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Everything posted by LoneHaranguer

  1. It's not always a diner; Penny on The Big Bang Theory was a waitress at the Cheesecake Factory when she met the geniuses on that show.
  2. He has to finish the laundry before he can come back.
  3. Long before Lost, you had shows where people were trying to go somewhere (usually home) with only temporary success, like Quantum Leap, Lost In Space, and Time Tunnel. Alien planet? There were at least a couple of Twilight Zone episodes like that. In one the characters discovered they were in an alien child's play town, in another, a zoo habitat.
  4. Someone with a high IQ ought to know that high IQ numbers are meaningless; you can't measure genius. Winning at chess just requires exceptional spatial skills, like a withdrawn kid might get playing video games to the exclusion of other activities. Good point about it being a waitress; why can't it at least be an employee at Starbucks or McDonald's?
  5. The holes would weaken the head, making them easier to break, so less likely to survive to be found later. Doll makers that weren't very skilled might have considered them too fragile to make.
  6. I'm sure the trainers are accustomed to eating a consistent diet. Throwing in something like a bacon cheeseburger would require a major adjustment to what else is eaten for a while to compensate.
  7. That explains why she gave him the pink hat too.
  8. Sheldon told Penny he started college at 11 when he was asking her what the tie on Leonard's door meant in The Hamburger Postulate. He mentions when he left home when he explains why he knows about football in The Cornhusker Vortex. I don't recall when it was mentioned that Sheldon studied at Cal Tech, but according to a TBBT wiki, you can see it on a diploma in The Parking Spot Escalation.
  9. Zach's DR meltdown may have helped as it came off as a rare real moment in the season, but he probably made AFP top three because Arianna told her Twitter followers to vote for him, pointing out that Donny and Frankie were both getting TA money. I suspect she didn't want to risk catching any flack for Frankie's behavior by supporting him instead. I would have liked to see Frankie's reaction when he found out.
  10. I think Nine cared because he wanted to impress Rose, but the TARDIS had other ideas. He did hit the bullseye the first time because that happened to be where the nearest crisis was, so the TARDIS was happy to accommodate him.
  11. To be fair, AGT is at the extreme end with their 40 years; most are shorter than that (AGT started out at 30 years and changed it to save money). I believe it was $5 million split across 5 years, which is pretty speedy for that big a payout. There's usually the option of a lump sum reflecting the cost of buying the annuity, not even close to the advertised prize, but sizable enough for the IRS to be concerned with, especially if it's a high-profile win.
  12. Around here an Adjunct Professor is generally someone brought in to teach something they know about, who may not have the academic credentials university bigwigs like to see on a faculty roster. A real-life example would be having a power transmission course be taught by someone from the local electric company. They definitely get paid.
  13. I was impressed that Nicole was able to correctly guess two of the three TA members; no surprise she missed Derrick as he hid that as well as he hid being puppetmaster, always pushing the others to do the dirty work. The producers must hate Victoria to have made her climb a wall for a half hour. She isn't anyway near athletic enough to have had a chance at winning and they could have had a clock expire at the end of Derrick's time, like they used on the face comp v2. Does the prize money on BB work the same as other shows, where the grand prize is doled out over 40 years, but the lesser amounts are paid right away? If that's the case, Cody and Donny didn't actually do too bad compared to Derrick. Even if Derrick can take a lump sum, it'll be a fraction of the $500K.
  14. The cable would have transferred the data at a higher speed...once they got it plugged in. Shouldn't they have been able to get a fix from any uninfected airport using the same ATC system, i.e. lots of places? It was a bug, not a virus, so somebody at the company should have been able to just send the prior software version marked as an update, and this episode could have been spiked. In Die Hard 2 the pilots were able to land without help from the tower, once they had something to aim for.
  15. That's the look Sandy Duncan wore playing Peter Pan, except parted on the other side.
  16. Somebody needs to fix the color transition in her hair in the back. It looks particularly bad in the topmost of the three pictures above because it's a full-profile shot with particularly good lighting.
  17. I missed part of the first showing, so tuned in for the second, and noticed that both the beginning recap and trailer for upcoming episodes were different (longer in the first), so it wouldn't be surprising if both the show and ads were a bit different in the later time slot. She must have read the same parenting book as Jim's dad in American Pie.
  18. No. I presume they were keeping their options open, but I think there was enough time between seasons from the characters' POV, that it's safe to conclude that she was looking into the sales job because she was unsuccessful getting another job acting.
  19. Somebody has been heavily advertising a new movie called Annabelle, featuring an evil doll. Sasha's creation blows that out of the water. Annabelle only looks scary with a menacing expression and the right lighting. Sasha's doll would just need to turn her head. It has more of a "dead" look that would be creepy if you saw movement (or thought you did).
  20. Sheldon must have been desperate to be willing to accept a title with "junior" in it. At that level, a teacher is more of a guide to learning, and need not know the subject. Even on the undergraduate level, you can have courses that are essentially self-study. Having said that, Sheldon is the type of egotist that would make sure he's ahead of his students and would shoot down any questions that stray from his lesson plan.
  21. She was explaining it to Bernadette when Howard first brought her to the apartment, so it was only the middle of the third season, but everybody was astounded that she rattled that off; she even got what passes as a compliment from Sheldon.
  22. As Penny once told Raj after surprising him with something nerdy, she listens even if she doesn't know what it means. And we've sometimes seen things click for her. If Sheldon can teach her a technical put-down of Leonard's work, she can handle the drug information, and eventually she'll know what she's talking about.
  23. Sheldon definitely started college somewhere within commuting distance in Texas, because he hadn't left home yet. He did not long after, but I don't know if he just moved into the dorms or if it was to go to a different school. He finished his studies at Cal Tech.
  24. I think the most fitting title for Sheldon in this position would be Adjunct Professor, but that wouldn't have made him a full-fledged member of the faculty, so the university may have created a position to fit his needs, and been willing to look the other way when the only student was his friend not already on a track that needed the course.
  25. Big Jim was awfully impatient with the dome; he is really going to be embarrassed when a charred Pauline catches up to him.
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