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Everything posted by LoneHaranguer

  1. I noticed that the quiz asked whether the show fit in with TNT, so they may be thinking of moving it to another of their channels. I had to look up what other shows are on TNT and was still stumped as to what they're trying to do with the channel and whether this show fit. I guess SyFy isn't the only one with identity issues.
  2. The group must be really broke if Elsa called whatever they were able to get together a pittance compared to $1000. Did Dell really suffocate Ma Petite? I thought I remembered a neck-breaking sound. If they confronted the museum lady with what was actually going on and threatened retribution or police scrutiny, I'm sure she would have let them just take Ma Petite. Was that Dell's tent? I thought his was more cluttered.
  3. Maybe she saw the "I can't believe this is being discussed in a boardroom" look on Ivanka's face.
  4. It wouldn't have worked anyway. The only time Trump gives a PM a pass on bringing in someone who doesn't deserve to be fired is if the PM can argue that none of the others deserved to be fired either. That's a tough sell to make this early in the season. The product is in a class that gets a lot of leeway so he was probably on safe ground technically, but it's not a good idea to court customer complaint so I can see why the company reps may not have been happy.
  5. I don't see a product tie-in here, so a better example may be the very first CA firing, when the Playboy Playmate didn't call Hef.
  6. He's been living in a dorm his whole adult life; he might have to quit his job as residence manager to make that leap.
  7. They don't, but they have to be able to pull in an impressive number (upper five-figures at least). To agree to be the first PM without having good financial backing is essentially dooming the team to failure since non-PM's aren't expected to pull out all stops (just put in a reasonable effort). Having someone who can bring in some whales as PM is no guarantee of a win. Sharon Osbourne lost as PM after she decided that it was enough to bring in $100,000 herself and told the rest of her team they could coast. Since "pie-faced" refers to someone who is drunk or stoned, that was an odd name for the shop.
  8. One way to avoid being bullied in school is to be part of their entourage. I think that's what Penny did and she rationalized away her participation.
  9. The ad is designed to make you think of Agent 99, the competent one of the main characters. Max was the bumbler.
  10. Are the non-contestants guaranteed a certain amount of screen time in their contracts? I suspect we wouldn't even have Bob and CC if the producers weren't legally bound to keep him.
  11. She could have been hosting a variety show or game show. The latter would not have been a happy ending if the show was later hit by the scandals.
  12. Getting a driver's license is the standard way to have identification. States now offer an ID that's just an ID, but it's really meant for those who need identification but aren't qualified to drive (e.g having poor vision). Not wanting to stand out because of Alba would be sufficient reason for Xo and Jane to have licenses.
  13. It looked to me like it was Josh that the judges were invested in having win, and Cleen was only their favorite for second. But, Peck had a point when he said that the final challenge has to mean something, so you need to recognize when there's a clearly losing or clearly winning piece (Erik and Jason, respectively). Otherwise, you might as well be watching Celebrity Apprentice.
  14. The stereotype is that it's the players that run around while the coach mostly stands nearby yelling. Rob also works for a Division III school; they don't tend to be known for their sports programs (MIT was one of his school's recent homecoming opponents).
  15. At least somebody recognized the problem and had the minotaur be in human form most of the time. I presume they use whatever they can get cheap/free.
  16. FWIW, neither does Bob; you could see it in his face. All these weeks of being off on the side, trying to do something with the castoffs, never working with the season's top contestants, is taking its toll.
  17. The local university is officially closed from the day before Christmas through New Years every year. If CalTech does the same kind of thing, the guys' visit may have been completely unofficial for some project of their own and they didn't actually reserve the room. BTW, clean rooms can be designed to different levels, so the lack of anything like an airlock for one at a school is not surprising, and the birds getting in shouldn't be too big of a deal, but the guys are justified in not wanting anyone to find out they were responsible for such a boneheaded thing. Presumably success in her career has changed her, like when Raj's inner jerk flowered when he was selected to be profiled by People magazine.
  18. The local PBS stations take the same approach (and they have no trouble getting corporate sponsors), but nudity is often used as a crutch in movies to keep viewer attention in lieu of good writing, so I hate to think how much worse this season would be if this show could employ the same trick.
  19. I liked the explicit call-out at how dumb the "there can be only one" rule was. Buffy at least had the Scoobies to help.
  20. A contestant wouldn't agree to that if he thinks the judges are biased against his best, which is likely what they believe after being criticized, instead of recognizing that they're not as good as they think.
  21. There was a scene where they gave her a break; I noticed it because they had trouble getting two non-leaning heads on her body (one head looked like it was on her shoulder for a few seconds). Stanley explained that the barn was just for a preliminary exam and the actual surgery would be done in a hospital. Considering how much a million dollars was worth at the time (you could buy a house for a few thousand), the cop should have been much more wary about ever seeing the money.
  22. I thought it was so dumb it was hilarious to tell Reverse Flash "Don't move or we'll shoot".
  23. Jason said he was going to do New School Japanese. He could still win if the others mismanage their time.
  24. I'm sure that's true, but the kinds of activities she grew up on are those that would develop the kinds of skills that would give Penny an advantage over the guys in those cases anyway. If the guys wanted to win on game night, they should have pulled out a Star Wars or Lord of the Rings edition of Trivial Pursuit.
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