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Everything posted by Maharincess

  1. Watching this made me nauseous, then I made the mistake of going to the interviewer's Facebook page and the nausea turned into full on throwing up. I couldn't believe the people defending them. I had to leave that page fast. I've never cussed, yelled and been more pissed off watching TV show in my life. These people are disgusting.
  2. My cheating, selfish piece of shit son in law is listed in my phone as "Rat Bastard Weasel".
  3. When my kids were young my husband worked swing shift and got off work at 11pm. Sometimes if the kids were still up we'd surprise them and go out for midnight pancakes. Only when they didn't have school the next day and they were always with us. That's one of their favorite memories. I would NEVER have let my kids out that late alone. Ever. There's just no excuse for it. I gave my kids freedom to be kids but had a short leash at the same time. My daughter is 31 and still texts me to let me know she made it home safely. My son is a backpacker and always writes his itinerary down for me when he goes on a trip. I worry about them at their ages so couldn't imagine letting them run the streets when they were kids. People need to learn they are their kids parents, not their friends.
  4. Did her boobs get bigger during her week off? When she was in the audience on Monday's show they looked even more enormous than usual. She would look so, so much better with smaller breasts.
  5. I'm a smiley hugger but I would never hug anybody that I didn't know would be receptive to it. One of my best friends hates being touched so I don't hug her. I made up a silly hand gesture thing we do in place of hugs. Huggers need to know their "audience".
  6. Thank you! Leah looks fucked up. I have to say again how much I love Chelsea. I hope she has nothing but happy days ahead. I wish they'd cut Adam out of this season. The only reason he shows interest in Aubree is because of the MTV check. Take the check away and I'm sure he'd go away too.
  7. Where is the trailer??
  8. The schools aren't well.
  9. My cat drools every time I pet her. I read that it's a sign of comfort and contentment. Another cat question. Admittedly, my cat is odd. I've had cats since I was a kid and Trixie is the strangest cat I've ever had. My question, has anybody ever had a cat that only liked one person in the house? Trixie was 5 weeks old when I got her, she attached herself to me and doesn't like anybody else. But she LOVES me. She's not afraid of my husband, she'll walk by him and occasionally rub her face on his foot as she walks by but won't let him touch her. She also hides upstairs when anybody comes to visit. I've had shy cats before but they at least liked the people they live with. Is my Trixie just a weirdo? Bosawks, Allie is beautiful! She looks so happy. I love seeing a doggie all worn out after a day of fun.
  10. The news goes crazy here in the Bay Area any time we get any rain. Like you said it's never just rain it's always "Storm Watch".
  11. I love when things work out that way! I'm glad you solved the problem. I have to put my pet food bowls in baking sheets filled with water in the summer or the ants get in there. I've never done crating with my dogs. I know a lot of dogs love their crates but I've never used one except when we brought Kaylee home. I've worked out of my house with my grooming business for many years and before that worked at places where my dogs could go, so my dogs have never really been left alone. I want to clarify that I've got nothing against it, I've just never personally done it. I do have some though for emergencies. I don't know if you guys can see my Chihuahua in the picture of Kaylee on the bed. She's right behind Kaylee. She had a story similar to Kaylee and I think was a big part of Kays coming out of her shell. The first time Kaylee wagged her tail here at the house was when Baby went in to say hi. Baby was abused too and made to have litter after litter of puppies until her little body just couldn't take it anymore. She was on her last day at the pound when I found her. I won't bore you all with all the details but Baby came out of her shell much faster than Kaylee did, but only to me. She didn't bite anybody but never let anybody but me touch her. And she loooooved me!! If I was sitting, she was on my lap, if I was laying, she was on my stomach, if I was standing, she was on my feet. I couldn't be out of her site or she would whine the whole time. She was my sweet cuddle girl. I miss her so much. I had her for 13 years, she died this past Xmas at 18 years old. Does anybody else have a cat who likes to have their face scratched really hard? Or is my cat just a weirdo? If I'm scratching her face she'll grind into my nails really hard. I scratch her pretty hard but she loves it so much she drools. She's an odd one.
  12. I don't understand the "One ingredient per aisle" game. They can only pick one item per aisle and have to use everything they get, but when they start cooking it shows them using items they didn't get during the shopping portion. Are they able to use other things as well? The rules make it seem like they can only use what they get. My example is that during that game a woman chose cilantro as her choice from the produce aisle but she had fresh sweet potatoes in her dish. I'm confused.
  13. I agree. I hate how everybody has to have a label like that. If somebody is a self centered asshole they must have a personality disorder. If somebody acts a little odd they are "on the spectrum". Sometimes an asshole is just an asshole and an idiot just an idiot.
  14. I love a workin' man so I hate to call out a man for not working unless we know for sure.
  15. The bathroom was nice but the rest looked pretty dumpy to me. Those colors are horrible.
  16. Do we know for sure that Taylor doesn't have a job? Unlike Matt, Taylor seems to me like the kind of guy who would work a real job.
  17. My pet peeve of the day. Since I've been laid up I've been playing games on my Kindle. I'm so sick of all of the pop up crap wanting me to sign in through Facebook. I don't want to share, I don't want to "boast" that I passed another level, I don't want to do any of that because nobody cares!!! Nobody cares that I passed a level or defeated whatever I defeated so stop asking me to sign in with Facebook every 3 minutes!!
  18. That was from one of my favorite Roseanne episodes! I love you for quoting my favorite show!
  19. I see it now. When I first checked all I could find was baby shower stuff. leighroda was quick on the draw with that one! Edited because my comment repeated 3 times.
  20. We've been making fun of the name for a while now.
  21. I can't find anything about her having the baby.
  22. NOOOOOO!! I don't want it to go away ! I hate myself for it but I like watching this shit.
  23. Wow. I just agreed with Farrah. Damn you Kazu, I blame you for posting that and making me agree with Farrah!
  24. I have a niece named Kimberly Lee. Every female on that side has Lee for their middle name. I get that but choose a different name than Kimberly for the first name. My name is spelled with an i where it's traditionally spelled with y. It doesn't bother me when random people spell it wrong but when people I've known for over 20 years still can't get it right, it bugs me. I don't correct people's spelling of it unless it's some type of legal papers or something.
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