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Everything posted by LoneHaranguer

  1. I'm not going to disagree about Todd's ignorance, but I think he gave up half way through with the idea of later pretending he threw the competition. He didn't even pay enough attention to what he was picking up to call Yggdrasil by name. It's pretty much pronounced like it's spelled (the leading Y is treated as an I), but he called it "ear-a-goggle". BTW, when Heather was saying that they may as well stop, she neglected to take into account that each name was being played until someone got the right item.
  2. According to the listings, they're chopping this episode down to fit into an hour for tonight's replay. That should help if they make the right cuts.
  3. Sounds like you were inspired by her Raggedy Ann & C3PO episode.
  4. Penny actually filmed two "Serial Apeist" movies. That one was the sequel. We saw the shower scene from the original when Leonard was showing it to his coworkers on the ship. I didn't catch the audio, but the theme of the scene would suggest it would have been from the original. I think you're right, but for another reason. From the POV of Sheldon's phobia, the apartment has been thoroughly "contaminated" by Leonard, so physical contact with him is moot.
  5. I keep seeing a computer ad which doesn't really try to sell the product and has an odd background song that sounds like "make a chay cholla gaw" repeated with some variation. Is it my audio system, or is it in a foreign language? They didn't bother with closed captioning. Anybody know what's up? I may not have gotten the phonetic spelling quite right, but it's pretty unique.
  6. Sheldon gives credit where credit is due; he commented about possibly having to share a Nobel Prize after Leslie fixed an error on his board.
  7. College kids with broke parents. Also, some parents will make their kid pay the insurance as a condition of having a car.
  8. I don't think Penny would dare do less than her best after Bernie got her the job. I like seeing a smart/competent Penny. If I wanted to see people being dumb, there are plenty of other shows I could be watching instead. It went by a little too fast to be sure; was her napkin note spelled correctly?
  9. And making it sound like she deserves special treatment for actually paying her bills on time. ITA. Is she supposed to be a teenager? She looks like she's in her 20's, but they cast people that age as high school students so you might be right. Maybe she should switch to Allstate, where they'll charge more for not being perfect, but send her a check whenever she doesn't "tap" (bash in) somebody's bumper.
  10. Dan and Laura should switch roles. She's a better auctioneer and Dan doesn't grate chatting with the bidders.
  11. There was a Muppet Show episode where they had a little fun with the fact that the song the guest of the week was known for shared its underlying tune with at least a couple of others. I expect that La Cucaracha is hiding under numerous songs in a way that the words he came up with could slip right in, but he didn't know what they were. He should have downloaded a music-recognition app and hummed it. Then he would have had some material to build a new variation.
  12. It's a general rule that it's the other guy's fault if they hit your parked car, but the insurance company needs to know if there are extenuating circumstances. Maybe you swooped in and illegally parked behind that big truck when it would have been tough for the driver to see you just did that (rainy night?). Maybe your dog knocked off the brake and the car rolled in front of the truck. The people in the Liberty Mutual ads make the morons in the Sonic ads look like geniuses. Can't say I've seen the ad, but I doubt it's easy to get. Last time I went car shopping, I found a model like that. It belonged to a car salesman, and if I had been willing to lay down a sizable deposit, he could have gotten me a brand new, fully-loaded version at (a high) list price in a couple of months. The alternatives are to drive something really old, or a truck. Or, have someone shorter drive you everywhere; that's what a 6' 4" guy I used to know did.
  13. If you look at Tim Burton's work overall, not that many characters could be described as bright or jazzy. If mentioning Alice in Wonderland was a hint that that's what the producers wanted, it was too subtle.
  14. The problem was that Eye-On couldn't just say that he was planning to get the pros to give him a new tune. That's against the rules, although he wouldn't have been the first to push the boundaries in that respect. From Trump's POV, if Eye-On could only come up with La Cucaracha in the boardroom, why should he believe that the final product would be anything but an arrangement of that tune (all the musicians were supposed to do)?
  15. Or he's just tall. Most cars these days are designed for drivers between 5' 4" and 5' 8".
  16. I love the small touches that most shows wouldn't even think to do, like Rose brushing away the "Sin Rostro." from the screen.
  17. Sounds like Bacardi Silver except for choice of flavors. Isn't that a line from the Addams Family theme song?
  18. I'm pretty sure it was Jonathan that gave the shout-out to his wife, Genevieve, but I don't know if that's the same Genevieve as was a S1 contestant and S2 & S3 part of the show's staff. It's a fairly rare name and prior contestants would be a good way to get a line on new ones, so there's a good chance.
  19. The latter is a substitute tor an f-bomb, introduced by Battlestar Galactica, but becoming fairly common; they didn't want to be heard as cursing.
  20. Back in the non-celebrity days, Trump hit on the idea of juggling the teams so that the F2 he wanted were both on one team, so that he could make the "dramatic" move of firing the entire opposing team. Because of the objectively-judged tasks back then, he didn't always have the chance to rebalance the teams or declare the "right" team the winners. If the wrong team had won here, we would have seen him dispose of the cannon fodder and send a F5 to fake interviews, but that was unlikely as it would have meant having the task go so wrong it couldn't be covered up in editing.
  21. Which is why it was so humorous when one of the contestants threw off her shoes.
  22. Ali needs to grasp the concept of "more than". If someone clocks in at four pounds less than the "you need to have lost more than..." number, they've missed the target by five pounds, not four.
  23. It's only the sons that are yes men. Ivanka will express her disagreement during the discussion, and will make a non-committal statement if she disagrees with his decision (it's considered bad business form to express explicit disapproval at that point).
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