writers?
  12. What does "the clothes are going to make the couple" mean? I've wracked my brain trying to figure it out.
  13. I tell the bagger no thank you and always bag my own. I like bagging my stuff according to where it goes in my house. Cupboard stuff in one bag, pantry stuff etc. Sometimes the baggers get pissed when I tell them I'd rather do it myself. Plus I'm kinda weird about people touching my stuff. I know many hands have touched my groceries before I bought them but I didn't have to see it.
  14. So what?! Who cares if she goes to a club? Is she cheating on a husband there? Is she neglecting her kids by going to a club? No. She's single and having a good time.So what that she's in her 50s. Should she be sitting at home and knitting? I hate that age shaming bullshit. As to why she'd "wanna" do that? Because that's what she wants to do! She's single, attractive, seems to be a nice, fun person and she's out enjoying her life, I don't see anything wrong with that. Just becsuse she's 50 doesn't mean she shouldn't be out doing whatever the hell she wants to do. I just have a big problem with the mind set that once a woman reaches a certain age, things should be off limits to her. Thats an archaic way of thinking. Carole, get out there and have fun and don't ever let anybody shame you.
  15. In to that interview with Deborah, she says she's an actress and model. I'm laughing too hard to type anything else.
  16. My daughter once posted on Facebook about the pubic (picnic) we had at the park for my granddaughter's birthday.
  17. Whats wrong with him playing golf? The kid has probably been through hell with his mom and now he has issues of his own. I see him playing golf more like his mom is finally someplace safe and he doesn't have to worry about her so he can relax and do his own thing . Dr. Phil doesn't come on here until 3 pm Pacific time. I'm pissed I have to wait! I assume we'll talk about the interview here instead of the Dr Phil thread. Uh...Kim if what people are saying to and about you upsets you that much. I have one piece of advice: Stay off social media. Problem solved.
  18. Just like you and I were talking about 2 certain posters being the same person, if we keep agreeing with each other people will think we're the same person. We aren't!!
  19. I can't really say much about Maci or Amber not knowing these guys very well. 26 years ago (May 14th 1989 to be exact) I met a guy, ten days later he moved in with me, my son and my daughter and he hasn't left since. My kids dad was an abusive fuck who died in a meth lab fire. My guy has been the best dad my kids could ever hope for, he's the best thing that ever happened to us and now that we're empty nesters it's just getting better and better. Im not saying this is the case with these girls but sometimes its true, when you meet the right person you just know. I missed the first segment, damn dog, so I missed what Farrah said in front of Sophia. I just saw them painting then had to go rescue the 70 pound dog from the 6 pound cat.
  20. It wouldn't buy anything up here either.
  21. THAT house is only 650? I need to move out of the Bay Area.
  22. Yeah...that too. I agree with everything you wrote, I usually do my green alien smart ass friend. Edited to say that one of the main reasons I watch this shit is so I can come here and talk about it with you guys. In my opinion that's the best part of the show. Edited again to say Catelynn...GET YOUR FINGERS OUT OF YOUR MOUTH!!! Its so fucking gross how she's always gnawing on her fingers.
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