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  1. Nobody on any of the animal shows knows how to pronounce veterinarian, they all say vet-in-arian. Nobody on the home shows can properly say realtor. And nobody on any show ever knows how to say relationship, they all say relay-ships. It drives me nuts! And I agree with you all about not being thanked for answering a question or whatever. I try to always send a heart and make a thank you post. It's kinda rude to not acknowledge it at all. I've seen way too many episodes of Hoarders to ever go to a potluck again and to never eat something unless I personally know who made it. Sorry for double posting. I tried to merge them and to multi quote but I think that's changed.
  2. Hey guys. Just popping in to say hi, that Alaska was beautiful and we had so much fun. We did the full tour of the cabin from Alone in the Wilderness, which my son and I have watched together a million times. The rest of the time we just played it by ear and had a fantastic time. I'm taking my daughter to New Orleans in October. We don't want to go there in the summer. I hope everyone is doing well. I miss you guys!
  3. Abner is going to be as annoying with his "faif" from "wifin" as Don was with "you know what I'm sayin'"
  4. Move out here and you can get the job. She works for a home warranty company. My daughter is in charge of hiring for her department.
  5. Wow. I see nothing has changed for the swamp monsters. I don't keep up with these idiots outside of here and haven't been here a while. Things seem to have gotten worse. Those poor kids. Did they ever say why Marissa no longer lives with them?
  6. The way that whole group speaks makes me want to jam ice picks in my ears. If I hear "I don't got" one more time I'll scream.
  7. I made it. We just got back from L.A. and I survived my first plane trip! I was so damn nervous when the door slammed shut. My daughter said my leg was shaking up and down the whole flight but I did it. I'll definitely need valium when I take the long trip in March but I now know what to expect and I think I'll be ok. We didn't stay in L.A. long, it was mainly a trip to get me used to a plane. My daughter has decided that she wants to go to New Orleans for her trip and we're renting an RV and taking a road trip with the grandkids this summer. We're letting each kid pick a destination. My granddaughter instantly chose the Grand Canyon, which was on my list. My grandson is still making up his mind. They're 10 and 7 and they're so much fun, I can't wait for that trip. How is everyone? I'm doing well, still feeling good physically. I hope you're all doing great. I miss you guys.
  8. Hey guys! I just do not understand people. My daughter has a friend who recently turned 30 and has 5 sons. She's always whining about not having the money to take care of the kids. She was on Facebook last month asking people if they knew of a place to adopt her family for xmas. This girl is on unemployment. My daughter left her hotel job a few months ago after her last job gave her a great offer to return. My daughter offered this girl a full-time job starting at $16 an hour. She refused the job. What the hell is wrong with people?! That isn't great money but it's 16 dollars an hour more than nothing. My daughter isn't a shit stirrer but she's seriously thinking of turning her in to unemployment. Oh!! And she just found out she's pregnant again. Sounds like the perfect solution when you can't take care of the 5 kids you already have doesn't it? @bilgistic, I sure wish you lived closer, my daughter would give you a good job. Another peeve is unwanted friggin emails. I get at least 10-15 emails a day that I didn't sign up for and do not want. The ones that piss me off most are the ones who won't unsubscribe you until you give them a reason. I had to make my main email a throw away email and make a new one for personal use. It's not a huge issue but it sure is annoying as hell. I hope everyone is doing well.
  9. Hi guys!! I hope everyone had a great Christmas. Mine was really good, I love it when everyone loves the presents I got them, that's the best part for me. I got my me and my son a special present. I've been doing a "bucket list" type thing, even though I hate that term. I'm doing my dream list this year. Me and my son have always loved nature shows, Alaska shows in particular. We've watched them together since he was 5 and he's now 33 so it's been a long time. Our favorite of all time was Alone in the Wilderness. We have watched that together at least 25 times and since he was a kid, our dream was to go and see the cabin the man (Dick Proenneke) built. Well....We're going!!! We fly from San Francisco to Alaska at the end of March. We're going to stay in a lodge at Lake Clark and we'll spend 3 days there taking a tour of his cabin and the other places from the show. Then we leave from there and stay in a cabin near Kachemak Bay for 5 days. We have a lot of stuff were planning and we figured we would go to your the Kilcher Homestead. I'm beyond excited but there's a huge issue. I have never flown and have sworn I never would because the very thought terrifies me. My Dr has said she'll give me some valium for every flight so that should help. Before I do a long flight, me and my daughter are flying from Oakland to Los Angeles in 2 weeks. That's an hour-ish flight compared to a 6-7 hour flight to Anchorage. I'm hoping the short flight will get me over the big fear because I'll know what to expect. We'll see. Lol. My daughter is going to choose a place she wants to go on vacation and then she and I will go. I'm also hoping I'll be able to do a grandkids trip. I'm still feeling pretty good so I should be able to squeeze it in. I think my daughter is leaning they Louisiana for our trip. I'm doing well since my diagnosis, I don't feel any different and I'm keeping super busy so I don't dwell on shit. I finally told my kids and after some hysteria from my daughter and granddaughter, everyone is coming to terms. It's not like I'm going tomorrow. They promised me 2 years and Dammit I will have at least that!!! h Happy New year My friends. Thanks for reading my long rambling post. I finally convinced the hubby that it was ok to go back on the road for a while. He hates leaving me alone now but I NEED my alone time. I miss you all, I'm going to try to come back more often. Take care and have a happy safe new years eve.
  10. Hey everyone! I just wanted to pop in and wish all who celebrate a Merry Christmas! And for those who don't celebrate... Happy Tuesday. I miss you guys.
  11. Her being too famous always makes me laugh. One of the biggest rock stars in the world came to my meetings anytime his band was in town. Everyone knows this guy's name and he never had any issues going to meetings. I was in at least 25 meetings with him over the years. Amber is delusional.
  12. They did suck for allowing that poor kid to have a camera in her face while she was so terrified. And anyone who is on a reality TV show are fame whores. Especially people like this couple who don't need the money. I have no clue who the people you mentioned are but a fame whore is a fame whore.
  13. It's really not over the top. Have you read any other threads here? The criticism these people get is nothing compared to other threads on the site. I think the problem is that so many people for some reason think these are the best, greatest most perfect people out there and can't handle it when people criticize them. I personally think they suck, and I have ever since I saw the tiny, terrified, screaming little Zoey with a camera shoved in her face. These two are fame whores just like every other reality TV personality.
  14. I couldn't agree more. You've all helped me through my accident and the horrible boredom of not being able to do anything. You've all given great advice, a shit load of laughs and you've always been so nice to me. I'm not leaving this place. I consider you all to be my friends. ????
  15. Thanks you guys. I'm ok. I've always been pretty positive and I'm trying hard to stay that way. My "husband" didn't want to leave my side but I finally convinced him to get back on the road, for the sanity of both of us. So I'll have some time to bug you guys for a while. @Enya Face, I'm so sorry to hear about your kidney infection. From what I hear, they're so painful. I hope you're feeling better. @Jennifersdc, the best internet friends I've ever had are right here in small talk. These people are the best.
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